Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
So I levelled up carbines today. On the way to getting the AKU-12, I became a part of the SG553 master race. The stats don't back it up, but my god that gun rips.

Ya, I was pleasantly surprised when I used that gun after unlocking it. I liked it in BF3 but the rate of fire definitely didn't help its cause but now with 830 rounds a minute it is significantly more beastly.
If you thought the AK-12 was good, put it in burst fire and watch everyone die like ants.
Holy 🤬 you weren't kidding, I put it in 2 round burst fire and it just mows people down. Had my best round 30-10 on locker with it on burst fire.
Got my game yesterday.

I really dig the new features. But man, do I suck at it :lol:

Played with neema and Omnis a few matches. Some were decent, some were catastrophic.
Had a buddy over, handing me beers and than taking over running and gunning :lol: . We both were a bit overwhelmed with bf4. The beer took care of the rest of our skill (if there is any). Then I raged quit in the match after neema left, and left Omnis alone (sorry for not saying goodbye ;) ) who was in second place 👍

But I'm already eager to jump in again.

China Rising should be available for Premiums in november, is that right?

Also : 20 friends limit, EA?!? Seriously ?
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Yeah, last night's impromptu GTP Premo PC Master Race Q3 2013 BF4 meet was fun, we should do it again. If these damn memory leaks ever stop, that is. BF4 legitimately using 5GB RAM? I don't think so! I've played in about seven different rounds today, and only two of them ended properly. I was disconnected from the first three, then I finished one, crashed, finished one and crashed again. Level 7 is taking forever, but at least I finished the round in which I unlocked the Mk11 Mod0, Offensive assault perk things and the RFB heavy barrel I guess.

Edit: another round, another crash. I was locked in an 'intense' chopper battle with another scout helicopter, neither of us wanted to die, and then as soon as the fight was brought to an abrupt end by people with AA launchers on both sides, my game crashed so I lost the handful of scout chopper points I scored. Great. This is boring.
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How is it on the PS3? not compared to PS4 version obviously but compared to BF3 Ps3, since I'm going to go digital on PS4 why not get it now on ps3 and then upgrade for 10$
The AK-12 fires three rounds bursts. It also only has a rate of fire of 750, compared to 1200 that the AN-94 had in BF3.
You sure? When I cycle through it shows fully automatic, one round and two rounds.
The AK-12 fires three rounds bursts. It also only has a rate of fire of 750, compared to 1200 that the AN-94 had in BF3.
Oh, so it's 3 rounds? Forgive me for I've yet to join in on the fun, I'm just lurking in here reading all you guys post. :D
Yep, it is three rounds. When you cycle through, it should show Auto, Burst, and Semi.
I got you. I wasn't trying to spread the wrong info, just figured it was 2 because it showed 2 for the burst. Still new to BF.
Those boats, the big ones? They need nerfing. What the hell were DICE thinking, putting a boat that an IFV struggles to kill in the game? The only thing useful against them is attack jets, and even those are pretty poor since two strafing runs with the cannon are still not enough to kill them, and they can deflect guided missiles with ease. Paracel Storm becomes unbalanced as the game goes on because the winning side gets more boats while the losing side is stuck with the single attack jet, and if there are no good attack jet pilots on the losing side, it just becomes a game of big boats killing everything while little men attempt to island-hop to capture objectives.

On the subject of nerfing, the scout chopper cannon... What in the name of all that is holy is that about? I've seen single scout choppers take out an entire squad in less than one full burst. As if the miniguns weren't good enough! If it's to give them more of an edge against armour, nerf the damage vs. infantry for crying out loud. That 25mm cannon is basically what the IFV-ADs were early on in BF3's life. Still, give it six months to a year and maybe they'll fix that.
I got you. I wasn't trying to spread the wrong info, just figured it was 2 because it showed 2 for the burst. Still new to BF.

I know what you are talking about with the two for burst now. Those are bullet icons with the weapons: one bullet is semi-auto; two bullets denotes burst; and looks like five stands for auto. Those icons just note which fire modes are available to that particular weapon. How many bullets are fired in the burst mode can vary.

For example, the AK-12 fires three bullets in burst mode. However, the G36C only fires two bullets in burst. I am not completely sure about this, as I have not unlocked the weapon yet, but I believe that is what I read somewhere.

Those boats, the big ones? They need nerfing. What the hell were DICE thinking, putting a boat that an IFV struggles to kill in the game? The only thing useful against them is attack jets, and even those are pretty poor since two strafing runs with the cannon are still not enough to kill them, and they can deflect guided missiles with ease. Paracel Storm becomes unbalanced as the game goes on because the winning side gets more boats while the losing side is stuck with the single attack jet, and if there are no good attack jet pilots on the losing side, it just becomes a game of big boats killing everything while little men attempt to island-hop to capture objectives.

The attack boats are very good. However, the attack boats can be very quick to suffer critical damage to where they are immobilized and have to wait a period of time to recover. I had all kinds of problems using the attack boats yesterday because I was constantly being hit, became immobilized, and was then a sitting duck. Everything in the area then made very quick work of the attack boat. However, this was on the map Lancang Dam. Boats do not have nearly as much area to patrol to avoid bad positioning.

Paracel Storm is a different story. There is all kinds of area for the boats to patrol there. An attack boat is a force to be reckoned with on that map. Concentrated team coordination is required to destroy those things on that map.

I am not sure I like Paracel Storm just yet. It is vehicle heavy and unfriendly to infantry because of all of the water. It somewhat reminds me of Wake Island in that respect, at least until I better learned how to play on that map.

