Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Just got the game Friday and already im getting a little bored of the maps epspcialy in smaller modes like death match's.

I heard that a few old maps from BF3 will be coming but for the XBOX first for awhile :irked: anyone know more on this ?
Don't play Deathmatch? Deathmatch is another crap game mode in Battlefield. Conquest, Rush, and Obliteration is where it is at.
Don't play Deathmatch? Deathmatch is another crap game mode in Battlefield. Conquest, Rush, and Obliteration is where it is at.
Only reason ive been playing it was to unlock guns quicker since ive only had the game barely 3 days, but that's not the point to my post.
You said you were getting bored of the maps, especially in the smaller modes. Well the smaller modes only play small portions of the maps. I gave you a solution to get a different feel of the maps.
Yes prehaps i'll try Rush soon but then again im just saying how fast the death match maps get old fast.
I heard Metro would be coming back as near the end of BF3's life Metro conquest was what i played 70% of the time so i cant wait to see it on BF4 hopefully soon.
The M249 is worth playing the campaign for. Much better than the U-100 the support class starts with. Love running with it on operation locker.

Maps seem okay, though one doesn't really stand out. Really like Paracel storm and really dislike shanghai, dawnbreaker.

Javelins are useless. I locked and fired on a tank and it did a whopping 23 damage. Wow. Went back tomy RPGs after that experience. I've almost unlocked the last engineer launcher so we will see how that goes. I've stuck with the AK-5C as it's served me well and I want to open a weapon battlepack to see what's inside but the SG553 is beastly now with that 830 RPM. I've unlocked up until the A91 but haven't used it yet. I don't think I'll be sing any PDWs as an engineer so I will have to use a game mode like TDM to unlock all those once the time comes.

Vehicle stealing is back with a vengeance and may be worse than in bf3. Or, perhaps the 2 years of bf3 have taught most everyone the advantages of stealing enemy vehicles so they/we just go right for those as soon as we can.
I cannot really see any reason to use any of the PDWs over the carbines. The effective range of the PDWs is just too small in comparison. Throw in the versatility of the carbines and it just seals the coffin on using a PDW as an Engineer.
RoF, they're really good at what they do when you're up close and personal. But if you mainly play long game like Conquest large and such, yeah, not really good.
The only thing PDWs have is hipfire. Otherwise, forget it.
Well, to expand on my point: controllable high RoF. Yeah, the Famas may rock in that department, but good look getting a tight spread with it.

I used to dominate with the AS Val in BF3, such a little laser.
I cannot really see any reason to use any of the PDWs over the carbines. The effective range of the PDWs is just too small in comparison. Throw in the versatility of the carbines and it just seals the coffin on using a PDW as an Engineer.

I agree completely and it kind of baffles me why DICE did this. The only place PDWs excel is in the places you don't need engineers - small, infantry-only maps.
Well, to expand on my point: controllable high RoF. Yeah, the Famas may rock in that department, but good look getting a tight spread with it.

I used to dominate with the AS Val in BF3, such a little laser.

The AS VAL was in a different category, while still a PDW, than the other PDWs. It served a different role. The near complete lack of spread while not moving made the weapon very handy in mid to long range. It looks like there will not be something like that in BF4 and that is unfortunate.

I agree completely and it kind of baffles me why DICE did this. The only place PDWs excel is in the places you don't need engineers - small, infantry-only maps.

Press "Q" key.

As an aside note, I agree with everyone, there is no point in the small PDW when you have Carbines that have twice the range, they might work in Locker but other than that ...

And finally, some rush 200% tickets to play with and actually have a decent rush game for once.
Only reason ive been playing it was to unlock guns quicker since ive only had the game barely 3 days, but that's not the point to my post.
Is there a Co-op Missions like in part 3? That should be one way to unlock weapons faster or the shortcut kits should be available soon.
there is no point in the small PDW when you have Carbines that have twice the range, they might work in Locker but other than that ...

I think it's a balance thing to prevent the other classes from using them, rather than to make engineers use them. PDWs worked really well with support and assault classes in BF3 because of the ammo packs and med kits, an assault medic was just unbeatable all-round on some maps, like Bazaar SQDM. Now, they have a choice between carbines for medium range or shotguns for close range, but no PDWs which were good for close to medium range. Not that carbines suck in close quarters combat, mind, but PDWs were far better than any automatic weapon. Shotguns are the number one, or were (I have yet to actually play BF4 yet), but they were useless beyond a few metres. This change actually gives people a reason to use engineers on smaller maps, especially since the M2 SLAM is anti-personnel and I'm sure there are people out there who would get a kick out of blowtorching people to death... This is the only good reason I can see for this change, and even that isn't the best rationale.

