Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
You don't need TS. VOIP is integrated into the game. Just use the left Alt key to talk to anyone in your squad.
Haha yea I only ever say gg if it's a close match. But people say gg when they have fun so the winning team always seems to think it's gg

The release notes for the new drivers didn't mention BF4 so I didn't bother installing

There is a performance increase with GTX 770/780/Titan cards. I think there were others on the list, but I did not have a chance to see which ones.

You don't need TS. VOIP is integrated into the game. Just use the left Alt key to talk to anyone in your squad.

TeamSpeak is still nice. Not having to use push to talk is convenient.
You don't need TS. VOIP is integrated into the game. Just use the left Alt key to talk to anyone in your squad.

Yeah but sometimes I'm not in the same squad as someone else. Plus if I'm only playing with one person, I don't want the other randoms in the squad to hear.

When I'm playing, I'll be on my teamspeak if anyone wants to join.
Ok BF4 is unplayable on PS4, yes unplayable. Going in the box until the patch next week is released
Sorry to hear that its happening on the PS4. Hopefully it wont be as bad on the X1. However, it is EA so I imagine it will be a rough ride for a while on the new consoles. I guess we will see in a few days.
There is a performance increase with GTX 770/780/Titan cards. I think there were others on the list, but I did not have a chance to see which ones.

Yeah your right, it says up to 50% increase in titles such as BF4. I think I was reading the release notes for the Geforce experience update. Downloading now hope it helps.
Playing as a Recon with C4, Motion Balls/PLD, and a carbine is pretty awesome. Blowing up enemy armor with C4 never gets old. Motion Balls are nice to have on hand. PLD is amazing if teammates are using launchers that can take advantage of the laser locks.
It doesn't crash for me, for now lol. And yes CQ is amazing on ps4, strange they fixed the online without a patch
I joined you at the end of a round but I think you left as soon as it was done.
I joined you at the end of a round but I think you left as soon as it was done.

Yah I think I read a notification that said you joined a server, didn't know it was the same. I had to close, we can battle later 👍 the game is so fun
It doesn't crash for me, for now lol. And yes CQ is amazing on ps4, strange they fixed the online without a patch
That's the beauty of dedicated servers. Many problems can be fixed behind the scenes without a patch. ;)
It will take time but more and more people will realize how great dedicated servers can be.
That's the beauty of dedicated servers. Many problems can be fixed behind the scenes without a patch. ;)
It will take time but more and more people will realize how great dedicated servers can be.

That's awesome news, some bf3 patches on ps3 were large and annoying
Making my Christmas wish list right now (even though its still November lol). Is it worth getting this game on current gen? I see no chance in getting a next gen console anytime soon. Is it worth it? Are there a lot of bugs? Should I completely ignore it until I get next gen?
Making my Christmas wish list right now (even though its still November lol). Is it worth getting this game on current gen? I see no chance in getting a next gen console anytime soon. Is it worth it? Are there a lot of bugs? Should I completely ignore it until I get next gen?
There was a offer going on where if you buy BF4 on the current gen, you can get BF4 on the next gen for like 10 dollars.
Do you know about this bug (PC), it's a good one:

the 2x Magnifer, when unequipped, reload, press T while reloading, till its white. And now it's inverse. The normal sight is magnified, and with the mag. on it 1:1.

Pretty neat, zoom and more room in the POV

Battlefield 4 player appreciation.

Today we launched Battlefield 4 on Xbox One. With that console, we will have brought Battlefield 4 to no less than five platforms. It is amazing to see such a complex universe come to life across so many advanced hardware systems. Millions of people around the world are playing the game and seeing the tip of the iceberg of what the next generation has to offer. At DICE, we are committed to you, the fans, and view the game as a live service. I am extremely proud of the people at DICE and everyone across EA that contributed to the development of Battlefield 4. However, I am less proud to see that the game has experienced some turbulence during the launch period. While some platforms have had only minor problems, others have had more than their fair share of issues. Resolving the launch issues is our #1 priority. In fact, we are so serious that we have the entire team working to stabilize the game and we will not move on to other projects until we are sure that Battlefield 4 meets – and exceeds – your expectations. It is the right thing to do.

:ouch: If BF3 is any indication, then this means we'll never see BFBC3 or Mirrors Edge 2.....but with EA rushing most of its devs to release their games, maybe that's a good thing.
Honestly, I probably won't buy another EA title. And it's not because I've had issues with them. Their stuff is just all hype and little substance.
Conquest works but still seems pretty glitchy at times. Sound is in and out, the screen goes red and blurry like I'm under supression when I'm not, and it gets really laggy at times.

I played my first rounds as an engineer tonight while trying to unlock the AKU-12. I may stick with the class because I really like having anti-vehicle weapons with the number of tanks rolling around. What is the best overall rocket launcher?
Conquest works but still seems pretty glitchy at times. Sound is in and out, the screen goes red and blurry like I'm under supression when I'm not, and it gets really laggy at times.

I played my first rounds as an engineer tonight while trying to unlock the AKU-12. I may stick with the class because I really like having anti-vehicle weapons with the number of tanks rolling around. What is the best overall rocket launcher?

Yeah the sound glitch on some of the maps is a game killer. Yes being an engineer is a great choice, I hate the feeling when I'm playing as a different class and I have to just hide from vehicles. RPG does a lot of damage and I think the SRAW does similar damage and is wire guided but takes a while to unlock. The first rocket launcher is hopeless but can still do the job if you repeatedly hit a vehicle.

Started playing some hardcore servers recently and wow it is a lot better than normal mode in some ways. Not being spotted every 5 seconds makes a huge difference, and not having a mini-map makes for a much more immersive experience. Normal mode actually seems really lame now, especially with the spotting system where you can just spam the spot button to reveal enemies you haven't actually seen yet.
Conquest works but still seems pretty glitchy at times. Sound is in and out, the screen goes red and blurry like I'm under supression when I'm not, and it gets really laggy at times.

I played my first rounds as an engineer tonight while trying to unlock the AKU-12. I may stick with the class because I really like having anti-vehicle weapons with the number of tanks rolling around. What is the best overall rocket launcher?

I usually only get the sound glitch on Lancang Dam and Golmud Railway, and the suppression glitch usually only on Lancang Dam but if it happens there it often carries on throughout other rounds on other maps until I leave the server.

I had a funny glitch on Paracel Storm the other day, whenever anyone fired a shot the bullet would just hover where it was fired (obviously the server would treat it as having traveled, but the graphic representation of it didn't) so within a minute or so the sky was lit with attack jet and scout chopper guns whilst the ground was sprinkled with small arms fire. Then my game crashed. I don't think I managed to get a screenshot or Shadowplay grab of it.

Apparently tomorrow Amazon will have BF4 on sale for $25. :eek:

Do you know if Premium will be included in this sale?
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Yesterday my friend's game started to crash a lot on the 360.

After reading this thread I warned my son when he said he was on his way to pick up BF4 for our Xbox One but so far after 4-5 hours of play he hasn't run into any real problems, time will tell. Looks fantastic graphically without any slowdowns, using the Kinect to peak/lean around corners or head tracking is a hoot.

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