On the subject of nerfing, the scout chopper cannon... What in the name of all that is holy is that about? I've seen single scout choppers take out an entire squad in less than one full burst. As if the miniguns weren't good enough! If it's to give them more of an edge against armour, nerf the damage vs. infantry for crying out loud. That 25mm cannon is basically what the IFV-ADs were early on in BF3's life. Still, give it six months to a year and maybe they'll fix that.

I do not believe I have encountered a scout chopper with a cannon just yet. However, I have had pretty good luck shooting down helicopters with RPGs. I need to try out the Nvidia Shadowplay and start capturing some video.

So I levelled up carbines today. On the way to getting the AKU-12, I became a part of the SG553 master race. The stats don't back it up, but my god that gun rips.

I used the SG553 a bit more last night after my initial post. That thing is a good weapon. The weapon slots in nicely between the AK5C and the ACR. Not that the iron sights are not already outstanding, I would have liked DICE to include the tritium in the front sight like they did in BF3 and like in the real weapon.
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Well, I dont like how on Parcel Storm a scout helicopters miniguns are no match for the boats in any way, A full burst until overheat of a Z-11 will take about 20 points away from a boat, whereas about 10 bullets from that and your helicopter is in a critical state
Rpgs do a good job against attack boats. 2 if it has a little damage and 3 if its at 100% will take them out.
The fly by wire shoulder mounted is really affective aswell. And of course c4 if you can get close enough.
I absolutely love the MK11 Mod when playing as support. I've got the ACOG x4 scope, and heavy barrel, and it eats through the enemy! :D
The AK-12 fires three rounds bursts. It also only has a rate of fire of 750, compared to 1200 that the AN-94 had in BF3.

It's 900 in burst mode. AKU-12 is 1000 in burst.
Those are the numbers from Symthic. Auto got nerfed. Burst is the same.
After complaining a lot after launch, I think I kinda enjoy the game now. However after double xp weekend I was able to cap all classes, and all guns withthe exception of DMRs and Sniper rifles. But I'm still pretty bothered by the button configuration and the lack of team work/map layout to help defenders in any way possible in Rush.
It's 900 in burst mode. AKU-12 is 1000 in burst.

The AK-12 burst was changed after the beta. Burst fire was changed to 750 RPM. The change was noted here as the second point under Infantry Changes: Battlefield Blog Beta to Launch Changes.

Symthic says the burst is 900 RPM on the AK-12 in their chart, but the actual change was to 750. That is made note of in this post: AK-12 750 RPM Burst Fire. It is also noted that Symthic has not yet updated the chart to reflect the change. However and for what it is worth, the thread also states that the AKU-12 still fires at 1000 RPM in burst fire mode.
Just picked up BF4 two days ago. Man I've loved all these games.
I'm not someone who plays a lot of video games (aside from GT) but the battlefield games are just so FUN. Even when I'm getting my ass kicked (which is most of time) it's still a pun intended :/

Anyway I need people to play with, all my friends have xbox's and the ones who have playstations are waiting for next gen to get it. So feel free to add me: Exitist_8
I just finished one of the best game of Battlefield I have personally played. My team was on Rush offense and I started out 29-1 on gun kills. I did have help from a few revives, but everything was just being set up about perfectly for me. From there, I picked up 11 kills with a tank and was 40-2. Up to this point, everything was going pretty well and the team I was on was pushing MCOMs effectively.

However, someone on my team abandoned our tank and the other team picked it up between the third and last set of MCOMs. :dunce: Since the defenders had both tanks, they were able to sit back and rain death on the team I was on. :ouch: I ended up finishing 42-11, after starting out 40-2. 👎 Further, what was looking like a win for the team ended up being a loss. :mad:

Never abandon a tank while playing Rush. If the other team picks it up, then your team is going to have a bad time.
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Same for boats and helicopters.

Also Hainan Resort in rush is impossible as attacker, plenty of times I played, no matter the tickets or how good the team is ... is just really hard to get through the first MCOMs.
Anyone flying scouts tonight, need a load of repair ribbons.

Edit - offers still open. PS3 btw.
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Same for boats and helicopters.

Also Hainan Resort in rush is impossible as attacker, plenty of times I played, no matter the tickets or how good the team is ... is just really hard to get through the first MCOMs.

It's impossible to attack since you start out at sea and you only get to attack in groups of vehicles. The defenders can see you coming as soon as you leave the boat. There's also no cover when you get to land. There's a rock to the right, but by the time you get there the whole enemy team is on you.
Not sure what the map designers were thinking with that one.
I've almost given up on BF4.

They don't seem to fix the damn servers OR the game. Server up and server down is unplayable, and BF4 is crashing regularly if I do find a server which can be played on. Awesome work Dice, just awesome!
It's impossible to attack since you start out at sea and you only get to attack in groups of vehicles. The defenders can see you coming as soon as you leave the boat. There's also no cover when you get to land. There's a rock to the right, but by the time you get there the whole enemy team is on you.
Not sure what the map designers were thinking with that one.
Clearly not had me in the team! I come with my own theme music for just 5.99 an hour xD
It's impossible to attack since you start out at sea and you only get to attack in groups of vehicles. The defenders can see you coming as soon as you leave the boat. There's also no cover when you get to land. There's a rock to the right, but by the time you get there the whole enemy team is on you.
Not sure what the map designers were thinking with that one.

It's difficult but not impossible. You need smart teammates and good chopper pilots. You would think that the attackers would do well just after the launch of the game before the defenders start unlocking stingers and javelins. It's too bad really, because the rest of the map after the first two mcoms is a lot of fun.

I've had teammates abandon tanks, etc and it sucks but I'm seeing more vehicle stealing than teammates jumping ship. The vehicle placement in deployment is absolutely absurd. It's almost like DICE wants the defenders to have all the vehicles.