Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
>driving around
>someone trying to follow me
>switch to bike
>leave them in dust
>noob decides to get helicopter
>attempts to kill me with helicopter
>crashes too many times and kills himself
>decides to try and tail me with bike
>i really don't want this guy chasing me anymore
>change clothes and go passive
>destroys my bike
>i say gg and get new bike
>he thinks he's best gta pilot ever
>goes to get jet
>does multiple fly bus
>shoot one stinger
>kills himself
>leaves me alone
>deliver car to simeon
>decides to try and suicide bomb me with jet
>run into merry weather HQ
>camp till he enters
>sniper kill
>run to job room with 2 doors
>sticky bomb both doors
>goodbye noob

Why do people try so hard to chase you around the map? :lol:
Simple. They're all 5 year olds!

I also have a very terrifying story to share but I won't post it at the moment because I'm making a video based on the situation and I feel like it would make things a lot more interesting if I wait to finish the video before sharing my story.
Best: Joined a random humane heist last night and it was awesome. Surprisingly we got through the deliver emp mission in just one try. The stars must have aligned or something as even I was perplexed. Should've gone and bought a lottery ticket. :sly:

Worst: Usually when I'm on nobody else is and nothing ever seems to happen. Lobbies are always either full or the host is afk. :grumpy:
The one and only time I've done the emp mission it took us around 80 minutes. That's with us all be high level legitimate players who play together often and with headsets.
The one and only time I've done the emp mission it took us around 80 minutes. That's with us all be high level legitimate players who play together often and with headsets.
Really? I did the EMP mission with randoms and did it in about 20-30.
Why Why Why WHY?! Every time you're done with a setup mission and the group spawns. Some idiot has to start shooting at the rest of us!? EVERY SINGLE TIME! Why?!

This wouldn't happen if we had friendly fire-OFF lobbies.
Why Why Why WHY?! Every time you're done with a setup mission and the group spawns. Some idiot has to start shooting at the rest of us!? EVERY SINGLE TIME! Why?!
Had a couple of right idiots in a heist setup earlier. We were using an insurgent on convoy and 3 of them just kept pulling each other out of the gunner seat over and over.
Had a couple of right idiots in a heist setup earlier. We were using an insurgent on convoy and 3 of them just kept pulling each other out of the gunner seat over and over.

Why did R* think this was a good idea? When playing the EMP setup, I arrived at the boat first and one of the people we were playing with threw me out of it. I wanted to drive because I know that pulling back on the left stick will help you go faster. Pushing forward just slows you down. Guess what he did.
If someone pulls me out of the boat on EMP and is stupid enough to wait for me, I'll throw them overboard and drive away. I don't care if I'm the only one, either, since the mission can quite easily be done by just one person.
Ok now that I've finally uploaded my video, it's time to share the story. Also before I get into it, I just want to share a screenshot of what Rockstar told me to do on how to fix the problem I've been having with the Content Creator lately. I know it's pointless but maybe it might help a bit if you think it will fix my problem.

Now moving onto the story. Oh dear, whoever thinks this would be a great idea to do to a player must be on crack. Oh by the way this was on PS4.

Approximately 2 days ago, I got done doing Heists with some friends. After going back to free mode, some guy known as Henslley12 in the video was in his armored Kuruma and was killing one of my crew mates. I went over and try to take the guy down. Luckily I did team up with some random who I told him that I'm no harm to him even though I was driving an Armored Kuruma as well. When we head over to his location, my partner blowed up his Armored Kuruma while I was trying to shoot him with an ap pistol hoping to shoot him through the windows. After the guy I was playing with blew up Henslley's Armored Kuruma, he became easier to take down. He tried to blow my Armored Kuruma up with a RPG but fails. After that he stole some car and I chased him and killed him yet again. Shortly after killing him the second time, here's when things start to get hairy, and I MEAN really hairy!

I went and hide inside some parking garage and take cover to kill him. Once I took cover, he...... yeah this actually happened.... he teleported inside the parking garage. How? Well I will get into it later on in the story. I took the stairs and ran down one block just to see the minute I look down the path to the next block below me he was running up towards me and killed me with a shotgun. I did tried shooting him but he somehow survived it and killed me. I figured that even at close range sometimes the Assault Shotgun won't always be a one hit. That was up until after I spawned and tried killing him with my Marksman rifle. I spawned outside the parking garage just to realize Henslley was on god mode after trying to kill him. I immediately thought he was hacking although after having conversations with some of my friends a day later, it was believed that he was using god mode glitches *After when I thought those glitches became totally obsolete* and was using some kind of lag switch. When he killed me, he went back inside the parking lot garage. I tried killing him with my Heavy Sniper and even after realizing he was cheating, I kept on fighting until my last breathe. Eventually I did reported him. I told him that he needed to get a life after trying to cheat in the game. So I guess this is what it's like sometimes when you kill someone using any type of vehicle that is commonly used for griefing such as the P-996 Lazer, Hydra, Rhino Tank, etc.

