Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
The AKU-12 just received a nerf to how fast the weapon burst fires. It was previously set to 1000 rpm, but has been reduced to 750 rpm like the AK-12. I believe it was an oversight of DICE to change the burst fire rate of the AK-12 and not the AKU-12.

I have not used the AKU-12. Looking over Symthic's charts, I am not really sure there is any reason to use the AK-12 over the AKU-12. The AKU-12 has less recoil, lower first shot multiplier, and better spread in all situations, except when stationary. The lower minimum damage will occasionally be noticeable, at least not enough to overcome the advantages the AKU-12 has over the AK-12.

EDIT: I just messed around with both on the Test Range. The lower recoil that the AKU-12 possesses seems to make the weapon slightly more stable using the burst mode. The lower vertical recoil and lower first shot multiplier are noticeable.
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A bit late as I've had this for a few weeks now, but has anyone been having freezing issues on the PS3? I'd love to actually sit down and play but every time I try it freezes every other or every third match. It's worse than Fallout 3 or New Vegas which is really saying something. Just gonna trade it in for the PS4 version once I get that and hope it's fixed I suppose.
A bit late as I've had this for a few weeks now, but has anyone been having freezing issues on the PS3? I'd love to actually sit down and play but every time I try it freezes every other or every third match. It's worse than Fallout 3 or New Vegas which is really saying something. Just gonna trade it in for the PS4 version once I get that and hope it's fixed I suppose.

The PS4 version is apparently just as bad. I've read that it freezes all the time and many people have had their saves corrupted, wiping all their singleplayer progress. EA is apparently blaming the 1.50 update on PS4 for that problem but if it is having issues on all platforms I don't see how it is apparently a Sony issue.
The PS4 version is apparently just as bad. I've read that it freezes all the time and many people have had their saves corrupted, wiping all their singleplayer progress. EA is apparently blaming the 1.50 update on PS4 for that problem but if it is having issues on all platforms I don't see how it is apparently a Sony issue.

Well that sucks. If they don't patch it or something I'm not even gonna bother buying it for PS4. Sucks because I was actually enjoying it but I can never actually put much time in before it freezes and I get pissed off and put something else in. :banghead:
I can't get into Conquest on PS4 and I've read it's the same for just about everyone else. I haven't had any issue with single player at all. Luckily my save has yet to be curropted. What is causing that by the way?
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Bought the PC version last week just a few days before the client patch, unfortunately the client crashing is worse for me after the patch. Game itself is really good when it's working but the crashing and sound glitches are killing it.

Really wish they had taken another few months to polish it, such an amazing game embarrassing itself by releasing it unfinished.
A bit late as I've had this for a few weeks now, but has anyone been having freezing issues on the PS3? I'd love to actually sit down and play but every time I try it freezes every other or every third match. It's worse than Fallout 3 or New Vegas which is really saying something. Just gonna trade it in for the PS4 version once I get that and hope it's fixed I suppose.

I've only had 4 or 5 freezes from launch to now, not too ticked off. My single-player progress seems to be gone but I'm not too fussed because I've got the Platinum trophy now and have all the multiplayer weapons earned from single-player, so I couldn't give two 🤬 about my single-player progress being wiped.
And my single player save is gone. I'm thinking at this point I'm not going to touch this game on PS4 again until this gets sorted out. The burst fire not shooting every 2nd or 3rd burst in multiplayer is just ridiculous.
Bought the PC version last week just a few days before the client patch, unfortunately the client crashing is worse for me after the patch. Game itself is really good when it's working but the crashing and sound glitches are killing it.

Really wish they had taken another few months to polish it, such an amazing game embarrassing itself by releasing it unfinished.

A DICE employee apparently went on record to say that they were told to do whatever they had to do to get it out before Call Of Duty, and that meant skipping a lot of QA and bug fixing, which I can totally believe. Tonight I didn't have any crashes during the game, instead it would just crash at the end of every third or fourth round... I think I had seven or eight crashes today in total.

I have to say, I love the P226. I've been using it since I decided I hate the REX, it's so snappy and has a surprisingly tight spread when hip fired, so it works well with the DMRs I use so often.
A DICE employee apparently went on record to say that they were told to do whatever they had to do to get it out before Call Of Duty, and that meant skipping a lot of QA and bug fixing, which I can totally believe. Tonight I didn't have any crashes during the game, instead it would just crash at the end of every third or fourth round... I think I had seven or eight crashes today in total.

I have to say, I love the P226. I've been using it since I decided I hate the REX, it's so snappy and has a surprisingly tight spread when hip fired, so it works well with the DMRs I use so often.

Yea I read that on the forums, which is ridiculous. I doubt getting BF4 out slightly ahead of COD did much if any damage to COD's sales. And now they have hurt their own sales because everyone knows what a mess the game is on all platforms.

It's such a good game though I still manage to have fun even with constant crashing and terrible fps stability. Will be amazing after a few more patches...
Played a couple hours last night, no crashes. 64 man Conquest with 2000 tickets.

