Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
PC launch is a disaster, lag and lots of disconnects. I'll be back to it in a month to see if they fixed it.

I'm not surprised. BF3 was the exact same, you'd think they'd learn how to launch these things but my guess it EA didn't want to spend what it would cost to launch smoothly, knowing that once the initial buzz had died down things would stabilise themselves. Hardly shocking, but I'm glad I held off... I'm still itching to give it a go, though!

But wait, @Wardez, optimised for Windows 8.1 you say? If that's the case then I may well never play BF4. I'm hoping SteamOS will be my next and final OS upgrade from Windows 7.
Online is a mess, if the game doesn't drop, it just lags.

Not local PC, seems like everyone is experiencing the same issues.
I'm not surprised. BF3 was the exact same, you'd think they'd learn how to launch these things but my guess it EA didn't want to spend what it would cost to launch smoothly, knowing that once the initial buzz had died down things would stabilise themselves. Hardly shocking, but I'm glad I held off... I'm still itching to give it a go, though!

But wait, @Wardez, optimised for Windows 8.1 you say? If that's the case then I may well never play BF4. I'm hoping SteamOS will be my next and final OS upgrade from Windows 7.
Yup. BF3 was the same way. Its an EA game. They ALWAYS have problems at launch. That's the other reason I decided not to buy this at launch. Even though I wanted to really bad, I just knew it was going to have issues. Hopefully it goes well for everyone this weekend, but with EA's track record, I wouldn't count on it. I might pick it up in a month or two after the bugs are worked out.
Installed the game today... A friend of mine gave me the spare copy his parents gave him for finishing his apprenticeship. Boy, I've got to say, it's one pretty game. I'm probably not making 60 FPS on ultra setting with V-Sync and whatnot, but it's fluid and looks brilliant. I only dabbled in the first mission of the campaign, though. Don't know whether I'll actually join you guys in some multiplayer action... I suck way too much at FPS games :lol:
I'm not surprised. BF3 was the exact same, you'd think they'd learn how to launch these things but my guess it EA didn't want to spend what it would cost to launch smoothly, knowing that once the initial buzz had died down things would stabilise themselves. Hardly shocking, but I'm glad I held off... I'm still itching to give it a go, though!

But wait, @Wardez, optimised for Windows 8.1 you say? If that's the case then I may well never play BF4. I'm hoping SteamOS will be my next and final OS upgrade from Windows 7.

It's not that they didn't learn to launch these games, it's just the fact that it's been so hugely hyped and became popular, this happens with any huge launch, they're a victim of their own success. Can you name me any huge launch of this scale that went off smoothly?

And about Windows 8.1, yes it's true, the benchmarks score substantially higher on W8.1 over W7.

The updgrade's painless, don't know what the big deal is with some people holding over. Here's the three major issues people are afraid of when thinking of switching to W8.1:
1. There's no start button
2. It's designed for tablets, I can't deal with Metro
3. The input lag with games due to the UI overlays

1. ? Not a problem:
2. You can turn metro off, (or toggle it with the Windows key) but it's never ever obtrusive, then it works exactly like Windows 7, but faster, better, more efficient, streamlined, and with more options.
3. This only affects games that don't use DirectInput, and most of them are lazily done console ports (games I play, BF4, BLands2, EVE, and of course racing sims, don't suffer from this). And even then, it's easily fixable:

Most games run better on Windows 8.1, even with old hardware, it supports games better, drops support for GFWL.

I mean, this is all win's in my book, I really have no idea why people wouldn't upgrade, there's no more excuses besides the financial one, I paid $80 for my system builder copy, but I installed fresh with a new HDD, you could probably buy the upgrade for a lot less.

Steam OS isn't coming out for a while and getting Windows 8 sooner means you're almost getting a free hardware upgrade when it comes to increasing performance on games.
The RHIB Boat's minigun wrecks infantry. The weapon just slices through infantry like a very hot knife through butter. I just played a game of Obliteration a bit ago on Paracel Storm. The boat driver got me behind the opposing team's spawn area and I tore through about half dozen enemy soldiers before they had any idea I was shooting at them. I ended up killing another three or four before finally being killed.

The attack boats are also very good. They destroy RHIB Boats with little effort. Infantry are also quickly killed.

@Wardez I am also running Windows 8.1. While I do not have Classic Shell, I have taken some time to organize the Metro start screen and find that it works quite well. In fact, I think I like the start screen better than the old start menu. It is much quicker to find what I want in it than looking through a menu that only takes up a small portion of the screen. The biggest change I have had to make is getting accustomed to using the Windows key more often and learning a few more of the Windows commands involving the Windows key. Outside of that, Windows 8.1 has solved many of the shortcomings that I have seen with Windows 8 and I now spend the vast majority of my time on the desktop.
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Here's a video I found. As you can clearly see the bullet goes way off target even without suppression. Sometimes it even hits the target your not even aiming at.
Yep, most definitely.

