Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Nothing is more satisfying than going through an entire setup and heist with only one death (which was caused by ladders never working right). Made almost $300,000 in less than an hour. :D

I think I can guess... Wet Work, City Hall team, falling off the ladder from the vantage point because they only work whilst walking and you're locked into running if you've recently fired a shot?

To be fair, it wasn't the ladder itself, but the lack of health, while surrounded by police that was caused by the ladder.
Tried the Prison Break finale with randoms, well yeah that didn't go well. First prison officer died twice. Then of all places to die, he fails on the parachute jump and suicides on the hillside. It was 40/20/20/20 and just missed 400 grand dammit.​
Best: Finally becoming a T20 owner!

Worst: I hosted the Humane Reasearch Heists and one of my team mates had to go. When I hosted it, my friend invited one of his buddies over and what we got was a level 150 player who was ironically a 5 year old. One of our team mates apparently wanted a much more lower cut than what everyone else was getting. We were talking about it and then the kid started getting greedy. I told him countless times that it was not my fault doing this and it was the guy's decision. Still even after telling him this, the kid made a big deal about it and then later when I was setting everything up for the third set up, he started getting in trouble and I had to kick him. Also the kid apparently didn't mind so I happily proceed to doing it anyways! :P Also he didn't liked it when I called him a kid. *See parents, this is the true reason why you shouldn't let your kids play GTA V!*

Also on top of that, when I was AFK, I had a random power cut. :banghead:
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Worst, AFK players during set ups or those who leave 3/4 way through. Best, completing Prison Break and Humane Labs with randoms 40/20/20/20 split.
Not my story, but I found this and thought people might enjoy it (Spoiler because swears):

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Not my story, but I found this and thought people might enjoy it:

Oh my god that was amazing. I wish I could play the same GTA as him!

By the way, you might want to edit out the swears. I really don't want you to get points or have your post deleted for such an epic story.
GTA Online daily routine:

1. Load into GTA Online
2. Drive out of garage
3. Get killed
4. Run to car and escape
5. Get killed
6. Enable passive mode
7. Disable passive mode to chase after bounty
8. Get killed
9. Kill bounty
10. Get killed for taking bounty
11. Give up and play story.
My GTA Online routine:

• Load up invite-only session
• Delete mission invites from randoms
• View the wanted vehicle list from Simeon
• Accept and immediately hang up call from Lester about the Prison Break Heist
• Choose an outfit for the day
• Load up Trash Talk
• Grindgrindgrindgrindgrindgrind
• Get bored and log off
- Load up GTA
- Put on white hockey mask
- Daily objectives
- Grind heists
- Steal a grey Asterope and kill the driver
- Get a $1000 bounty anyway
- Buy cars/apartments/clothes/etc.
- Get bored
- Sell cars/apartments
- Fight off an entire lobby over $1000 (kinda fun actually if it's more than one person and they are terrible at aiming)
- Repeat

I need to find crew members to do stupid stuff with. This game gets a little boring when you're on your own.
I got bloody awful objectives today a versus mission AND kill 10 players. Who did I annoy at Rockstar? Was it because I requested my rebate.

If anyone is online, please help.
I got bloody awful objectives today a versus mission AND kill 10 players. Who did I annoy at Rockstar? Was it because I requested my rebate.

Killing 10 players isn't hard at all. Can it be in a normal lobby or does it have to be in a deathmatch or something?
Killing 10 players isn't hard at all. Can it be in a normal lobby or does it have to be in a deathmatch or something?
Normal lobby. And I think you can kill the same player multiple times, not 10 unique players.
Head to the No-Man's Land LS Customs. You'll be done in no time.
I got one a while back because some guys in an amoured Karuma came at me with micro uzi's (who at R* thought we should be able to shoot out of an armoured car?). Killed them 10 times and did the rest of the daily's.
• Joins a session on GTA Online
• Goes clothe shopping
• Leaves clothe shop and decides to go get some new tatoos
• Gets killed by a guy in a chromed Armored Kuruma upon leaving the shop
• Spawns
• Armored Kuruma passes by
• Tries killing him with an assault shotgun but failed
• Hops into T20
• Immediately gets chased by Armored Kuruma
• Outruns the Armored Kuruma
• Escapes the cops
• Goes to a tattoo parlor
• Then gets stalk by a random in a frogger
• Goes to the tattoo parlor in Vinewood and get some ink done to my character
• Random lands on top of the shop. Unknown if he was a friend or foe.
• Goes to another clothe store yet again and buys a new bomber jacket.
• Still continuing to stalk me and still continuing to land on top of the shops I go to
• Heads over yet again to another clothes store in Del Perro
• Leaves the clothes store and waiting for him to meet me up on ground. Still prefers to stay high on the sky when I'm not inside a shop even though I was standing outside of my T20.
• Another random in a Sanchez comes by and kills me with an assault rifle.
• Tries killing him but kills me with the marksman rifle and escapes
• Chases him and tries to kill him with an AP Pistol.
• The second I got there, everyone in the lobby disconnects
• End of story
• Expects comments on this thread of people telling me to go on passive mode next time or play in a invite only session. lol
Last night we were doing the humane labs heist. Me and my team were at the Heist finale. Ok, ground team did a good job at stealing the documents and the Valkyrie did fine. However when we got to the beach, the person who was piloting the Valkyrie could not land it properly and either end up destroying it or killing us with the blades or both altogether. Even worse we replayed the heist finale 4 times and he kept on doing this 4 times in a row.

