Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
If you want to use the M412 REX, QBZ-95-1, P90, or M249 in multiplayer, then the Campaign is the only way to gain access to those weapons. The QBZ-95-1 performance is about the same as the AK-12. I have not used the REX, but from what I have read, it is not very good at this point. The MX4 is better than the P90, except with regards to magazine capacity. Lastly, I would recommend the M249. That thing is awesome.
If you are able to play the campaign and save your progress...
I think I have only unlocked the first level's dogtags. When I started doing that, I was itching too much to play the multiplayer and did not have the desire to play through the campaign again just for dogtags.
I think I have only unlocked the first level's dogtags. When I started doing that, I was itching too much to play the multiplayer and did not have the desire to play through the campaign again just for dogtags.
Dogtags and weapons.... Weapons dude!!! :D
I unlocked all of the multiplayer weapons on my first play through, well technically three play throughs of the last mission. I did not know about the "hidden" dogtags and Campaign unlockable weapons spread throughout the campaign until after I finished the campaign. At that point, I was ready to jump into the multiplayer and did not want to spend another however many hours playing the Campaign.
I unlocked all of the multiplayer weapons on my first play through, well technically three play throughs of the last mission. I did not know about the "hidden" dogtags and Campaign unlockable weapons spread throughout the campaign until after I finished the campaign. At that point, I was ready to jump into the multiplayer and did not want to spend another however many hours playing the Campaign.
Tried the M249?

I just played a couple rounds with it, and it's just beast! My new favorite support weapon.
I have tried all of them except for the M412 REX. The M249 is awesome. Though, I would recommend not hip firing the thing. Hip fire in general seems to be pretty bad, but it is terrible on the M249.
I have tried all of them except for the M412 REX. The M249 is awesome. Though, I would recommend not hip firing the thing. Hip fire in general seems to be pretty bad, but it is terrible on the M249.

The REX is a mess. DICE tried to simulate the dual action trigger of the revolver and what they came up with is a delay between when you push the button and when the gun fires. It's hard to kill people when the gun doesn't fire when you want it to.
The REX is a mess. DICE tried to simulate the dual action trigger of the revolver and what they came up with is a delay between when you push the button and when the gun fires. It's hard to kill people when the gun doesn't fire when you want it to.

Yeah, this makes me sad. The REX in BF3 was a snappy little thing, now it's got a tiny bit more power (the same as the .44, according to Symthic) but is just as slow as the .44 was in BF3. For shame, DICE!
Since both the .44 and REX went through multiple changes in BF3, I would assume that both will likely have some changes coming their way in BF4. Right now, it does not really bother me too much that the REX is not overly great. I did not like that thing in BF3. I could not really hip fire the thing with any accuracy and to say the iron sights are terrible is an understatement.
Just watched the newest jackfrags vid showing the 5 new weapons in the china rising dlc. The L96, RPK, MTAR, L85 and MP7. Thought that's cool he must have gotten invited by ea/dice to try it out like usual. Then I went on twitch to watch a stream by a guy called nubz. He was using the MTAR and I saw the MP7 in the engi class. Am I missing something. Are the weapons available for use? A few searches I did uncovered murmours of dice releasing these weapons as and apology for the problems the game as suffered so far. This is pure rumour though as EA or dice have yet to comment.
As far as I can tell anyone can unlock them. They've appeared with the patch and you can get them by doing assignments listed here.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to happen and is a mistake with the patch.
I just did a bit of looking and found this:

The devs added five new weapons in the patch today. Here's how to get a few of them, I'll edit the post as soon as I find out how to get the others.

I believe the only way to complete the assignments is to achieve everything it requires in one round, so join a high ticket server and hope you don't crash.