Countless times i've clearly shot through someones head and they didn't even get hit.

That sounds like more to do with hit detection, what the video shows is different.

I'm thinking this glitch may be due to the new zeroing feature somehow. I felt it even in singleplayer, it's off.
The RHIB Boat's minigun wrecks infantry. The weapon just slices through infantry like a very hot knife through butter. I just played a game of Obliteration a bit ago on Paracel Storm. The boat driver got me behind the opposing team's spawn area and I tore through about half dozen enemy soldiers before they had any idea I was shooting at them. I ended up killing another three or four before finally being killed.

The attack boats are also very good. They destroy RHIB Boats with little effort. Infantry are also quickly killed.

This. I played Rush on that yesterday and used the minigun of a beached RHIB boat - ended up killing about a dozen men
... I suck way too much at FPS games :lol:
Don't worry about that too much. I'm not that good at FPS aswell. Got shot 2 times in a row by @R35 SKYLIN3 yesterday and I even have trouble keeping my KDR above 1.00. But that's not what BF4 is all about. it's about teamwork and making the objective. (<- or is this just loser's talk. I don't care, I'm having fun trying :sly:)
This. I played Rush on that yesterday and used the minigun of a beached RHIB boat - ended up killing about a dozen men

The RHIB Boats in BF3 shot peas out of the minigun and could pretty much be ignored. I have died a few too many times to RHIBs in BF4 trying to destroy them to at least temporarily remove that lethal asset from the enemy's hands.
Helicopter miniguns seem to be pea shooters this time around. Useless. The guns on the flanks of the gunboats are also sort of weak. But that boat is ridiculously OP, so it makes sense.

Separately, I find the LAV to be the best vehicle in the game. Better than tanks.
I think the gunboat may be balanced just about right as is. Right now, many engineers still have the very weak first launcher. I hit a gunboat yesterday with the first launcher and it did five damage. Five damage! I might as well have been shooting spit balls at the thing with that kind of damage. The better launchers should reduce their effectiveness, at least that is what I am hoping for.

Helicopter miniguns are pea shooters. There is little reason to use the transport chopper outside of transporting people. Definitely a novel concept.

I have not used a jeep machine gun just yet. How hard do those hit?

The stationary machine gun placements are effective enough. They are not super powerful, but they are also not super weak. On servers that have "magazine" ammo count, it is probably a good idea to utilize the stationary machine guns when possible. Which leads me to a rant.

I do not mind a magazine ammo pool. In fact, I like the idea, as it much more realistic. However, if it going to be a magazine ammo pool, then partially used magazines do not need to just be dropped. Those magazines need to be saved and when they are reused, they need to only have however many bullets were left in them. Throwing away a perfectly fine, albeit only partially full, magazines is stupid as hell.
Don't worry about that too much. I'm not that good at FPS aswell. Got shot 2 times in a row by @R35 SKYLIN3 yesterday and I even have trouble keeping my KDR above 1.00. But that's not what BF4 is all about. it's about teamwork and making the objective. (<- or is this just loser's talk. I don't care, I'm having fun trying :sly:)
Haha sorry speedy :P just talk pride in knowing you werent the only one I killed ;) My current KD is over 3.1 ATM :)
@Brett I think they should have tac reloads or speed reloads. Speed reloads you should tap the R key twice or something to just dump the mag... or maybe tap twice to keep the mag and trigger an alternate, slower animation.

Anyway, I'm pretty miffed that my game keeps crashing when I do really well. At least I found some cool servers though. Hardcore mode is a hoot... super hard at first but then you get into it and you only need like 2 bullets to kill someone. I miss the minimap but I like that mechanic a lot better. One warning: shotguns totally SUCK on hardcore. They're useless. And, like the M16A4 in BF3, the AK12 on burst fire becomes a frickin' laser beam of frickin' death in this game.
For the love of all that is holy, if you are a squad leader, then please issue orders. It is passing up easy points by not doing so.
For the love of all that is holy, if you are a squad leader, then please issue orders. It is passing up easy points by not doing so.
How do you issue orders? Points are issued if you take objectives?
How do you issue orders? Points are issued if you take objectives?
You can point your team to 'A' using R2. That way the whole team goes to the same point instead of taking off to 4 different points.
Issuing order is the same as spotting. Instead of spotting an opponent, look at an objective and hit the spot key. If there is an order present on an objective, then you will see four triangles pointing to the letter. The benefit to doing this is it should help coordinate the squad a bit and attacking/defending that objective yields squad order points. No work really required at all to get easy points. This early in the game, those extra points come in handy to rank up faster.
I noticed that Magnum was quite powerfull but had no idea you could fit that huge scope on it.