BF has still some things to work out.
The Rocket Launchers are too weak. Needing 4-5 rockets to kill a vehicule is plain stupid. An Attack boat is the worse. Infantry can hide, that's pretty much all. Miniguns don't deal them enough damage. I'm pretty sure a minigun on a jet would tear that boat apart.
The video that @
ProjectWHaT posted is a good one to watch. I have not had a chance to try out what the video presented. However, looking back on some kills I have achieved and deaths received, it makes sense.
I have tried the Double SRAW in the video that @
Phoenix posted. It does work, but it can be somewhat difficult to pull off. When it does work, it works spectacularly.
The 20mm cannon on the stealth jets are very weak. From what I have seen in videos and read in various places, the 25mm cannon is not much better. The 30mm cannon is supposed to be good.
Hopefully, people will begin to realize that attack boats are an enemy asset that need focused fire. Attack boats should be treated in the same vein that tanks or IFVs are. Players somewhat tend to focus on destroying those. Attack boats need to receive the same treatment. Otherwise, they will have free reign over the map.
While I don't consider myself a very good player, BF4 still is frustrating to play. Okay newcomers who don't get to play objective, I understand. But having a team camping at the base as snipers is lame. Snipers can get really lame. I played on Lancing Dam. There were snipers an the dam sniping, and not only one.
The newcomers are frustrating, especially since there seems to have been a decent influx of them in the last week or so. Battlefield is not exactly new player friendly. Being thrown into Conquest and not having a clue about the various objectives or ticket bleed can be a bit overwhelming. With vehicles in the mix and the seemingly random deaths, the game can be downright not fun to play.
I was so frustrated by a group of "teammate" roof top campers in a game, that I let the other team know where all of them were in the chat. The roof top campers were being useless and had no clue what it means to PTFO. I was getting sick of constantly being killed trying to grab objectives solo. I figure not being a team player, when the majority of my team was also not being team players, was not a huge deal.
Balance is non existent. Level 100 (already, seriously?) players in jet who terrorize the whole server, on the other team only noobs. I saw a match the guy had 50-6 KD, while the best in the opposite team was 20-18.
The Level 100s have more to do with all of the bonus experience that players can get through Battlepacks. 100% or even 200% makes leveling up go much faster.
Good jet pilots are overpowered. The only real counter to a good jet pilot is another good jet pilot and those seem to be pretty few and far between. The best luck I have had countering good jet pilots is to pretty much focus exclusively on making their lives difficult and ignore pushing objectives, in the hopes that the rest of my team will do their jobs and PTFO.
Then there are the ultra entiteled ****s who think BF is their lovechild: I was in the scout heli. Took down a attack heli from above, took 2 infantry out, get shot down after my flares are out. Guy in the heli with me is a squad. He starts ranting in the chat that he died in the heli,....
Tell the guy he would not have died if he had been a team player and been repairing your scout helicopter. Troll him back. Most of those type of players will either shut up pretty quickly by pointing out their incompetence or leave the server. Either way, it is a win for you.
Then after 10 minutes of canceling matches, I might find a balanced server where we don't lose of win 0-500, but 10-0. Where finally the teams are balanced. And those experiences are the best. Balanced matches, where there is such a forth and back, it is till the last second to be clear who wins.
Balanced matches really make the Battlefield experience what it is. The unbalanced games tend to be pretty boring, especially when on the losing end.
I think that the maps aren't all that well thought out for conquest. It's either you use a vehicle or you find a roof to snipe on. Anyone else is left to getting sniped or blown up by a tank. Lancang dam is the worst in that aspect. Shanghai's not that much better but it's a bit bigger which really helps out.
Lancang Dam seems like it is set up to be more infantry oriented. However because of the number of vehicles available, it plays as a vehicle map. I have not really enjoyed Lancang Dam when I have had to play as infantry. When I have played it as a tank driver, I have enjoyed the map.