Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Best: Finally was able to play again after a week and a half spent on the sidelines.
Worst: My Turtle Beach P11 decided to break on the same day I start playing again....
I really got nothing large so far. The last time i had a bounty, it was with this. TREN TREN TREN, TRUN TREN TRUN!


But seriously. Nothing. Nada.

Although, when a Hydra decide to bombard be while i hide under a bridge, I locked on with the Homing Launcher. I didn't fire since I know it won't hit, but this pilot went jumping out of his cockpit in fear of death and died. It was HI-LA-freaking-RI-US. I drove away the van, laughing.

I survived said bounty.

Wait, that's something!
Although, when a Hydra decide to bombard be while i hide under a bridge, I locked on with the Homing Launcher. I didn't fire since I know it won't hit, but this pilot went jumping out of his cockpit in fear of death and died. It was HI-LA-freaking-RI-US. I drove away the van, laughing.

Sounds like fun, gotta try that next time and see how erratic pilots become :lol:
I've grown fond of using the ocean to deny bounty hunters their payday. And even more so with an occasional spawn of the yellow submarine.

I wonder if there's any way to get a bounty that's resting 300ft under the water?

Aside from lucky RPG potshots, maybe a kamikaze with another submarine (put stickies around it)?
I've grown fond of using the ocean to deny bounty hunters their payday. And even more so with an occasional spawn of the yellow submarine.

I wonder if there's any way to get a bounty that's resting 300ft under the water?

Aside from lucky RPG potshots, maybe a kamikaze with another submarine (put stickies around it)?

Kamikaze Submarine sounds like the only real way tbh.
SPD presents.. a BEST
Warning: Team Fortress 2 links should be clicked on a computer.

The Scenario:

3 man room.
1 bounty. 1 guy. 1 SPD.

What happened:

So, we have this little tango on the Del Perro pier. I arrived on a bike, with the bounty target finding an escape car. He was pretty low leveled, so maybe I give him a chance to leave. Then, the other guy comes in and bombards the place with a Hydra. Reaction: I kept my distance immediately.

After failed carpet bombing runs, I aimed my homing launcher up and locked on to the jet (to get the same reaction as above post of mine). But I accidentally fired on the guy. AND THIS HAPPENED.


Yes, I hit the plane that's not in hover mode. So, i was like.. you cannot run from me, my gun is faster.

So, I head back to my bike to see our target coming over in a wild Fusilade, trying to hurt me with a few pistol shots.


I'm muttering to myself like this: you sure? Which leads me to taking out my RPG, aim, and fire. *sigh* Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.


3k bounty claimed!


But it's not over yet!

So, I head along to LSC to change my Innovation's paintjob and head back to Del Perro apartments. Only then, the guy in the Hydra earlier wasn't satisfied. He tried to intercept me in an Armored Kuruma.

I muttered: "you sure?" again, as I prep up a small something for the guy at the Del Perro apartment garage door.

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. So, I'm prepared to wreck this Scrubmobile with a good grenade launch. And just in time...


Couldn't you see the bloody bombs?

And please stop following me.

Which he doesn't listen because he takes a car from the wild and still does. Where's my peace?

I head off to the beach, him on tail, and take a sharp right on the beach. Said sharp right has a sticky from yours truly. And when he's on that sticky..


Awww.. there's a new angel in heaven.. IN HELL!

And you'd say it's over. I do want it to be over. But it's not!


When i thought it was in game, i noticed he took out his Hydra. My reaction? I went straight into the tunnel under the Pier. It was 5 minutes of him bombarding countless innocents.

But as he landed, he soon found out of my locale, and tried to SNIPE me??

He soon swapped to an assault rifle, but not before I used mine.


In your language: Eat lead, laddies!

And thankfully, it's over! He left and really should think not to mess with a guy like me.

