Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
. What is the best overall rocket launcher?

The one where you guide the rocket is really good. I don't remember the name. When you scope in it has the scop reticule of the Cobra. If you shoot one in the air and then quickly shoot another at a target you'll get both of the missiles to hit the target at once. I'll edit a video onto this post.
The one where you guide the rocket is really good. I don't remember the name. When you scope in it has the scop reticule of the Cobra. If you shoot one in the air and then quickly shoot another at a target you'll get both of the missiles to hit the target at once. I'll edit a video onto this post.
It's called SRAW.

After reading this thread I warned my son when he said he was on his way to pick up BF4 for our Xbox One but so far after 4-5 hours of play he hasn't run into any real problems, time will tell. Looks fantastic graphically without any slowdowns, using the Kinect to peak/lean around corners or head tracking is a hoot.
I haven't tried it on my own 360 but BF4 does depend on tons of memory.
Thanks for the rocket launcher suggestions guys.

Is anyone else getting the burst fire glitch on PS4 or at least some insight on it? Specifically, when I use the Ak-12 on burst fire it will not always fire on the 2nd and sometimes 3rd burst. Really a bad thing to have happen when exchanging gun fire with another person. I've read it speculated that I am exceeding the rate of fire and/or not releasing the trigger fully. I feel those aren't it though and it's a glitch. I don't have the issue in the test range at all and tired specifically to not fully release the trigger and it always got the shots off.
Playing with teammates who have no clue what an objective is makes for a lousy experience. On top of that, trying to capture objectives will little help makes the experience even worse. I have been more consistently raging the past couple of days because of the lack of team support. Very frustrating!

It's called SRAW.

This is awesome to pull off. I managed the double SRAW against an attack boat. I would guess the attack boat driver had no clue what just hit the boat.
I am not a big fan of the SRAW. Having to keep guide the projectile means you're standing out in the open for too long. I prefer to fire and duck so the RPG and the SMAW are best for me. Speaking of which I was under the impression the RPG did the most damage but the downside was that it had drop whereas the SMAW travels in a straight line but does lesser damage. Having used both on PC it seemed they were doing the same damage or perhaps the SMAW a little more.
I am not a big fan of the SRAW. Having to keep guide the projectile means you're standing out in the open for too long. I prefer to fire and duck so the RPG and the SMAW are best for me. Speaking of which I was under the impression the RPG did the most damage but the downside was that it had drop whereas the SMAW travels in a straight line but does lesser damage. Having used both on PC it seemed they were doing the same damage or perhaps the SMAW a little more.

I think all three do about the same damage. I think the RPG consistently does a hair more damage than the SMAW. However, it is not really enough to be a huge advantage. On critical hits, all three do fairly massive damage.

I am curious on how fast each launcher reloads. The RPG seems to reload a bit faster than the SMAW. If that is the case, then that would be a big enough advantage to take it over the SMAW. I can deal with the greater drop in most cases.

The SRAW is odd. Going against oblivious players, the thing can be pretty awesome, especially when you can pull off a double SRAW. Against players with some situational awareness, the SRAW tends to be at a disadvantage.
Are there spots on a tank I should be aiming at for maximum points? What about spots to avoid?
BF has still some things to work out.

The Rocket Launchers are too weak. Needing 4-5 rockets to kill a vehicule is plain stupid. An Attack boat is the worse. Infantry can hide, that's pretty much all. Miniguns don't deal them enough damage. I'm pretty sure a minigun on a jet would tear that boat apart.

While I don't consider myself a very good player, BF4 still is frustrating to play.
Okay newcomers who don't get to play objective, I understand. But having a team camping at the base as snipers is lame. Snipers can get really lame. I played on Lancing Dam. There were snipers an the dam sniping, and not only one.

Balance is non existent. Level 100 (already, seriously?) players in jet who terrorize the whole server, on the other team only noobs. I saw a match the guy had 50-6 KD, while the best in the opposite team was 20-18.
Then there are the ultra entiteled ****s who think BF is their lovechild: I was in the scout heli. Took down a attack heli from above, took 2 infantry out, get shot down after my flares are out. Guy in the heli with me is a squad. He starts ranting in the chat that he died in the heli,....

