Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
You can also unlock the Famas from Singleplayer

I don't think so. I think Brett listed all you can unlock there. You can check the battlelog weapon unlocks to see the weapons that are available in the campaign. The confusion is that you also unlock guns in the singleplayer for use in singleplayer but the animation is the same as with multiplayer.
I'm really enjoying multiplayer so far but why do so few people use mics though? PSN I guess. I figured a team tactical game like this the majority of people would have them.

I'm playing as assault with health packs and defibrillator and we've only done conquest so far. Why can't I modify my loadout between rounds or in a menu. So far it seems I can only do it in a match. I don't really need to but it would be a nice option.
I'm really enjoying multiplayer so far but why do so few people use mics though? PSN I guess. I figured a team tactical game like this the majority of people would have them.

I'm playing as assault with health packs and defibrillator and we've only done conquest so far. Why can't I modify my loadout between rounds or in a menu. So far it seems I can only do it in a match. I don't really need to but it would be a nice option.

I found people used mics if they were in a squad with friends and now in BF4 it's almost impossible to do that (for PS3, at least) so I haven't heard much chatter at all in the game. And, yes, not being able to edit your character/loadout in the game's menu is another thing DICE left out or forgot.
Don't know why, but I haven't had a single crash. Maybe it's people on Windows 7? The game's optimized for Windows 8.1 iirc, which is what I have now (just installed it a couple weeks back specifically for BF4).

Still sucks though, lots of people frustrated at losing exp from their games crashing. But it's a huge game, and like any other at launch, the first two weeks are going to be insane.

If your game crashes during a really good match and you don't want to lose all the experience, do not join the server again before it switches maps and the game's recorded in Battlelog, otherwise you'll erase your previous history on the server. This is only if it was your game that crashed though, if it was a server crash, everyone lost all progress made during the match. If you join the server again once the new map's started, all the previous exp from the match before will have been applied.
Just got the BF4 Deluxe edition today, and I am loving BF4 after only a few hours. I've only done conquest so far, but noticed that the matches feel as though a lot more 'action' is going on compared to BF3. Also, for me the land vehicles are easier to drive, consequently the air vehicles are harder to handle though (keep crashing after less than a minute!) overall, am looking forward to playing more in the future.

Btw these are the goodies I obtained from the battlepacks as apart of the Deluxe edition:

Got BF4 this afternoon. Had a bit of time to redeem my codes and try out a bit of Campaign.
I was plesantly surprised with the audio in my headset (Turtle Beach XP400). Gave me goosebumps now and then. :eek:
@Speedy6543 I doubt we will be online at the same time very often but we should try to play together. I'm clueless to multiplayer but figuring it out.
So iv'e given in and im going to get PS3 BF4 in the morning. I origanally preordered(and payed for) it on PS4 but as my PS4 is schuduled to be delivered on 13th Dec i thought i just aswell take GAME (UK gaming store) up on there offer with the £40 trade in towards the PS4 version. Even though i wasnt really fussed on another 7th gen battlefield i thought it was a good deal and it'll give me a chance to unlock a lot of stuff and get sharpened up ready for PS4.
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Got BF4 this afternoon. Had a bit of time to redeem my codes and try out a bit of Campaign.
I was plesantly surprised with the audio in my headset (Turtle Beach XP400). Gave me goosebumps now and then. :eek:

PC, Xbox, ps3?
Initial impressions.

So far pretty good, the single player seems to lock up and stall a fair bit though. Doesn't really bother me too much as once I'm done with it I wont touch it again.

Played a couple of hours of multiplayer last night and really enjoyed it. Great fun learning the new maps and leveling up all the gear again. I'm sure there is some bugs I've yet to come across but I'll cross that bridge at the time.
Haven't played all the maps yet but really like the one in the old prison.

I ended up folding and getting the ps3 version with looking to upgrade to the ps4 if I get one.
Initial impressions.

So far pretty good, the single player seems to lock up and stall a fair bit though. Doesn't really bother me too much as once I'm done with it I wont touch it again.

Played a couple of hours of multiplayer last night and really enjoyed it. Great fun learning the new maps and leveling up all the gear again. I'm sure there is some bugs I've yet to come across but I'll cross that bridge at the time.
Haven't played all the maps yet but really like the one in the old prison.

I ended up folding and getting the ps3 version with looking to upgrade to the ps4 if I get one.

Nice to know you got it 👍 I'm still thinking about getting the PS3 version, who knows? :)
Initial impressions.

So far pretty good, the single player seems to lock up and stall a fair bit though. Doesn't really bother me too much as once I'm done with it I wont touch it again.