Though I do see other servers still having troubles.
I can't get into conquest and rush on PS4, although OB and deathmatches feel awesome, hope they can fix the servers soon
I had some really great games tonight, and it didn't crash once over the course of about 5 hours! The last good round was a conquest on Zavod which featured people from Rock Paper Shotgun (a PC gaming site who I play with, it was their server), Pistonheads, GTP (Ibo and DQ) and some guys I used to play BF3 with who are maybe a bit too serious. Fortunately I was on their squad...

The M416 is amazing.
When you start letting rip with both the AEK-971, FAMAS, AUG A3 and M16A4, I felt like I was laser beaming everyone. Unless there's another gun that gives you that same feeling, let me know and I'll have to try it some time later.

In other words, I'm excited to see the MP7 return for China Rising.

I probably won't be playing this as much as I have frequently when I get NFS Rivals this Thursday.
When you start letting rip with both the AEK-971, FAMAS, AUG A3 and M16A4, I felt like I was laser beaming everyone. Unless there's another gun that gives you that same feeling, let me know and I'll have to try it some time later.

Well the reason I was using DMRs so much was precisely because I wanted something accurate at long range that isn't useless up close, but the assault rifles are so much better at practical ranges I might have to shelve the DMRs for a while. Then again I don't like LMGs much (not that I've used them in BF4... I should before I write them off, I guess) so I do still use the RFB as my support class weapon and I alternate between the SKS and default forgettably-named sniper rifle with the recon class.
Well the reason I was using DMRs so much was precisely because I wanted something accurate at long range that isn't useless up close, but the assault rifles are so much better at practical ranges I might have to shelve the DMRs for a while. Then again I don't like LMGs much (not that I've used them in BF4... I should before I write them off, I guess) so I do still use the RFB as my support class weapon and I alternate between the SKS and default forgettably-named sniper rifle with the recon class.

I've just been naturally working my way through each of the standard attachments for each gun and then I'll revisit each one to get the Weapon Battlepacks (usually 50 kills each). I started doing that on BF3 until this launched. Once NFS Rivals and GT6 are out, this will have to be put on hold until I've finished with those games (something that is most likely not gonna happen with me on GT6).
Well the reason I was using DMRs so much was precisely because I wanted something accurate at long range that isn't useless up close, but the assault rifles are so much better at practical ranges I might have to shelve the DMRs for a while. Then again I don't like LMGs much (not that I've used them in BF4... I should before I write them off, I guess) so I do still use the RFB as my support class weapon and I alternate between the SKS and default forgettably-named sniper rifle with the recon class.

For some reason DICE made the spread on the DMR's fairly large and the DMRs are suffering at range compared to their BF3 counterparts.

You can't connect to any game mode other than Deathmatches and sometimes obliteration or rush, and sometimes it crashes too. Single player save data corrupts. Game crashes with no reason, sometimes I open options to change controls and it crashes lol.

There is a note that they know about the problems and they are releasing a patch next week.

From the few games I played have to say it's awesome, way better than the ps3
You can't connect to any game mode other than Deathmatches and sometimes obliteration or rush, and sometimes it crashes too. Single player save data corrupts. Game crashes with no reason, sometimes I open options to change controls and it crashes lol.

There is a note that they know about the problems and they are releasing a patch next week.

From the few games I played have to say it's awesome, way better than the ps3
Yesterday my friend's game started to crash a lot on the 360.
I figured out something with the PDWs. Always slap on ergo grip and keep them as hipfire monsters. Use a medium range scope to reach out and scout areas that you need to flank. Assaults should always be hipfire though.
General good game rant incoming.

I have seen way too many GGs thrown around for games that are not GGs. Playing Rush and the attackers get to the last MCOM and just barely cannot destroy it, then that is a GG. Or if the defenders have played well at every MCOM and the tickets have gotten down next to nothing each time, but the attackers have been able to destroy the MCOMs, then GG. Playing Conquest and the game finished under 100 tickets difference, then GG. Four hundred and fifty five tickets difference is not a GG for either team. That is poorly balanced teams. 👎

Different topic, but new Nvidia drivers were released today. I just now remembered to download and install.
General good game rant incoming.

I have seen way too many GGs thrown around for games that are not GGs. Playing Rush and the attackers get to the last MCOM and just barely cannot destroy it, then that is a GG. Or if the defenders have played well at every MCOM and the tickets have gotten down next to nothing each time, but the attackers have been able to destroy the MCOMs, then GG. Playing Conquest and the game finished under 100 tickets difference, then GG. Four hundred and fifty five tickets difference is not a GG for either team. That is poorly balanced teams. 👎

Different topic, but new Nvidia drivers were released today. I just now remembered to download and install.

Haha yea I only ever say gg if it's a close match. But people say gg when they have fun so the winning team always seems to think it's gg

The release notes for the new drivers didn't mention BF4 so I didn't bother installing
Does anyone here use teamspeak? I have a server running at

Would be good to connect up next time we play so we can coordinate better.

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