Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
People are hell bent on killing others in this game at all times. Los Santos is a giant warzone to most players in public lobbies these day. That would be why I spawn in at Paleto Bay 99.9 percent of the time or instaquit lobbies if I don't spawn there.
This is the reason as to why I have a house in-game deep in the north.
Didn't realize you couldn't move cars from garage to garage using the in-garage menu, so spent about 45 minutes trying to get the gang cars I had collected to the 10-car garage by the docks (near the repo dropoff spot for Simeon)

Considering I didn't have insurance on 2 of the 7 cars, it got quite scary at times when I was trying to get the third Tornado over about 1.9 miles of a warzone...
This is the reason as to why I have a house in-game deep in the north.
So do I because that's where my primary spawn point is set.

I've been doing missions with my brother (@chunks122) for the past couple days and its been a whole comedy of errors form the onset. Just today, we failed Trash Talk with the error message "Mission Failed, the mission is over." I wound up committing suicide in a Savage while doing Death from Above because I somehow got it trapped between two palm trees. My brother drowned his Karuma because he drove into the LS River without checking the depth (we were by the ocean at the time). We failed one of Simeon's messages because he exploded the car as well. We failed Effin' Lazers too because I somehow ripped the landing gear off of the Lazer. Even more shocking is that I didn't blow it up. Still, with all the fails, I managed to afford my armored Karuma. All in all, it wasn't a bad day even though it was loaded with fails.
Golden moment when I was playing Insurgent vs RPG earlier. I was in the Insurgent team and it was down to 3 of us and 1 RPG. The 1 RPG guy jumped down off the containers and got into a scissor-lift on street level. Obviously at this point none of us could crush him so to stop the guy shooting us anyway we all crowded round him so that if he did shoot, he would be committing suicide.
We all froze for a sec then the 3 of us hopped out and savagely beat him with crowbars. Unexpected but hilarious end to Insurgents Vs RPG's.
Didn't realize you couldn't move cars from garage to garage using the in-garage menu, so spent about 45 minutes trying to get the gang cars I had collected to the 10-car garage by the docks (near the repo dropoff spot for Simeon)

Considering I didn't have insurance on 2 of the 7 cars, it got quite scary at times when I was trying to get the third Tornado over about 1.9 miles of a warzone...

If a car has been in your garage, doesn't it automatically get insured?
I absolutely blew someone away with my richness. Took him to my three garages and showed off my fanciest cars, Went on a cruise with my luxurious Italian speedboat, went on a 5 star rampage in a Savage, stole a Titan and crashed trying to stunt land it. Blew of an asshole in a Buzzard who tried to kill us, then followed us around the whole time.

After that, he showed me his cars. A Penumbra and a Fugitive. I complimented them, then quit for the night.
Golden moment when I was playing Insurgent vs RPG earlier. I was in the Insurgent team and it was down to 3 of us and 1 RPG. The 1 RPG guy jumped down off the containers and got into a scissor-lift on street level. Obviously at this point none of us could crush him so to stop the guy shooting us anyway we all crowded round him so that if he did shoot, he would be committing suicide.
We all froze for a sec then the 3 of us hopped out and savagely beat him with crowbars. Unexpected but hilarious end to Insurgents Vs RPG's.


Just made my day!
Golden moment when I was playing Insurgent vs RPG earlier. I was in the Insurgent team and it was down to 3 of us and 1 RPG. The 1 RPG guy jumped down off the containers and got into a scissor-lift on street level. Obviously at this point none of us could crush him so to stop the guy shooting us anyway we all crowded round him so that if he did shoot, he would be committing suicide.
We all froze for a sec then the 3 of us hopped out and savagely beat him with crowbars. Unexpected but hilarious end to Insurgents Vs RPG's.

I would've liked to be able to witness that myself. :lol:

On another note it seems that I run into two types of heist lobbies: cheap hosts with skilled players or generous hosts with poor players. Why can't I have generous hosts with skilled players dammit?!
I have a somewhat usual bad story from a couple nights ago regarding an idiot. I was invited to a private lobby by a friend I haven't played with in ages, and it was all "new" people I never heard of before. I quickly found out that they were friends I've played with on new accounts, so nothing happened. Then, a minute later, I saw "player A killed player B". I knew something happened because the policy in our friendly lobbies is "no killing unless its a pure accident."

It turned out that a guy joined the lobby and instantly started shooting at someone else. He wound up engaging pretty much everyone except for me (which was a miracle) and then started whining because of being killed. Well, being that he was with people who knew everyone in the lobby and attacked a guy in someone else's crew, it was on. He wound up getting involved in a 3v1 after killing one guy while he was away from his PS3 which set everyone off, killed a guy that did nothing to him, and blew up someone else's bike after trash talking him before doing it. That guy wound up ragequitting the session shortly thereafter because he started getting destroyed.

