Haven't noticed any differences. Still get sound issues when joining the match, and it's caused one freeze.How are people finding the latest patch (PS3ers, preferably)?
I played a few rounds of pistol only TDM yesterday, in one round I got 50-13 in a 100 kill game (and only got 10 skill for it!) because I used the G18 and at one point - the first five minutes of the game - it was me vs. five people so after I 'hit my stride', so to speak, I had plenty to shoot at.
Then I tried sniping to get some marksman ribbons, the best I managed was a 85 metre headshot. That was pretty dire.
I am having tons of issues getting this game working.
was.having tons of.issues hard freezing my ps3.
Upgraded.to ps4 using the ten dollar deal amd was having all sorts of hangups on the screen showing what maps next.
went for the full.digital download and am.still.getting stuck on next map screen.
So frustrated
Strange, only real issues I've had on PS4 is occasional stuttering particularly while driving a vehicle. Never had any crashing issues that I can recall.
Using the upgrade from PS3.
Did you ensure that while upgrading/downloading that the PS3 disc wasn't in the PS4 at the time as apparently this can corrupt the install.
Starting to think its a memory issues with the ps4. But i would think a reboot would clear that up for a few more rounds.
I played about 3 hours straight the other night on PS4 with 4 friends (full squad all night was epic). Not 1 person had an issue right up till I finished it was fine. Still had sound issues and stuff like that but nothing too bad really.
Don't forget to get a marksman ribbon you don't need a single 250m headshot. Getting for example a 100m and three 50m headshots will suffice. The distance of your headshots in a game will accumalate to 250m so you can get a marksman ribbon easily if rack in a few headshots. Ofcourse, A single headshot of 250m or greater will still grant you a marksman ribbon. You probably know this but its worth mentioning for others, As I didn't know this at the start.
Yeah, I know, but I suck at getting headshots! I might get one or two 80-ish metre headshots in the average game, beyond that I have no luck. With the rangefinder and 40x scope on the CS-LR4 I can hit targets that aren't moving, but getting a headshot is tricky and so often I'll shoot and the target will move... I did just get my 8th ever marksman ribbon though, I got a 350 metre headshot on a guy who had his bipod deployed.
I snipe very rarely, When I do its in a map popular with camping snipers. Such as the roofs of Zavod for example. Its really easy to snipe them of the roof as you can hide in foliage and they wont know where you are. Plus they normally have a beacon down so you can get multiple fast easy kills on the same person. Even better if its a few up there. This is how I tend to get ribbons the fastest. I find being on the ground sniping the roof campers is easier than being on the roof itself as there's a lot more opportunity for good hiding spots and camouflage compared to being on a roof. It sounds like you try to get longer range headshots using the 40x, Where its much easier and faster to just find a snipers nest (zavod roof) and just keep picking them off from a closer comfortable range.
Yeah, I actually joined a snipers only TDM earlier on on Golmud and got two more marksman ribbons (for a total of 10 ever in BF4!) using the M40 with an 4x scope, so maybe I will stop trying so hard (which results in me dying a lot) and try a less extreme rifle in normal games. Thanks for the tip!