Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Part 3!

- Stole and sold a Felon, but NPC driver gives 9k bounty on me.

- A level 44 psycho wants my head on his fireplace.

- Took out my Osiris, which i have little to no experience racing in it yet.

- Drove on freeway through western Los Santos, with a decent gap between.

- Had Lester hide my blip by Zancudo bridge.

- Went to Sonar Collections Dock to receive my Pegasus called Speeder (a boat).

- Left boat north, realizes man chasing me has an Elegy (??)

- Guy tries drive-by at a distance. Attracts police. I sit with imaginary popcorn. This took a while.

- Chaser gets smart and tries to snipe me. I head to El Gordo Lighthouse, where he struggles to keep up.

- Called for Osiris, but Gang Attack killed me before car spawned. So i had to wait 5 minutes.

- Chaser gets stuck on Senora Freeway, but another guy coming with Savage.

- Hid my blip again to discreetly eliminate Savage. Mechanic timer ended and Osiris arrives.

We have a blip north, a blip nearby, and 2 blips on Sandy Shores Airfield, where I intended to go. Not taking the risk, I headed down the freeway south with my Osiris. Unlike most other Osiris i see out, mine is stuck at one color, and with hardly any body work done to it. But enough of me.

Mr. Elegy leaves the room shortly, and nearby blip (downed Savage) spawns at the hills and takes a while to spawn his supercar, i guess. He never caught up. 2 blips on Sandy Shores, however, are clan mateys, and they have a car coming for me.

So, I head south, with these 2 guys coming to me at force. And since I'm too good to get shot on the road this time around, I used the train tracks. The Osiris is fast enough to travel it fast, and so: why not?

Then I noticed, by the matte on their sedan, these 2 guys are in the Armored Kuruma Scrubmobile. And since i do know that thing is SLOW (tops at 80mph?!), i steadily head back to the freeway, but headed to the backroads instead of the city.

A note: I never wanted an Osiris. I had to spend nearly 2 million dollars for something that punishes you for driving it into the water or a flame, intended to insult R*'s rebate thingy. Eventually, i got my rebate, and started appreciating this Huayra that's actually easy to drive (contrasting the real life thing).

I stopped by the Ammunation in the middle of nowhere to prepare myself for an oncoming assault. The Osiris' body is perfect to be protected from behind, but i decide to do it the hard way. The Kuruma did arrive UP THE ONE TIGHT FREEWAY RAMP THAT I WANTED THEM TO DRIVE UP SO PERFECTLY SUCH LOSERS HAHAHAH I MEAN.. and about to let the bullets fly. My self defence was this iconic Russian weapon called the RPG.



If God had wanted you to live, He would not have created me!

And away with the Osiris, again. Because the Savage guy came closer, and if it's a T20 he has, that's not what i had in mind to blow up.

The escape was perfect. I have the perfect car, with the perfect need to escape. Instead of south, i headed to the dirt road up, and rallied my way out of the area. They ate my dust.

The next 10 minutes ended up pretty boring. My chasers were at my blip, while I was hidden with my Osiris under the sewers during the Jewelry store raid. The moment these guys figured it out, they head to my position, fast. But when they were close, and I was about to leave..

You have survived the bounty placed on you.



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• Gets on GTA Online
• Gets Pick Up Insurgent
• Goes and pick up Crew Members
• Goes to help Lester distract the cops.
• Kills some random
• Another crew member shows up
• The crew member proceeds to not only help out distract the cops but proceeds to killing us.
• Messages him in-game on why was he killing me.
• Does not respond.
• Another crew member comes by.
• Starts driving towards the same guy that killed me.
• Kills the driver. Didn't got the chance to kill me until I left the car.
• Comes up to him in passive mode and does the facepalm action.
• Leaves the session.
Oh and it's about to get worse. Look at this guy's rank! Not quite the rank to be acting like this at.

Joined a Series A finale 20% of 202 grand, completed with a first time bonus off 300 grand. Bought the Technical 50% off for 475 grand.

