Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
6+ hours later and 50% installed..... WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot.
never taken this long in my MANY reinstalls.

Not frozen tho as im.checking in on it.periodically.

Maybe its a sign that things are gonna work for me now.

Here's hoping mate. đź‘Ť

Out of interest is it only BF4 giving you issues? Just wondering if you may have a slightly bad HDD or something along that line?
Two things:

- My brother played BF4 on his PS4 for the first time last night, he didn't enjoy it much because 64-player is too hectic. I personally completely agree and usually play on 32-player servers on PC, but there doesn't seem to be that option in the PS4 version... Were we missing something or is it genuinely not possible to play with any less than 63 other people?

- Yesterday I was flying a stealth jet on Hainan Resort, spotted a camping boat doing quite a bit of damage so I pointed the jet at it, bailed out at the last second and the jet rammed it so hard that the boat moved maybe 5-6 metres, came out of the water - as in it was actually airborne for a second - and was beached on the shore, then when I landed I repair tooled it to death. I have never laughed so hard at BF4, I wish I could've seen the impact from someone else's perspective.
It was a fairly painful experience unlocking the red dot on the Mk 11 Mod 0. The ACOG is just worthless. The 4x magnification exaggerates the visual recoil too much and makes accurate follow shots difficult. I do not really mind iron sights, as I can mostly play well without an optic. However, going against people who have weapons that are much more versatile can make for a frustrating experience, especially because there is so little margin for error when using a DMR. The slightly slower reaction time that typically occurs with iron sights is enough to be the difference between life and death. Further, there are too many backgrounds where the front post of iron sights blend in and make it difficult to pick up the proper point of aim.

I may be going back to the RFB after using the Mk 11 the last few days or at least until I unlock the ACE 53 SV and SCAR-H SV. Since I just unlocked the red dot before I stopped playing for the night, I am going to use the Mk 11 a bit longer, at least until I can determine if the weapon is better or not. It is hard to compare the two weapons when without optics, one is dramatically less effective.

Two things:

- My brother played BF4 on his PS4 for the first time last night, he didn't enjoy it much because 64-player is too hectic. I personally completely agree and usually play on 32-player servers on PC, but there doesn't seem to be that option in the PS4 version... Were we missing something or is it genuinely not possible to play with any less than 63 other people?

While I mostly play on 32 to 48 player servers, 64 player servers can work. It depends on the player make up of both teams and how both are moving around the map. I have played on 64 player servers where it does not feel like enough people and I have had the opposite experience where it feels like too many. YMMV.

- Yesterday I was flying a stealth jet on Hainan Resort, spotted a camping boat doing quite a bit of damage so I pointed the jet at it, bailed out at the last second and the jet rammed it so hard that the boat moved maybe 5-6 metres, came out of the water - as in it was actually airborne for a second - and was beached on the shore, then when I landed I repair tooled it to death. I have never laughed so hard at BF4, I wish I could've seen the impact from someone else's perspective.

I bet that person was not very happy about the ramming. :lol: However, unless you have some help on the ground, that is about the only way to take out a vehicle with the stealth jet. The damage that the various stealth jet cannon options inflict on ground targets is a joke. Going up to the vehicle and knifing the thing would do about the same damage. The laser guided work nicely against ground targets, but only work really well as a finishing tool when someone on the ground has already damaged the vehicle.

I enjoy the recent changes made to the stealth jets. The added maneuverability to the J-20 and F-35 are noticeable. The additional damage done by the 20mm is also noticeable. Now instead of one or two damage to ground vehicles, the 20mm does three or four. Watch out ground pounders!
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I enjoy the recent changes made to the stealth jets. The added maneuverability to the J-20 and F-35 are noticeable. The additional damage done by the 20mm is also noticeable. Now instead of one or two damage to ground vehicles, the 20mm does three or four. Watch out ground pounders!