Then after 10 minutes of canceling matches, I might find a balanced server where we don't lose of win 0-500, but 10-0. Where finally the teams are balanced. And those experiences are the best. Balanced matches, where there is such a forth and back, it is till the last second to be clear who wins.
I think that the maps aren't all that well thought out for conquest. It's either you use a vehicle or you find a roof to snipe on. Anyone else is left to getting sniped or blown up by a tank. Lancang dam is the worst in that aspect. Shanghai's not that much better but it's a bit bigger which really helps out.
DICE - No plans to add old squad join feature from BF3.

We have a new feature in Battlefield where a new squad is created when a friend joins your game. You can toggle this option on or off by going into the options menu. We’re not offering the old squad join feature because we didn’t feel that the feature in Battlefield 3 was on par with the quality that we wanted to offer our players. We have no plans to add it in the future.[/QUOTE]
BF has still some things to work out.

The Rocket Launchers are too weak. Needing 4-5 rockets to kill a vehicule is plain stupid. An Attack boat is the worse. Infantry can hide, that's pretty much all. Miniguns don't deal them enough damage. I'm pretty sure a minigun on a jet would tear that boat apart.

The video that @ProjectWHaT posted is a good one to watch. I have not had a chance to try out what the video presented. However, looking back on some kills I have achieved and deaths received, it makes sense.

I have tried the Double SRAW in the video that @Phoenix posted. It does work, but it can be somewhat difficult to pull off. When it does work, it works spectacularly.

The 20mm cannon on the stealth jets are very weak. From what I have seen in videos and read in various places, the 25mm cannon is not much better. The 30mm cannon is supposed to be good.

Hopefully, people will begin to realize that attack boats are an enemy asset that need focused fire. Attack boats should be treated in the same vein that tanks or IFVs are. Players somewhat tend to focus on destroying those. Attack boats need to receive the same treatment. Otherwise, they will have free reign over the map.

While I don't consider myself a very good player, BF4 still is frustrating to play. Okay newcomers who don't get to play objective, I understand. But having a team camping at the base as snipers is lame. Snipers can get really lame. I played on Lancing Dam. There were snipers an the dam sniping, and not only one.

The newcomers are frustrating, especially since there seems to have been a decent influx of them in the last week or so. Battlefield is not exactly new player friendly. Being thrown into Conquest and not having a clue about the various objectives or ticket bleed can be a bit overwhelming. With vehicles in the mix and the seemingly random deaths, the game can be downright not fun to play.

I was so frustrated by a group of "teammate" roof top campers in a game, that I let the other team know where all of them were in the chat. The roof top campers were being useless and had no clue what it means to PTFO. I was getting sick of constantly being killed trying to grab objectives solo. I figure not being a team player, when the majority of my team was also not being team players, was not a huge deal.

Balance is non existent. Level 100 (already, seriously?) players in jet who terrorize the whole server, on the other team only noobs. I saw a match the guy had 50-6 KD, while the best in the opposite team was 20-18.

The Level 100s have more to do with all of the bonus experience that players can get through Battlepacks. 100% or even 200% makes leveling up go much faster.

Good jet pilots are overpowered. The only real counter to a good jet pilot is another good jet pilot and those seem to be pretty few and far between. The best luck I have had countering good jet pilots is to pretty much focus exclusively on making their lives difficult and ignore pushing objectives, in the hopes that the rest of my team will do their jobs and PTFO.

Then there are the ultra entiteled ****s who think BF is their lovechild: I was in the scout heli. Took down a attack heli from above, took 2 infantry out, get shot down after my flares are out. Guy in the heli with me is a squad. He starts ranting in the chat that he died in the heli,....

Tell the guy he would not have died if he had been a team player and been repairing your scout helicopter. Troll him back. Most of those type of players will either shut up pretty quickly by pointing out their incompetence or leave the server. Either way, it is a win for you.

Then after 10 minutes of canceling matches, I might find a balanced server where we don't lose of win 0-500, but 10-0. Where finally the teams are balanced. And those experiences are the best. Balanced matches, where there is such a forth and back, it is till the last second to be clear who wins.

Balanced matches really make the Battlefield experience what it is. The unbalanced games tend to be pretty boring, especially when on the losing end.

