Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Just made a start on this, one mission in to the campaign and about 5 matches in MP. Sniping is taking a while to get used to (it's my go to when I start shootybangy online), I've also had to turn the brightness up to maximum (are all maps dark?). Had a good round at a jungle map with lots of caves in the middle and various rocks around. No freezing so far, had some sound issues, but didn't last for long.
Just made a start on this, one mission in to the campaign and about 5 matches in MP. Sniping is taking a while to get used to (it's my go to when I start shootybangy online), I've also had to turn the brightness up to maximum (are all maps dark?). Had a good round at a jungle map with lots of caves in the middle and various rocks around. No freezing so far, had some sound issues, but didn't last for long.
What jungle? Are you talking about China Rising?
Just made a start on this, one mission in to the campaign and about 5 matches in MP. Sniping is taking a while to get used to (it's my go to when I start shootybangy online), I've also had to turn the brightness up to maximum (are all maps dark?). Had a good round at a jungle map with lots of caves in the middle and various rocks around. No freezing so far, had some sound issues, but didn't last for long.

What jungle? Are you talking about China Rising?

Sounds like Dragon Pass to me.

I just camped harder than I've ever camped before and did this. Not a spectacular round, but observe, if you will, how many marksman ribbons I got in one game: 4. When I first posted here about not knowing how to get them, up until level 39 I'd gotten only 7 in my entire time with BF4, I'm now up to 18. I got those four with the M40 which had a 4x scope, canted irons and straight pull bolt, which is a far cry from the CS-LR4 with 40x scope, rangefinder and bipod! I've found the lack of glare means basically everyone is less aware of you looking at them so you can get some clean shots on people who are distracted trying to snipe the sniper behind you.
This game is a compleeeeete mess.
I have never heard my poor PS3 triple beep so much in one month from this game crashing and freezing
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how do I get my account email on battlelog changed? and the accounts that I made with typos deleted so I can change my battlelog username to match my PSN ID? this all happened a long time ago with the BF3 beta when I first tried to make an account. My guess is with customer support but I have only found the forum and faq yet which obviously does not help
Last idea to fix my constant issue of getting stuck on next map screen.
I moved all game saves except bf4 to cloud.
Manually deleted all game saves from system storage.
Manually deleted all game data from system storage.
Manually deleted all downloaded apps from system storage.
Initiallized PS4 essentially turning it to fresh out the box. ( 2 hours on an empty HDD.)
Redownloaded BF4 base game using the full download, not the upgrade from ps3.
Installing base game now.

Fingers crossed.
"Hey, let's have 64 player servers with only 3 sniper limit... Sounds like a great idea..."

Specially when DMR's goes under sniper. :rolleyes:
you can't have more than 3 snipers on the next gen consoles + PC?!?!?!?!?!!?! holy crap this is the first time I'm hearing this lmfao
Yesterday, I played four--I think it was four games, though it may have been three or five; one of them I went shotgun heavy and that is all I can really remember for sure--mostly with a DMR. My experience with a DMR in the beta was enough to drive me away from using that weapon class up until last night. However, last night I was looking to change things up because I have been playing mostly in a bad fashion lately. I also have been somewhat working on unlocking all of the shotguns and last night was as good of a time as any to start unlocking DMRs too.

The RFB worked pretty well. In the beta, I could not effectively make use of the weapon with iron sights while going up people using weapons that are more versatile. I also do not like the ACOG sight in BF4. Chevrons and I do not get along very well when I need to aim at a target.

Fortunately, I had access to the IRNV sight on the RFB via a random Battlepack unlock. Surprisingly, the IRNV sight works quite well. The range at which one can engage targets is somewhat limited. However, that range limitation is at about the range that DMR start to lose effectiveness and where a bolt action would likely be a better choice.

I guess I will be messing around with the DMRs a bit more from now on.
you can't have more than 3 snipers on the next gen consoles + PC?!?!?!?!?!!?! holy crap this is the first time I'm hearing this lmfao

This better not be true :lol: I never play as sniper but that's just weird...

Thank you on the 3 sniper limit!

Finally can play Golmud...

Calm down, guys, some PC servers have scripts that can enforce stuff like this, that's all. I was on one the other day that would kill people for saying the word 'camp' in the text chat as an anti-whining measure, others kick for bad language, kick low-scoring players to make room for server admins as they join or kill when people use a weapon that is 'banned' on the server, that's how the snipers/handguns/shotguns only servers work; scripts just kill people for using anything but the specified weapon and kick after a certain number. Oh and there're also mapvote, votekick, voteban, report and rules scripts that players can invoke by typing commands in the text chat, like !rules which will print a list of the rules in the chat box, for instance. I've even seen servers that announce any knife kills that anyone gets in bigger than usual writing at the bottom of the screen, but that kind of thing is just annoying...
6+ hours later and 50% installed..... WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot.
never taken this long in my MANY reinstalls.

Not frozen tho as im.checking in on it.periodically.

Maybe its a sign that things are gonna work for me now.
Calm down, guys, some PC servers have scripts that can enforce stuff like this, that's all. I was on one the other day that would kill people for saying the word 'camp' in the text chat as an anti-whining measure, others kick for bad language, kick low-scoring players to make room for server admins as they join or kill when people use a weapon that is 'banned' on the server, that's how the snipers/handguns/shotguns only servers work; scripts just kill people for using anything but the specified weapon and kick after a certain number. Oh and there're also mapvote, votekick, voteban, report and rules scripts that players can invoke by typing commands in the text chat, like !rules which will print a list of the rules in the chat box, for instance. I've even seen servers that announce any knife kills that anyone gets in bigger than usual writing at the bottom of the screen, but that kind of thing is just annoying...

