You should find a local (i.e. not trans-Atlantic) gaming community to play with (as they're usually less serious and more welcoming than a clan), get a mic and join their Mumble/TS3 server. I just don't play BF4 if I'm not with RPS or what's left of the BF3 clan I was in once, not because they're good, but because they are fun to play with regardless of whether you're winning or losing.
I have played some on the PURE Reddit servers and that has usually been a very good experience. They have a Teamspeak server that syncs squads together automatically. It also helps that the majority of players on those servers PTFO. There are also quite a few very good players that play there and to compete with them, I have to put on my tryhard pants. However, their two servers tend to be full and I am mostly not patient enough to wait around to join a server. I have seen up to eight to ten people waiting to join the servers.
A few days ago I jumped into a game with Pako. That was pretty fun. It was a pretty good group and we worked together most of the matches. ibonibo jumped in also. Sorry about getting separated in the squads.
You should try and join us sometime, the ping might not be too bad. See if you can find the Rock Paper Shotgun Community Server and have a look at your ping to it maybe?
If I see you on, then I will jump into the game, at least if the server is not full. I would expect my ping to be in the around 120-130ish, maybe 150. That should be playable.
On a different note, the ACR with the Coyote sight is pretty awesome. The Coyote sight offers much more visibility than the US red dot sight. I did not unlock the Coyote from an ACR Battlepack, but a random Battlepack from leveling. I will probably be jumping back and forth between the ACR and ACE 21 when playing as an Engineer or Recon. Both of those are very good weapons.
I also unlocked the MP7 last night. I tried out the weapon on the Test Range. However, I did not have a chance to try the weapon outside the Test Range. Getting a vehicle destroy with a Stinger or IGLA was a pain. I could consistently get hits on vehicles, but most people would bail out after getting hit once and I would not be able to get a vehicle destroy.
I am quite happy that DICE added red dot sights to sidearms. The P226 with the Mini Red Dot is brilliant. Prior to unlocking the Mini Red Dot, my accuracy with the P226 was already quite good. However, utilizing the Mini Red Dot has taken my accuracy up a notch. Pistol kills are much easier to come by and my chances of success when I have to switch to a sidearm have gone up tremendously. The only problem I see is once I finally unlock the sidearms that I am interested in, the 93R and Compact 45, I may have become so accustomed/spoiled by using a red dot on the sidearm that fighting through iron sights may be too big of a chore.