I think that the maps aren't all that well thought out for conquest. It's either you use a vehicle or you find a roof to snipe on. Anyone else is left to getting sniped or blown up by a tank. Lancang dam is the worst in that aspect. Shanghai's not that much better but it's a bit bigger which really helps out.

Lancang Dam seems like it is set up to be more infantry oriented. However because of the number of vehicles available, it plays as a vehicle map. I have not really enjoyed Lancang Dam when I have had to play as infantry. When I have played it as a tank driver, I have enjoyed the map.
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The only time I enjoy Lancang Dam is when I stay put on the island and defend. Other than that it may be my least favorite map.
Transport heli guns are so weak, its like they're shooting bbs. Attack heli rockets are laughably weak as well.

If you can get someone with a repair tool onto your scout heli you will be nearly invincible.

Also the Jets handle too well, so dogfights are an endless sickening spiral of loops and turns, like a dog chasing its tale.

The M142 is very deadly if hidden in the right position.

Im going to stream my gameplay right now
PC user here. A couple of quick questions.
How do i zoom in and out on the mini-map?
How do I get the DirectX error to stop? Is it my doings or is it EA/Dice?
Thanks Brett 👍

I now quit if I feel it is unbalanced and search for balanced one, that generally goes for a few rounds before all hell breaks loose again. But those matches are gorgeous.

Today I slammed 7 vehicules.

3 choppers with obviously choppers,
2 tanks with choppers,
2 tanks with quads.

Finally found a purpose for empty transport helis

So much fun slamming, Jack seems too:
PC user here. A couple of quick questions.
How do i zoom in and out on the mini-map?
How do I get the DirectX error to stop? Is it my doings or is it EA/Dice?

The N key zooms the map, M enlarges the map on your screen. As for your DirectX error I have no idea but make sure your drivers for things (especially graphics card) are up to date.

The game patch update on the PlayStation 4 includes the following changes:

  • Fixed common crashes that could occur when changing weapons or maps
  • Reduced the probability of a corrupted save file in the single player campaign
  • Fixed a crash occurring when resuming the single player campaign
  • Fixed a bug where accessing PlayStation Plus subscription resulted in a connection error
  • Improved performance when shooting at destroyed Levolution objects

The game patch update on the PlayStation 4 includes the following changes:

  • Fixed common crashes that could occur when changing weapons or maps
  • Reduced the probability of a corrupted save file in the single player campaign
  • Fixed a crash occurring when resuming the single player campaign
  • Fixed a bug where accessing PlayStation Plus subscription resulted in a connection error
  • Improved performance when shooting at destroyed Levolution objects
I think another thing the patch added was

Remove most servers from conquest server browser

I had no problem finding tons of servers before today. Now it's back to how it was on day 1 :(
Thanks Brett 👍

I now quit if I feel it is unbalanced and search for balanced one, that generally goes for a few rounds before all hell breaks loose again. But those matches are gorgeous.

Today I slammed 7 vehicules.

3 choppers with obviously choppers,
2 tanks with choppers,
2 tanks with quads.

Finally found a purpose for empty transport helis

So much fun slamming, Jack seems too:

So JetRamming but with helis? You'll p*** a lot of people off doing that.
I think another thing the patch added was

Remove most servers from conquest server browser

I had no problem finding tons of servers before today. Now it's back to how it was on day 1 :(
I've played a couple matches of conquest using quick match but still have had issues. First match didn't load, second and third matches had rubberbanding and the sound glitch. Same old issues.
I've played a couple matches of conquest using quick match but still have had issues. First match didn't load, second and third matches had rubberbanding and the sound glitch. Same old issues.
I've had no luck with quick match on ps4. Use the server browser. It works much better. Use these settings

Both conquests
No maps checked
All player options except empty
All sever regions
No commander

This usually gives decent results and stable servers. Just not as many as yesterday. It could be time of daybreak though keeping a low server count.
I've had no luck with quick match on ps4. Use the server browser. It works much better. Use these settings

Both conquests
No maps checked
All player options except empty
All sever regions
No commander

This usually gives decent results and stable servers. Just not as many as yesterday. It could be time of daybreak though keeping a low server count.
What works better about it? I get in a server every time.