Why does no one PTFO?! It seems like every game I'm steam rolled by the opposing team because no one on my team knows how to shoot a gun or properly defend or attack an objective......
I think there has been an influx of players in Battlefield 4 that are new to Battlefield and do not understand what to do. Being new to Battlefield and all that is going in during a game can be a bit overwhelming. There is a bigger learning curve to adapt to and that can be difficult starting out.
Speaking of new and/or bad players, I have seen one guy grab a bomb in Obliteration and then camp with the bomb in our spawn so he/we could farm kills. After being a douche to the entire team throughout the match in the chat, that same guy complained to us when he wanted to push the objective and was left to survive on his own.
Yeah, go ahead and be a douchebag in the chat. If one does such a thing, then do not expect help from me. I will happily not help that person in a game and let them fend for themselves. All just to spite the jerk. Justice served.
Brett, I think my last post here was saying the same about the boats, I wish there was one other attack jet spawn since they are the best weapon against the tyranny of the boats. I've found the losing team struggles to get back on their feet though since the dominant team will have many more boats from the flags they've taken.
I was playing Obliteration, but the result would probably be nearly the same for Conquest. I would expect the attack boats to be a bit less effective in Conquest due to the jets and other vehicles that are available in Conquest.
The attack boats are really well tuned for Paracel Storm. On Hainan Resort or Lancang Dam, the attack boats are not nearly as effective. The Paracel Storm map design works nearly perfectly for the attack boats and exaggerates the attack boat's strengths.
The team with a dominate attack boat is going to have a big advantage on the other team. However, knowing that, players should concentrate on coordinating attacks against the attack boats. Destroying that asset should be a top priority.
I love the SKS. I did in BF3 too and this one is pretty much the same as far as I can tell, I haven't used it with the RDS I unlocked last time I played though. The Mk11 Mod 0 isn't as good as I remember, but maybe it's just the iron sights putting me off.
I have not used any of the DMRs in BF4. I tried the RFB during the beta and severely disliked the weapon. If I wanted a larger caliber weapon during the beta, I switched to Assault and played with the SCAR-H. The SCAR-H was more versatile and more effective in more situations. However, I do want to try the SKS, as it was one of my favorites in BF3, but I have been too busy enjoying using the assault rifles, carbines, and vehicles.
I probably won't get much time to play until December now, sadly, hopefully it'll be more stable and possibly a little better-balanced by then...
Stability certainly needs some work. The server and game crashes can be very annoying. If I am in the middle of a good game, then those crashes are not cool. However, if I am playing badly and the round is not going well for the team I am on, then those crashes are not so bad.
I find the balance to be pretty good so far. Some of that will certainly change as everyone learns the most effective attachment combinations. But at the moment, gun play is good. It seems like each weapon can serve well in the intended role for the weapon, except for maybe the DMRs. I think those, bar maybe the SKS, need some work (the only reason I single out the SKS is because of what neema said about the SKS being very similar to the SKS in BF3). As it stands, I would rather use an assault rifle or carbine. Both of those are more versatile. In comparison, the DMRs fill too niche of a role at the moment.
DICE has done a good job with at least the M249 when it comes to LMGs. I did not enjoy using LMGs in BF3. In BF4, the M249 is a fun weapon to use. I avoid hip firing the weapon if possible, as hip fire with the weapon is quite terrible. However, aiming down the sights gives a fire hose of, if needed, 200 bullets.
Vehicles can be very good if a team does not focus on destroying enemy armor. Tanks and LAVs both tear up on the ground if the opposing team does not concentrate some firepower on the vehicles. It is certainly frustrating when I am the only one trying to destroy a tank or LAV, but a single person should also not be able to easily destroy either in most situations. Left unchecked, the attack boats destroy teams on Paracel Storm. On the other maps, not as much so, but the attack boats are still effective.