Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Then it's Mixing With Coke, I've done High Priority Case a few times (I'm level 90 or 91) but somehow I'd never done Mixing With Coke. Note:

Meaning I had no idea what I was doing.

in mixed up with coke you have to destroy 4 cement trucks.... has been in GTA since the beginning,
but i know there is/was a new mission that came with a DLC on the same construction site where you have to fight yourself to the top floor and then hijack a helicopter to get away ..... can't remember the name of that one
> calling "Mixed Up With Coke" the wrong name

Hah, thought that sounded odd.

in mixed up with coke you have to destroy 4 cement trucks.... has been in GTA since the beginning,
but i know there is/was a new mission that came with a DLC on the same construction site where you have to fight yourself to the top floor and then hijack a helicopter to get away ..... can't remember the name of that one

Then it's that one! I wondered how there could possibly be a mission I had never played since I played the PS3 and 4 version before my PC copy and missions are practically all I do.

Anyway, regardless of what it's called, there was a ladder and everyone died.
You know, it wouldn't be called "GTA" if we didn't have to kill someone. But let's clear up the construction site confusion.

In "Mixing The Coke", you're hired for mass carnage and destruction like Spongebob's driving license tests, but aimed at an opposing crew's supply of cement trucks. In the start, we're only heading to a small, less developed construction site here. No stealing is required.

In "High Priority Case", we head to the top of a high rise in development with a helicopter, shoot some baddies, steal a briefcase, then head to Lester's warehouse across the city, preferably with the same helicopter.

High priority case is pretty hard solo. The first time I landed on the tallest building nearby then jumped and parachuted onto the tower under construction. But then I had no parachute, and there is no way to get off the building. Merryweather wouldn't land a helo there either. I ended up jumping. :nervous:
lucky them 2 random strangers from last night don't post here or we would be mentioned :D

* get an invite from a mate for the series A trash truck setup
* accept and see mate + the 2 strangers level 25/30 in the lobby
* mate & me collection team
* setup starts and mate says look at my new car
* me looks at car and wonders if it's sticky resistant :D
* mate tries to get away and runs over the 2 randoms, not dead yet
* me chases mate on foot while tossing stickies
* randoms don't have car so they decide to nick my brand new stirling (pics coming up :P )
* mate tells me, erik they're stealing your car
* me: ah no they don't and start changing vehicle access to none while yelling GET OUT OF MY CAR BASTARDS
* my car stops and randoms are kicked out
* mate says, get in and lets go get your car
* i get in mates car
* he drives up to them but can't/won't stop in time and kills one
* i get in my car and we drive off
* ** mission failed, a heist member left **

yes we can and most of the time will be bastards and dirty cnuts

but we have fun and that's most important for us
High priority case is pretty hard solo. The first time I landed on the tallest building nearby then jumped and parachuted onto the tower under construction. But then I had no parachute, and there is no way to get off the building. Merryweather wouldn't land a helo there either. I ended up jumping. :nervous:

not if you have a buzzard, call buzard, fly to building, shoot rockets at enemies (not the ones near the suitcase!!!), land helicopter and kill last 3 enemies, get suitcase, get in helo, shoot enemy helo with rockets, deliver suitcase ..

and i assume y'all know, for that mission in the tunnel with the 2 SUV's, when you get the suv's do not follow the normal route, but drive a bit backwards and then follow the train tunnel, quicker and no enemies
Hard Labor is the one at the Mixed Up With Coke location. High Priority Case is at the tall building under construction a few blocks away.
not if you have a buzzard, call buzard, fly to building, shoot rockets at enemies (not the ones near the suitcase!!!), land helicopter and kill last 3 enemies, get suitcase, get in helo, shoot enemy helo with rockets, deliver suitcase ..

and i assume y'all know, for that mission in the tunnel with the 2 SUV's, when you get the suv's do not follow the normal route, but drive a bit backwards and then follow the train tunnel, quicker and no enemies

Yeah I completed the next time with my Savage.
Where? I don't believe I've encountered this problem yet.
The first wall that people usually climb over avoid the cops in the alleyway and get through that section quicker. Sometimes, they'll climb over it at the wrong place and lose a lot of health, if not die on impact. If they're really unlucky, they'll get shot mid-fall by the helicopter.
The first wall that people usually climb over avoid the cops in the alleyway and get through that section quicker. Sometimes, they'll climb over it at the wrong place and lose a lot of health, if not die on impact. If they're really unlucky, they'll get shot mid-fall by the helicopter.

