Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
I still have a lot of stability issues. Either the server or the game crashes after some time. It's so freaking annoying!
Same goes for the pretty ****** netcode, but meh.

Fav. weapon so far: SG553. God, this thing is good!

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He's probably one of my most favorite BF4 sniper youtuber. His reactions are extremey funny and he's extremely accurate.


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That's the video about the in bed thing.
@ProjectWHaT The headshot accuracy the guy in the first video pulls off is very impressive.
Yea. You should see his BF3 gameplays. He rages whenever he gets a body shot. Since BF4 is a new game, he didn't care as much about his accuracy. He replied to a comment saying he has trouble seeing the headshot bonus at the bottom.
The attack boats are completely dominate on Paracel Storm. The only way the map could be set up better for the attack boats is if the main island was more open to attacking further inland than what the attack boat is already capable of reaching. Outside of the main island, very little of the other islands offer enough cover from the attack boat's reach.

I finished a round of Obliteration earlier tonight and the other team had very few answers for me in the attack boat. I destroyed the other team with the attack boat. It helped that I had two gunners and a repairman for at least a portion of the match. The other team was fortunate that the majority of the action took place on the main island, where the attack boat has an ever so slightly lesser impact.

I also had a nice run on foot on the islands with the M249. At one point, I had a chance to dump nearly an entire 200 round magazine from the M249. The other team had no idea what hit them with that many rounds. :lol:
Why does no one PTFO?! It seems like every game I'm steam rolled by the opposing team because no one on my team knows how to shoot a gun or properly defend or attack an objective......
@Brett, I think my last post here was saying the same about the boats, I wish there was one other attack jet spawn since they are the best weapon against the tyranny of the boats. I've found the losing team struggles to get back on their feet though since the dominant team will have many more boats from the flags they've taken.

I love the SKS. I did in BF3 too and this one is pretty much the same as far as I can tell, I haven't used it with the RDS I unlocked last time I played though. The Mk11 Mod 0 isn't as good as I remember, but maybe it's just the iron sights putting me off.

I probably won't get much time to play until December now, sadly, hopefully it'll be more stable and possibly a little better-balanced by then...
Why does no one PTFO?! It seems like every game I'm steam rolled by the opposing team because no one on my team knows how to shoot a gun or properly defend or attack an objective......

I think there has been an influx of players in Battlefield 4 that are new to Battlefield and do not understand what to do. Being new to Battlefield and all that is going in during a game can be a bit overwhelming. There is a bigger learning curve to adapt to and that can be difficult starting out.

Speaking of new and/or bad players, I have seen one guy grab a bomb in Obliteration and then camp with the bomb in our spawn so he/we could farm kills. After being a douche to the entire team throughout the match in the chat, that same guy complained to us when he wanted to push the objective and was left to survive on his own.

Yeah, go ahead and be a douchebag in the chat. If one does such a thing, then do not expect help from me. I will happily not help that person in a game and let them fend for themselves. All just to spite the jerk. Justice served.

@Brett, I think my last post here was saying the same about the boats, I wish there was one other attack jet spawn since they are the best weapon against the tyranny of the boats. I've found the losing team struggles to get back on their feet though since the dominant team will have many more boats from the flags they've taken.

I was playing Obliteration, but the result would probably be nearly the same for Conquest. I would expect the attack boats to be a bit less effective in Conquest due to the jets and other vehicles that are available in Conquest.

The attack boats are really well tuned for Paracel Storm. On Hainan Resort or Lancang Dam, the attack boats are not nearly as effective. The Paracel Storm map design works nearly perfectly for the attack boats and exaggerates the attack boat's strengths.

The team with a dominate attack boat is going to have a big advantage on the other team. However, knowing that, players should concentrate on coordinating attacks against the attack boats. Destroying that asset should be a top priority.