I wound up taking him out a couple time before he ragequit because he angered me after calling us all a bunch of names. well, if you think I'm an ass just for being in the session, I'll actually be one to you and kill you even though I was going to stay out of it beforehand. Next time, don't be stupid and you won't get killed in our lobbies.
I have a somewhat usual bad story from a couple nights ago regarding an idiot. I was invited to a private lobby by a friend I haven't played with in ages, and it was all "new" people I never heard of before. I quickly found out that they were friends I've played with on new accounts, so nothing happened. Then, a minute later, I saw "player A killed player B". I knew something happened because the policy in our friendly lobbies is "no killing unless its a pure accident."

It turned out that a guy joined the lobby and instantly started shooting at someone else. He wound up engaging pretty much everyone except for me (which was a miracle) and then started whining because of being killed. Well, being that he was with people who knew everyone in the lobby and attacked a guy in someone else's crew, it was on. He wound up getting involved in a 3v1 after killing one guy while he was away from his PS3 which set everyone off, killed a guy that did nothing to him, and blew up someone else's bike after trash talking him before doing it. That guy wound up ragequitting the session shortly thereafter because he started getting destroyed.

I wound up taking him out a couple time before he ragequit because he angered me after calling us all a bunch of names. well, if you think I'm an ass just for being in the session, I'll actually be one to you and kill you even though I was going to stay out of it beforehand. Next time, don't be stupid and you won't get killed in our lobbies.
Man what a moron.
After lurking in the background for long enough, I've decided to make my first post ever, and what better way to start than here.

But back on topic, don't you just love it when you get dragged from a Buzzard in mid-flight, and realize all your weapons and ammo are gone before you hit the ground? Yeah, me too.:rolleyes:
I'm in a lobby with about 5 other people with mics. These are the type of people who talk a lot during missions.

We were doing A Titan Of A Job. We go through the mission and I end up flying the Titan. About half of the way to Sandy Shores, while I'm flying, my controller dies and the plane starts falling out of the sky.

The best part was that I was at a bit of a high altitude, so it took about 45 seconds before everyone realized their fate. :lol:
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I'm in a lobby with about 5 other people with mics. These are the type of people who talk a lot during missions.

We were doing A Titan Of A Job. We go through the mission and I end up flying the Titan. About half of the way to Sandy Shores, while I'm flying, my controller dies and the plane starts flying out of the sky.

The best part was that I was at a bit of a high altitude, so it took about 45 seconds before everyone realized their fate. :lol:

Why didn't you just find your charging cable and quickly plug it into your controller and PS3? I always leave mine on the floor in front of my TV.
I've just had a right prat come after me on gta. There I am with my 1,000 bounty so I'm obviously getting hounded by people. I'm in my Zentorno when someone sticky bombs my car to get the bounty. Meaning they had to pay the insurance on it which is about 10 times what the bounty was. Was nothing but an inconvenience.
I took me a while to find the charger and by the time I did, there was no saving the Titan. I just sat back and watched everyone's reaction.

One reason why I have one controller charging at all times while I'm using the other.
We were doing A Titan Of A Job. We go through the mission and I end up flying the Titan. About half of the way to Sandy Shores, while I'm flying, my controller dies and the plane starts falling out of the sky.

Had that happen, but I was the pilot for the Prison Break...with the prisoner, prison officer and Rashkofsky aboard. But I wasn't fast enough to plug in the charger and we all died.

Deliver EMP, we took out the scientists and guards in no time. One crew member was sticky bomb happy for some reason, and threw some at the Boxville...and proceeded to kill himself when it exploded.

Then a host for the Humane Labs Raid set everyone to 10% cut. I was fine with 15% which was 101 grand, but not for 67 grand so I left.
So I decided to share my best and worst experiences from last night and boy I'm gonna let you guys know, this is quite a long freaking story as I went into some serious detail with this. So before reading, make sure to go grab yourself some beer and or a snack because it's pretty long in my opinion.

Best: Getting rid of my Insurgent's Matte Black paint job and gave it a silver and grey paint job and it looks way better than before. Too bad you don't see many Insurgents on GTA Online that are as good as mines. Nothing but mostly awfully taste looking Insurgents with paint jobs inspired by the Joker from Batman. My god, people with their DC Comics villains these days.

Worse: Last night, me and my very good friend Scotty was messing around on GTA Online. We were cruising around in both my Normal and Pick up insurgents and killing random cops. Later, we went to some park and messed around with our fireworks launcher celebrating our 4th of July and taking random snapmatic pictures. Then we went and fooled around a bit more. Later on, I told them I had to go order something. I did not told them specifically on what I had to order which was my Delphox Plushy. Stupidly, I got afraid everyone would start laughing and gang up on me like a horde of crazed killer Jehovah Witnesses because of me ordering something that's more kiddie type stuff. I did unplugged my mic due to security safety reasons because my mom was checking her account before placing the order. *Yes my mom gave me permission to use her credit card. No big deal.* After that I got back on and me and Scotty and some other random messed around some more. Oh boy, now moving onto the main event of this.

