Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Commander mode is strange but enjoyable if the team do what you want them to

I tried out Commander mode. It is okay. If I had a tablet, then I could see myself messing around with it while watching TV. However, if I was at my computer, then I would just as well like to play the game instead.

That's probably just as OP as the Shorty 12. Has anyone unlocked that gun yet?

Nope. It will be quite a while before I unlock it. I do not use a pistol often enough to score pistol points.
I tried out Commander mode. It is okay. If I had a tablet, then I could see myself messing around with it while watching TV. However, if I was at my computer, then I would just as well like to play the game instead.

For some reason I don't get Double XP whilst in Commander Mode - although the Double XP has had problems for this weekend
Yeah I think premo members and certain game pack owners get double xp this weekend.
There is issues with some players who haven't been getting it when they should.
My game store gave me a code for it to enter via battlelog and it's working for me.
Oh on Ps3 btw.
There is issues with some players who haven't been getting it when they should.
My game store gave me a code for it to enter via battlelog and it's working for me.
Oh on Ps3 btw.
That's odd, it's just working for me :odd:
You have to initiate it yourself out of the battlepacks.

Do you mean when it say 25% or 50% bonus for one hour of play?

A question on that, do you have to click on it or something in game or via battlelog or does it activate just by opening the battle pack. I've got a few that I haven't initiated so to speak. I assume they have to be initiated because I got two in one pack for the different percentages, if they automatically initiated it kind of defeats the purpose of getting two at once.

You get a code when you purchase the game, and then you have to enter it online :)

Yeah that's what I meant and how I got my double xp.

Another question for PS3 users.
How are your server browsers going?
I can't choose a server because out of the masses of available servers every one of them has zero players.
I can always get a game by choosing quick match but it would be nice to pick server for rotation purposes.
I wonder if it's a region thing?
Another question for PS3 users.
How are your server browsers going?
I can't choose a server because out of the masses of available servers every one of them has zero players.
I can always get a game by choosing quick match but it would be nice to pick server for rotation purposes.
I wonder if it's a region thing?

Same thing, I can't find anyone in any of the Australian servers.
Spawns in team deathmatch are possibly worse than bf3. Now that people ve gad the ame a few days they are watching the spawns and shooting people before they move. Shanghai is the worst map I've ever played on
Dah. That Magnum video is making me want the game again. £35 from Amazon... Should I, shouldn't I? I honestly have never been this undecided about a purchase, I know I'll have fun but I also know that when I'm not having fun I'll either be bored or enraged. I'm struggling.
Dah. That Magnum video is making me want the game again. £35 from Amazon... Should I, shouldn't I? I honestly have never been this undecided about a purchase, I know I'll have fun but I also know that when I'm not having fun I'll either be bored or enraged. I'm struggling.
If you enjoyed BF3, you'll live this one. If you're getting it for the PC it's a must buy.
Too damn laggy on PC, and rush is a mess, needs balancing quite badly.

Other than that, Conquest is pretty damn awesome, and that Dam map is truly horrible.
I have not really had any issues with lag on PC. I have however been playing on 32 and 48 player servers after hearing 64 player servers have had more issues. I have had issues with sound going all wierd.
Showing in detail how sniping is not "dead" (@L0ckl34r 's video). (w/Commentary) (Showing what L0ckl34r is doing wrong)

I had thought the sniper shooting being off was something wrong. I have not done a lot of sniping. What little I have done, I have been able to put rounds effectively on target.

I just watched some of the video. It is a problem with the straight pull attachment. That is why I would not have encountered the issue. I have not unlocked that attachment yet.

I have not unlocked a lot of anything for anything. I jump from class to class too often. Or jump into vehicles instead of continuing to play on foot.
A few thoughts about the game after few days.

Fav weapons - M249, AK5C, P226, PP2000 and QBS-O9 Havnt played a lot, So need to get about locking them all. :D

Fav map's - Operation Locker, Rogue transmission and surprisingly Siege. Lancang dam is enjoyable on domination to.

Least fav Maps - Floodzone - The flooding makes the map a pain in the backside to navigate and for the most part restricts most of the action to the rooftops, Zavod 311, The layout an mechanics are ok i just dislike the color pallette and amount of foliage and objects that make target aquisition awkward and difficult.

Overall im happy i bothered to try it on PS3 and not just wsit for PS4. I have had few bad experiences and annoyances so far and all its done is make me all the more excited for my PS4!!! :D

Will post again soon when iv'e played a bit more.

PS, For the few that dont know. Dont forget to play through the campaign to unlock 4 guns and 2 melee weapons for multiplayer. You get the MP412 REX after the first mission, the Shank and Machete melee weapons about halfway through and the QBZ, M249 and P90 when experiencing each one of the three endings. The M249 and QBZ are very good and are the best weapon you'll get in each class so early on. I wasnt to fussed with the U100 or Type 88 Lmgs early on in the Support unlocks but now i got the M249 i have a means to level up my LMGs now :D

Edit - Also you can get the RPK-12 LMG, FY-JS Sniper Rifle, UMP-9 SMG, ACE 23 Assault Rifle And a bunch of weapon camos by completing assignments. Take a look on battlelog for details on the assignments as they are not really mentioned in game.
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The M249 is a nice "starter" weapon if you go the route of finishing the Campaign and unlocking the weapon. It is certainly better than the U100. I would also take it over the Type 88.
I like Flood Zone and really dislike Operation Locker. Flood zone is fun so long as you stick to the rooftops. There's just so many things you need to think about, whereas Operation Locker feels like a longer operation Metro. It isn't as bad because there are enough paths so that choke points aren't a problem, but it's still just a big shootout on one point of the map where the majority of the two teams clash with the occasional player trying to cap other flags. It's just a bit tedious IMO.
Rush can be a very fun game mode when the teams are even or at least mostly close. However, when one team is much better than the other, the game mode is complete and utter rubbish. It is almost as rage inducing as Domination when you are on the crap side.

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