Thanks for reading.
A wild generic bounty survival story has appeared! :P

Popped on GTAO to have some survival fun. 20 minutes of disconnections, errors, ragequits and facepalms later I finally spawned into a session with more than one person. I immediately went to the garage to get my Zentorno coloured something other than hot pink and looked at the map before exiting. 7 red dots were having a war near the Burton LSC. So, trying to attract as little attention as possible (kinda difficult with a big fat skull showing my location), I headed to the train tracks.

From the Popular St. LSC I followed the tracks until the Tataviam Mountains and stopped at the spot where the tracks split. Soon enough a train appeared. I got out of the car, and hopped on the train for an entertaining joyride through LS :) Then I looked at the map and saw a red fighter jet icon coming for me...


Oh hell no. :scared:

Sure enough, it was a level 72. 34 levels higher than I was. And the best part? He was in a Hydra. Fortunately for me, the tracks went through many underground tunnels that the Hydra couldn't reach, so I had some breathing room. Every time he sprayed the train with bullets and missiles I tried to snipe him out of the jet, but that is hard enough in itself; even more so in a moving train.

At some point the Hydra gave up and turned away from the train (:D), however it turned out that he was only waiting for the train to reach open space so he could hit me more easily... Indeed he got quite close during a few of his passes, flew away again and returned just as the train reached the spot where my car was parked. But he flew too low, hit a hill and died a fiery death.

U mad bro?

I floored it towards Paleto Bay (my "safe haven" of sorts) as he got into an Annihilator. I reached my apartment and stayed right outside my garage waiting for the bounty to expire, but he was faster. As soon as the helicopter icon entered the small radar I pulled into the garage and immediately turned on the TV to watch him.

He had landed the Annihilator on my driveway waiting for me to exit the house, occasionally sneaking behind walls with his pink guns. I laughed it off and he eventually flew away after 25 (!) minutes, at which point I turned off my PS3. :sly:
A wild generic bounty survival story has appeared! :P

Popped on GTAO to have some survival fun. 20 minutes of disconnections, errors, ragequits and facepalms later I finally spawned into a session with more than one person. I immediately went to the garage to get my Zentorno coloured something other than hot pink and looked at the map before exiting. 7 red dots were having a war near the Burton LSC. So, trying to attract as little attention as possible (kinda difficult with a big fat skull showing my location), I headed to the train tracks.

From the Popular St. LSC I followed the tracks until the Tataviam Mountains and stopped at the spot where the tracks split. Soon enough a train appeared. I got out of the car, and hopped on the train for an entertaining joyride through LS :) Then I looked at the map and saw a red fighter jet icon coming for me...


Oh hell no. :scared:

Sure enough, it was a level 72. 34 levels higher than I was. And the best part? He was in a Hydra. Fortunately for me, the tracks went through many underground tunnels that the Hydra couldn't reach, so I had some breathing room. Every time he sprayed the train with bullets and missiles I tried to snipe him out of the jet, but that is hard enough in itself; even more so in a moving train.

At some point the Hydra gave up and turned away from the train (:D), however it turned out that he was only waiting for the train to reach open space so he could hit me more easily... Indeed he got quite close during a few of his passes, flew away again and returned just as the train reached the spot where my car was parked. But he flew too low, hit a hill and died a fiery death.

U mad bro?

I floored it towards Paleto Bay (my "safe haven" of sorts) as he got into an Annihilator. I reached my apartment and stayed right outside my garage waiting for the bounty to expire, but he was faster. As soon as the helicopter icon entered the small radar I pulled into the garage and immediately turned on the TV to watch him.

He had landed the Annihilator on my driveway waiting for me to exit the house, occasionally sneaking behind walls with his pink guns. I laughed it off and he eventually flew away after 25 (!) minutes, at which point I turned off my PS3. :sly:
Wh didn't the guy kept using his Hydra and instead decided to use a Annihilator later on? Well for one thing, we should be glad he didn't kept using the Hydra, must of been someone with brains who doesn't use the Hydra / P-996 Lazer 24/7 who's a serious bounty hunter.
Wh didn't the guy kept using his Hydra and instead decided to use a Annihilator later on? Well for one thing, we should be glad he didn't kept using the Hydra, must of been someone with brains who doesn't use the Hydra / P-996 Lazer 24/7 who's a serious bounty hunter.

