Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
This skill stat is a joke. In one game I got 12 kills and 9 deaths (obviously not an amazing round for me), -11 skill. Another game I got 0 kills and 2 deaths - a lot worse than the first game - and left after a few minutes because the server was pretty much empty... -12 skill. How does that work, exactly? And yet the games where I get a load of kills and few deaths and SPM above my average, I only get like +8 skill or so, I don't think I've ever seen +10 or more... Right now my skill stat is 100 less than it has been at its peak, but when it behaves like that I'm not exactly surprised.
I assume its based on how many times you captured a flag, defended a flag, arming/defusing objectives, etc.

I thought it might be too but I've noticed from previous games that my score per minute and total score makes little to no difference. Some people have told me it tracks the skill level of people you kill and people who killed you, so if you kill a lot of people with the same skill as you it doesn't move, if you kill people with higher skill than you it goes up, and if you get killed by people of lower skill it goes down, but... Actually, having just checked that, both of the guys who killed me in the round where I died twice with no kills are 50 points lower than me, so maybe that is true after all. But even if that is how it works, what's the point in tracking that?! Does it consider high-points assists or when you've been almost killed by someone with a much higher skill level than you, then a noob has come in and prodded you to death? I'm guessing not. Or what about people who have only just started playing who are really good, they'll be ruining the skill ratings of other people who might be just as good.
Battlefield seems to be getting worse and worse...

Nades hitting invisible walls mid-air, bouncing back and kills your squad. Love it.
Claymores having a 100 meter kill radius. Awesome.
Pistol's does more damage than most LMG's by the looks of it. Hell yes.

And the list goes on. Can't wait for Metro. Hah! :lol:
Speaking of Metro and the next DLC, when is that due to come out or hasn't it been announced yet?
I assume its based on how many times you captured a flag, defended a flag, arming/defusing objectives, etc.

I think skill is based on the opposition. For example, if you kill someone who has a lower skill level than you, you don't see an increase. Kill someone higher skill level than you and your number should go up. I believe it was this way on bf3.
Battlefield seems to be getting worse and worse...

Nades hitting invisible walls mid-air, bouncing back and kills your squad. Love it.
Claymores having a 100 meter kill radius. Awesome.
Pistol's does more damage than most LMG's by the looks of it. Hell yes.

And the list goes on. Can't wait for Metro. Hah! :lol:

Oh, don't get me started. I have been killed by my nades bouncing off invisible walls but the worst is being killed by my grenade that I clearly saw landing in another room in Operation Locker. I threw it through a doorway and watched it land inside the room and when it blew up I took damage. Thought it was from an enemy grenade and threw a second one into the room and when it blew up I died.
How many of you guys have premium? Is it worth it to you or just a waste?

The way I understand it is it's a year long subscription and at the end of the year you lose everything that being premium gave you (dog tags, camo, etc.). But what I want to know is if you lose DLC like map packs and "important" stuff like that, and have to re-buy map packs.
How many of you guys have premium? Is it worth it to you or just a waste?

The way I understand it is it's a year long subscription and at the end of the year you lose everything that being premium gave you (dog tags, camo, etc.). But what I want to know is if you lose DLC like map packs and "important" stuff like that, and have to re-buy map packs.
It's not worth it, AT THE MOMENT. But once they fix all the bugs and start releasing DLCs, then I think it's worth it.
I find it rather BS that my premium from Battlefield 3 doesn't carry over to this game, or at the very least warrant a discount. So for that, no I most certainly am NOT getting premium.
I find it rather BS that my premium from Battlefield 3 doesn't carry over to this game, or at the very least warrant a discount. So for that, no I most certainly am NOT getting premium.

Why should it carry over this a new game with more DLC. Maybe a small discount for loyalty but thats it IMO
I find it rather BS that my premium from Battlefield 3 doesn't carry over to this game, or at the very least warrant a discount. So for that, no I most certainly am NOT getting premium.

Wow, I never knew that it didn't. I've been eying this game for the PC. Do you think it's worth it without premium?
Why should it carry over this a new game with more DLC. Maybe a small discount for loyalty but thats it IMO

I dunno, I just kinda expected it to... I've given them so much money already, why should I have to give them even more?

Wow, I never knew that it didn't. I've been eying this game for the PC. Do you think it's worth it without premium?

Personally? I'd say wait for a price drop. I haven't played THAT much, but it seems like an add on to Battlefield 3 to me... With some shiny new graphics.
My only problem with bf4 right now is the crashing and freezing of my ps3. Cant even get through a single match. Its extremely annoying.

