As it stands that's my position at the moment.
Just not sure whether to can that idea and go the pc route instead. Only thing stopping me is I'm rubbish with a keyboard and mouse.
Aiming with a mouse is pretty natural. Granted, many of the people you will go against have been using a mouse for a long time. But the aiming does get better. Using a keyboard takes practice. It frustrated me for a long time.
I would not go back to a controller given the choice. Now I can control my guy better with a mouse and keyboard. Plus I get benefit of better aim because of the more precise mouse.
However, playing with friends should at least somewhat factor into the equation. I would nudge them towards playing on PC if possible. But if they are going to stick to console, then that may sway your choice.
Might be a tough call if you are mainly a console gamer. I agree with Brett, playing with friends does make the experience that much better so....
For me personally, I can't stand FPS on consoles. I tried BF3 on the PS3 with it was a free DL here recently. What a different experience. Everything was much slower. Aiming, navigating the map and inventories, turning around took half a century in terms of getting shot at and needing to shoot the other way. Precision was out the window. UGH! What a mess. Not to mention the sub-par graphic quality.
It looks like the PS4 is moving closer to a PC graphic quality gaming experience, but still at 900p vs. 1080p or greater....the over all experience for me much more fulling on the PC that it can ever be on the console.
Is PC gaming right for you? That is for you to decided. I think any can pickup keyboard/mouse gaming fairly quickly. I run my mouse at a pretty low sensitivity when on foot, but quickly crank it up when I'm in a tank or a gunner position. Having DPI adjustments on the mouse allows for quick adjustments on the fly.
I've watched a few videos of it. I think the defenders are too close to the bomb and the attackers are too far away.Anyone find Rush maps impossible to win? Defenders always win. It's insane. Not enough tickets.
Yeah, I agree.Anyone find Rush maps impossible to win? Defenders always win. It's insane. Not enough tickets.
I can see right off this game has a ton to it and will take a long time to learn. Coming over from COD I'm amazed at how much is going on and the difficulty spike. My first round of Conquest saw me playing on an island map and having to swim for a minute or two to find action. I was just laughing trying to figure out what's going on. I'm starting to figure it out though.
Biggest issue was figuring out how to invite a friend on PS3? It said no friends online even though we both were and we could only make it work if one of us was in a room. Confusing.
There is so much wrong with this game it hurtsI applaud them on cramming a lot of stuff into the game but it's honestly too much. There's 17 different actions it seems for every button and none of the relate to what everyone is used to. Overall I think the feel of the game is a lot different and you can really feel the difference between add-ons, but in the most basic form it's pretty hard to play, dying fairly quick or wasting a lot of bullets trying to actually hit the person. Looking forward to see how soon they fix most of the issues, because I really want to enjoy this game, just what it should be, not what it is
There is so much wrong with this game it hurtsI applaud them on cramming a lot of stuff into the game but it's honestly too much. There's 17 different actions it seems for every button and none of the relate to what everyone is used to. Overall I think the feel of the game is a lot different and you can really feel the difference between add-ons, but in the most basic form it's pretty hard to play, dying fairly quick or wasting a lot of bullets trying to actually hit the person. Looking forward to see how soon they fix most of the issues, because I really want to enjoy this game, just what it should be, not what it is
Without a teamwork, it is really easy for a objective game to become a Team Death Match. Though from my experience that console players never have a headset for BF or Fighting games.I can see right off this game has a ton to it and will take a long time to learn. Coming over from COD I'm amazed at how much is going on and the difficulty spike. My first round of Conquest saw me playing on an island map and having to swim for a minute or two to find action. I was just laughing trying to figure out what's going on. I'm starting to figure it out though.
Since 1943Have you played any of the Battlefield series before?
Yeah, I was watching a livestream and the guy got to level 5 five times. lolAnyone else experience when you level up, BF4 puts you down to the previous level on the next round so you have to level up again??? It's pathetic and really annoying.
Anyone else experience when you level up, BF4 puts you down to the previous level on the next round so you have to level up again??? It's pathetic and really annoying.