Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I tried it out today along with the F2000. FAMAS has no accuracy beyond about 15 metres, and if you encounter more than two guys you are basically screwed, which seems to happen a lot in CQC.

I kinda noticed that too but I thought it was my inner n00b breaking out again that kept getting me killed :lol: I do great with the F2000 on those maps and the other day I broke out the AEK like you and many others suggested and did even better 👍

After spending a lot of time on the CQ maps I really don't see myself playing too much of that. The maps themselves are beautiful but it just feels way too much like CoD, which I have no desire to play ever again because of this game. And since I play on console the rounds only have 16 players, so you either don't see anyone for 5 minutes or you run into a room and see four guys staring right at you. And I'll try gun master when they randomize the weapons each round.

And about the pic, I thought since it was *'d out it would be okay since I've seen a lot of other people post them like that. I guess what I didn't see was those posts being removed. Sorry, Mike Rotch (awesome name, btw).
Getting an EOD Bot kill is going to be a trial of patience. Navigating that little thing is terrible.

My one came from a guy manning the MG on a tank who didn't notice me 'repairing' him, one of the guys in my clan got his first time by driving it through the containers on Canals TDM with the torch on and happened to nip someone who was already being shot at... It's luck more than anything. Try driving alongside a vehicle with it, it's not THAT hard but it took me ages anyway.

Also I strongly disagree with your opinion of the .44, as a finisher it's amazing as you only need 40 hit points with a primary to get a one shot kill. It is a one shot kill if you hit them in the head (unless I was just extremely lucky every time I've gotten a headshot with it) and as long as you don't try and unload all six rounds in as little time as possible it's a really nice gun as far as accuracy and damage go, though the recoil is quite extreme. So extremely satisfying in my opinion, but the REX might be better because of the higher rate of fire and lower recoil, yet only 10 fewer damage points so it's still a two shot kill from full health anyway.
I have a couple eod kills already( no assignment yet) park it under an unused tank at an enemy flag. As soon as that tank is occupied start zapping away.
If the enemy bails and gets killed by the explosion you still get the bot kill.
I didn't get to spend any time with the double XP. Friday I had a final, and I had to work. Yesterday I was barely at home.

I think what Dice should do for any upcoming double XP events (exclusive to premium users) is to figure out how they can "assign" the time, instead of just open it up for a weekend. I don't want another situation where I miss playing during double XP time that I had to pay to be a part of. It would be so much better if they could just add 'x' amount of hours to your account. That way you can still play on your schedule, but get the same benefits as every other member.
I'm not sure but I think this weekend was available to everyone, but you're right, I can't see any reason why double XP weekends need to be synchronous and on weekends. No one gets an advantage due to the doubled points, it's just for faster 'personal growth' as it were, so your system would work well and makes a lot more sense. I missed the last double XP weekend, so... Yeah.
I didn't get to spend any time with the double XP. Friday I had a final, and I had to work. Yesterday I was barely at home.

I think what Dice should do for any upcoming double XP events (exclusive to premium users) is to figure out how they can "assign" the time, instead of just open it up for a weekend. I don't want another situation where I miss playing during double XP time that I had to pay to be a part of. It would be so much better if they could just add 'x' amount of hours to your account. That way you can still play on your schedule, but get the same benefits as every other member.

MW3 has a system whereby you can get 2 hours of double XP (or other things) added to your account for prestiging and things like that.
Also I strongly disagree with your opinion of the .44, as a finisher it's amazing as you only need 40 hit points with a primary to get a one shot kill. It is a one shot kill if you hit them in the head (unless I was just extremely lucky every time I've gotten a headshot with it) and as long as you don't try and unload all six rounds in as little time as possible it's a really nice gun as far as accuracy and damage go, though the recoil is quite extreme. So extremely satisfying in my opinion, but the REX might be better because of the higher rate of fire and lower recoil, yet only 10 fewer damage points so it's still a two shot kill from full health anyway.

