Calm down, guys, some PC servers have scripts that can enforce stuff like this, that's all. I was on one the other day that would kill people for saying the word 'camp' in the text chat as an anti-whining measure, others kick for bad language, kick low-scoring players to make room for server admins as they join or kill when people use a weapon that is 'banned' on the server, that's how the snipers/handguns/shotguns only servers work; scripts just kill people for using anything but the specified weapon and kick after a certain number. Oh and there're also mapvote, votekick, voteban, report and rules scripts that players can invoke by typing commands in the text chat, like !rules which will print a list of the rules in the chat box, for instance. I've even seen servers that announce any knife kills that anyone gets in bigger than usual writing at the bottom of the screen, but that kind of thing is just annoying...