lucky them 2 random strangers from last night don't post here or we would be mentioned
* get an invite from a mate for the series A trash truck setup
* accept and see mate + the 2 strangers level 25/30 in the lobby
* mate & me collection team
* setup starts and mate says look at my new car
* me looks at car and wonders if it's sticky resistant

* mate tries to get away and runs over the 2 randoms, not dead yet
* me chases mate on foot while tossing stickies
* randoms don't have car so they decide to nick my brand new stirling (pics coming up

* mate tells me, erik they're stealing your car
* me: ah no they don't and start changing vehicle access to none while yelling GET OUT OF MY CAR BASTARDS
* my car stops and randoms are kicked out
* mate says, get in and lets go get your car
* i get in mates car
* he drives up to them but can't/won't stop in time and kills one
* i get in my car and we drive off
* ** mission failed, a heist member left **
yes we can and most of the time will be bastards and dirty cnuts
but we have fun and that's most important for us