Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Switched lobbies 3 times this evening playing because of hackers/modders. I guess they think it's really clever to kill everyone in the room by spawning windmills everywhere. I'm guessing the console versions aren't such a ****-show online, but I've about had enough. One hacker had a $9,000 bounty and everytime somebody would get close to him, he would teleport behind them and shoot them with an RPG. Add to that he would automatically go passive (with a wanted level and a bounty) any time somebody shot at him. I went passive and just watched him teleport all around and make his car go impossibly fast. Rockstar really has to do something about these modders because I've decided to just not play anymore. It just sucks.

When I'm in free mode I generally like to get a helicopter and take on the random "destroy this target" objectives that Trevor and Lester give out, but I'm constantly blowing up because of hackers.

Again, it's just stupid and they need to get a handle on it because its basically ruined online.

And if they can somehow manage to fix that...please, please please, get rid of rockets and miniguns in free mode. They just take the fun out of everything. Same thing with the ****ing armored karumas.

edit: I'm gonna try the free aim lobbies...I didn't even know there was such a thing. I'm using a mouse and keyboard on foot anyways.
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That's true, but it's sorta annoying how easily most of these mods can be accessed and nothing is really done about it by R*
Kinda annoyed that for the last 12 months every armoured truck that i have tried to jack has either not dropped money or dropped the cash bags and not paid me,

The other irritating thing is I forked out for the insurgent pick up, cant paint it or store in my own garage,

But otherwise reasonably satisfied with the online play,
Kinda annoyed that for the last 12 months every armoured truck that i have tried to jack has either not dropped money or dropped the cash bags and not paid me,

The other irritating thing is I forked out for the insurgent pick up, cant paint it or store in my own garage,

But otherwise reasonably satisfied with the online play,
The other Insurgent can be put in your garage, painted and customized.
I killed these two high ranked players waiting outside a shop for a rank 16 to come out so they could blast him (I did it awesomely, too. Off the radar, whacked one in the head, and ARed the other one in the head as he was aiming an rpg). Then killed them each one more time before driving off and talking some trash. They accused me of auto-aiming, so I challenged them to a deathmatch. then they suddenly stopped talking trash, and left, only to send me an invite to a Buzzard deathmatch.

I sent him a message saying I want a deathmatch, not who can fire the rocket the fastest. No replies.

And then the other one. I drove up, he tried to kill me, I killed him. He sets a 3k bounty on me (Barely a high enough rank to set bounties). I respond by setting a 9k bounty on him, sending $7,500 mercs on him, and sending a mugger on him who stole 3k. While he was down from the mugger, I AP pistoled his brains out, killed the mugger, took the cash (And the 9k bounty off him), and drove off laughing.

Oh yeah, that last guy got his 3k off my bounty back, too. He somehow one-shotted me from my Insurgent moving 60mph.
When you're in a clothes store and someone kills you.. le sigh.

At least I killed the guy who got me a few times :lol:

But as soon as a money glitch comes up R* is all over it like their life is on the line.

Don't care bout nothin but makin bank - Rockstars motto
Some dude in a semi saved my life when I was just cruising around. There has been a griefer running around in the newest vehicle (the one that looks like a Huayra, forgot the name), blowing up other people with (you guessed it) sticky bombs. The griefer was on his way up behind me until the dude with the semi swung his trailer into the car, throwing him off the highway.

When you start up online and immediately get Kamikaze'd.
Was flying my Swift around the big construction site and suddenly a Luxor rammed into the side of me, I barely recovered and the jet crashed into the Maze Tower, but not before parachuting to safety. Was like something out of an action movie.
The nature of this absolutely doesn't seem right. Jets crashing into towers ummm.....

Oh wait this is an old post. Oh well..
Bringing up 9/11 on a post having absolutely nothing to do with it. Fantastic. :rolleyes: 👍

Too soon. He didn't even mention 9/11.

I really despise Hydras.