Oh. I use that all the time, but I go down half way or right where the wall meets the railing.
I had a friend sit there and nearly die during our Criminal Mastermind run-through because he jumped into a mosh pit of cops on the Pac Standard finale on accident. Yesterday, I heard a few people in a friendly lobby talking about wanting to do it since I completed the challenge, and one of the people who wanted to do it has never done any of the heists except for The Fleeca Job.....
They'll be fine :lol:
You're right. :lol: They all sit and say how easy it'll be for them to do it, and since all they do is gloat about how good their gun games are, they should be able to breeze through it like nothing and make my group look like chumps. :lol:
Not sure whether this is good or bad, but I think I trolled for the first time in GTA Online:
  • I complete Humane Labs because I want them sweet night vision kills (kill count didn't increase :grumpy:)
  • I get placed into a German free roam session after the heist
  • I'm in passive mode as per usual before joining heists so I can bank my $ before being brutally murdered
  • I don't know what's going on and who is saying what besides "lol"
  • Me being bored I decide to get into my Insurgent and go see what's going on with some tanks and psychos
  • I drive to the Vespucci Helipad and some psycho(s) is/are calling in their Hydras
  • I drive into it and it explodes on impact...💡 :sly:
  • Since I'm in passive they can't kill me while I'm ramming into their helicopters/Hydras
  • Then I crash into a cop car and make him follow me into someone's tank
  • I drive though the tank because passive mode and the cop car hits the tank which results in an explosion and a bunch of cops soon following the tank
This was kinda short-lived since some hacker/modder joined and starting killing everyone at once except me (passive mode OP??)
The Insurgent is wonderful for destroying Pegasus vehicles. :mischievous:

A few months ago, a kid was flying around in his gold Luxor and annoying the whole lobby by calling it a banana plane. I believe he crashed, so he had to go back to LSIA to pick it up. He was taxiing across the runway towards the Titan's spawning location and I was close to where the runways intersect. I sped towards him at top speed and all he could say was "No! Don't hit me!" before his plane got #rekt.
Did a bit of trolling tonight. I got an interesting text from someone in my lobby:

"ar you a moder"

And the subesquent exchange went like this:

Me: Tee hee.
Him: whot
Him: ar you a moder and i monney
Me: Do you speak English?
Him: yes
Me: I only understand English, not text speak.
Him: yes
Me: You were asking something?

No response. :P
Did a bit of trolling tonight. I got an interesting text from someone in my lobby:

"ar you a moder"

And the subesquent exchange went like this:

Me: Tee hee.
Him: whot
Him: ar you a moder and i monney
Me: Do you speak English?
Him: yes
Me: I only understand English, not text speak.
Him: yes
Me: You were asking something?

No response. :P
You have to be some sort of noob in racing to not get a good time in "Down The Drain".

I mean, the 'race' room i was in had 3 players. 2 guys, 1 SPD.

Supers, 3 laps. Slipstream and Catch Up are ON, hoo boy. The classic PIT maneuver situations.

2 Zentornos. 1 SPD Osiris. Fully tuned, I presume since we all took off the same speed.

But it appears painting your Zentorno black is an opposite magnet to one painted red. And even with Catch Up ON, I managed to get a best lap time at about.. 5 SECONDS AHEAD! HOW?! IT'S JUST A STRAIGHT LINE TRACK! with 2 hairpins, a ramp, and a piece of bent metal named Jimmy, but still..
Ride in on the Faggio right up to a tank, walk straight up to it and punch it straight in the turret. Get back on your Faggio and ride away. They already know you're too hard to mess with.
Don't worry. Those guys didn't last to long.

Sadly, Pegasus kicks you out of stolen vehicles after a while, so no Insurgent rampages for me. :( At least I managed to take out a tank and a jet.
You try to help people...

I was in my Adder headed to my spare garage to sell a Sentinel when I got an invite from someone to do Chasers. I thought to myself: "They're new, be nice and lend a hand." Plus, I'm in the Adder, so hunting down that Coquette will be easy peasy. They've got a Tornado and I honk to get them in my car but I take off and go get the target car myself. It was coming at me and my attempt to give the driver another hole to breathe through fails so I have to chase it down (it took a minute or so, enough time for the other player to catch up) and when I do, I honk to get the other player to get in--it works this time (unfortunately).

I back the car up a hill to get out of sight of cops and the wanted level goes away, so I head to the dealership. They're shooting up traffic as I'm driving--honking as if to say "knock it off"--triggering another wanted level. I head to the transit tunnel and wait this one out. I head out of the tunnel the way I came and they're shooting up traffic again; I don't bother to honk this time, and when a wanted level is triggered again, I toss a sticky bomb out ahead of me, park over it, and BOOM!!!

I didn't go for the Quick Restart. ;)