Probably because he thought I was still on the train (which I was at the time he got the Annihilator) so he figured it would be easier to land some shots on me from a slow helicopter than from a fast jet.

EDIT: Another fun activity I've been doing lately is finding packs of players battling and landing a helicopter on the building above them. I've sniped some people six times my rank while doing this. :P

WARNING:They might notice you and roast you with a homing launcher.
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Another fun activity I've been doing lately is finding packs of players battling and landing a helicopter on the building above them. I've sniped some people six times my rank while doing this. :P

WARNING:They might notice you and roast you with a homing launcher.

The homing launcher can't lock on an empty helicopter if I'm not wrong.

But yeah: this is legit goodness. People on ground level have little to no hope on getting a guy who's perched and well defended on a skyscraper.

Right now, I'm having a public room bounty and now situated 400ft under the water surface with my new Kraken. Will update on situation.
Joined a random setup, get the coke on the boat. I was put in the chopper with a level 26. I did my best to make it first to the chopper. When we flew to the boat I put my side of the chopper in a way he could quickly kill the guys on the top level on the boat. I guess I expected too much from him because he didn't fire a shot and died after several routes around the boat. He died again quickly after so restart. Now we had a quick sprint to the helicopter and he was quicker. I pulled him out and turned around the chopper so he could get in as passenger. I took off and he decided he wanted to be the pilot so he threw me out at height. He didn't even pick me up and continued flying, but not so good and soon I saw the message he did a suicide. Restart. Again a sprint to the chopper but he was afk or something, I waited for a minute. I flew to the beach and took out the choppers, where to my surprise the chopper was again taken by that same guy. Must have driven there by car.. He flew away, landed at the boat and just took off without taking the others, who had the coke.... He went straight to the destination. I did too but had some trouble with police since I was at the beach with no transport.... After a bit of shooting and hiding I arrived at the destination. The chopper and two players were there. Opened the map and saw the last player (who was the host) was still trying to get away from police. Took the chopper and this level 26 guy starts trying to blow up the chopper but of course you can't when you're in. Landed near the host, he got in we got away finally finished. He invited me again, I joined and then he kicks me..
Hosted my latest wall ride race and apparently everyone was struggling on the first wall ride. I did mentioned that I was going to do some tweaks to the job in my showcase video about the job which obviously everyone did not know about. While everyone was struggling and backing out, one guy decided to play the role of doing the traditional "Drive The Wrong Way and or Ignore The Checkpoints and Kick Everyone's Butt!". While this was set in GTA Race to allow everyone use boosts as well as rockets and health which I don't know why, *This apparently gave the griefer a warm upgrade* later in the race one the griefer who were driving a light blue adder decides to camp near the ramp leading to the third and last wall ride and destroy anyone who attempts to go up the ramp with rockets. Later after I finished the race, the guy continued to grief everyone and eventually one guy left. It was all down to only two opponents. One guy driving a Matte Black T20 decided to continue the race. The guy in the adder still kept on griefing for another good 20 minutes despite giving up with the ramp since the T20 had some serious trouble with the wall rides before the guy in the Adder left. I know it's set to GTA Race and Wall Rides have had a good number of followers and a fair amount of haters who prefer circuit styled races but that doesn't mean just because you're having trouble with a race doesn't mean it's ok to play Call of Duty with cars and camp and kill other players.

