Best money making in Patch 1.08

  • Thread starter Tompie913
Doing the Trial Mountain Cup in a Tomahawk S is the best if you don't like rallying, and 400,000cr for just over a half an hour. It's still no enough with the cost of things in the game.
Is this a championship? If so when does it unlock?
Are you not afraid of possible bans ? Would be stupid to get banned for this.(or not, and just play a different game).
i guarantee they are spending more time right now finding ways to prevent scripts than anything else. best case scenario is that they ‘only’ minimize the payouts, or enforce PP restrictions.

It’s wild to me that a person could identify the game’s economy is rigged against them… and then somehow determine that same company wouldn’t ban them in an instant. The only way to beat polyphony is to not turn on the program, ever.
Just for my own two cents. I compared my times with the sardegna windmills 3 lap race with the Tomahawk trial mountaim race.

With a 1-2 second slip up at the end and accidentally starting a replay. I subtracted the time I lost. I get around a 4:20-4:23 time on sardegna. The trial mountaim cup, I get 8:47. This time seems long but I stated the stopwatch differently for each race. For trial mountain, I started it in the world menu right before you enter the championship. Realistically where the game will spit you out at.

For sardegna. I started the time right on the "enter race button"

For both races. I stopped the timer when I started the race again and the counter hits 0 when you can finally race.

For sardegna: 4.22 x 14 = 59.08

60,000 × 14 = 840,000

For Trial Mountain Cup: 8.47 × 7 = 59.29

100,000 × 7 = 700,000

Sadly, I don't have a computer available most of the time to automate truck races. But from my opinion, Sardegna is the fastest and I can do it consistently enough that it's my go-to method.
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Just for my own two cents. I compared my times with the sardegna windmills 3 lap race with the Tomahawk trial mountaim race.

With a 1-2 second slip up at the end and accidentally starting a replay. I subtracted the time I lost. I get around a 4:20-4:23 time on sardegna. The trial mountaim cup, I get 8:47. This time seems long but I stated the stopwatch differently for each race. For trial mountain, I started it in the world menu right before you enter the championship. Realistically where the game will spit you out at.

For sardegna. I started the time right on the "enter race button"

For both races. I stopped the timer when I started the race again and the counter hits 0 when you can finally race.

For sardegna: 4.22 x 14 = 59.08

60,000 × 14 = 840,000

For Trial Mountain Cup: 8.47 × 7 = 59.29

110,000 × 7 = 770,000

Sadly, I don't have a computer available most of the time to automate truck races. But from my opinion, Sardegna is the fastest and I can do it consistently enough that it's my go-to method.
Trial mountain cup is 100k each time.
Sorry. Let me edit that. But either way. Sardegna, if you have the skill or the concentration to repeatedly do it. Is way better for money.
Also,for a bit of variety,the euro cup is fun to run,its pretty easy and im nowhere near a quality driver,3 races,3 laps each.I cant remember the total payout,its nowhere near 700k per hr but it takes away a little of the tedium.
Just for my own two cents. I compared my times with the sardegna windmills 3 lap race with the Tomahawk trial mountaim race.

With a 1-2 second slip up at the end and accidentally starting a replay. I subtracted the time I lost. I get around a 4:20-4:23 time on sardegna. The trial mountaim cup, I get 8:47. This time seems long but I stated the stopwatch differently for each race. For trial mountain, I started it in the world menu right before you enter the championship. Realistically where the game will spit you out at.

For sardegna. I started the time right on the "enter race button"

For both races. I stopped the timer when I started the race again and the counter hits 0 when you can finally race.

For sardegna: 4.22 x 14 = 59.08

60,000 × 14 = 840,000

For Trial Mountain Cup: 8.47 × 7 = 59.29

100,000 × 7 = 700,000

Sadly, I don't have a computer available most of the time to automate truck races. But from my opinion, Sardegna is the fastest and I can do it consistently enough that it's my go-to method.
8 minutes and 10 seconds for a full cycle at the Trial Mountain Cup, but if you don't like rallying the TMC is the one.
Just a heads-up if you use Asian/Japanese PS4 and wanna use the AFK script
Make sure you change the default accept/select button from circle to X, otherwise the script won't work since your Tomahawk didn't accelerate at all
Regarding bans, PD could probably restrict you from certain features (such as online play) as they see fit.

I'm personally not worried about it as it would be a PR disaster further shining a spotlight on their terrible game design, but I don't think there would be anything stopping them from doing it.
Regarding bans, PD could probably restrict you from certain features (such as online play) as they see fit.

I'm personally not worried about it as it would be a PR disaster further shining a spotlight on their terrible game design, but I don't think there would be anything stopping them from doing it.
Sony can lock your PSN account according to their terms and conditions for using a script.