I love the SKS. I did in BF3 too and this one is pretty much the same as far as I can tell, I haven't used it with the RDS I unlocked last time I played though. The Mk11 Mod 0 isn't as good as I remember, but maybe it's just the iron sights putting me off.

I have not used any of the DMRs in BF4. I tried the RFB during the beta and severely disliked the weapon. If I wanted a larger caliber weapon during the beta, I switched to Assault and played with the SCAR-H. The SCAR-H was more versatile and more effective in more situations. However, I do want to try the SKS, as it was one of my favorites in BF3, but I have been too busy enjoying using the assault rifles, carbines, and vehicles.

I probably won't get much time to play until December now, sadly, hopefully it'll be more stable and possibly a little better-balanced by then...

Stability certainly needs some work. The server and game crashes can be very annoying. If I am in the middle of a good game, then those crashes are not cool. However, if I am playing badly and the round is not going well for the team I am on, then those crashes are not so bad. :lol:

I find the balance to be pretty good so far. Some of that will certainly change as everyone learns the most effective attachment combinations. But at the moment, gun play is good. It seems like each weapon can serve well in the intended role for the weapon, except for maybe the DMRs. I think those, bar maybe the SKS, need some work (the only reason I single out the SKS is because of what neema said about the SKS being very similar to the SKS in BF3). As it stands, I would rather use an assault rifle or carbine. Both of those are more versatile. In comparison, the DMRs fill too niche of a role at the moment.

DICE has done a good job with at least the M249 when it comes to LMGs. I did not enjoy using LMGs in BF3. In BF4, the M249 is a fun weapon to use. I avoid hip firing the weapon if possible, as hip fire with the weapon is quite terrible. However, aiming down the sights gives a fire hose of, if needed, 200 bullets.

Vehicles can be very good if a team does not focus on destroying enemy armor. Tanks and LAVs both tear up on the ground if the opposing team does not concentrate some firepower on the vehicles. It is certainly frustrating when I am the only one trying to destroy a tank or LAV, but a single person should also not be able to easily destroy either in most situations. Left unchecked, the attack boats destroy teams on Paracel Storm. On the other maps, not as much so, but the attack boats are still effective.
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Why does no one PTFO?! It seems like every game I'm steam rolled by the opposing team because no one on my team knows how to shoot a gun or properly defend or attack an objective......

No one PTFOs because they are terrible. Just kidding…. maybe.. Brett is right, though, that there is a lot of new players but even still you would think that the new players would at least try to get to the only two objectives on the map during a rush game.

My last game last night was Rush on Shanghai and it was me against the world. Frustrated with not being able to get near the objective I spawned in the chopper to take a different approach and then noticed 7 out or 12 players on the roof above the objective sniping. Ridiculous.

Of course, I died several more times trying to get in there to set the Mcom and then when I had had enough I spawned in the chopper and landed it right amongst the enemy and then jumped out and ran away. Next thing you know, the bad guys had our chopper and were crushing the campers on my team way up on that roof. I got an odd sense of satisfaction.
The learning curve can be rough for new players. Constantly dying to gun fire, vehicles, bad luck, and whatever else causes deaths is not fun. It is frustrating.
What is PTFO? Something to do with orders? It drives me crazy if the squad leader isn't giving orders and people don't communicate. I'm new to BF but I always try to go for and defend the objectives. I also try to make my own squad if the leader isn't doing anything. It is a completely different game style for most people though. It's sounds crazy but in my opinion The Last of Us Multiplayer is actually very similar to BF4 but just on a much smaller scale. I feel like it prepared me for BF though.
PC guys, is the game playable now?