Then did a random stunt jump, which was the last one I needed to complete Online, so it was a good day
I finally encountered what I feared most in GTA Online...

I created a second character because I was getting bored of my first one and wanted to start over. After stealing a car for myself I decided to go do a race, but I chose the car class I didn't want so I exited. The game decided to put me into a public lobby in which a modder was sitting in and I spawned with money bags raining on me :rolleyes: I accumulated $840,000 in cash before I left. I figured that spending it would be a good option as I was already going to delete the second character because of this incident. I spent $223,000 on an apartment and it only withdrew from my bank account (I was sitting at $640,000) so I put $200,000 back in my account before deleting my second character.

Needless to say I submitted this to R* support.
Been online with my friend tonight so that was great fun.

A good story too, which I shall write in bulletpoint form for the sake of speed.

  • Level 70 tries to attack me (level 8) and friend (level 50) by ramming us in a Zentorno... shocking right?
  • He kills my friend a lot but I'm on a wall so... yeah.
  • Friend eventually kills him.
  • We wait for him to get his Zentorno, kill him when he does.
  • End up blowing Zentorno up. I ain't mad.
  • Repeatedly killing him with a marksman rifle, for reference he only killed me 3 times with a gun.
  • End up picking him off when he spawns, sometimes doesn't work out but... that's only sometimes.
  • Ends up being 17 kills to me and 10 to him.
  • Send smug message.
  • Receive reply saying he was gonna give us $6 million... yeah right.
Also bought a load of cars including the Z type and Brawler.
So it appears I still can't play Pacific Standard used to say "Failed to download job (or whatever)" now it says "The session you're trying to join is full of players..."

So yea...never played Pac Standard finale (PS4) , ever.

Plus, today was basically a bust. Only completed a few Pac Standard set ups. The rest teammates would keep dying and someone, or I would quit. Also tried a Prison Break. The host set us at 15% but the pilot died twice so it was too cheap to continue.
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Bullet point story time!
  • Trying to get a jet from Fort Zancudo and play around (not grief or anything, just enjoy the scenery)
  • Zentorno gets impounded
  • Steal Fusilade to make the jump
  • Made the jump, but got a $5000 bounty from the NPC
  • Fly jet to impound and jump out
  • Parachute to impound, pay for car and get it back
  • Make a run for Del Perro Heights with the whole lobby after me
  • Level 87 is waiting at an intersection at Vespucci and gives chase in his Zentorno
  • Desperately try to get into garage while constantly hearing sticky bombs explode behind me
  • Make it to garage and see another guy waiting there
  • Floor it and head to the Great Ocean Highway
  • Level 87 still on my tail and gaining because of extra mods (I was rank 28 at the time)
  • Throw sticky bomb behind me in the Fort Zancudo tunnel
  • He bails out but his car gets blown up (I don't have to pay anything because of the bounty)
  • He tries to get a jet and chase me down but I've already reached Paleto Bay
  • Chill in my apartment while he sends me hate mail for the next 15 minutes
  • Leave and survive bounty in another session.
If you have a bounty you can blow up as many cars as you want without paying a penny. Then again it's not recommended in a full server because you'll have 15 (or 29) people after you :P
Custom job invites are cancer. I decided to allow them to be displayed on screen again since I want to see heist invites but that was a terrible idea. Getting a bunch of terrible (more than likely spawntrap deathmatches) mission invites advertising YouTube channels. As if there wasn't enough idiots spamming up this game. :rolleyes:
Custom job invites are cancer. I decided to allow them to be displayed on screen again since I want to see heist invites but that was a terrible idea. Getting a bunch of terrible (more than likely spawntrap deathmatches) mission invites advertising YouTube channels. As if there wasn't enough idiots spamming up this game. :rolleyes:
This, I can't stand this, but I also don't want to miss any heists or contact jobs that I might want to join. It's also annoying to see "+$99999999 999999RP CASH" being received every minute or so.
This, I can't stand this, but I also don't want to miss any heists or contact jobs that I might want to join. It's also annoying to see "+$99999999 999999RP CASH" being received every minute or so.
Agree. Whoever came up with that idea must drive cars looking something similar to what the other player is driving in this picture. :lol:
But getting into a bad sport takes blowing up a LOT of cars. I've bound to have blown up over 100 personal vehicles and I've never been put in bad sport.
I know that but what people failed to understand was I was simply asking them if you still get the bad sport penalties for blowing up someone's car while having a bounty on your head. Instead people here were pointing out that it takes a lot of effort to be put in bad sport lobbies. I already know that and I've been playing GTA Online since launch. No offence to everyone who didn't answered my question though.