Never will I do a GTA Race ever again. :P
Hosted my latest wall ride race and apparently everyone was struggling on the first wall ride. I did mentioned that I was going to do some tweaks to the job in my showcase video about the job which obviously everyone did not know about. While everyone was struggling and backing out, one guy decided to play the role of doing the traditional "Drive The Wrong Way and or Ignore The Checkpoints and Kick Everyone's Butt!". While this was set in GTA Race to allow everyone use boosts as well as rockets and health which I don't know why, *This apparently gave the griefer a warm upgrade* later in the race one the griefer who were driving a light blue adder decides to camp near the ramp leading to the third and last wall ride and destroy anyone who attempts to go up the ramp with rockets. Later after I finished the race, the guy continued to grief everyone and eventually one guy left. It was all down to only two opponents. One guy driving a Matte Black T20 decided to continue the race. The guy in the adder still kept on griefing for another good 20 minutes despite giving up with the ramp since the T20 had some serious trouble with the wall rides before the guy in the Adder left. I know it's set to GTA Race and Wall Rides have had a good number of followers and a fair amount of haters who prefer circuit styled races but that doesn't mean just because you're having trouble with a race doesn't mean it's ok to play Call of Duty with cars and camp and kill other players.
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Never will I do a GTA Race ever again. :P
So basically what your saying is you got trolled?
>drive to apartment
>someone spawns outside with car
>enter cut scene where character drives into garage
>person outside starts laying M4 bullets into me during cutscene (even doe I'm invincible)

Why does this still happen :lol:
>drive to apartment
>someone spawns outside with car
>enter cut scene where character drives into garage
>person outside starts laying M4 bullets into me during cutscene (even doe I'm invincible)

Why does this still happen :lol:

Why do people still treat free roam like a deathmatch? :grumpy:
GTA has always been kill or be killed.

My public lobby mentality is I don't do anything until I get killed. But once I get killed, I will kill anything that I run across.
I just stay in passive mode most of the time. People still try to kill me though, and it's quite funny chasing them down.
So I had a car meet with a bunch of guys driving a Hearse, a few of them were from NODO, after we met up and left, me and some guy were targeted by two guys. One of them sent mercenaries after me for no apparent reason and told me to lick their 🤬! I'm like no just no. *Insert Michael Scott God No reaction here!* After they sent mercenaries after me, I went and grab a Rhino Tank to defend myself. They both have bounties on them. I went after them however they were both hiding inside the Pacific Standard bank. I was just sitting there inside my Tank just to see my poor friend getting killed by those sore losers. I believe later on all of them teleported out of the bank somehow. After leaving the bank, later one of them were hiding at the airport. I went with my partner and grabbed a Savage. They were hiding inside some building and I told my partner that I know where they are hiding since I happen to know the map very well. When I got in there, I killed one of the guys inside, we both killed each other. I claimed his $9000 bounty and I had a small little war at the airport. I did forgot to mentioned that the other guy was constantly sending me invites to his apartment. Ummmm no! Once me and the guy I was dealing with left the airport, he went to the helipads at the docks near Vespucci. I forgot that the car I last use was my Hearse and the car that I wanted to use was my T20 and accidentally requested my Hearse via Inventory / Request Personal Vehicle. He was in passive mode so I gave him a nasty surprised when I arrived there by destroying all helicopters there as well as his entity to make it even harder for him to escape. When I left, I went back to my apartment and grab my T20. After leaving my apartment, what happened next? Well a sticky bomb to my T20 by a random who was driving the same car as me. After dealing with him, the guy who was constantly sending me invites to his apartment came in action. While I did put up a good fight with the other guy, this one was sure one tough troll. Me and my partner were no match for him. He came in with a ugly Armored Kuruma with a paint job if I remember correctly inspired by the colors of Joker. Maybe we should call it the Jokermobile? I didn't got a single kill on this guy. While my partner eventually did kill him, I later back out because I no longer want to put up with this issue. I did told my partner to back out although I have no clue if he actually did it. Pretty sure by now my partner left the lobby.

Also look at this guy's character and crew name. Makes a lot of sense huh?

Yeah he's certainly a troll.... I don't like clowning around ya know.

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