Kicking for high ping is annoying, especially when it very brief. I am not completely sure if it is my router, service provider, or BF4, but occasionally I will have a few minutes where my ping will spike badly off and on for a few seconds. Getting kicked from a server for that, especially when you are trying to play with friends, sucks.

Servers that announce knife kills annoy me to no end. Knife kills are the just another way to get a kill and should be treated as such. There should not be any "glorifying" a knife kill, especially since I see way too many teammates die because someone else on the team thought it would be cool to try for a knife kill. Guess there are a few people that need to be reminded that it is a bad idea to bring a knife to a gun fight.
Yesterday, I played four--I think it was four games, though it may have been three or five; one of them I went shotgun heavy and that is all I can really remember for sure--mostly with a DMR. My experience with a DMR in the beta was enough to drive me away from using that weapon class up until last night. However, last night I was looking to change things up because I have been playing mostly in a bad fashion lately. I also have been somewhat working on unlocking all of the shotguns and last night was as good of a time as any to start unlocking DMRs too.

The RFB worked pretty well. In the beta, I could not effectively make use of the weapon with iron sights while going up people using weapons that are more versatile. I also do not like the ACOG sight in BF4. Chevrons and I do not get along very well when I need to aim at a target.

Fortunately, I had access to the IRNV sight on the RFB via a random Battlepack unlock. Surprisingly, the IRNV sight works quite well. The range at which one can engage targets is somewhat limited. However, that range limitation is at about the range that DMR start to lose effectiveness and where a bolt action would likely be a better choice.

I guess I will be messing around with the DMRs a bit more from now on.

DMRs unlocking is a true test of patience. Almost any weapon can outgun them. I find I do better with the 4x scope because it means I am further away and usually can initiate the engagement but even then I get killed far too often. I had some luck on a hardcore server with the QBU-88 with a silencer but for the most part the DMR experience has been a negative one. Only 2 more to go!
DMRs unlocking is a true test of patience. Almost any weapon can outgun them.

This is definitely the truth. The range at which DMR are more effective or at least competitive is much too small.

I find I do better with the 4x scope because it means I am further away and usually can initiate the engagement but even then I get killed far too often. I had some luck on a hardcore server with the QBU-88 with a silencer but for the most part the DMR experience has been a negative one.

I do not like the 4x scopes, well at least not the ACOG. Chevrons and I do not get along very well. I also think that 4x may be too much magnification. DMR's niche is a pretty specific range. The 4x hinders fast follow up shots because the weapon seems to settle slower because the recoil is excessively exaggerated with the additional zoom.

So far in BF4 when using a DMR, I have adjusted how I play somewhat. I play more defensively and be more deliberate with my movements. Map knowledge is very important, as setting up ideal or near ideal conditions for the DMR is paramount.

There is one thing I have learned with using the DMRs. I need to be less reckless with my movements. I have become a bit careless recently with how I move around maps and have put myself into a few too many bad spots.

Only 2 more to go!

I am closing in on unlocking the QBU-88. Then only three more to go.

From the stats on Symthic, the SCAR-H SV looks somewhat interesting. I would guess that it is probably better than either the RFB or Mk 11 Mod 0 that I have been using, but not dramatically so.

EDIT: I just looked the Battlelog on the experience required for the last two unlocks. I am not sure I understand what DICE was thinking with having such a large jump in the amount of experience needed to unlock the last two DMRs.
I love my DMRs! Sure, I die most of the time if the other guy knows I'm there, but for those moments between capping one flag and moving to the next where you generally have a few guys on your side and you have to move (often without much cover) a fairly long distance, if you let the other guys go first then you can 'snipe' guys who prioritise the closer targets. Then you can combine it with the MAV so your lemmings know what's coming or defibs to pick them up again once everyone is dead.

Like most guns, though, you need to match it to the map you're playing... I have found the most useless combo is an engineer with a SKS which has a red dot and a laser, a repair tool and Stinger on Shanghai. Horrible combination. You can't counter-snipe the snipers because they're too far away, you can't really take advantage of the range of the DMR in the streets, the choppers can rarely do anything to anyone unless they're up the skyscraper so they're not a big threat and you're useless against tanks too. About the only thing it's good for is shooting people over the other side of the open areas around B, D and E.
Is there any faster way to unlock guns? It seems that I just have to grind it all.

The best way is team deathmatch since there's no objective beyond killing as many people as possible and most of your points will be gun score and not kit or objective score, but if you want sniper rifle kills hardcore is AMAZING. You don't need headshots to kill people. Hardcore is good for pistols too.

If you're on PC and you want pistol score, find a pistol only server; I found a server that was getting me a new pistol every third round (though that's only because I had the G18!).
I unlocked all but the first pistol unlock playing on a Pistols only server. It went by pretty quickly and was fun to boot. I have wanted to mess around on a Pistols only server so more to try out a few of the other pistols, but there has only been 64 player servers with any kind of player count and that just sounds awful.
I will try them out. How do I use the XP boosters? Thank you for the tips.
You go to the pause menu and on the bottom right corner you'll see the XP Booster menu. Click on that I pick one of the XP Boosters you unlocked from battle packs.