A wild generic bounty survival story has appeared!
Popped on GTAO to have some survival fun. 20 minutes of disconnections, errors, ragequits and facepalms later I finally spawned into a session with more than one person. I immediately went to the garage to get my Zentorno
coloured something other than hot pink and looked at the map before exiting.
7 red dots were having a war near the Burton LSC. So, trying to attract as little attention as possible (kinda difficult with a big fat skull showing my location), I headed to the train tracks.
From the Popular St. LSC I followed the tracks until the Tataviam Mountains and stopped at the spot where the tracks split. Soon enough a train appeared. I got out of the car, and hopped on the train for an entertaining joyride through LS

Then I looked at the map and saw a red fighter jet icon coming for me...
Oh hell no.
Sure enough, it was a level 72. 34 levels higher than I was. And the best part? He was in a Hydra. Fortunately for me, the tracks went through many underground tunnels that the Hydra couldn't reach, so I had some breathing room. Every time he sprayed the train with bullets and missiles I tried to snipe him out of the jet, but that is hard enough in itself; even more so in a moving train.
At some point the Hydra gave up and turned away from the train (

), however it turned out that he was only waiting for the train to reach open space so he could hit me more easily... Indeed he got quite close during a few of his passes, flew away again and returned just as the train reached the spot where my car was parked. But he flew too low, hit a hill and died a fiery death.
U mad bro?
I floored it towards Paleto Bay (my "safe haven" of sorts) as he got into an Annihilator. I reached my apartment and stayed right outside my garage waiting for the bounty to expire, but he was faster. As soon as the helicopter icon entered the small radar I pulled into the garage and immediately turned on the TV to watch him.
He had landed the Annihilator on my driveway waiting for me to exit the house, occasionally sneaking behind walls with his pink guns. I laughed it off and he eventually flew away after 25 (!) minutes, at which point I turned off my PS3.