Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
If you could make 2-5 maps what kind of maps would you make?


1. Rush/Squad Rush/TDM/SQDM
Attackers start in a forest it rains in the place. Defenders first M-Com is a fortress only way to get there is by a parachute or blow a wall with C4/RPG/Smaw. After taking that fortress it goes back to forest where is the next two M-Coms. Final two is in a ship where attackers need to go by a boat. For TDM/SQDM its just a forest where they fight.

Vehicles: Quadbikes/Dirtbikes/Rhib boat with a grenade launcher.

2. CQ/Rush/Squad Rush

Big-ass snow city map. Very hard snowrain you cant see much maybe 10meters in front of you. There would be few small villages. This would be a bit like the snow map from BC2 where attackers drop from a plane, expect you come with amtracs there is 4 tanks for both sides, 4 Humvees for both sides and 4 snowmobiles with LMG's.

Added weapons in this pack:
Recon: Bor/Gol
Support: XM8 LMG/MG3
Assault: XM8/G36E
Engineer: AT4/Stayer Aug
All: Flashbang/NS2K

[Edit]: Any good tips for mine kills?
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I started BF3 this morning to see something shock me. When I was at the menu for BF3, The top right hand corner tells me to Pre-Order Medal of Honor Warfighter to guarantee access to the BF4 beta. I thought BF4 has not be announced yet. I still have no idea how stuff like this is coming out.

EDIT: It is confirmed now.
[Edit]: Any good tips for mine kills?

Play CQ and place them on the main routes through the map and choke points that tanks have to go through, but it might help to camouflage them amongst enemy mines because a good driver will be looking out for them. Also place them around corners where possible rather than in the open, you might have a lower chance of scoring a hit but there's less chance a tank driver will see them to destroy them.

Disclaimer: I have 2 mine kills.
Mine kills are tough on tanks, as you can't miss them on thermal. Your best bet is using them on maps where jeeps and the armoured jeeps are often used. Gulf of Oman, Kharg and Caspian spring to mind.
I used to get a lot of mine kills at Oman by placing them on the two roads into A. Haven't been using them for a while though because I find it much more useful having the repair tool.

I have been killed by AT mines a lot as a passenger/gunner though so you do get a lot of tank drivers who don't bother looking out for them.
Play CQ and place them on the main routes through the map and choke points that tanks have to go through, but it might help to camouflage them amongst enemy mines because a good driver will be looking out for them. Also place them around corners where possible rather than in the open, you might have a lower chance of scoring a hit but there's less chance a tank driver will see them to destroy them.

Disclaimer: I have 2 mine kills.

I have only 25, The exact amount for the SCAR-H assignment.
I only used them to complete that i wouldnt use them in normal play, As the repair torch is much more valuable to the team.

Mine kills are tough on tanks, as you can't miss them on thermal. Your best bet is using them on maps where jeeps and the armoured jeeps are often used. Gulf of Oman, Kharg and Caspian spring to mind.

Best map i found was damavand Peak, People kept flying down the dirt road in the Humvee and straight over my mines :) , Best place is after the chicane in the dirt road on the way down to the second set of MCOM's before the basejump.
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I stopped using mines a while ago due to the mass availability of thermal optics, to be fair there's only really 1 option for 2 of the tank slots, Reactive Armour and Thermal Optics. Then Canister shell is my go-to and guided shell only really useful with careful co-ordination or certain maps.

Sometimes people complain at me for using canister but I'm sorry it is far, far more effective and consistent then guided shell is these days. For anti-air it's much better to use the Javelwin and SOFLAM combo as you're much harder to find and stop or just use IGLA/Stingers or teamshot them with machine guns and canisters. I've not had any luck with the CITV and guided shell in a long time due to ECM and below radar. Meanwhile if they fly low they move in to canister shell and normal shell range which is very often a winning combo which requires just the driver. If using the tank in a 'sniper' role by all means the guided shell is the way, but I use the tank as a battering ram against defences and just go all out attack on the flags to get people active on my own team and the canister is just so good for taking out squads of enemies especially with thermal optics.

Unrelated I'll be back on tonight.
Agreed with all that.
Being able to switch from canister to main cannon quickly is very effective. You can pretty much always have something gong down range.
Maps like noshahr are great for taking out little birds with tanks with one side raised up and the fairly easy to capture flags while hovering in chopper.
Alot of times you will scare them off rather easily with a hit from the canister.

Although I have been using guided alot lately as the guys I have been playing with usually have a soflammer who is communicating when he is about to lock and where the target is.

Anyone else set the mic up for team, not squad. It works very well.

