Rumours about the X one being underpowered by the PS4 are true.
Still can't get my head around in how my a common gaming computer will run them pretty much 1080p without a few effects.
4%, I'm dying here, please don't spoil.
Just got done for quite a few rounds tonight. 1080p ultra at 144fps solid.1080p and at how many frames? Im sure PS4 could handle 1080p quite easily if 40 or 50 fps was the target and not 60.
Um, are you guys playing early because pc or because US?
Thanks Pako, I'm still torn between pc, ps3 or ps4.
I pre-ordered ps3 but I can still cancel that.
Edit: And Brett.
You can get the PS3 version now and do the trade thing for the PS4 version
I'm in the same situation.I'm such a dumbass. Forgot to preorder last night. Do you still get China Rising if you order Premium?
As it stands that's my position at the moment.
Just not sure whether to can that idea and go the pc route instead. Only thing stopping me is I'm rubbish with a keyboard and mouse.
As it stands that's my position at the moment.
Just not sure whether to can that idea and go the pc route instead. Only thing stopping me is I'm rubbish with a keyboard and mouse.
This will be my first Battlefield. Played some of 3 but only single player and will multiplayer a go. The only question is if I should upgrade to the PS4 edition in a couple weeks.
Why is that? Would it be because there are too few MCOMs, or because your team was bad?Rush rounds are way to short. Average of 4-5 mins a round.
Not necessarily. But it was nice having 500 ticket (or more) on alot of the maps, such as the cluster in Metro. 32 or 64 player, depended on the server.Did 64 man Rush in BF3 have a larger number of tickets compared to 24 or 32 man rush?