There was this special crate drop, and as I was about to get it, this Hydra comes out of nowhere, he jumps out, kills everyone near the drop, gets it, than calls in another Hydra to wreck everyone else around the area for a second time, than just takes off for the city. Yay.
Ok I apologize for the 9/11 reference as it was really stupid but anyways, here's another crappy moment I had recently on GTA Online.

Was cruising around a bit, went back to my apartment. Someone buzzes my door. I let him in. Later, got into my Insurgent and was having some fun ramming into traffic with it while in passive mode so no moron in a jet interrupts me while playing around with the traffic. Went to LSC to repair my Insurgent. Joined a friends party and then a few minutes later, told them I had to change to prioritize game for something, usually my friend doesn't tolerate people switching to prioritize game although for some reason he ignored me going into prioritize game. Meets the same guy who came inside my apartment, I turn off passive mode. Then a few seconds later, the guy trolled me big time and made a stupid hit and run. Kills me then leaves the lobby. Man some people really want to avoid you from getting your revenge on them. Thinking about having a private one on one fight with him tomorrow.

Unfortunately I have no video evidence at this time and I wish I do because it would make it a lot more interesting. :indiff: But if I do have a fight with him *over because he killed me? lol* I'll make sure to record the footage. :D
When you start up online and immediately get Kamikaze'd.
Hate it when that crap happens as it seriously pisses me off. Joining a session and immediately getting killed by a asshole in a jet is sure a painful way to start the day. I even remember one time getting killed by two kids in a jet right after joining a lobby which is absolute cancer.

Kids on a jet. It makes a whole lotta sense.
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Got really disappointed last night, well 3 hours ago, I just happen to be up because of baby.

For context I'm saving up 1,350,000 for an Insurgent.

Anyway I get an invite from a friend to the second heist. We do all of the setup missions nobody dies once, do them all first time. We get to the actual heist and I notice I'm on 1.25 million as the friend sets the split percentages to 25% each, evens, plus I've never completed the second one. Only the 1st and 3rd. Of course we all have our moment, I roll the prison bus, the Velor gets destroyed or the guys in the prison die, but we're a pretty strong team. Eventually the host says last try as it's getting pretty late here in England. Only this time we ace it. The bus ride was smooth and the jets get nowhere near the Velor. It all goes well. I cover the Velor as the prisoner escapes. Just as the other 3 have to ditch our the back of the plane one of them has gone AFK, he says he went toilet. Obviously them 3 land underwater, two pop their heads up, the 3rd doesn't, he suffocates and dies. Heist failed. We were literally there. At that point one of the other two guys leave, then the host says he's off. I was literally touching distance of 125k from the heist split, plus 100k completion bonus and most importantly the insurgent I've been playing for over the last 2 weeks.

I guess some grinding tonight will get the last 100k but I was really excited when it got to the point where all I had to do was pick them up from the beach and we were home free.
Got really disappointed last night, well 3 hours ago, I just happen to be up because of baby.

For context I'm saving up 1,350,000 for an Insurgent.

Anyway I get an invite from a friend to the second heist. We do all of the setup missions nobody dies once, do them all first time. We get to the actual heist and I notice I'm on 1.25 million as the friend sets the split percentages to 25% each, evens, plus I've never completed the second one. Only the 1st and 3rd. Of course we all have our moment, I roll the prison bus, the Velor gets destroyed or the guys in the prison die, but we're a pretty strong team. Eventually the host says last try as it's getting pretty late here in England. Only this time we ace it. The bus ride was smooth and the jets get nowhere near the Velor. It all goes well. I cover the Velor as the prisoner escapes. Just as the other 3 have to ditch our the back of the plane one of them has gone AFK, he says he went toilet. Obviously them 3 land underwater, two pop their heads up, the 3rd doesn't, he suffocates and dies. Heist failed. We were literally there. At that point one of the other two guys leave, then the host says he's off. I was literally touching distance of 125k from the heist split, plus 100k completion bonus and most importantly the insurgent I've been playing for over the last 2 weeks.