I might be on a little tonight. Haven't played since Thursday. ( 4 day camping from my canoe vacation with 40 people )
I agree about the canister shells and armour but not so much about IR, I think that's another PC vs. console thing though because the resolution means I haven't found IR to be that helpful. Smoke is better in my opinion for a few reasons, the main one is obviously invulnerability to guided weapons but using it to provide cover for infantry is something that shouldn't be overlooked, especially since you can smoke and hop out to repair in much more safety than you could otherwise. Also it is just quite funny to hit the smoke when you're in a one on one fight with a tank and drive in a straight line away from it, they usually assume you haven't moved but you could be quite far away by the time the smoke clears, and because you know you're moving but they don't you can adjust your aim to compensate and still hit them through the smoke (it's rare though to be fair).

Canisters are great though, the guided shells are good but are useless without a lock. Canisters give you a decent amount of AA ability (often enough to make a chopper get worried and fly off) without requiring a lock, but at the same time is seriously effective against infantry up to a surprising range and can help you disable an AA or LAV that little bit quicker to prevent it from escaping. I used to love the coaxial HMG too because you could keep firing and therefore had a powerful weapon ready at all times, but the canister wins because I play 32 player servers more often and it's relatively rare to have so many dangerous targets that you need the HMG instead of canisters.
Picked off 2 snipers on the tower crane closest to the Container area from the railway bridge on Noshahr with my 44. magnum (scoped). I was pleased :D
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Any good tips for mine kills?

I have 258 mine kills and counting.

There are few rules where to put them as they can be very effective weapon since many people have to use smoke to counter those deadly javelins and guided missiles from all kinds of aircraft.

1. Always put them in threes, very close to each other ( example : X X X).
Why in threes? because reactive armor on tanks and LAV's won't get you a kill if you put only 2.

2. Worst thing you can do is make a carpet out of your mines, it is very easy to detect and even easier to destroy. Remember to put them in line, it is the most efficient pattern.

3. Remember that mines don't disappear after your death and there can be maximum 6 of them (yours of course) at any given moment of the match.

4. When you put them always choose explosive perk then change to repair tool in "next life" because it is more helpful to your team

5. Best map to get kills with them is Gran Baazar CQ, by far. My favourite spot (I always get a kill there, I really mean always) is the main road from the RU deployment, around the place where first set of Mcom's is located in rush there is a small passage between Van and some rubble. First destroy the van with your RPG (important since your team can hit the van with LAV, it blows off -> chain reaction with mines -> everyone in your teams LAV is dead and your mines disappear), then place 3 mines between burning van and rubble. You'll get kills, if not from LAV it'll come from humvee/vodnik.

6. Other good map is Seine Crossing CQ. But before laying mines destroy some trees to camouflage your explosives.

7. Cheap move ,but it is battlefield after all, is to put mines on the runaway of airfield in Wake Island CQA when you are on US side. 2 runaways , 3 mines each.

8. And of course all of the heavy vehicle rush maps, in close proximity of mcoms. Like Firestorm , Caspian, Nosharh etc.

9. Happy hunting :)
I really dont need mine help anymore lol. Got the 20 mine kills i needed. But those are very helpful. Maybe i use mines a bit more.
Right now i'm tying to figure out if I want to buy BF3 for the PC. I have the xbox version and I'm quite satisfied with it since I play with my friends but I'm not sure I want to unlock everything all over again. If I did buy the PC version I would probably buy Premium with it also. What do you think, should I stick with xbox or have both PC and Xbox.
Right now i'm tying to figure out if I want to buy BF3 for the PC. I have the xbox version and I'm quite satisfied with it since I play with my friends but I'm not sure I want to unlock everything all over again. If I did buy the PC version I would probably buy Premium with it also. What do you think, should I stick with xbox or have both PC and Xbox.

Sell XBox version and buy a bundle pack with that money. Problem solved :) But definetly buy a PC version.
Switching over is quite a shock, but once you get used to it it's amazing how different the two are. It may take you longer than you expect to get back to the level you were at, but if you do get premium you can always reset your stats if it bothers you!
Right now i'm tying to figure out if I want to buy BF3 for the PC. I have the xbox version and I'm quite satisfied with it since I play with my friends but I'm not sure I want to unlock everything all over again. If I did buy the PC version I would probably buy Premium with it also. What do you think, should I stick with xbox or have both PC and Xbox.

Depends on if you like being assisted when you aim lol.
I have 258 mine kills and counting.

5. Best map to get kills with them is Gran Baazar CQ, by far. My favourite spot (I always get a kill there, I really mean always) is the main road from the RU deployment, around the place where first set of Mcom's is located in rush there is a small passage between Van and some rubble. First destroy the van with your RPG (important since your team can hit the van with LAV, it blows off -> chain reaction with mines -> everyone in your teams LAV is dead and your mines disappear), then place 3 mines between burning van and rubble. You'll get kills, if not from LAV it'll come from humvee/vodnik.

Good tip about destroying the van first 👍.