Also here's the video. Language warning!
Although the title says Hacker on GTA Online on PS4 doesn't mean it's confirmed he was hacking. I even put a question mark in the title of the video to avoid the UTTP officers moaning about it. :lol: *Although I doubt it that would help.*
Decided to stop ignoring the heist invites and just bite the bullet and play it with randoms. Accepted an invite to the Humane Labs finale. I was selected as pilot, fair enough, never done this before so I had no preference. We all drove out to the Valkyrie, everyone gets in, fly out to Humane Labs, everything still seems fine. The ground team parachute in, and for some reason my co-pilot decides to jump out too, promptly killing himself. We brush over his mistake and restart. However, this time, we realise it probably wasn't a mistake because every single time I took off in the Valkyrie he'd jump out again and I kept having to fly back to collect him. In the end the host sent texts saying we should just all quit and try again without him.

Currently retrying it now. Let's see how long it takes for me to complete it this time...
Ended up doing it with a different set of randoms who seemed to know each other. I was invited to their party chat but unfortunately couldn't understand a word they were saying because they were Russian. Everything was going smoothly up until we got to the beach, when the pilot (I was ground team this time) accidentally chopped up the other ground team member with the helicopter blades. They seemed to give up after that.

Finally completed the finale with @xXKingJoshXx though, even if I was completely useless during the EMP delivery. :lol:
It's about time I get cracking back here with a "Best". Nothing too lavish.

Another day, another Felon, another drive to the "warzone" LSC and gain another 9k.

But unlike most other days, the GTA gods decide to give me a 9k bounty. Delightful! Not sarcastic here: I enjoy wasting other players' times to get me, when I can.

So, I hop in my Surano and get moving to Del Perro, watching if there's a hungry red (psycho) Pacman coming for me. And there is! A poor little level 44 guy, starving for me.

Rather than claim victory with my Surano, I decide to get some speed practice with a new car. Choices boil to cruise with the Casco, make it risky against the Osiris, or a Chilliad expedition with my Guardian.

And the Osiris takes the plunge! With me in hand, I managed to slip out Del Perro and move in the freeway before chaser guy filled me with lead. I couldn't see his car, but it was fast, although i gave him no chance to come in sight, which made it handy for my next trick.

Arriving by the end of Route 68 and Zancudo bridge, I decided to call Lester and play a vague guessing game that got my hunter to stop. Which way, which way??

Taking the bridge, I stopped by emm.. that place to dive for UFO pieces, and called for my Speeder. If there's something a low leveled bounty hunter would hate, It'd be having no air vehicle to kamikaze me with. He even started foul mouthing my tactics.

Coming up on part 2: SPD gets surrounded!
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Was walking around Paleto Bay and an insurgent spawned on top of me, killing me instantly. Then he spawned money on me, had an inaccessible outfit, and was invincible.





I submitted a description and these photos to rockstar. Hopefully that's enough proof to get this douche banned.
I have a mixed opinion on modders. I mean, yeah, I want the douche modders out, but on the other hand, I don't report the ones that don't play like assholes. Very hypocritical to have that stance, but my whole perception of modders changed after meeting one that didn't play like a complete douche. A modder a while ago threatened to console ban a friend of mine but quickly recanted that when my friend told him that he'd make it his mission to see him get banned by Rockstar and Sony. This modder, on the other hand, is an outright moron for saying that in the chat. That guy can get ready to make another account real quick for that admission with photographic evidence.

The problem with reporting modders is that they can literally be back on in seconds after being banned by making a new account and even console bans are useless because modders can change their console IDs to circumvent console bans with a jailbroken console (I know the PS3s for sure are like that based off of conversations with modders, but I'm assuming that the others can too).

Anyway, I haven't really had much to say in this thread since I haven't had any excitement. About the best I got was my brother bitching at me because I didn't give him some kills in a versus mission back. Like I told him, I'm not asking anyone to give me kills back from deathmatches and other PvP missions, and I'm not giving you yours, either.
Modders can be hilarious sometimes, I hopped in a car with one and we hit the highest altitude limit in the game with a Tailgater :lol:

But it's great to deal with fake modders, 10/10 baiting right there
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Part 2!

