Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Anyone else feel that this game is getting boring and dull? When it first came out and all the guns and vehicles where unique in their own way it was great but all this nerfing has ruined it all and everything feels weak and similar
Anyone else feel that this game is getting boring and dull? When it first came out and all the guns and vehicles where unique in their own way it was great but all this nerfing has ruined it all and everything feels weak and similar

I agree. The nerfing is what made me quit for a while, it just seems unnecessary. Whats the point of unlocking something that takes forever if it isn't any good?
I agree. The nerfing is what made me quit for a while, it just seems unnecessary. Whats the point of unlocking something that takes forever if it isn't any good?

Yeah, it took forever to unlock the USAS, but when I got it I just started using the 870MCS again. And same with LMGs, i'm still with the M249.
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I don't know what weapons to use anymore except for recon. I like the L85 but it feels so under powered, i don't really use engineer and support is either M60, L86 or M249
I agree. The nerfing is what made me quit for a while, it just seems unnecessary. Whats the point of unlocking something that takes forever if it isn't any good?

I don't know, there's still a load of variation, they're just better balanced than they were. You don't want a shooter where the players who have been there the longest can kill everyone else easily otherwise no one will buy it and those who are sick of being killed so easily will stop playing, and the game will die. BC2's biggest mistake, in my opinion, was the magnum ammo thing because it made the game so unbalanced to the point where you pretty much had to have body armour, making the specialisation thing redundant anyway. I like that there aren't any go-to guns any more, not that I can see anyway, because it means you aren't at a disadvantage for using a weapon you like rather than what is known for a fact to be the best.
Quick question: which sniper rifle is most like the GOL from BC2? I think I may start dabbling more in Recon to keep things fresh.
Yeah, it took forever to unlock the USAS, but when I got it I just started using the 870MCS again. And same with LMGs, i'm still with the M249.

On the other hand one could argue that a level 45 shouldn't be beating a level 1 with the same gun class just because he has played the game more. Guns should have different characters, of that there is no doubt, and this is the case, generally. F2000 will beat an L85 at short range, but won't at medium, as an example. I see no issue with tweaking. The USAS was getting massively over-used before they patched it, I think that's a good thing, likewise the FAMAS, etc.

The F-35 is still a piece of 🤬 and useless from my play with it earlier. Two hour long round at Wake.

Edit: Heh, just noticed. 23 vehicles destroyed. Bit longer than I like, but it was busy.

Liking the L86. Had some time in the LAV/Tunguska and got a 2k more points in Mobile AA. Hopefully have some time on double XP this weekend and I can master that and Scout Helos.
Quick question: which sniper rifle is most like the GOL from BC2? I think I may start dabbling more in Recon to keep things fresh.

The Primary cartridge of the Gol is the 7.62x51mm NATO round, (It can also use the .300 Winchester Magnum and .308 Lapua Magnum Hence the Full name Gol Sniper Magnum). The Bolt actions that use the same round (7.62x51mm NATO) in BF3 are the- L96, M40A5 and JNG-90. all of these are in the same ballpark as the GOL. But Out of those 3 the closest in my view would be the M40A5. The SV98 and M98B would have to be ruled out as they use the [7.62x54mm R] and [.338 Magnum] round respectively.

This is assuming that the GOL was using the 7.62x51mm NATO round in BFBC2, If it was using either of the other to magnum rounds it would be closer to the M98B.
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Anyone tried the PP-19? I havent unlocked it yet, (only unlocked the mortar the other day lol) noticed it has the same ROF as the P90, although a slightly lower max damage. Though it counters this with better hipfire and a slightly larger clip. I think 55 vs 51 for the P90. Though with that many rounds 4 doesnt make much of a difference.
Anyone tried the PP-19? I havent unlocked it yet, (only unlocked the mortar the other day lol) noticed it has the same ROF as the P90, although a slightly lower max damage. Though it counters this with better hipfire and a slightly larger clip. I think 55 vs 51 for the P90. Though with that many rounds 4 doesnt make much of a difference.

Used to be my go-to gun for Support (LMGs scare me for some reason). I think I like the P90 a little more. It seems to have just a tad bit more oomph to put it in technical terms.
I just got two of my best kills with the guided missile on the jets.

Conquest at Caspian Border and my buddy/wingman was getting locked on a lot, presumably by the SOFLAM. I start looking through the guided missile and lock onto some enemy's equipment on top of the big radio tower. I lock, fire, and destroy the SOFLAM + two snipers sitting up there. They kept coming back a few more times but we kept picking them off.