My opinion on the .44 Magnum is more based on having to use the weapon in Gun Master. As a "primary" as in Gun Master, I find the weapon to be awful. As a finisher, I can see the benefit of the power. However, as a finisher, I prefer the M1911. The M1911 fires faster, has more bullets available, reloads much quicker, has much less extreme recoil, and most importantly, can be suppressed.
I'll tell you one thing, on full load in real life, that .44 Mag split my hand open...
Woohoo, top 6% on disabled vehicle ribbons per round, top 2% for shots fired per minute and top 6% for skill!

And I think maybe we should start a GTP server, only people that know the password may enter? If you can do that, of course, and we'll finally be able to go against other GTP members, that'd be really fun.
Can you still play gun master if there are only 2 people on a server? Think I'm going to have to ahem, have a little help with that assignment. I so wish I didn't suck. Anyone willing to help me out if this is doable?
Can you still play gun master if there are only 2 people on a server? Think I'm going to have to ahem, have a little help with that assignment. I so wish I didn't suck. Anyone willing to help me out if this is doable?

If its possible i can help but after i've finished Detroit 1-8-7. About 45min left. Add me juhna96.
Ill be back on in about 45 minutes. Ill set the gtp server to gun master.
I also need to cheat that one right now. I hate the mode!
However, as a finisher, I prefer the M1911. The M1911 fires faster, has more bullets available, reloads much quicker, has much less extreme recoil, and most importantly, can be suppressed.

Yeah, I agree with you there but I never would've said so until last week when I'd starred the .44 and REX and moved on to the M1911 suppressed. Then again just because the M1911 is better, the .44 doesn't necessarily suck... In my opinion anyway. I found the .44 to be a good sidearm for all my classes, but the M1911 is actually a usable replacement for the primary, particularly if you're a recon. There have been a few times when I've been playing support in TDM and have preferred to use the M1911 rather than stop to reload my LMG, and have actually done quite well with it.

I think Gun Master would've really put me off the Mk3A1 if I hadn't used it outside of that mode, it's definitely put me off the M320 LVG though!
Ill be back on in about 45 minutes. Ill set the gtp server to gun master.
I also need to cheat that one right now. I hate the mode!

Watchout if im in. Maybe you get owned again? 20-0 this time :)
Hello everybody. After a long absence from this game I finally picked it back up and have purchased premium and am in the process of installing Close Quarters. I'm not going to be playing tonight probably but tomorrow I'll be glad to play. :)
Can you still play gun master if there are only 2 people on a server? Think I'm going to have to ahem, have a little help with that assignment. I so wish I didn't suck. Anyone willing to help me out if this is doable?

I found a server with four people playing Gun Master, one of which was not even playing. It made that part of the Assignment easier.

I think Gun Master would've really put me off the Mk3A1 if I hadn't used it outside of that mode, it's definitely put me off the M320 LVG though!

I have not unlocked the Mk3A1. Once I found out the weapon is using Frag rounds in Gun Master, then it made sense on why the weapon is so bad in the mode.

I managed the EOD Bot kill, but I had a bit of help in doing so. I went through near empty server after near empty server until someone let me get the kill. :D
Thanks to Tzun and Caz for the offers. I'll add you both and get on to the server ASAP. Unfortunately that isn't going to be anytime soon as I'm at work with no PS3 to keep me company. My psn id is BigJas1162 if anyone wants to add me. Glad to see some of you are also having problems! I don't mean to sound well, mean but you know what I um mean..
Thanks to Tzun and Caz for the offers. I'll add you both and get on to the server ASAP. Unfortunately that isn't going to be anytime soon as I'm at work with no PS3 to keep me company. My psn id is BigJas1162 if anyone wants to add me. Glad to see some of you are also having problems! I don't mean to sound well, mean but you know what I um mean..

I dont have problems just want to help.

Caz IN YOUR FACE! I was in a 19 death streak because of the LVG launcher. One time Caz and the random saw me and i started to run away dropped 2 grenades in front of me and killed Caz. Then i developed to the knife saw Caz climing on a van he didnt see me two hits and VICTORY!
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That launcher sucks. I stayed on the nade. ;) figured nade / bolt action was going to take forever.

Glad that's over ;)
That launcher sucks. I stayed on the nade. ;) figured nade / bolt action was going to take forever.

Glad that's over ;)

Oh thanks for that. There will be a message waiting for you at PSN.