I'm not surprised. BF3 was the exact same, you'd think they'd learn how to launch these things but my guess it EA didn't want to spend what it would cost to launch smoothly, knowing that once the initial buzz had died down things would stabilise themselves. Hardly shocking, but I'm glad I held off... I'm still itching to give it a go, though!
But wait, @
Wardez, optimised for Windows 8.1 you say? If that's the case then I may well never play BF4. I'm hoping SteamOS will be my next and final OS upgrade from Windows 7.
It's not that they didn't learn to launch these games, it's just the fact that it's been so hugely hyped and became popular, this happens with any huge launch, they're a victim of their own success. Can you name me any huge launch of this scale that went off smoothly?
And about Windows 8.1, yes it's true, the benchmarks score substantially higher on W8.1 over W7.
The updgrade's painless, don't know what the big deal is with some people holding over. Here's the three major issues people are afraid of when thinking of switching to W8.1:
1. There's no start button
2. It's designed for tablets, I can't deal with Metro
3. The input lag with games due to the UI overlays
1. ? Not a problem:
2. You can turn metro off, (or toggle it with the Windows key) but it's never ever obtrusive, then it works exactly like Windows 7, but faster, better, more efficient, streamlined, and with more options.
3. This only affects games that don't use
DirectInput, and most of them are lazily done console ports (games I play, BF4, BLands2, EVE, and of course racing sims, don't suffer from this). And even then, it's easily fixable:
Most games run better on Windows 8.1, even with old hardware, it supports games better, drops support for GFWL.
I mean, this is all win's in my book, I really have no idea why people wouldn't upgrade, there's no more excuses besides the financial one, I paid $80 for my system builder copy, but I installed fresh with a new HDD, you could probably buy the upgrade for a lot less.
Steam OS isn't coming out for a while and getting Windows 8 sooner means you're almost getting a free hardware upgrade when it comes to increasing performance on games.