To be honest after seeing further reactions elsewhere I don't see how people aren't connecting the dots here. On one hand you have people complaining that GT7 has taken a new direction and is almost designed as a live service game. On the other hand, (and I have no idea what the venn diagram looks like but there has to be some crossover) you have people confident that there is no chance that they could be banned for this.

If you ran a bot script on any other live service game you would have your account locked out. There would be no PR disaster if Sony decided to lock out anyone who ran a bot, we all know what the internet is like, do people realise how little sympathy there is going to be for players who knowingly broke the terms of service?

I'm not saying it's likely to happen because it still relies on Sony being able to detect suspicious behaviour, which is unlikely but is ultimately unknown and certainly not impossible like some people believe. And regardless of what their current Anti-Cheat software looks like, it's certainly something they are going to be looking to make more robust off the back of this to protect their recent investments into live service games.
Sony can lock your PSN account according to their terms and conditions for using a script.

To be honest after seeing further reactions elsewhere I don't see how people aren't connecting the dots here. On one hand you have people complaining that GT7 has taken a new direction and is almost designed as a live service game. On the other hand, (and I have no idea what the venn diagram looks like but there has to be some crossover) you have people confident that there is no chance that they could be banned for this.

If you ran a bot script on any other live service game you would have your account locked out. There would be no PR disaster if Sony decided to lock out anyone who ran a bot, we all know what the internet is like, do people realise how little sympathy there is going to be for players who knowingly broke the terms of service?

I'm not saying it's likely to happen because it still relies on Sony being able to detect suspicious behaviour, which is unlikely but is ultimately unknown and certainly not impossible like some people believe. And regardless of what their current Anti-Cheat software looks like, it's certainly something they are going to be looking to make more robust off the back of this to protect their recent investments into live service games.
It would certainly be possible that bans could be issued, either PD blocking online aspects of GT7 (basically the entire game then) or Sony blocking the user's account entirely.

If I was to give my amateur psychologist opinion, I'd guess most players who are using the AFK scripts are not too bothered about a ban from GT7. At this point in time credits earned by playing the game as PD have decided it should be played (not grinding or using AFK methods) don't give the experience AFK-users want. Their choice is to either play something they're not particularly enjoying, or AFK away and run the slight risk of a ban. If they get banned they are not in a significantly worse position than if they had just played normally, they can set up a new account and restart on that. They will have lost some progress but the point is it's risk v reward. Rapid acquisition of cars versus slight risk of a ban from a game they weren't really enjoying anyway.

Given that these methods have no impact on other users because they only give credits to purchase cars that could be earned or bought by every user, there's little benefit to Sony issuing account bans because it will only serve to dissuade people from buying Sony products in future. Breaches of the Ts and Cs like this that don't cause problems for other players are useful to developers because they help to iron out these issues to prevent them from occurring in the future.

There are three ways to stop AFK scripts:
1. Make them impossible
2. Make them impractical
3. Make them unnecessary

Sony's aim would probably be to prevent AFK scripts even being usable in the first place. If they make the remote play app only work with an official controller and not allow AutoHotkey to simulate control buttons being pressed, the AFK problem goes away. I don't know how possible this is but I guess if it were easy, they'd be doing it already.

The second and third options are in PD's hands. They've tried making them impractical by reducing the payouts but that has been unpopular because it makes the experience worse for all players. There are probably ways to address this, such as not allowing users to repeat races over and over for hours on end, although this would be unpopular with the grinders.

The best way to prevent AFK being used without alienating general users is to make AFK unnecessary, probably by raising the payouts. Nobody has bought GT7 because they wanted to spend all day streaming it to their PC running an AFK script. Make the economy more generous and make the "micro" transactions less obviously offensive then people wouldn't feel the need to do anything other than play the game normally.

Hopefully yesterday's announcement suggests that PD are recognising that making the economy less harsh would make GT7 more enjoyable for a lot of players.
I would be very surprised if Sony/PD take no actions against those running scripts. They could implement punishment at the same time they drop the next content update - when there will be a great deal of good will towards them for the improvements (which is likely to drown out the complaints from script runners).

Whether they would go so far as to ban accounts, I don't know. But I could certainly see temporary suspensions, (free) credit wipes, denial of access to online play or the like happening. If they intend to introduce an auction house, I think bans become more likely - as a stated aim is to have the most expensive cars feel highly valuable/rare (which is undermined if there are lots of them purchased through script farmers).

I don't see how Sony loses anything from taking action against a group of players who willingly broke the terms of service. These players were never going to buy MTX (as evidenced by the use of scripts in the first place), and were probably already deeply soured to Sony as a company (and thus less likely to buy future games from them). Would there be a massive backlash from the rest of the community if the script users were banned? Especially within the context of announced improvements being implemented?