I'm on 226 mine kills and find Caspian Border the best hunting ground:

1) The 'C' hill in CQ. 2 widely spaced mines on the access road leading to A and 1 at the top of the hill which is very difficult to clear from a tank's view, as the turret doesnt depress down far enough.

2) 2 or 3 sprinkles around the based of B and its approaches as people love to head there in jeeps and tanks from D.

The other day I was on a hopeless team at Kharg, so jumped in the RU AA and messed about. As I was doing that, someone drove over mine and I got credited with an AA kill :D.
Depends on if you like being assisted when you aim lol.
I'm not sure. I do love my aim assist :)
Sell XBox version and buy a bundle pack with that money. Problem solved :) But definetly buy a PC version.
I won't need to. My birthday is this week, that is why I can buy both games.

@neema_t I was planning on getting Premium but I don't care about my stats. I know i'm an average xbox gamer and will suck if I do get the PC version.
Just got home from vacation and got some seriously good games to begin with. Seems my period of bad games were probably because of exhaustion.

And iMike, I read your sig, and I'm not sure to belive them or not, but Dice said they started working on Premium before IW started on Elite.
Had the most surprising comeback today with Dragonistic + others playing Rush (attackers) on Sharki. Our team only needed one more MCOM with about 60 tickets left and we just hit a wall. A wall of grenades that is. Seemed like the whole other team was using ammo bags and every type of explosive imaginable. :banghead: Somehow we pulled off the miracle and with one ticket left took the final bomb. I was actually standing next to it the whole time it was armed and picked off guy after guy who came rushing in to diffuse with my JNG-90.

The other highlight of that game was my spree of five headshots in about four/five seconds... only firing three bullets. :D
Yeah that game was insane, as were many others tonight. I had a really good time, best in a long time for me where it's usually ruined by at least one terrible frustrating round it was all good for me tonight. I mentioned it on Battlelog but one game on Oman was bonkers, I couldn't believe how many players kept coming together in to incredible firefights. I remember running under the bridge from a tank and looking on the map to see about 5-6 of my team were backing me up, an enemy squad was flanking right high side and the guys who jumped out the tank went left whilst I was caught somewhere in the middle right under the centre of the bridge single firing my L85 every which way. The entire game seemed to be like that though, every battle I engaged in ended up with 10 or more players gunning for each other.
I was awful tonight. Other than when I was in a helicopter with Dragonistic and then the last round I played I was just constantly being killed.

Although in the last round I played I did get 13 C4 kills (14 kills total XD).
@neema_t I was planning on getting Premium but I don't care about my stats. I know i'm an average xbox gamer and will suck if I do get the PC version.

Honestly, how good you are on a console barely even matters, it's just so different. I was quite good (if I say so myself) at Bad Company 2 on the PS3, moved to PC and was blown away by how difficult it was, it's a combination of being unfamiliar with the hardware and everyone else just being faster and all-seeing (as a result of that speed). Just don't be put off by it, that's all, I nearly was but then something just sort of clicked... Right about the time I unlocked magnum ammo, funnily enough. I never did get back to how I was on PS3, I'm still not now, but I just don't think it's possible so I don't really care.
My first attempt at a mediocre montage is finished. Mainly a quality test... which I am not satisfied with honestly.

Trying to learn After Effects and Vegas right now. Hopefully in a few weeks I will have those down.

This is just a very simple, light edit with Roxio Creator / VideoWave. It has really basic, light editing tools and is mainly geared towards casual consumers.

One thing is for sure... I am going to need much more HDD space lol.
My first attempt at a mediocre montage is finished. Mainly a quality test... which I am not satisfied with honestly.

Trying to learn After Effects and Vegas right now. Hopefully in a few weeks I will have those down.

This is just a very simple, light edit with Roxio Creator / VideoWave. It has really basic, light editing tools and is mainly geared towards casual consumers.

One thing is for sure... I am going to need much more HDD space lol.

You're Corner Terroist? I could have sworn I met you just randomly in a match.... We need to play more often although I don't usually see anyone on when i'm playing. 👍
You're Corner Terroist? I could have sworn I met you just randomly in a match.... We need to play more often although I don't usually see anyone on when i'm playing. 👍

Yup. That's me. Have been busy lately so haven't gotten much playtime in awhile.

Just hit me up whenever you're on. I usually play with my brother in the evenings but have been on pretty sporadically lately.
EA Game Servers to Undergo Maintenance on July 18-19

Online play on all EA games will be down due to an “extensive upgrade to our game servers,” announces EA. This will affect all games with an online component on all platforms, including Battlefield 3 on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.

According to the official Battlefield Twitter account, “Battlefield 3 multiplayer, Battlelog, and Origin access will be interrupted July 18th from 10PM PST to 1:30AM PST July 19th.” It’s not clear if the longer maintenance period only applies to Battlefield 3 or all games.

Credit: Joel Santana