Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
First time completing Pacific Standard last night. I was Demolition and fell behind escaping. My teammates must have been sweating waiting for me at Paleto Bay.
First time completing Pacific Standard last night. I was Demolition and fell behind escaping. My teammates must have been sweating waiting for me at Paleto Bay.

It's real easy if you buy the property just south of the where you pickup the bikes. Everyone goes and gets on the bikes, then just runs next door and you enter your apartment while they are standing nearby and you bring them in with you. When you are all in the apartment you go to your door and selected to move everyone to your garage. There you hop into your Karuma and head up the west coast straight to the boat, with the greatest concern being which radio station you are to choose. Easy. Don't have the Karuma out for the mission, select a different vehicle on the outfit selection screen so the Karuma is in your garage when you get them.
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It's real easy if you buy the property just south of the where you pickup the bikes. Everyone goes and gets on the bikes, then just runs next door and you enter your apartment while they are standing nearby and you bring them in with you. When you are all in the apartment you go to your door and selected to move everyone to your garage. There you hop into your Karuma and head up the west coast straight to the boat, with the greatest concern being which radio station you are to choose. Easy.

Sounds great, but I joined a random invite, and the host didn't go to his apartment. He did direct me to go to the dinghy instead of going up the mountain. One person showed up on the Lectro, the other 2 arrived in a Fusilade lol
Sounds great, but I joined a random invite, and the host didn't go to his apartment. He did direct me to go to the dinghy instead of going up the mountain.

Any member of the heist can do that. If you had the apartment there and everyone else wanted to make the tough hustle up north you could still break from the group, go to your apartment and grab the Karuma yourself.

Your experience is exactly why I don't tend to join other's heists. I can complete any of the heists in about 1 hour and 15 minutes(less for some) from start to finish including all of the setups with the proper crew(or anyone who can follow directions, really). There are a lot of shortcuts for many of the setups and finales that can cut a lot of time. For what it's worth, I've completed the notorious 'Deliver EMP' mission taking less than 45 seconds from arriving at the front gate to pulling the Insurgent into the garage, and only one player fired any rounds. That is just one example, but there are many others that can be done easily and quickly with the right group. The Box Truck setup for Pac Std is another example; if you have two people who know where the trucks spawn they drive the cars directly to where the trucks are(same places each time) and the 'navigators' just sit there and take pics never opening the trackify app. Most of the 'shoot em up' missions like the Lectro theft is more efficient to put everyone in a Karuma and take out AP pistols as the passengers have auto-aim. Takes 20 seconds to kill the lost and you're back on the road. However, getting 3 randoms to listen and trust your basic instructions like 'everyone get in one Karuma, doesn't matter who's car or who drives'(you know, for those who HAVE to be the driver and/or use their car to satisfy the ego...) is really difficult and most of them end up as a free-for-all.

For those who want 'quick money' and RP, I recommend sticking to the lower risk setups like Key Cards on Humane(typical show up, shoot, steal something and bring it back mission), the steal insurgent mission, steal lectros, etc. The quickie shoot em up stuff that is hard to mess up unless you die is most efficient. 38-54k depending on the setup for typically less than 5 minutes of your time if nobody dies.
You know your heist crew sucks when you have to take the "proper" route to complete Pac Stan because everyone else keeps falling of the bikes and no one else wants to cover them.
> Accept heist invite from randoms
> There's only two other players
> They're all high levels
> This should be good
> Fourth player joining
> Can't wait to play
> He loads completely
> Level 13

Eh, since the Special Carbine was released the lower levels have had access to adequate weapons for most purposed. The Homing Launcher furthered the proliferation of higher power weapons amongst the lower levels. IMO, personal ability(player skill) and shooting ability(character skill) is more important than the particular weapon used.
@Custom878 and I were playing, and these really annoying guys kept killing us. Honestly, they were just the worst people. They kept scoping us, and then they came with Hydra's... Oh, dear.

I also may be on Custom's list, buuuuut that's a different story.

Story two is when my friend and I where playing, and other guys just kept on killing us. However, when we tried to shoot them, they were invincible. Seriously, we would shoot them in the head hundreds of times, but they would not die.

Private lobby!
Many times in the past. When doing the actual Heist with randomers, they would not ready up because the cut isn't large enough to their liking.
I was in a small lobby playing my female character, and there was a tank chasing anyone nearby. I get blown up and soon get a msg "sorry" and next msg "I don't usually kill women". Her PSN was marvelouslezzbian or something. As soon as she would die, typical tank griefer, goes to Passive Mode.

I then get in a battle with 2 others, then tank girl sends a msg "ok maybe I should". After killing 2 other scrubs 2 to 1, one sets a 9 grand bounty on me. Tank girl sets her sights on me but I was able to gain higher ground to avoid her blasts.

The other scrub managed to get the bounty, and tank girl dies. I head over to the tank spawn area and snipe her. She sends one last msg "bout time". Sure if she wasn't in her tank or passive mode....
Best: Made a fortune out of the double rp and cash on the Pacific Standard.

Worse: The Pacific Standard Finale. Everyone refuses to make it out alive when trying to jump out of the police cruiser and parachute to land. *We drove up to the cliff in a police cruiser instead of using the Lectros to make it easier.* Why on earth does it seriously needs to take an hour or two just to land safely? Has these guys never used the parachute before?
Worse: The Pacific Standard Finale. Everyone refuses to make it out alive when trying to jump out of the police cruiser and parachute to land. *We drove up to the cliff in a police cruiser instead of using the Lectros to make it easier.* Why on earth does it seriously needs to take an hour or two just to land safely? Has these guys never used the parachute before?
Why not just drive straight to the boat instead? It's much safer when you're all together.
Why not just drive straight to the boat instead? It's much safer when you're all together.
We were doing that which I forgot to mention. The first time we did that we failed because the guy who was driving the dinghy accidentally drove it onto the land and destroyed it. Honestly it was so uncalled for.
We were doing that which I forgot to mention. The first time we did that we failed because the guy who was driving the dinghy accidentally drove it onto the land and destroyed it. Honestly it was so uncalled for.
But he accidentally drove it there, not on purpose. What made it uncalled for?
But they have less health and don't have access to more powerful weapons.

ive been playing GTA5 on ps3 since the day it came out. But only just started playing online last week. so im level 20.

So dont be so quick to judge.

However.. i do need some decent team members ASAP.
Trying to get through these Heist missions but the 12 year old kiddy winks i keel getting put with die...

it took me 20 minutes to shake a 3 star felony after stealing the car off the container ship a d then the numpty sitting in my car decided to blow up the cops and then shoot me...FFS!

I literally threw the controller at the wall.. lol

missed my F1 wheel by an inch lol

Sign me up please...!! haha