Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Story from a few days ago:

got an invite for humane labs heist finale from a random stranger, which i accepted.
when i joined the lobby i already sort of noticed that at least 2 of the others were friends, 3rd one i was not so sure about
when the leader divided the heist loot he started out with 55/15/15/15, so i accepted and pressed ready, so did the other 3, i was gunner btw.
then he started to give his apparent friend some more and himself less, ok no problem with me
but then he quickly changed me to 5% and himself a lot more, but before i realised that, he had already quickly started the heist

now i had 2 options, quit the heist right away, but my inner bastard and dirty cnut kicked in and opted for the 2nd one

so the heist started, we drove to the helicopter, got in the helo and flew off, to make a long story a bit shorter, we continued the heist and all went well
but when we were almost finished, i.e. flying towards the landing spot, i "accidentally" pressed triangle and bailed the helicopter, didn't deploy the chute and crashed into the freeway and died

heist failed

they shouldn't have screwed me over with 5%
Story from a few days ago:

got an invite for humane labs heist finale from a random stranger, which i accepted.
when i joined the lobby i already sort of noticed that at least 2 of the others were friends, 3rd one i was not so sure about
when the leader divided the heist loot he started out with 55/15/15/15, so i accepted and pressed ready, so did the other 3, i was gunner btw.
then he started to give his apparent friend some more and himself less, ok no problem with me
but then he quickly changed me to 5% and himself a lot more, but before i realised that, he had already quickly started the heist

now i had 2 options, quit the heist right away, but my inner bastard and dirty cnut kicked in and opted for the 2nd one

so the heist started, we drove to the helicopter, got in the helo and flew off, to make a long story a bit shorter, we continued the heist and all went well
but when we were almost finished, i.e. flying towards the landing spot, i "accidentally" pressed triangle and bailed the helicopter, didn't deploy the chute and crashed into the freeway and died

heist failed

they shouldn't have screwed me over with 5%
Even I would have opted for that 2nd options feels more satisfying :D, they deserved it in my opinion. Kudos to you mate for doing it :cheers:
I would've just drove it straight into the side of a mountain. If I'm going down I might as well take them with me. :mischievous:

as the gunner that was not possible :) but if i had been pilot i would've flown it the opposite direction all the way out to sea and then just before "world's end" i would've dumped the helo in the sea and let them swim all the way back to shore, and then conveniently die anyway :)
Joined a Prison Break, host set everyone at 25%, I was prison guard. It was one thing or another which resulted in many restarts. One of us would die and by then I ran out of armor and snacks. End of a possible 125 grand heist.

Then there's the level 28 with a 10.44 K/D ratio. Yes he had a god mode on his side.
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bad story:

last night me and two friends did the series-a finale, a level 12 n00b joined and just as you'd expect.... he died

:dunce: :D

you liked the 25% cut ?
Nine times out of ten, when I see a modder in a mission, I'm just straight backing out of the thing. That is especially true in PVP modes (and warzone lobbies) since most modders I've run into will not play the game unless they have god mode on.
Again, it's all relative. I have no doubt this may seem piddly to those with worse experiences.

I just did my first and last Contact Mission through the Quick Job app. The player that initiated the mission did so in their apartment and, while I don't positively know this to be the case, it seemed as though they expected me to do the whole thing by myself, because they never left. I got the item and lost the cops (Out Of Court Settlement), and then voted to kick them out and waited at Martin's business associate's architecturally significant modernist wonder home for them to be kicked before actually completing the mission.
No doubt. I should say it was even set to Easy, so it's not like I benefited from waiting around--but there was no way he was getting something for nothing. What's funny is I've even done missions with extra bodies to ramp up the payout and said to just not die while I do the heavy lifting. :lol:
Joined a Delivery EMP heist setup. As usual I platinum and basically take em all out in no time. Get invited to the Humane Labs Raid, twice the helicopter crew dies as soon as my ground team makes it to the beach. Third reset my ground teammate died on the parachute down. By then I already lost faith in our team since we didn't get to the last part of the raid. Out 135 grand .

Then I get caught up in a Firefight in free Mode. Snipers on the roof, one covering fire on the ally. I finally get a upper hand and for one reason or other... It just dies. One or two people leave or out of my range and everyone goes about their own business.