If I do get put in a bad sport lobby. Well it will take some real jack:censored: to anger me to start causing me to keep blowing up their cars. Like one of the most sinister trolls I've faced through my YouTube channel and someone like that guy from that incident I had last year on PSN on GTA Online which happened all because of my username. Seriously people? Are you that 🤬 stupid to troll someone this bad all because of a username. Next time I encounter this guy and he does like what he did last year, I will seriously call sony.

I have trouble trying to avoid bringing this up. I'm sorry, I think I need therapy. I'm still trying to figure the heck out why Carfreak13 deleted me.
So I was finally able to play Pacific Standard finale... And I die after we leave the bank. Crew member leaves and no re-invite.

And I figured out part of the cop uniform glitch but can't join or start Crooked Cop to obtain it.

EDIT: Joined a Prison Break finale last night. Host gave me 20%, everyone else had 15%. 1st round no dice. Prisoner kept dying, crew member left. Re-invited, also 20%, I was pilot again. Everything went well, then the 5 star glitch. I figured out where to fly, along the LS 'river' canal. I flew threw once and the 5 star blinked but remained on. Second fly through and the wanted level started blinking. But at this point Demolition got tired of waiting and left, right when were about to be done in a few minutes. Host re-invited me but it's late and I went to sleep.
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Finally had a bad experience while attempting to play a heist/setup:
  • Start up Prison Break-Station
  • People join, but one of them is from China and is on my setup team (god help me)
  • Teammate gets a police car
  • I try to get in, but he's teleporting all over from the horrendous amount of lag
  • I die within a millisecond from cops shooting me (love me some lag)
  • I get the police car, teammate gets in and we get the documents
  • Finished and complete the rest of the set-ups

  • Start up Prison Break heist (I'm the prisoner)
  • Prison officer follows demolition team to the wrong bus so I tell him
  • He arrives to the correct bus and we get into the prison
  • "Heist failed: Velum destroyed"
  • Restart and "Heist failed: Velum destroyed"
  • Heist members leave
  • Start up heist again with 2 new people after assigning the roles they want (I'm prisoner again)
  • Prison officer takes us into prison
  • "Heist failed: Velum destroyed"
  • Heist members leave
  • That's all, folks
So, with the mark down on Sticky Bombs, someone thought that I would be the perfect target to practice the art of Sticky Bomb Driving. I mean, anyone can do it, but it's an art that takes time to master. I mean, look at a pretty inaccurate representation of my hands!


Does this not represent the testament of blowing someone up with style and speed. Granted, it's also dirty and made for strangling, but you get the point!

So, i was having a day "stealing" cars at Strawberry, as part of my daily. Stealing, as if in.. umm.. smashing parked windows. Then, as i head in my Sentinel to find more cars, this guy arrived with a traffic car (an FQ2).

I drove away, while he spams his horn. I horned back, and see a sticky bomb tossed to my 1 o'clock. My car, which is fast, accelerated fast enough for him to detonate it too late, which ended up making him kill himself.

I was like:


2 cars to steal later, he returned, with an Asterope. And you can say, where I was, a skilled bomber would've gotten me by now.

He's really bad at this. I mean, 4 bombs later, i manage to drive the train track road near the police station. To show him how it's done, I dropped a bomb, then at a distance, as he drove fast to blow me away..

*pushes right*


SomePlayaDude killed *noob bomber name*

Some people..