I got you. I wasn't trying to spread the wrong info, just figured it was 2 because it showed 2 for the burst. Still new to BF.
I know what you are talking about with the two for burst now. Those are bullet icons with the weapons: one bullet is semi-auto; two bullets denotes burst; and looks like five stands for auto. Those icons just note which fire modes are available to that particular weapon. How many bullets are fired in the burst mode can vary.
For example, the AK-12 fires three bullets in burst mode. However, the G36C only fires two bullets in burst. I am not completely sure about this, as I have not unlocked the weapon yet, but I believe that is what I read somewhere.
Those boats, the big ones? They need nerfing. What the hell were DICE thinking, putting a boat that an IFV struggles to kill in the game? The only thing useful against them is attack jets, and even those are pretty poor since two strafing runs with the cannon are still not enough to kill them, and they can deflect guided missiles with ease. Paracel Storm becomes unbalanced as the game goes on because the winning side gets more boats while the losing side is stuck with the single attack jet, and if there are no good attack jet pilots on the losing side, it just becomes a game of big boats killing everything while little men attempt to island-hop to capture objectives.
The attack boats are very good. However, the attack boats can be very quick to suffer critical damage to where they are immobilized and have to wait a period of time to recover. I had all kinds of problems using the attack boats yesterday because I was constantly being hit, became immobilized, and was then a sitting duck. Everything in the area then made very quick work of the attack boat. However, this was on the map Lancang Dam. Boats do not have nearly as much area to patrol to avoid bad positioning.
Paracel Storm is a different story. There is all kinds of area for the boats to patrol there. An attack boat is a force to be reckoned with on that map. Concentrated team coordination is required to destroy those things on that map.
I am not sure I like Paracel Storm just yet. It is vehicle heavy and unfriendly to infantry because of all of the water. It somewhat reminds me of Wake Island in that respect, at least until I better learned how to play on that map.
On the subject of nerfing, the scout chopper cannon... What in the name of all that is holy is that about? I've seen single scout choppers take out an entire squad in less than one full burst. As if the miniguns weren't good enough! If it's to give them more of an edge against armour, nerf the damage vs. infantry for crying out loud. That 25mm cannon is basically what the IFV-ADs were early on in BF3's life. Still, give it six months to a year and maybe they'll fix that.
I do not believe I have encountered a scout chopper with a cannon just yet. However, I have had pretty good luck shooting down helicopters with RPGs. I need to try out the Nvidia Shadowplay and start capturing some video.
So I levelled up carbines today. On the way to getting the AKU-12, I became a part of the SG553 master race. The stats don't back it up, but my god that gun rips.
I used the SG553 a bit more last night after my initial post. That thing is a good weapon. The weapon slots in nicely between the AK5C and the ACR. Not that the iron sights are not already outstanding, I would have liked DICE to include the tritium in the front sight like they did in BF3 and like in the real weapon.