Then there's a Pacific Standard finale and we can't even make it to the bikes.
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I stay away from almost all Pacific Standard finale invites now since it seems that everyone forgot how to complete the heist ever since the x2 RP and $ payout ended :banghead:

It's astonishing that people still go the unnecessarily long route up the mountain instead of going straight for the boat. You would think that after countless failures, people would notice that all they have to do is turn left, avoid suicidal police cruisers and FIB Grangers, get to the boat, and just have a shootout against the cops while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive.

One time, I had an intense last stand against the cops. Because of multiple failures in a row, I ran out of armor and couldn't buy anymore. Two of us were at the boat while the rest went the long route. There were so many cops there and I just kept locking onto them with my Combat MG. I got down to a sliver of health left but managed to survive. It was exciting, but I hope that will never happen again.
It's astonishing that people still go the unnecessarily long route up the mountain instead of going straight for the boat. You would think that after countless failures, people would notice that all they have to do is turn left, avoid suicidal police cruisers and FIB Grangers, get to the boat, and just have a shootout against the cops while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive.

One time, I had an intense last stand against the cops. Because of multiple failures in a row, I ran out of armor and couldn't buy anymore. Two of us were at the boat while the rest went the long route. There were so many cops there and I just kept locking onto them with my Combat MG. I got down to a sliver of health left but managed to survive. It was exciting, but I hope that will never happen again.
I usually do the wait for a cop car and steal it routine since nobody I play with has the 6 car garage by the bank. It's also usually expected that everyone goes together and gets in the same car as well. I hate when we split because half the time we split, the two that take the bikes up the long route usually wind up dying. Hell, I remember having to restart it three times in a row once because someone got crushed by a bike or parachuted into a rock right at the jump spot.
I usually do the wait for a cop car and steal it routine since nobody I play with has the 6 car garage by the bank. It's also usually expected that everyone goes together and gets in the same car as well. I hate when we split because half the time we split, the two that take the bikes up the long route usually wind up dying. Hell, I remember having to restart it three times in a row once because someone got crushed by a bike or parachuted into a rock right at the jump spot.

The jump is very dangerous and you have an extremely high chance of failing right there, especially if someone is inexperienced with parachuting, suddenly gets a lag spike before jumping, or hit the jump at a very bad angle.
You would think that after countless failures, people would notice that all they have to do is turn left, avoid suicidal police cruisers and FIB Grangers, get to the boat, and just have a shootout against the cops while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive.
That route is a pain in the ass if everyone is separated. If you take the normal route, the cop spawns will be scripted and they will pretty much leave you alone once you past them all.

The jump is very dangerous and you have an extremely high chance of failing right there, especially if someone is inexperienced with parachuting, suddenly gets a lag spike before jumping, or hit the jump at a very bad angle.
If you need a fail-safe, just get everyone in the same car, and take the last right before you reach the cliff. The cops will have already stopped spawning at this point and you should be able to drive down the mountain and reach the boat safely.
Here is a list of how my GTA night went. I'm listing it from step one with how my session started.
1. Called friend to ask for invite.
2. Friend calls saying that one of his friends is in a bind and was getting teamed up on. I ask for an invite to help.
3. I join and get killed by guy 1 killing friend of friend.
4. Kill avenged, guy starts to run after other friends join to turn tide.
5 Guy brings in two of his friends. Enemy friend One tries to kill us in a jet. Enemy friend two snack glitches.
6, Snack glitching guy keeps killing me from a higher vantage point. He gets ran off by others trying to back up friend's friend.
7. I Get killed by friendly fire as I'm trying to kill enemy.
8 We find out that Enemy friend One is a modder because he's invisible in a helicopter.
9. Friends start destroying Enemy and Enemy friend Two. Modder (Enemy friend One) leaves lobby after we figure it out.
10. Some other random shows up. We leave him alone until...
11. Other random suddenly shoots the friend that invited me.
12. Everyone engages the other random. Guy 1 ragequits the lobby.
13 Other random begins to get owned and calls for help.
14. Other random's friends show up. Both are modders.
15. Other random's modder friends start killing us with god mode and by snack glitching.
16. All three get called out for modding and snack glitching. All three stop. Other random is running away with a kill advantage.
17. I get out the marksman rifle to kill other random because he complains about people using it (oh how I hate that gun with a passion, but that's another story).
18. I even up kill count with other random and start to get killed by friendly fire.
19. Get kill lead, still get friendly fired.
20 Guy who killed me in #7 and I team up to merk other random. Modders leave after being called out and reported by some people in the lobby.
21. I run away with the kill count. Other guy crushes him.
22. Other random ragequits.
23. I get off the game.