Played a couple of hours of multiplayer last night and really enjoyed it. Great fun learning the new maps and leveling up all the gear again. I'm sure there is some bugs I've yet to come across but I'll cross that bridge at the time.
Haven't played all the maps yet but really like the one in the old prison.

I ended up folding and getting the ps3 version with looking to upgrade to the ps4 if I get one.

I believe I remember reading to upgrade to the PS4 version if you already had the PS3 version was only $10. However, I may be thinking of a different game. I am not even sure where I read that at either. :confused:
I have barely jumped into Multiplayer just yet. But two of the four games I have played have been me face wrecking of the other team. I just had a 20-1 game as a Rush attacker in a tank. The other team just could not deal with me and one of two squadmates repairing my tank.
Anyone got the game for current gen consoles? I'm planning on getting it for Xmas. I've watched many videos of gameplay and it seems the maps are way too big for 24 players, except maybe Operation Locker, which will be probably the only map I play. Are the graphics at least on par with BF3? Being current gen, the stuff in these consoles shouldn't be able to make the game look so good.
Had a decent round last night with one of my friends, ZeCcO. We were both sniping as attackers on Paracel Storm during a rush round.


I really hope Dice fixes alot of the bugs, such as spawning through the map...

Oh and poor quality because print screen.



I've played this game for 5 hours over 2 days and have yet to play a game on Paracel Storm, Flood Zone, Hainan Resort and Zavod 311. I've seen a lot of Shanghai for some reason, though. Maybe I need to branch out and play more than just Rush.
I believe I remember reading to upgrade to the PS4 version if you already had the PS3 version was only $10. However, I may be thinking of a different game. I am not even sure where I read that at either. :confused:

Where I come from, my BF4 Deluxe Edition PS3 copy contained a code to download it for $14.45AUD and it expires March 28th, 2014. After you enter in the code in the PlayStation Store, you receive the entitlement to download the PS4 version for whatever price it is over in your countries. You can either purchase it on the PS4 console or on their online store on the PC and then download and install it on the PS4. You do need to keep the disc for the PS3 version to run the PS4 version.
I am loving this game. Why did I spend the past 5 years playing COD again?

I had to spend an hour on the phone with EA customer support. I could never connect to their servers on my main profile but could with any sub-account. It's been going on for years and I've had many unsuccessful attempts to resolve it. Finally I had them call me and talked to a lady who couldn't help and she transferred me to and advanced specialist or something. I was on hold about 40 minutes and the dude fixed it in about 2 minutes. Somehow a fake e-mail was associated with my account and then when there servers switched from EA to origin it was blocked. Not banned but blocked. He just typed in my actual email and it was good to go. Why couldn't a regular CS rep do that? Oh well, it's fixed.
I am going to avoid playing Domination like the plague. That game mode is rage inducing, what with the awful spawns and teams looking more to play team deathmatch instead of worrying about the objectives.
GTP account for now because my main account can't access EA's servers. You?
I've tried to get into an online game yesterday and picked some 23/24 Rush games but the game kept telling me there was no commander post available. :confused: I wasn't even trying to get in as commander...
PC, Xbox, ps3?
Battlelog profile <- feel free to add me.
I believe I remember reading to upgrade to the PS4 version if you already had the PS3 version was only $10. However, I may be thinking of a different game. I am not even sure where I read that at either. :confused:
I have a voucher with my PS3 version of BF4 to get it on PS4 for 9.99€ before March 28, '14.
Don't know if I'll get the PS4 yet. Don't see the need for me to buy it already as GT6 is also still coming out on PS3


Another nice feature is you can be friends with someone on battlelog and not on PSN and just join that friends game through your PC/laptop/phone/tablet. 👍
So for those who have bought the PS3 version, is it really worth it?
That's a pretty open ended question. Are you buying next console or have good PC? If yes then it's not worth it unless you can't hold off a couple weeks. If no then absolutely yes. The multiplayer is very addicting. Single player seems solid but I'm admittedly through one chapter. I'm going to buy the PS4 version in a couple weeks. I'll play both though because my buddy isn't upgrading to a PS4 any time soon.
That's a pretty open ended question. Are you buying next console or have good PC? If yes then it's not worth it unless you can't hold off a couple weeks. If no then absolutely yes. The multiplayer is very addicting. Single player seems solid but I'm admittedly through one chapter. I'm going to buy the PS4 version in a couple weeks. I'll play both though because my buddy isn't upgrading to a PS4 any time soon.
My computer is very weak for current games and I'm not planning to buy the PS4 just yet so yeah, only for PS3.
Do it.

Edit: what would cause the X hit marker to not show up? The only change I made was added an angled grip to my assault rifle.
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