I have a somewhat usual bad story from a couple nights ago regarding an idiot. I was invited to a private lobby by a friend I haven't played with in ages, and it was all "new" people I never heard of before. I quickly found out that they were friends I've played with on new accounts, so nothing happened. Then, a minute later, I saw "player A killed player B". I knew something happened because the policy in our friendly lobbies is "no killing unless its a pure accident."
It turned out that a guy joined the lobby and instantly started shooting at someone else. He wound up engaging pretty much everyone except for me (which was a miracle) and then started whining because of being killed. Well, being that he was with people who knew everyone in the lobby and attacked a guy in someone else's crew, it was on. He wound up getting involved in a 3v1 after killing one guy while he was away from his PS3 which set everyone off, killed a guy that did nothing to him, and blew up someone else's bike after trash talking him before doing it. That guy wound up ragequitting the session shortly thereafter because he started getting destroyed.
I wound up taking him out a couple time before he ragequit because he angered me after calling us all a bunch of names. well, if you think I'm an ass just for being in the session, I'll actually be one to you and kill you even though I was going to stay out of it beforehand. Next time, don't be stupid and you won't get killed in our lobbies.