Then later on that same round I'm scanning for SOFLAM near the enemy base but instead I see two guys putting C4 on a parked Jeep. Just for the hell of it I fire away. I destroy the Jeep and all their C4 and the guys are toast. I usually never attack enemy bases, but when I see a suicidal Jeep in the making I can't help myself :lol:
:cheers: thanks.

A few good, long hard fought rounds today, mainly at Caspian and Noshahr. I've found my groove again with the A-91 and am really digging it again after the accessory patch.

I also experimented with sidearms today and I just can't find a compelling reason to move away from the G18S. The .44 just is too severly limited by a 5 round chamber and not being a one shot kill (if not a headshot). So often I ran into two+ guys, killed one with the A-91, damaged the other, switched to the sidearm and clipped him with the first, missing with the second thanks to the monster recoil and get dropped myself. I also experimented again with the 1911 and 443 but they have slower ROF and the same clip size as the auto G18.

No brainer really.

PS: Ran into two squads of SPAS at Metro. Brings back memories of USAS days of old...
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For me there isn't a preferred sidearm. It depends on my primary weapon. If for example I'm running a FAMAS, shotgun or anything else that is bad at long range I'll use the 1911 since that means I can take a couple of shots at long ranged targets. The .44 scoped works surprisingly well too even if it's a bit ridiculous. I usually use the G18 as recon, though I do sometimes use the magnum as well. I don't see it being limited by not having enough rounds at all. You can kill people in 1 or 2 shots anyway. The biggest problem with the G18 in my opinion is that it's so much harder to control than anything else.
:cheers: thanks.

A few good, long hard fought rounds today, mainly at Caspian and Noshahr. I've found my groove again with the A-91 and am really digging it again after the accessory patch.

I also experimented with sidearms today and I just can't find a compelling reason to move away from the G18S. The .44 just is too severly limited by a 5 round chamber and not being a one shot kill (if not a headshot). So often I ran into two+ guys, killed one with the A-91, damaged the other, switched to the sidearm and clipped him with the first, missing with the second thanks to the monster recoil and get dropped myself. I also experimented again with the 1911 and 443 but they have slower ROF and the same clip size as the auto G18.

No brainer really.

PS: Ran into two squads of SPAS at Metro. Brings back memories of USAS days of old...

I think the key here is being patient. Chances are, if you encounter two people at the same time and both start shooting you at the same time, you should in theory run out of bullets at the same time - assuming you both empty your similarly sized clips i.e., 2 Assault players. I digress. If your pulling out your pistol chances are they are about to. I said patience is key but you need to be able to tell if you have enough rounds to take the guy out, and if you dont immediately switch to pistol.

Assuming you havent died yet, the other guy will most likely be on his pistol too, but because you beat him to it, you have time to line him up, and dome him with the .44. Headshots are easy enough if in the right range, just try get them in the middle of the hairs. Also, if they are damaged enough they will go down with one hit 90% of the time.

I typically can take down 2-3 enemies with a clip, AEK kills in five shots at most ranges, and if they line up right, the collateral damage gets them as well. I only usually go to pistol if I am caught reloading, so I make sure I keep an ear out for footsteps and voice cues (headphones help).
Double XP and the wife's outdoor Jewelery party got rained out into my living room. Shoot me!

Which server are you in... I could always use another kill... Hahaha just kidding
Hopefully this won't jinx it, but I've been enjoying a lot of rounds at Seine CQ of late. I've found two great places to set up the PKP (depending on which flags are held) and although it means I don't get many flag caps, I do end up with a fair whack of kills due to mopping up enemies trying to cap C or D.

I went 57-15 today in a see-saw 500 ticket match today; and a few times had some extremely satisfying squad wipes as people wondered into my zone unawares. Of course, you have to be on your game to snuff out revenge seekers, but they do so at their peril. Got one guy 9 times. :D
Yeah i have been on a roll lately... Last few days any map with tanks i have got MVP every round... I went 59 kills 4 deaths on devand peak... I love tanks... I never use guided shell and i will never use it... Nothing wrong with it... I personally think it requires no skill to use it... I have thermal optics (just to see the campers), reactive armor ( it's good to have to hold back some damage from when people use guided shell), and last i use LMG... If my good friend isn't with me i try to ride alone... He is a amazing gunner... If there are any crews/clans that are in need of another tank driver let me know... I am willing to have a try out if needed... Thanks
Mike how many kills are you up to with that PKP?

Just wrote my entrance exam today so more Battlefield again tonight finally.
Nailed a 1238m headshot today broke my last record of 967 by alot AND! it was a friend i shot to that happend to end up on the oppisite team :D