Assignment: Open Fire

  • Assault ribbon x3
  • Get a kill with a pistol in a round
  • Get a kill with 40mm grenade in a round
  • Get a kill with the defibrillator in a round

Assignment: Need Only One

  • Sniper ribbon x3
  • Get a kill with a shotgun in a round
  • Get a kill with a DMR in a round
  • Get a kill with C4 in a round

Assignment: Multitalented

  • Get a kill with an AR
  • Get a kill with a LMG
  • Get a kill with a Sniper Rifle
  • Get a kill with kill with a grenade

Assignment: Powder Keg

  • I don't know the requirements for this one yet

Assignment: Make A Dent

  • Destroy an air vehicle with portable AA
  • Anti Vehicle Ribbon x3
Also, two new gadgets:

  • SUAV, Flying laser designator. Must be controlled (Recon)
  • UCAV, Flying Airburst grenade. Must be controlled (Support, Long refil from Ammobox)


And on that note: I wonder why DICE has added the MTAR to both BF3 and now BF4, but not the full size Tavor. Adding the Tavor to the Assault class would be a nice addition. It certainly fits the time frame of both games.
Here is a link to JackFrag's video that @ryanaldoblanco was talking about with the new weapons/gadgets.

Also, I read that the battle pickup weapons are now available to use on the Test Range.
Anyone on console unlocked any of these?

Edit - PC only. Happenned as a result of the new patch. When are the consoles due to get the patch then? Lol
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Hi guys
Looking for a bit of advice in a couple of areas, as my bf4 knowledge is pretty poor at the moment.....

Platform - ps3

China rising dlc - is it safe to use china code just now or would it be safer to use when the pack is released?....and if so, I assume that as I am not currently a bf4 premium member I would need to wait until its released for the general public?

Premium - unfortunatley a ps4 console is out of my budget so I will be remaining on ps3 for the time being. My son, however, may move to ps4 in the new year. Then we would upgrade to ps4 question is would a premium membership purchase transfer from ps3 to ps4, or would it need two seperate purchases? (Not wanting to purchase premium on both platforms)

Thanks in advance :bowdown:
Hi guys
Looking for a bit of advice in a couple of areas, as my bf4 knowledge is pretty poor at the moment.....

Platform - ps3

China rising dlc - is it safe to use china code just now or would it be safer to use when the pack is released?....and if so, I assume that as I am not currently a bf4 premium member I would need to wait until its released for the general public?

Premium - unfortunatley a ps4 console is out of my budget so I will be remaining on ps3 for the time being. My son, however, may move to ps4 in the new year. Then we would upgrade to ps4 question is would a premium membership purchase transfer from ps3 to ps4, or would it need two seperate purchases? (Not wanting to purchase premium on both platforms)

Thanks in advance :bowdown:

I've entered in my code for the China Rising expansion and I feel it was safe to use now. I am certain that when it releases, you can search up China Rising and it will say Download instead of Buy Now and the standard price of the pack.

As a non-BF4 Premium user currently as well (I do have Premium on BF3), yes, you will have to wait. Premium members usually get expansion packs 2 weeks early and China Rising does launch on December 3rd for Premium, so expect it will release December 17th for non-Premium members.

And yes, Premium memberships carry over from PS3 to PS4. Cool thing is, it also carries over your current multiplayer progression on the PS3 version to the PS4 version, so you don't have to start all over again.

Hope my advice helps.
I wonder why DICE has added the MTAR to both BF3 and now BF4, but not the full size Tavor.

The only explanation I can think of is because the TAR-21 is being phased out and replaced by the MTAR-21 by the IDF, which still doesn't make much sense because other weapons that have been phased out are still in the game.
Looks like they're going to build/optimize the Frostbite engine around the Playstation 4. Awesome

Hi guys
Looking for a bit of advice in a couple of areas, as my bf4 knowledge is pretty poor at the moment.....

Platform - ps3

China rising dlc - is it safe to use china code just now or would it be safer to use when the pack is released?....and if so, I assume that as I am not currently a bf4 premium member I would need to wait until its released for the general public?