Is it really that hard just to land the Valkyrie on the freaking beach? I don't even believe he was doing this on accident, he was probably trolling around. Even a person who messed up the first time can get it right on the second try. I told him next time I'm piloting the Valkyrie. My lord this was just terrible and I would have my Coquette Black Fin right now if only this DID NOT happen!
Worst: Didn't receive my rebate.

Best: It took less than 15 minutes for R* support to read my ticket and send me my cash. Knowing their support system, I was expecting it to take a couple of days, but that was quick even by normal standards!
Worst: Didn't receive my rebate.

Best: It took less than 15 minutes for R* support to read my ticket and send me my cash. Knowing their support system, I was expecting it to take a couple of days, but that was quick even by normal standards!
I've sent Rockstar a ticket about a bug I've been having lately on creator like yesterday where the props will disappear at random and they still haven't responded back yet. C'mon Rockstar this bug is annoying me and I had enough with it already! :mad:

Just incase, here's a video I made about the bug.
I've sent Rockstar a ticket about a bug I've been having lately on creator like yesterday where the props will disappear at random and they still haven't responded back yet. C'mon Rockstar this bug is annoying me and I had enough with it already! :mad:

Just incase, here's a video I made about the bug.

How many people do you think message them in a single day? It'll be a few days at least before they respond and longer still before they offer a fix (presuming the game is the problem and not something else)
So I was playing in a free-mode lobby and there was a guy trolling people with the Hydra. I was flying a Buzzard at the time and decided to play a little game.

I went over near the Humane labs by the coast where there is that large cave. Having explored it before, I know that the Buzzard fits in there just fine. So I slowly hover in and wait. Sure enough, a Player-Helicopter icon on the map was too tempting for this Hydra pilot and so he starts flying towards me. The hilarious part is that he didn't understand that I was "underground" and I could hear and see him on radar doing a couple of cannon runs at the ground above me.

After the 3rd or 4th run, he finally figured out where I was and slowly hovered down towards the opening of the cave. I hit him with 1 missile and then just blasted the miniguns at his Hydra. I'm not sure if it was directly because of my deluge of munitions or a mistake on his part, but his plane was quickly in the sea and him quite dead, with my Buzzard completely unharmed. He respawned and took a couple shots at me with a sniper beyond my useful range, so I left the cave and flew away to pursue a bounty....
My GTA Online routine:

•Load up into Invite Only because my Xbox doesn't like multiple people in a lobby anymore
•Check daily objectives. Either get lucky and receive solo objectives or I receive the worst.
•Get a rare invite to Series A Funding heist
•Heist lobby full or I fail to connect and have to restart my Xbox
•Load into Invite Only again
•AFK for a few minutes while in my Invite Only lobby
•Kicked for AFK
•Placed into public GTA Online lobby
•1 minute of online with 15 other people is too much for Xbox
•Disconnected from session or Xbox Live
•Rinse and repeat
So I was playing in a free-mode lobby and there was a guy trolling people with the Hydra. I was flying a Buzzard at the time and decided to play a little game.

I went over near the Humane labs by the coast where there is that large cave. Having explored it before, I know that the Buzzard fits in there just fine. So I slowly hover in and wait. Sure enough, a Player-Helicopter icon on the map was too tempting for this Hydra pilot and so he starts flying towards me. The hilarious part is that he didn't understand that I was "underground" and I could hear and see him on radar doing a couple of cannon runs at the ground above me.

After the 3rd or 4th run, he finally figured out where I was and slowly hovered down towards the opening of the cave. I hit him with 1 missile and then just blasted the miniguns at his Hydra. I'm not sure if it was directly because of my deluge of munitions or a mistake on his part, but his plane was quickly in the sea and him quite dead, with my Buzzard completely unharmed. He respawned and took a couple shots at me with a sniper beyond my useful range, so I left the cave and flew away to pursue a bounty....
I think he spent way too much time flying around in a Hydra rather than exploring San Andreas on ground to not know about the cave. :P
>driving around
>someone trying to follow me
>switch to bike
>leave them in dust
>noob decides to get helicopter
>attempts to kill me with helicopter
>crashes too many times and kills himself
>decides to try and tail me with bike
>i really don't want this guy chasing me anymore
>change clothes and go passive
>destroys my bike
>i say gg and get new bike
>he thinks he's best gta pilot ever
>goes to get jet
>does multiple fly bys
>shoot one stinger
>kills himself
>leaves me alone
>deliver car to simeon
>decides to try and suicide bomb me with jet
>run into merry weather HQ
>camp till he enters
>sniper kill
>run to job room with 2 doors
>sticky bomb both doors
>goodbye noob

Why do people try so hard to chase you around the map? :lol:
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