Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
It seems maybe another bug has found its way onto this game all my progress in multiplayer is gone. My single player progression seems to be unaffected. Weird thing is i kept my rank of 28 but its as if I just started the game with no upgrades is there a way to fix this if not going to trade this game in today. Thanks
That is a bug that I recognize from when BFBC2 vietnam was released, sometimes all of your stats and unlocks will be there, sometimes they won't and sometimes the stats were there but not the unlocks, play it out and see what happens I guess, it'll get fixed (I personally haven't experienced it in BF4 yet)

Thanks Brett, I don't quite understand how the cruise missile and UAV are implemented in the game though, is it something that makes more sense on normal servers?
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UAVs and Cruise Missiles are used by the Commander. A guy on a tablet usually. He'll get to command squads to go places and place UAVs and EMPs. Some flags gives the commander other things, such as vehicle and infantry scans, cruise missile, and the Gunship.
It seems maybe another bug has found its way onto this game all my progress in multiplayer is gone. My single player progression seems to be unaffected. Weird thing is i kept my rank of 28 but its as if I just started the game with no upgrades is there a way to fix this if not going to trade this game in today. Thanks

I had all of my unlocks unavailable when I jumped onto a server once. Quitting the server and joining another solved the problem. Before quitting and joining another server, the game was seeing me as a Level 1 and I only had the weapons that a Level 1 would have available.

Thanks Brett, I don't quite understand how the cruise missile and UAV are implemented in the game though, is it something that makes more sense on normal servers?

The Commander has various assets available for his/her use. Scan UAVs and EMP UAVs are available to the Commander pretty much the entire game. These can be placed any where on the map. I am not really sure how effective either would be in Hardcore (I have not played any Hardcore in BF4), as the mini map is usually turned off. They might be effective if a Commander communicates with the squads. However, I have found that communication between a Commander and squads to be a fairly rare occurrence.

Squad Leaders can also request four different things. One of them is a Scan UAV and another is Orders. Off the top of my head, I cannot remember what the other two are.

Just a general FYI, accept all Squad Orders from the Commander if you are a Squad Leader. Both of you will receive some points for doing very little. After accepting orders, I do not always necessarily follow the orders. Sometimes I will change my orders based on what objective I am working towards. However, the easy points are nice and you will be helping someone out on finishing some Assignments. Plus to get the points, all it takes is accepting the orders. After accepting, the orders can be quickly changed back to what they were.

On the times I change which objective I have as orders, there are a few reasons. One is I am in the middle of a firefight near an important objective and pulling off with either get the squad and I killed or make retaking an objective for the other team too easy. One squad causing a distraction at the objective closest to the enemy spawn can go a long ways towards winning Conquest, especially when the opposing team pulls too many people away from other objectives and your team grabs them.

Another reason is instead of continuing being bunched up trying to push an objective that is very tough to breakthrough, i.e. the middle objective in Operation Lockers, I will push a different path and try to cause trouble behind the enemy line, i.e. either moving to back cap or get in behind the enemy line and cause them to have to fight on two fronts.

Lastly, Commanders have a few other abilities and those depend on players using Commander assets. Off the top of my head, those abilities are a resupply point, quick transport (quad bike or jet ski), rapid deploy, and squad promotion.

@ProjectWHaT breaks down the rest of the available commands to the Commander pretty well in his post.

UAVs and Cruise Missiles are used by the Commander. A guy on a tablet usually. He'll get to command squads to go places and place UAVs and EMPs. Some flags gives the commander other things, such as vehicle and infantry scans, cruise missile, and the Gunship.

I would be interested to see the breakdown of device use as a Commander. I have not played as one in quite some time. All of my play time as one has been on a PC.
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What do orders from the commander look like? Is it just like when the squad leader hits the spot button on an objective? And when you become commander, how is all this equipment accessed?
What do orders from the commander look like? Is it just like when the squad leader hits the spot button on an objective? And when you become commander, how is all this equipment accessed?
Orders are like "Attack this objective" or something. It's exactly like how the squad leader hits the spot button on an objective. When the commander gives you a command, there's a green dotted line on the map. When the commander accepts it, it'll turn into a solid line.
It depends on where you're playing as a commander. I usually play it on my parent's iPad Air. :lol: You tap the squad name on the right and tap an objective to give them an order.
The last two or three days of Battlefield 4 have not been great ones. I have had a few good games, but have mostly struggled. On top of that, there have been way too many losses. It has just been a bunch of mostly frustrating game play. Hopefully, I can get things turned around and be a better contributor to my team.
The last two or three days of Battlefield 4 have not been great ones. I have had a few good games, but have mostly struggled. On top of that, there have been way too many losses. It has just been a bunch of mostly frustrating game play. Hopefully, I can get things turned around and be a better contributor to my team.