I really need to spend more time with the stealth jets, I find my score per minute drops pretty sharply when I use them though because I have hardly any unlocks (I've got three) and the attack jet is better suited to pretty much anything except fighting stealth jets; it's slower so you can keep your gun trained on targets for longer, the gun does far more damage, it can take more damage and you unlock rockets - possibly the best weapon (I haven't used the JDAM yet) against tanks and boats - quite early on. The stealth jet's heatseekers and passive radar missiles kind of suck from what I can tell as they're reliant on circumstance (i.e. That someone else got your target to ditch their flares and do at least a little damage to them) and yeah, the default cannon is a peashooter against all but other jets, scout choppers and possibly attack helicopters. The stealth jet is basically the least versatile vehicle besides the scout chopper (though that is insanely awesome if you have good engineers in the back who drop AT mines/fire AT or AA projectiles/repair) with the default loadout. I think the worst part is that I just can't get kills quickly enough with the default loadout to prevent the other pilot from ejecting, I lose so many kills that way. Maybe I should give in and play air superiority.
I really need to spend more time with the stealth jets, I find my score per minute drops pretty sharply when I use them though because I have hardly any unlocks (I've got three) and the attack jet is better suited to pretty much anything except fighting stealth jets; it's slower so you can keep your gun trained on targets for longer, the gun does far more damage, it can take more damage and you unlock rockets - possibly the best weapon (I haven't used the JDAM yet) against tanks and boats - quite early on. The stealth jet's heatseekers and passive radar missiles kind of suck from what I can tell as they're reliant on circumstance (i.e. That someone else got your target to ditch their flares and do at least a little damage to them) and yeah, the default cannon is a peashooter against all but other jets, scout choppers and possibly attack helicopters.

The stealth jet is terrible at everything other than taking out other jets, be it stealth or attack. The stealth jet cannon is just awful at damaging anything that is not a jet or helicopter. When I jump in a stealth jet, I try to own the sky the best I can and harass ground targets with the laser guided missiles.

I guess I should probably change to active radar missiles instead of laser guided. At least with those I would have a better chance at destroying helicopters. The high speed of the stealth jets and small targets that are helicopters make it difficult to make a gun run. My approach to engaging choppers certainly need to improve. However, the problem with the active radars is that leave little to do outside of engaging air targets and I end up just flying around doing loops and circles to pass time waiting to engage air targets.

The higher speed of the stealth jet definitely plays a factor in landing shots on ground targets, but even slowing down to a crawl and lining up a ground target perfectly makes little difference. The stealth jet cannons need a buff against ground targets. A buff to the cannons does not need to make them as good as the attack jets against ground targets, just a viable option.

The stealth jet is basically the least versatile vehicle besides the scout chopper (though that is insanely awesome if you have good engineers in the back who drop AT mines/fire AT or AA projectiles/repair) with the default loadout.

The default minigun on the scout chopper is awful. Between the very small splash damage and low direct damage, the minigun is just worthless in its intended role. If DICE were to up the direct damage against infantry with the minigun and lower the damage done to infantry by the 25mm while potentially increasing vehicle damage as a compromise, then the minigun might actually be a viable choice depending on the opposing team's use of or lack of use of vehicles. As it stands now, there is little reason to not use the 25mm at all times.

I think the worst part is that I just can't get kills quickly enough with the default loadout to prevent the other pilot from ejecting, I lose so many kills that way.

Go with the cannon instead of missiles. The cannon can wreck opposing jets much faster than missiles. Missiles typically do just enough damage to make the opposing pilot want to bail. With the cannon, you can destroy the jets before they have a chance to bail out.

Maybe I should give in and play air superiority.

Air superiority is not a fun game mode. There are too many jets in the air and not enough cooperation between teammates. You end up getting tag teamed by two or more jets and being ultra defensive just trying to not die. There is little time to play on the offensive. Also, many people will crash into the ground, getting a killed in action, instead of "awarding" a kill to the opposing pilot. Very frustrating.
Here's hoping mate. đź‘Ť

Out of interest is it only BF4 giving you issues? Just wondering if you may have a slightly bad HDD or something along that line?

Seems to only b BF4.
Dont starve, waframe, contrast and resogun all work fine. notthat any of those are as taxing as bf4.

oh, problem still exists. Calling sony tomorrow.
I played some more with a red dot sight equipped Mk 11 Mod 0. The fast reload speed is awesome, especially for someone who compulsively reloads. However, that fast reload speed is the Mk 11's biggest positive and I do not find reload speed to be nearly as important when using a DMR. Twenty bullets go a long way when they cannot be fired very rapidly with any kind of reliable accuracy.

I believe the RFB to be a better option to the Mk 11 Mod 0. The RFB has lesser recoil and better overall spread values. Both of those go a long way to making the weapon better.

Compulsively reloading is a habit I need to break when using a DMR. Like stated above, twenty bullets go a long way. Having a topped off magazine is not overly important.

I decided to use the SKS tonight. I was caught out of position and killed at least three times in one game because I hit the reload button instantly after getting a kill. I am looking forward to unlocking the Kobra sight for the SKS. The iron sights are not at all bad, but my target acquisition ability with iron sights is lacking.
Did a Restore File System on the PS3 yesterday in hopes it would resolve the freezing issues, as it did so with BF3.

I made it one hour. It froze after I finally managed to win a game.... :indiff:
Damnit, forgot about 100% xp weekend. Try to rank up a couple of times tonight atleast.