In related news: I wish I didn't have a deadline tomorrow. BF4 downloaded while I was out today and is sitting there ready to go, but I have to work tonight. Bah.
I must say, The starting assault rifle (AK-12 or something?) Is astoundingly good for me, The only other gun I have bothered using are the 1-hit kill special snipers you can pick up, As every persons weapon I take after killing them just seems kind of crap in comparison to the AK-12, Ive got 5 service starts with it and am sitting on a 3.15 KD ratio.. Its just amazing!

EDIT: Thanks Brett.
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Just got put into a lobby and found something which completely disgusted me, My full team was locked in their spawn on OP:Locker, A full 16 man team was just outside the red no-go zone spawn camping.. How is that fair..
If you thought the AK-12 was good, put it in burst fire and watch everyone die like ants.
If you thought the AK-12 was good, put it in burst fire and watch everyone die like ants.

Exactly, played around with it in burst on the firing range. Keeps a really tight hit radius.
My word the AK5-C with Coyote, Laser/light combo, Angled foregrip and Suppressor is good!!!.

On the discussion of PDW's/SMG's not being suited for Engineer use. I completely disagree. The idea is that engineers are supposed to be using (or atleast supporting vehicles). Hence the best weapon (In theory) would be a SMG. Why, Because when being a engineer the majority of your gunfights centre around your vehicle, Either when repairing or jumping out to kill a enemy getting to close to comfort. Your hardly going to need to jump out of your vehicle to hit a 200m kill. I dont argue with Carbines still being the better choice though. Its just that in theory SMGs would be the suited weapon for the engineer role but because the Carbines are so versatile at all ranges they are the smarter choice.
My word the AK5-C with Coyote, Laser/light combo, Angled foregrip and Suppressor is good!!!.

On the discussion of PDW's/SMG's not being suited for Engineer use. I completely disagree. The idea is that engineers are supposed to be using (or atleast supporting vehicles). Hence the best weapon (In theory) would be a SMG. Why, Because when being a engineer the majority of your gunfights centre around your vehicle, Either when repairing or jumping out to kill a enemy getting to close to comfort. Your hardly going to need to jump out of your vehicle to hit a 200m kill. I dont argue with Carbines still being the better choice though. Its just that in theory SMGs would be the suited weapon for the engineer role but because the Carbines are so versatile at all ranges they are the smarter choice.

I thought the same regarding the SMGs but that doesn't seem to be what's happening in the game's I have been playing. People are picking the more accurate at range weapons over the SMGs and I think that's likely because not every engineer gets a vehicle. In many games the engineers are the vehicle hunters and do so on foot and for that the Carbine is the better bet. And yes, I'm liking the AK-5C a lot. I run it with RDS, and laser (don't like any other attachment in that category), and have been experimenting with the grips. Might throw a holo on there and see how it goes.

And I'm loving the Scar-H. Super accurate at range and plenty of damage for close encounters. I pimped mine out a bit just for fun with a Holo, a magnifier, canted irons. Looks dope but don't know if it is the most effective load out for this weapon.
I am really not digging how many points it takes to unlock other sidearms. I use my pistol when it is necessary and for the most part, those situations do not come up very often, at least when I am playing as anything other a bolt action equipped Recon. At the pace I am going now, it is going to be quite some before I unlock very many of the sidearms.
I am really not digging how many points it takes to unlock other sidearms. I use my pistol when it is necessary and for the most part, those situations do not come up very often, at least when I am playing as anything other a bolt action equipped Recon. At the pace I am going now, it is going to be quite some before I unlock very many of the sidearms.
Same here, i've only unlocked the 3rd sidearm, the QSZ-92. Though I only use the M9 until I unlock the .44 Magnum.

Some time next year.

I'll stick to my SRR-61 Intervention anytime possible. :D
I wish they would quit breaking BF4 with their fixes.... UGH!

*end of rant*
So I levelled up carbines today. On the way to getting the AKU-12, I became a part of the SG553 master race. The stats don't back it up, but my god that gun rips.
After all of ten kills, my initial impression of the SG553 is quite good. It is similar to the BF3 SG553. Except in BF4, the carbine has a higher rate of fire.