And the few games I played today were no different. Le sigh.
What I do is when I join a server, I stick with it because the game will change around. People leave, people come, and sometimes squads get put on the other side. A couple matches later you're winning again. And of course I personally think it's harder to play on normal servers because of the huge amount of a mag it takes to kill someone.
I had all of my unlocks unavailable when I jumped onto a server once. Quitting the server and joining another solved the problem. Before quitting and joining another server, the game was seeing me as a Level 1 and I only had the weapons that a Level 1 would have available.

I've had this happen in BF3, not BF4 or BFBC2.
I do not recall ever have it happening it BF3. I have only had it happen the one time in BF4.

I had that in BF3 once or twice early on and I've had it once in BF4. It was kind of funny, I actually unlocked the default assault rifle in that particular round by... well, getting a kill with it. It sort of reminded me of how if you kill Ocelot in MGS3 you create a time paradox.

Yesterday I decided to make the effort to do the 'only need one' assignment, I can't believe I hadn't done it co-incidentally already since I use the shorty 12G and usually a DMR with my recon class, and I went on a fairly aggressive C4 killing campaign last time I played properly. The Multi Talent one will take a little longer, and the one for the L85A2 probably longer still since I don't know how to get defib kills.
I completed all the china rising assignments a while ago and I have unlocked the weapons for use in game and in battlelog but after every round it shows progression for them as if I hadn't. For example I can play a whole game with the l85A2 and in the round intermission screen after the round ends it shows what I did in that particular round towards completing it. Even though the weapons unlocked and i was
using it. Anyone else noticed this. PS4.

Neema - go onto 64 man conq find a camping sniper. Get close hold down ADS for about 5-6 secs while sneaking up to him (this charges the fibs up to full power) and then press fire. Its just as if you were reviving a team mate to full health. Just make sure the defibs are charged.
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I still get the progression bars for the L85A2, MP7, and MTAR-21, even though I have all three of those weapons unlocked. I have stopped using all three because the loadouts for each would never save and I am tired of having to constantly equip the attachments after each round, changing servers, or whatever it is that causes the loadout to not save. I would consistently end up spawn in with a naked weapon. Since that was getting old, I have moved on to other weapons that I have also wanted to use.

On a different topic, sabot shell with the tank are pretty awesome. The sabot shell has a higher velocity compared to the other two primary shells. The higher velocity means less shell drop. With sabot shells, it makes hitting helicopters and far away vehicles easier.
Neema - go onto 64 man conq find a camping sniper. Get close hold down ADS for about 5-6 secs while sneaking up to him (this charges the fibs up to full power) and then press fire. Its just as if you were reviving a team mate to full health. Just make sure the defibs are charged.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Back up, You can revive someone to full health?! Is that only on PC?

Is there a trick to be able to squad spawn on anyone in the squad not just the leader, excluding when you are the leader?
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Back up, You can revive someone to full health?! Is that only on PC?

Is there a trick to be able to squad spawn on anyone in the squad not just the leader, excluding when you are the leader?
Yes, you have to hold the fire button for a few seconds.

There's no trick, just move your mouse into a squad member.
On Hardcore servers, squad leader spawn only is typically enabled. With squad leader spawn only, I believe the only way to get around that is spawn beacons. I would also guess that it is possible to spawn on a transport helicopter or AMTRAC.
On Hardcore servers, squad leader spawn only is typically enabled. With squad leader spawn only, I believe the only way to get around that is spawn beacons. I would also guess that it is possible to spawn on a transport helicopter or AMTRAC.
Or you can just spawn on objectives.
It can be done in normal also. However, I have yet to run into a normal server that has that option turned on.
I had one of those 'how in the hell did I get that shot' moments on that Dam level.

I was defending on rush, using an M40A5. We were at our last set of objectives and I set up in the hospital by A, I was standing in the bridge to the other building. So there were a bunch of guys at the last set advancing and I had marked a bunch of enemies. The one guy I had my sights on, however he moved behind a shipping crate to where I could only see the tip of his head. So I aimed above the little orange triangle and fired not expecting to hit anything and... Headshot. :D I was rather surprised.

Also how does the XP bonus from battle packs work? I opened four battle packs in about ten minutes and got a total if 125% XP yet it seems I'm still getting about the same as I normally would...
You have to activate the bonus XP. It is done on the pause menu.

I just had a nice run in an attack jet. I am by no means a good jet pilot. However, the other team all but ignored me in the air and I was able to have a half decent run in the thing.

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