I guess some grinding tonight will get the last 100k but I was really excited when it got to the point where all I had to do was pick them up from the beach and we were home free.

To get the $100k quickly, just use a Rhino in Rooftop Rumble. Kill the enemies in the parking lot, blow up the three cars that come to attack you, and carefully shoot out the driver running away. Use a sawn-off shotgun while on a motorcycle, but try not to hit the car more than three times.
I joined a public lobby, and was prompted with a special crate has dropped. Usually I would search for the nearest Helipad, but I had my Turismo R. So, I sped over to the crate location, and picked it up with not much resistance. Little did I know another player was right behind me..and perturbed that I beat him to the punch, he set a 9 grand bounty AND sent mercenaries after me....and he collected the bounty wtf
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I joined a public lobby, and was prompted with a special crate has dropped. Usually I would search for the nearest Helipad, but I had my Turismo R. So, I sped over to the crate location, and picked it up with not much resistance. Little did I know another player was right behind me..and perturbed that I beat him to the punch, he a 9 grand bounty AND sent mercenaries after me....and he collected the bounty wtf

I had a similar experience yesterday on PS3, long story short a few players came out to get a special crate and I was the first one there, picked up the crate and these two dudes riding around in same car approached me, obviously weren't friendly since they were going around griefing people.

Nonetheless kill them both, hop in passive mode and swim down the beach, get off passive mode kill one dude before his other mate snipes me, respawn and all of a sudden I get a 9k bounty.

But unfortunately couldn't get the bounty back from me, got a car, went to the train tracks and hopped on a train :P

I guess people are keen to kill in online, so watch out at them special crate drops :lol:
People are hell bent on killing others in this game at all times. Los Santos is a giant warzone to most players in public lobbies these day. That would be why I spawn in at Paleto Bay 99.9 percent of the time or instaquit lobbies if I don't spawn there.
People are hell bent on killing others in this game at all times. Los Santos is a giant warzone to most players in public lobbies these day. That would be why I spawn in at Paleto Bay 99.9 percent of the time or instaquit lobbies if I don't spawn there.

I figured, I always spawn in my apartment unless I'm at the Docks.
Got really disappointed last night, well 3 hours ago, I just happen to be up because of baby.

For context I'm saving up 1,350,000 for an Insurgent.

Anyway I get an invite from a friend to the second heist. We do all of the setup missions nobody dies once, do them all first time. We get to the actual heist and I notice I'm on 1.25 million as the friend sets the split percentages to 25% each, evens, plus I've never completed the second one. Only the 1st and 3rd. Of course we all have our moment, I roll the prison bus, the Velor gets destroyed or the guys in the prison die, but we're a pretty strong team. Eventually the host says last try as it's getting pretty late here in England. Only this time we ace it. The bus ride was smooth and the jets get nowhere near the Velor. It all goes well. I cover the Velor as the prisoner escapes. Just as the other 3 have to ditch our the back of the plane one of them has gone AFK, he says he went toilet. Obviously them 3 land underwater, two pop their heads up, the 3rd doesn't, he suffocates and dies. Heist failed. We were literally there. At that point one of the other two guys leave, then the host says he's off. I was literally touching distance of 125k from the heist split, plus 100k completion bonus and most importantly the insurgent I've been playing for over the last 2 weeks.

I guess some grinding tonight will get the last 100k but I was really excited when it got to the point where all I had to do was pick them up from the beach and we were home free.
Got really lucky last night, went online, did my Daily Objectives, then I get an invite. It was to the Heist mission of the one above. I join and the guy sets it to 25% cut each. This time I'm the Pilot. We do it first time, I get 125k and the 100k bonus for about 15 minutes work. Really happy.
Got really lucky last night, went online, did my Daily Objectives, then I get an invite. It was to the Heist mission of the one above. I join and the guy sets it to 25% cut each. This time I'm the Pilot. We do it first time, I get 125k and the 100k bonus for about 15 minutes work. Really happy.

Sadly cases where the heist goes smoothly are few and far between. All too often I find myself in a facepalm inducing situation.