After a couple days with 7 Days to Die, I think it's about time I give BF4 a shot again tomorrow. But I really hope something has improved. All the disconnections from servers shutting down and BF4 crashing is really annoying.
I played BF4 (full game) for the first time. It was on the Xbox (I'm a PS3 guy) at my friends house. I never realized how large the maps are (played Domination in beta and mostly Metro on BF3). I hate how large the maps are on console. You barely see anyone. Unlike BF3 many of the maps a sized down for consoles while BF4 they went full size (for next gen). I'm probably not going to get the game for this gen. But of I am, Operation Locker all day every day.
I back raged all 12 players on the other team. My friend (who was a COD guy) was all like "ERMERGERD!!!!"
The crashes/disconnects can be annoying. But with how fast the game loads with a solid state drive, my patience has not really been tested too much.
Because I'm at home and nobody is online today I started to do the campaign. The game froze on me 3 times in one hour now. First time during start up and the next two times when I picked up ammo from a box. :irked:
The game is pretty unplayable for me too at the moment. It's even worse now than a few days back.

SP is unplayable. As soon as I die, it loads, or whatever, it hangs up. MP disconnects are already bad enough, but the netcode is a joke.

I get killed behind cover. I can empty whole mags on guys without them dying. HS, oh my god, how picky is the netcode with HS...

And then occassionally I get a goodish game.
PC guys, is the game playable now?

After a couple days with 7 Days to Die, I think it's about time I give BF4 a shot again tomorrow. But I really hope something has improved. All the disconnections from servers shutting down and BF4 crashing is really annoying.

I tried Commandering for one round on Seige of Shanghai yesterday and noticed a server message about not "destroying the tower". At one point someone naturally destroyed the tower and the server crashed. Even before that my screen kept flickering black and was generally acting weird which didn't seem deliberate...
When I was playing at my friends house yesterday, I didn't have any disconnection problems so I'm guessing only the PC people are having this problem.
I tried Commandering for one round on Seige of Shanghai yesterday and noticed a server message about not "destroying the tower". At one point someone naturally destroyed the tower and the server crashed. Even before that my screen kept flickering black and was generally acting weird which didn't seem deliberate...

I find that destroying the tower usually makes the game crash for about half the people effectively ruining a perfectly good server.
I think I only experienced one hang up during the Campaign. I died at an inopportune time. Once the game started back after the death, the game went through a cut scene and once that scene finished, it left me unable to move. Restarting the game solved that problem.
PC guys, is the game playable now?

After a couple days with 7 Days to Die, I think it's about time I give BF4 a shot again tomorrow. But I really hope something has improved. All the disconnections from servers shutting down and BF4 crashing is really annoying.
I've had no trouble with it at all the entire time. I haven't played a ton but I'm I think a level 9 and have had only 2 games crash on me. Both were on the rush mode. Other than those 2 games though not one crash. I must have the magic setup or something. I'm running it on triple screens at ultra settings and it runs just fine. Both GPUs over 95% almost the entire time and never a stutter or frame rate drop that's noticeable while playing.

For me the game actually runs great.

My experience is strictly multiplayer. I haven't even tried single player and probably never will. The only bf3 single player I saw was when I was showing a friend the game and knew online would he too much for him.
If you want to use the M412 REX, QBZ-95-1, P90, or M249 in multiplayer, then the Campaign is the only way to gain access to those weapons. The QBZ-95-1 performance is about the same as the AK-12. I have not used the REX, but from what I have read, it is not very good at this point. The MX4 is better than the P90, except with regards to magazine capacity. Lastly, I would recommend the M249. That thing is awesome.
I've had no trouble with it at all the entire time. I haven't played a ton but I'm I think a level 9 and have had only 2 games crash on me. Both were on the rush mode. Other than those 2 games though not one crash. I must have the magic setup or something. I'm running it on triple screens at ultra settings and it runs just fine. Both GPUs over 95% almost the entire time and never a stutter or frame rate drop that's noticeable while playing.

For me the game actually runs great.

My experience is strictly multiplayer. I haven't even tried single player and probably never will. The only bf3 single player I saw was when I was showing a friend the game and knew online would he too much for him.
I've managed somehow to get to lvl 29, but the game has crashed twice that, and that's only multiplayer. Not to mention how many times the various servers has crashed.