Edit - ranked up a few times, Hadn't played in a few weeks so I was happy to find I hadn't deteriated :)

The IFVs are so powerful with the main cannon and tow missile wombocombo :)

Only complaint was sound glitch on first round. After that everything was great.
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Ok so, I'm playing a match and this guy team kills me twice so I'm moved to another squad. I realize he's squad leader and I can give him a disproval rating. But I'm moved again before I can do so. Then I recieve a message from him saying I've been reported to dice and psn. I then message back asking "for what?" He replies with "keep messging me so I can gather evidence" or something like that. I reported both messages to PSN as Bullying/Harrassment. How do I report him to EA/Dice? Or how do I submit the story to Psn not just the messages.
Ok so, I'm playing a match and this guy team kills me twice so I'm moved to another squad. I realize he's squad leader and I can give him a disproval rating. But I'm moved again before I can do so. Then I recieve a message from him saying I've been reported to dice and psn. I then message back asking "for what?" He replies with "keep messging me so I can gather evidence" or something like that. I reported both messages to PSN as Bullying/Harrassment. How do I report him to EA/Dice? Or how do I submit the story to Psn not just the messages.
Sounds like a troll.... The big companies like EA and Sony don't look at them anyways. I've been reported a lot for beating people in GT5/GT6/GTA lol
I unlocked the ACE 53 SV today. The ACE 53 SV is the best DMR I have used so far. It is better than the RFB, SKS, and Mk 11 Mod 0. Those are the only DMRs I have used so far. Excluding the ACE 53, I prefer the RFB to the SKS and Mk 11 Mod 0.
I unlocked the ACE 53 SV as well, haven't used it yet. I've been using the Mk11 with 4x, canted irons and heavy barrel (probably a grip too), a M14 EBR with nothing on it, SVD-12 with 3.4x scope and SKS with suppressor, holo, grip and laser. I think they're all pretty good, actually.

Then I made the mistake of joining some friends. First was hardcore CQL on Op Locker, predictably I was put on the weak team which was hilariously weak compared to the other side so nothing I did helped anything, we just kept dying, had to fall back, die some more, get pushed back and back until it became a textbook spawn trap meat grinder. Then I joined another friend on Dragon Pass (I think?), apparently everyone had AA tanks and IFVs so I was totally screwed trying to get jet score. I did manage to get up to the ECM jammer unlock but not much further than that. The 25mm cannon seems pretty pathetic, it does barely anything to ground units and I can't kill jets as easily as before with it for some reason. Also I really need to swap out passive radar missiles, I keep firing both and swapping to the cannon before they've hit the target.
I unlocked the SCAR-H SV today also. I have played a few games with the weapon and it is also good. However, I am not sure which is better between the the SCAR-H SV or ACE 53 SV. Both seem to be better than any of the other DMRs I have used.

On a different note, I just had a game of Rush that I scored 284k points from. :eek: I guess Double XP from Premium and a 200% Bonus XP will do that with an engineer service star, headshot medal, IFV service star, and a Rush service star all in one round. Even at Rank 95, that was enough to rank up twice. I am getting close to earning my crapbucket. :lol:
What a coincidence. I unlocked both those the other day as well and I actually think the ACE53 SV is a decent gun. Not great but as far as DMRs are concerned not as terrible as the other options. That said, I'm glad I can finally put those things away.
Both the ACE 53 SV and SCAR-H SV are decent guns. They are definitely the best DMRs to pick. I have not used either enough to say which of the two is better.
Both the ACE 53 SV and SCAR-H SV are decent guns. They are definitely the best DMRs to pick. I have not used either enough to say which of the two is better.

I prefer the SCAR SV, I prefer the recoil and ROF. Found I was bumping into the Firecap of the ACE.
I had a ton of money in target gift cards that I had accumulated over the past 2 years so I bought BF premium. For some reason though when I go to join china rising maps it presents me with the buy DLC page (ps4), I thought premium covered china rising?

On another note, I talked to origin customer support solving account mistakes I made when I started the BF3 Beta and it went quite well, I only had a 2 min wait (on a sunday night) and the guy solved my main issue. However, I ran malwarebytes afterward and discovered 129 pieces of malware! He gave me a 15% off code on origin but I'm not exactly sure how to use it and he said it doesn't work on premium

Update: upon finishing my malwarebytes run, I am missing a key iTunes file in which I have to completely uninstall it (and possibly anything apple related) and reinstall it but I get to keep my library supposedly. Unsure if it's origin customer support related or not, but definitely very likely.
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Im not very happy. I can't play on the ps4 because it says my ps plus sub has run out. I know this is due to the maintenance going on but on the ps blog it says I should be ok. I am chatting in a party but thats about all I can do till 11.30pm what a waste of a good gaming night :(