- 9k bounty on me.

- A level 44 psycho wants my head on his fireplace.

- Took out my Osiris, which i have little to no experience racing in it yet.

- Drove on freeway through western Los Santos, with a decent gap between.

- Had Lester hide my blip by Zancudo bridge.

- Went to Sonar Collections Dock to receive my Pegasus called Speeder (a boat).

Time to continue. So, on my boat, and this guy just put all sorts of colorful language on the chat. The room was unamused, except for maybe this other guy. Nothing important, until later..

I head north to Paleto Bay, on sight of the mainland beach, seeing a vague look at his car (Elegy, i guess), driving on the beach, pointlessly trying to AP Pistol me. I even gave him a.. no, not a, a LOT of chances by slowing down and all, but these chances only attracted the cops. Which worked to my favor.

The moment he got roadblocked, I stopped my boat, sat and watch. The police can do a lot to a guy his level. Really, in his shoes, I'd get a plane on Sandy Shores. I know players this level having Hydras. Death after death shooting at me with some small firearms, I taunted him with quotes like:

"I like the fast ass, not the slow ass"
"You make Spongebob's driving look sane"

And eventually: "Why not use a Sniper Rifle?"


Okay, that was just nice of me! Move! Move!

Traveling the North East coastline, this guy travels on the hills with a car, while able to climb, needs some skill to actually reach the cliffside. I put the throttle, bored of boating about. So, stopped by El Gordo Lighthouse (Series A finish line), called for my Osiris, and decided to call it a day in being a 🤬.

But then: GANG ATTACK.

I triggered it and them gangsters killed me in seconds, and since my car was nowhere to be found, the Mechanic still goes for a 5 minute cooldown. Not to mention the other guy interested coming from the Airport with a Savage, along with Elegy guy coming in from north.


My plan was to head off to the ocean with my Speeder still around, but it would make me a sitting duck. So, I had to take more risks. The helicopter, aware of my 9k price, arrives as quick as it could. Elegy guy is still busy and stuck in one spot for some reason, probably alerting more cops and getting his ride impounded.

My plan? Lester>Off The Radar.

The Savage arrived, but thanks to discreet kick ass, he stood still enough for me to send a Heavy Sniper shot to the head. He didn't like that, but as he spawned, my Osiris came and went. Sucker! :P

Coming up on part 3 (final): The final stretch - An SPD X Osiris love story.
Saw some pics of containers INSIDE apartments now, probably why I haven't played on the PS3 anymore.

And with the Series A Funding 2x going on, couldn't even complete Trash Truck or Coke, my teammates keep dying.
When someone goes on a sweary rant because you blocked them to keep 2nd in a race even though 1st place was 15 metres ahead of you.

I'm a retard because I kept 2nd and didn't give my position up to you :lol:

From last night...

*Join heist lobby*
*Have to steal weed and the Technical from the Ballas*
*No custom outfits so no heavy assault vest for me*
*Asks host for custom outfits*
*Says it's bugged and to please stay*
*Get into my Armored Kuruma from the passenger side*
*One of my dumbass teammates rams into the door, knocking it off*
*Finally arrive at the sawmill*
*Snipe a few enemies*
*Hops onto .50 cal on the Technical*
*Keep driving and killing enemies along the road*
*Get past Stoner Cement Works near Madrazo's ranch*
*Roadblock kills my driver*
*I kill all the enemies*
*Drive back to pick him up*
*A Benson driver gets killed twice*
*gg you complete idiots*
*Quick restart*
*I get an invite to a heist mission from GTP'ers*
*Host tells me to stay even though I didn't choose to quit*
*Leaves anyway just to see their rage*
*Sends me two messages in all caps asking me why I did it*

I don't like playing with morons who can't complete a heist setup on easy.
Best: Finally finished my 2nd wall ride race.

Worst: GTA V crashing upon loading it up. I wish I was one of the lucky ones right now who've managed to avoid this problem.
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Worst: GTA V crashing upon loading it up. I wish I was one of the lucky ones right now who've managed to avoid this problem.

Crashing as in the whole game and quitting to the XMB? I'm experiencing the same problem at the moment.
I've had similar issues but not quitting to the XMB, normally my game hangs between jobs when connection is bad and I normally have to close GTA.
I've had similar issues but not quitting to the XMB, normally my game hangs between jobs when connection is bad and I normally have to close GTA.
That's just happened to me. Finished a race and it hung on the vote page. I had to quit the game.