Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Well here is what I got in my battlepacks! :D



Can I get the Chinese expansion pack at this point?

I was to pre-order it two days ago, but something came up and now I ... can't.

Also, any of you got any links to the squad, I would like to be a part of it.
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What is your Origin name? I will send you a friend request. However, being that you are in Europe, finding a time to jump into games will be mostly difficult outside of the weekends.
What is your Origin name? I will send you a friend request. However, being that you are in Europe, finding a time to jump into games will be mostly difficult outside of the weekends.
I'm actually in N/A zones, and it's "akiraacecombat"

Also, when is this thing supposed to be avaible to the public, the 29? the 31st.
Is very confusing.
I hope you guys enjoy BF4 Tonight/Tomorrow/This week.

I'm actually surprised at Twitch and DICE. DICE said they would ban anybody found streaming the game early but I guess everybody is okay.
I watched a BF4 stream for a bit now, sucks that I have to wait about a month to play on the PS4. Looks great though, cannot wait
Just finished singeplayer, it was actually amazing, and you get a great headstart with the unique weapons you can only get through it as well. Highly recommend you don't look the singleplayer campaign over.
Just finished singeplayer, it was actually amazing, and you get a great headstart with the unique weapons you can only get through it as well. Highly recommend you don't look the singleplayer campaign over.

Great news. Waiting for your online impressions
I gotta head to work now, been playing since 8am and now it's 5 xD. I tend to binge. Gonna hit up MP properly tomorrow, servers are gonna be insane tonight.
Taking a nap now so I can wake up in a couple hours to play into the night, with the lights down low. :D
Fortunately, I took this week of work as vacation. :D So I will just stay awake, play for a few hours! :lol: (I will likely not be in bed before 04:00 at the earliest.)
Well, that was my plan as well, but work required my presence there this week. UGH. I won't be worth much though, not if I stay up half the night anyways. :D
I have a bunch of vacation saved up and needing to be used before the end of the year. This week conveniently worked out to be a good week to spend "vacationing" and not necessarily need to be at work.

EDIT: Just a FYI, I just had an update for Nvidia drivers come up on my computer.
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Just finished singeplayer, it was actually amazing, and you get a great headstart with the unique weapons you can only get through it as well. Highly recommend you don't look the singleplayer campaign over.

How many hours does it take to first complete the campaign?