Also, what carbine would you guys say is the best for the flir sight? I have tried the g36c, ace 52 cqb, m4, and the type 95 b, but cant decide which carbine would be the best. Im mainly trying to find a gun that would work medium to further ranges.
My only problem with bf4 right now is the crashing and freezing of my ps3. Cant even get through a single match. Its extremely annoying.

Also, what carbine would you guys say is the best for the flir sight? I have tried the g36c, ace 52 cqb, m4, and the type 95 b, but cant decide which carbine would be the best. Im mainly trying to find a gun that would work medium to further ranges.

Medium to further range means you'll want less bullet spread which usually belongs to guns with lower rates of fire combined with high bullet velocity. The AKU-12 has a three round burst and is very accurate but lack bullet velocity. maybe the best candidate is the AK-5C which has the highest bullet velocity in the group, good accuracy, and very manageable recoil.
Speaking of premium, I just got a 40x scope in the gold battlepack we were given the other day, but it's for the .338 Recon. I've got two rifles to unlock before then, what's a good way of getting sniper rifle kills? Snipers only hardcore servers, maybe?
I know just about every EA game has problems at launch and I always warn of that. But dang I thought maybe they would have had most of the problems fixed by now. Glad I waited. Still plenty for me to do in BF3.
Speaking of premium, I just got a 40x scope in the gold battlepack we were given the other day, but it's for the .338 Recon. I've got two rifles to unlock before then, what's a good way of getting sniper rifle kills? Snipers only hardcore servers, maybe?
Operation Locker 24/7 Hardcore servers... Simple to rack up some sniper kills. However, most of the servers nowadays have sniper limits... -.-
Had major issues last night.
i could join games and friends could join me.
As soon as round ended i would get the error message and report to sony.

I could not join friend games. Id get to the screen that shows what maps loading, then it would go to the error screen and report to sony.

If i in game battlelogged invites to friends, id get perma stuckon battlelog and controller becomes unresponsive and cant get back to game,but could use ps buttton to close app.

I remained in party chat with the 3 people i had been "playing" with the entire time, unless i purposefully left party to try joining them.

Had all these issues using 3 different wireless networks, hatd wired and mobile hotspotted from my phone.
I gave up after two hours of this and uninstall the game and data from my ps4 and redownloaded. See how it goes later today.
I remember there being a question about how Skill was calculated. If anyone wants more information, the quote I provided is the TL;DR from the Source that is linked below the quotation.

Basically, each game you play is compared to a theoretically "perfect" game. A "perfect" game (as far as Skill is concerned) would be 1000 SPM, 3 KPM, 5 KDR. The closer you are to each of those ideals, the higher your Skill is for that game. Then the skill for that game is factored into your overall skill either raising or lowering it. The higher your skill, the harder it is to advance it more. For example, if my starting skill had been 300, I would've gained +29 Skill for the above game instead of only +8. Also, since Skill is calculated on a running basis from each game, you can have much better overall stats than someone, but still have a lower skill. It is very much a "What have you done for me lately" stat, and has almost nothing to do with your career numbers. You can gain or lose a couple hundred skill in just a few games. Any questions?

Operation Locker 24/7 Hardcore servers... Simple to rack up some sniper kills. However, most of the servers nowadays have sniper limits... -.-

In the end I found a snipers/knife only TDM server. It's pretty fun until you find yourself in a 3-on-1 point blank range sniper duel where the first person to get shot dies. I managed to unlock all the attachments for the CS-LR4, the 40x scope and rangefinder will hopefully make it a bit easier for me to get the FY-JS since I only have 7 >250m headshots since day one, and only 6/50 towards unlocking that assignment.
They finally made the M224 Mortar worth using. Not only is it incredibly useful to watch over armed objectives, but if you're pinned down it can help you to advance. Especially since it has a higher rate of fire and a remote control.

Very useful for attackers.

So today I just went 32-7 using the M40A5, all 32 kills with the M40. We're playing attackers in rush on Dawnbreaker. Got five marksman ribbons. :D
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Playing this on PS3 since I got it as a gift 10 days ago.

So far, other than the most bizarre freezes (one of them when I hit R2 to ask for ammo in the midst of no less than THREE support players and one of them in my squad..), it's been pretty good.

One thing I hate though, is Flood Zone. It's awful. There were maps I avoided on BF3 because my friends and I didn't like to play on them... Tehran Highway... but Flood Zone makes me want to go play Tehran Highway.

Other than that, I'm enjoying the maps, and I'm still learning them and finding new places to go. Haven't used anything but the AK12 so far as this time around I'm sticking to one gun until I complete it's unlock progress.