I honestly have my doubts that there would. With that being said, I don't believe Sony will take the most drastic action available to them. They'll (try) to prevent the continuation of the practive and then apply a token punishment to those who have used scripts excessively to farm credits.
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How will they know its a script and not fingers doing the button pressing?
There was sn article on YT cslled virtual legal.i dont know anything about them,they couldnt find anything specific regarding scripts.They pojnted out that the script doesnt hack or alter any psn software,the piece in the T&C about cheat devices doesnt apply becsuse its not doing something you cant do yourself.
If it was a script that doubled your payouts then that would be totally different,thats interfering with the psn/game software.
Just my take on it.
Also.i posted elsewhere about the average 100% payout increase.If all races are doubled most of them will payout less than they did before the fredit cut.Goodwood,for example paid 52500k,then dropped to 18000,doubled that would be 36000.Less than original.Just saying.
I'm a lawyer myself and am familiar with the video you mention. The gist of which was: 'Sony probably have scope to ban script users, but they've made it harder on themselves to do so than was necessary by having imprecise ToS'. There are several posters on this forum who have carefully explained how Sony can easily detect who is using a script with 99.9% certainty/accuracy.

I don't believe there is much to be debated on that front (whether script users can be detected), as it seems quite obvious they can. The important thing will be what Sony intends to do about them. As mentioned in my previous post, I can see some token punishment (temporary suspension/credit wipe) being applied to those who have used the scripts excessively (as these will be the ones where there is 100% certainty who the guilty parties are).
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Sony aren't able to punish anyone for using the script; because you're not modifying the game files or doing anything on the console itself, there's nothing for them to detect. They could patch in a system that logs the frequency at which certain actions occur, but then the script would just need to implement some random delays here and there and the activity would be indistinguishable from anyone grinding the old-fashioned way. At best they can choose to block remote play moving forwards, but realistically that isn't going to happen.

Additionally, the game only has (arguably the worst) aspects of the 'Live Service' model - the always-online connection and the painfully slow grind. There is no 'Economy'; players can't trade cars or give eachother credits - it's an entirely closed system in which anything you 'earn' can only ever be yours, or discarded. The credits are there as a standard progression gate system, nothing else - their entire purpose is to stop you from accessing all of the games content too quickly, and impart some faux feeling of 'pride and accomplishment'. There is no 'Economy', and people need to stop using that term incorrectly.

There are lots of tryhards angry at people scripting their way to riches it seems, bitter at anyone doing anything in a way they don't see as legitimate; just ignore them. It's quite funny that their enjoyment of the game seems to be lessened by the idea of others using scripts to 'bypass' the grind, but at the same time they have no problem with people just buying their way to GT riches through the MTX system. I don't think they realise just how openly hypocritical they're being.

Surely its no diffetent to the rubberband method,remote play on a laptop,with the rubber band thing you could sit there watching tv and pressing x when needed to restart.Rinse snd repeat.
From some of the posts iv read the script doesnt seem to be 100% for everybody.Some users teport it works for 10 or so laps then you have to restart it,a lot of faff.
Much of what you say here is simply incorrect. Sony most certainly can ban you for using scripts, on multiple grounds. Whether they choose to do so remains to be seen. They can also easily detect who is using scripts in a myriad of different ways (as has been carefully explained by other posters on this very forum).

I get the sense that a lot of people who have used scripts are living in denial about the potentiality of their facing consequences for willingly breaking Sony's ToS - seeking to shout down anyone who has the audacity to point out that punishment for their actions is indeed possible.

For what it's worth, I don't care how players choose to play the game (or how they choose to earn their credits). If someone wants to run scripts, have at it. But that doesn't mean I'm prepared to buy into the pretense that actions can't have consequences - or that Sony don't strike me as the sort who would look to punish measures amounting to willful attempts to circumvent their desired MTX based economy.
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The BMB track will likely get patched and all they need to do is move that race to the last one and/or make it so that you get your payout as a lump sum after you completed the championship.

I'd say doing the lump sum fix would be their top choice, cause it basically guarantee script or manual framing the first track of championships will never happen in the future.
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People in this thread are a lot more upset about people running scripts than Sony is.

For what it's worth, I don't care how players choose to play the game (or how they choose to earn their credits).
There's not a single person here that believes this. It's the same sort of mentality that's prevalent in most live games or games where time "played"=progression. A person who feels everyone should be on even footing. "I'm not able to sign on during the day cause I'm at work, it's unfair that others can."
@eSZee Spotted a script user in denial 🤣
Trust me, there's no denial here. Then again I'm not the one writing novels about a subject that I definitely "don't care" about.