Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Dear guy who I killed me once and then got killed by me 3 times, I hope you learned a valuable lesson today.

Don't mess with a mime.

Lately I've found homing launchers intermittently aren't locking on when they definitely should be, quite frustrating.
Well, I just uninstalled it again.

Mission 1: I did all the legwork while a level 103 took useless potshots at people with a micro uzi from his - you guessed it - garish armoured Kuruma.

Mission 2: I blew up said garish armoured Kuruma immediately after the mission started, had a brief exchange with the driver, later noticed he was heading to the airport and made fun of him for needing a helicopter for the mission we were on (which, to be fair, everyone does because it's quite hard - it was Los Santos Connection), then I died because of course I did, I was the only one of the four who was alive and fighting all the bad guys at the laptop. Then he left his game on 'autopilot' so I'd have to quit and get a 'bad mark' against my name. I just said I was going to bed and let the game idle in the background but sadly when I came back, I'd been kicked for idling... But I got $2,000 for continued good behaviour when I got back to free roam anyway, so.

Mission 3: The game immediately crashed, so I just uninstalled it.

GTA Online was fun until the heist vehicles killed it stone dead, every single mission I do contains at least one Kuruma, I'd say more than 50% of players just rely on them because they either suck or just can't be bothered to risk being killed. I think if the Kuruma was changed to be really hard to kill with bullets rather than being invincible I'd probably consider playing again, but for now I just have no fun because there is nothing fun about sitting in a car, shooting stuff with a Micro Uzi. It's just grinding. When you're on foot it's actually a pretty good tactical shooter, and I actually enjoy that, but... Yeah, I'll stop now. Oh well, at least that's freed up 65GB for fun games.

I only use my Armored Kuruma for these things:

• Driving around in free roam at top speed, sliding around, and performing stunts
• Going on 5-star police chases
• Invading Fort Zancudo and messing with the AIs
• Fast and safe transportation of teammates during heists

I don't enjoy killing players, so I avoid public sessions most of the time.
Since I've been seeing/joining many Fleeca Job set-ups and finales I thought to myself "eh why not"


I practically know all of the quotes from the hostages.
Me and a friend did this about 6 times. Never failed. Did it once with a random and 5 replays.
I guess randoms never found out that drill has another gear..

I'm just wondering if anyone's ever gotten a full Elite challenge before. I mean, it's not impossible, but I really think it is since my best in Fleeca was just shy of 6. With my partner literally with a computer next to me.

I've read guides. Things like have a strategically planned apartment (Alta or Eclipse), everyone use Akumas/Batis, don't eff it up, join an elite heist crew and organize etc. But truly, when they mean elite, they mean elite.
Is that a real thing or just a mod? I never played any of the older GTA games. *Gasp!*

It's real, 100% completion will get you that lousy shirt, among other, cooler things. :lol:

Them being, 200 health and armour, cars have double durability and 3 bodyguards at the mansion that'll follow you around the city and help out.
It's real, 100% completion will get you that lousy shirt, among other, cooler things. :lol:

Them being, 200 health and armour, cars have double durability and 3 bodyguards at the mansion that'll follow you around the city and help out.

Wow. And GTA V just makes you a millionaire*.

*You can be a billionaire if you play the stock market correctly.
Proxy mines are pretty useless.. except..

Say, you see a Pegasus vehicle waiting or stop by the Mors area when people are still in mechanic cooldown. This is pretty often in red blipped free roam.

It so happens that a bounty got his car wrecked and had to call Mors. I was at Mors, cruising with my Cog Cab at the time, and see an Insurgent spawn. Guess this guy must've gotten lucky to get out of that car before it explodes.

Anyways, because I want him on a silver platter, I dropped a proxy mine just under the car so its hard to notice. Then proceeded to the arm wrestling area after to keep my distance.

And when he arrives, boom, I got the message, and 5k. Not bad, considering I didn't blow up the Insurgent.
My favourite use for proximity mines is say someone in an insurgent is driving around killing people or even myself, as soon as i kill them by shooting them through the window i quickly run up and throw a mine inside the cab of the insurgent and then leave.

It's lovely watching them on the map run over to their insurgent but even better when you hear the distant explosion and that the mine hasn't destroyed the car resulting in a hefty insurance fee.

I also love attaching a sticky bomb to the back of my insurgent. you can bet it's not long until someone want's to chase you down and kill you. You can also bet that if i slow down a little and let them get close enough i'll be blowing them up while i'm safe and sound inside. Cue sending a text saying "XD" and receiving an angry reply.

(On another note, i've also noticed that my homing missiles rarely lock on anymore)
(On another note, i've also noticed that my homing missiles rarely lock on anymore)

The missile targeting system in this game is completely broken. If you're in an attack aircraft and point your nose to the ground where a target is, the system will not lock on at all. You have to be flying level for it to even acknowledge the target. As for Stinger missiles, they'll lock onto aircraft, but the missile flies past the target, forcing you to fire another one. If the targeted aircraft is controlled by a player, they have time to initiate evasive maneuvers or bail out and parachute behind cover. The most annoying aspect of missiles in this game is that AI Lazers at Fort Zancudo will shoot you down so easily, even if you're doing your best to evade the missile, but you would never be able to hit their planes.
I think one thing Bounty holders have advantage is anonymity.

I once posed as a traffic car when being targeted. The thing is, when a car of 2 arrived to kill me, they saw a LAZER "driving" with the traffic. What happens after is either take off, shooting, or explosions.

Needless to say, it was fun.
My favorite thing to do when I get a bounty is use the bounty icon to hide in a tank.

Everyone just rides to their death.

Until someone like me puts five sticky bombs on their motorcycle, goes off the radar, kamikazes your tank, then...

when i have a bounty on my head i usually look for a friend and let him kill me for the money.

and last night i joined a random for the fleeca heist finale, we finished it and we spawned in free mode together, he had a bounty on him, while i was disabling passive mode to kill him he just stood in front of me waiting to be killed... was a nice bonus on top of the heist payout :)
But they can't see that you're in a tank unless you're in their line of sight. There are many places where that can be used/exploited to your advantage.

True, but once you've been killed the first time, hear the cannon firing and subsequent shots at police (Unless they use Blind Eye from Lester), or see players being killed by large explosions, you know what they're using.
I think the Insurgent exists to be the Anti Rhino.

Every time i actually use the Insurgent, I outpace a Rhino, tank a shot maybe, and then place stickies for the win when the cannon's too close for comfort.
True, but once you've been killed the first time, hear the cannon firing and subsequent shots at police (Unless they use Blind Eye from Lester), or see players being killed by large explosions, you know what they're using.
Get a friend to carry the tank with a Cargobob.