About a third of my deaths tonight were friendly fire. But all in all, my friends did what we needed to do- take care of a friend in a bind. We did that as a group with flying colors.
Labor Day Event: usually Friday is a non gaming day. Saturday I mostly ran Quick Getaway solo. 3200 RP and 10 grand in 4 minutes. Once I got 2400 RP and 13 grand wtf. Bought a Coil Brawler for my main PSN, and a Turismo R my female character.

Sunday was basically a non-event, just did a couple boat races and bought a Sea Shark. Monday was a good day, played a bunch of Team DeathMatches. 23 grand for the winning team and 14 grand for the losing team. 5000 RP was for either team, and my lady went up 3 levels to 92. Oh and bought a Dubsta 6x6 for my secondary character.
It's astonishing that people still go the unnecessarily long route up the mountain instead of going straight for the boat. You would think that after countless failures, people would notice that all they have to do is turn left, avoid suicidal police cruisers and FIB Grangers, get to the boat, and just have a shootout against the cops while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive.

One time, I had an intense last stand against the cops. Because of multiple failures in a row, I ran out of armor and couldn't buy anymore. Two of us were at the boat while the rest went the long route. There were so many cops there and I just kept locking onto them with my Combat MG. I got down to a sliver of health left but managed to survive. It was exciting, but I hope that will never happen again.
Your wanted level does go away for taking the cliff but I still agree. Everyone doesn't even know how to use the parachute on that part even after like 4 failures in a row. :indiff:
I managed to get myself a tank on Monday. Saved from Friday onwards from 11k to 1.25 million just grinding. Now I have access to the Hydra, buzzard and Tank from pegasus. Might save for a Savage.
Here's a fresh one :D

I spawn in my house at the Del Perro Heights building and look around. Nothing unusual going on around me. I check the map to see if the coast is clear and pull out of the garage.

What's that? A green car symbol? Here I come.

The HPV (High Priority Vehicle) was sitting on the Great Ocean Highway. I drove there without anyone pursuing me. Weird. The HPV was a Patriot that I had to get to Simeon as soon as I could, even if that meant getting bombarded by players in the city.

Boom. 2 stars. Apparently the cops are psychic and instantly knew I had stolen the Patriot the second I got in it. So I had to outrun the insane GTA V cops in a car that doesn't exactly have a reputation for its speed, but is thankfully quite bulky. After enduring attacks from the cops until Del Perro, the 2 stars disappeared and it was time for me to take the car to LSC.

Not so fast.

Another player appears in what seems like a severely damaged Gauntlet and tries to hunt me down. I vanish from the radar and try to get away, which I achieve to some extent, only to be caught right back up in the damaged SUV. I pull over, take out my assault rifle and gun him down.

Classy man in tux: 1, generic outfit-wearing punk: 0.

I drive off in the Patriot, however he gets lucky with the respawn location and stops me in my tracks in a Dilettante. I drive into a dead end, do a 180º turn and try to get away but he's much more nimble. I stop, get out and shoot him again.

Buzz off already.

Next thing I know, the freight train shows up and rams the side of the Patriot, effectively crippling it. Thank God the Dilettante was parked in front of the Patriot. The other player seems to have given up, so I'm left to limp to LSC in the tortured Patriot and get it resprayed. I arrive at LSC off the radar, get the car resprayed and set off towards the docks. Not much later I reach my destination and get a nice 10k for my efforts. Not bad. :)

I'm going to booby-trap Simeon's place next time the HPV pops up
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>rocking payday style outfit
>plays LTS
>every round mask is removed from character

why :(
Rockstar logic. They don't want you to look good while doing jobs.
The heist update is probably what messed up the masks in jobs. The game will take off any masks you had on by default during heists and setups. I assume this carried over to a few other jobs unintentionally.
It is annoying seeing my guys generic beat up face all the time when I am suppose to be pogo. I am pogo. Nobody must know my real identity.