Premium - unfortunatley a ps4 console is out of my budget so I will be remaining on ps3 for the time being. My son, however, may move to ps4 in the new year. Then we would upgrade to ps4 question is would a premium membership purchase transfer from ps3 to ps4, or would it need two seperate purchases? (Not wanting to purchase premium on both platforms)

Thanks in advance :bowdown:

Hey man :)

I've used my code already. Once you redeem the code it will be recognized in the "transaction management" and then "services list" tab in the "account management" option in the xmb. Ready for you to download when available.

Yes premium does carry over both platforms.

Edit - aslong as you and your son use the same account ofcourse. ;)
I haven't played for like five days now, but my girlfriend is away until Tuesday so I should hopefully have enough time to unlock either the carbines or shotguns. I think I'll go for carbines since I'm closer to unlocking those than shotguns, but being unable to revive or heal people when so few people seem to do either will hurt! Still, I'd like the versatility of being able to pick more than just assault rifles and DMRs with my assault class, so it'll help others in the long run I guess?
UMP-45 is a beast. Totally turns PDWs on their heads.

The UMP-45 is one of the PDWs I have been interested in trying. I have also wanted to give the UMP-9 a go. However, the carbines are tough to give up when playing as an Engineer. The AK5C and SG553 are both awesome.

I haven't played for like five days now, but my girlfriend is away until Tuesday so I should hopefully have enough time to unlock either the carbines or shotguns. I think I'll go for carbines since I'm closer to unlocking those than shotguns, but being unable to revive or heal people when so few people seem to do either will hurt! Still, I'd like the versatility of being able to pick more than just assault rifles and DMRs with my assault class, so it'll help others in the long run I guess?

I like the carbines quite a bit. The gap that existed between assault rifles and carbines in BF3 has lessened. Assault rifles are still better at mid to long ranges, but that gap is not nearly as wide. In close quarters, the carbines can compete head to head with the assault rifles, possibly even perform better because of the lesser moving spread.
The only thing with the UMP is that you can't be too far before engaging your target. It's the perfect gun for OpLocker though. Reload is super quick. It's like a laser shotgun, but turns into a 45 pistol at 50m.
And on that note: I wonder why DICE has added the MTAR to both BF3 and now BF4, but not the full size Tavor. Adding the Tavor to the Assault class would be a nice addition. It certainly fits the time frame of both games.

Because the X95 is superior to the TAR21 in every way, and the IDF no longer uses the full size rifle. That's like asking why there's no 10/22 in the game. The Tavor is for civilians.
@Need4Speed685 & @ryanaldoblanco thanks for the help guys, its much appreciated.

Ryan, hope to squad up sometime over the weekend 👍

Sure man, Look forward to it. ;)

On the Tavor/MTAR discussion i have to agree with Omnis, It makes sense that the full sized Tavor isnt in the game considering it's not actually in use anymore aswell as the fact that the MTAR/X95 is regarded as a better overall weapon. Wich in turn explains why it was to replace the Tavor 21 as the weapon of choice for the Isreali Defence Force. I wont be surprised if we do see some variant of the MTAR in the Assault Class in future though, Especcially with the supposed development of a 7.62 calibre variant. 7.62 Bullpup? Me want!!!...... :D
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The UMP-45 is one of the PDWs I have been interested in trying. I have also wanted to give the UMP-9 a go. However, the carbines are tough to give up when playing as an Engineer. The AK5C and SG553 are both awesome.

I like the carbines quite a bit. The gap that existed between assault rifles and carbines in BF3 has lessened. Assault rifles are still better at mid to long ranges, but that gap is not nearly as wide. In close quarters, the carbines can compete head to head with the assault rifles, possibly even perform better because of the lesser moving spread.
The AKU12 carbine outshines some of the assault rifles mid to long range. Set it to burst mode and rip people up. I may not feel the need to use another carbine after that one.

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