So we met up somewhere in Davis. Shortly, after both of us arrived *I forgot if we arrived together at Davis or we somehow got separate and we got back together at Davis* some guy with a bounty placed on his head riding a Noobtorno came by and killed us. I tried killing him with my Assault Shotgun but fail to because of him using that cheap ass rear shield tactic. I could have use a RPG or something explosive but didn't felt like wasting my money on one guy who killed me. Plus I was out of ammo for my RPG and Grenade Launcher after all. After he got away, me and Scotty hoped into my Insurgent and we both chased the guy with the bounty. The guy went back to his apartment in Vinewood and we stood outside his apartment for like 5 minutes before we got in trouble with some randoms in the lobby. Quite a lot of conflict with randoms in this story to be honest. After being killed by some guy and the cops, man there was a lot of cops in our area, my Insurgent got impounded. After spawning the guy sent a mugger after me which he failed terribly as I noticed the mugger coming after me before he could even steal my money. Thank god I killed the mugger or else, I would be annoyed by that stupid 5-10 second delay before getting back up and get killed by the cops. I then make a run for it and he sent mercenaries after me thinking that he's in his apartment and nobody can kill him and he has control over everything, blah blah blah what a jackass. Mercenaries were unable to kill me and they were quite slow trying to get to me. I went straight to the impound lot to go grab my Insurgent and as I leave the impound lot, I ended up being chased by 2 randoms, one driving a F620 with pink neon lights and the other guy, well I forgot. Other guy gave up, but not the one in the F620 though. I killed the guy in the F620 and then proceed to getting back to Scotty. When I got there, he was busy with the cops and there was also more randoms desperate to kill us. A minute or two later. The guy with the bounty *Im just going to reveal his name right now who goes by the name of bane* sent one of his buddies after me who was driving an entity and I killed him with my Shotgun and blew up his car. Bane goes off the radar and tried to kill me but fails and killed him and claim the bounty. The fight then continued until a couple minutes later before getting off and go watch some Luigikid Gaming. End of story.

Video of the situation. It's splitted into 2 parts. The other half will be uploaded sometime later tonight. WARNING! Contains foul language and kickass metal music.
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make sure to go grab yourself some bear
Joined a Humane Labs Raid. Host set himself and his friend as Ground Crew, and me the pilot and another Random as gunner. He set Ground Crew to 35% and the Valkerie crew at 15%. I was okay with that since it should have been an easy 101 grand, but gunner thought otherwise and left.

I was in a Lobby and got a notification of a crate drop in 3 hours. Hour 2 goes by, and got the XXXX left...which was the whole lobby and left me with a special crate as an easy picking.
Language reminder.

Just now was playing with my friend Scotty yet again. We were killing cops, and we made a getaway in a helicopter. Unfortunately I wasted a bit of time since the other guy he was playing with sent me a friend request so we splitted up. He got into a helicopter and I got into one. As we fly over pill box hill, some guy shot me down with a homing rocket launcher and got involved into a gun fight with him. He had a buddy in a insurgent with him. I killed both of them. Later on, he went ahead and grab himself a tank. Failed to kill me but I didn't killed him either as I made a run from him. Since he was playing dirty, I went ahead and grab myself a Hydra. Tried to kill him but failed. Later after spawning, I got attack by another dip:censored: in a tank as well. Failed to kill me, went in passive mode. Later the other guy send me a message saying LOL ur tr1 which I was like can you please translate that. He then insult me saying "Ur Garbage" and I was like well 🤬 you. Although I did kept that to myself. He still wouldn't give up and waited outside for me to come out of my apartment so he can kill me. As he leave my area, he then sends me and invite to his crew. Wow! I was like why did you even do this and he responded back to me saying 4 entertainment. This guy is literally a troll.

Also, while spectating him. I saw him driving his insurgent. Oh my god, how sad. That's not an Insurgent, that's a Armored Clown truck. All of this proves that it's easy to identify that he's a troll. I saw his adder which showed 0 improvement from his Insurgent. *Unfortunately I have no screenshots of his Adder, although I did tried to get some screenshots of his Adder but couldn't.*


I'm sorry but this is how you actually do a Insurgent!
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I've just had a right prat come after me on gta. There I am with my 1,000 bounty so I'm obviously getting hounded by people. I'm in my Zentorno when someone sticky bombs my car to get the bounty. Meaning they had to pay the insurance on it which is about 10 times what the bounty was. Was nothing but an inconvenience.
You don't have to pay insurance on bounties anymore.