Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
I was in a public session over the weekend and was on my way to Ammunation (near the construction site) and saw a random player, Ed-something, speeding up as I walked inside. I was unclear what he wanted and then another player came up and killed him, then shot me through the Ammunation doors. Ed & I respawned and he came over to me in his car, picked me up and we went and took out the other random. The random left & Ed and I had a three star wanted level. I called up my Insurgent Pickup and evaded the cops as we increased up to a 5 star wanted level. I drove circles around Los Santos for a bit and then decided to see if we could make a whole lap of San Andreas with 5 stars. Ed died a little over half way, but I was able to pick him up after falling off a cliff down to the beach. He hopped in and we completed the lap, still with the same Insurgent & for me the same original wanted level. As I got around the map and back to Los Santos I saw that Superstreet had joined the session and so I drove over to his place and he hopped in and joined the fun as I kept evading the police. After a 5 star chase that lasted the better part of an hour we were finally taken out by another player in a jet (I think the same player I ran over twice). Awesome chase, probably my longest at 5 stars. I was impressed with how long the Insurgent lasted too.

Yesterday I had a bounty placed on me so I used my car-off-the-pier-infinite-air trick. I waited out the bounty under water, ammused as people kept coming over trying to kill me. At one point I saw someone on the map above me in a boat & heard explosions, I think he was launching grenades over the side of the boat. The explsions stopped and I was trying to look around (you can’t see much while you’re in a car under water, it won’t let you look up just whats next to you really & I was at the bottom of a ravine) to see if he was swimming down to me. All of a sudden I saw a stack of money sinking down right next to me & slid under the car and I just started laughing. I think someone shot explosives a little too close & hit the boat :P
Just had a 8-player (to start with) LTS dogfight over Alamo Sea and either the session dumped or my teammates just plain left me after the first of three matches. I had to flip around to meet my attackers for the second round and, sadly, I didn't make it out--though I managed to render two to charred bits. Third round was an absolute blast and I came out on top, four against one!

Admittedly, I had a slight advantage for the same reason I didn't during the second round, one of my victims hadn't even completely left the ground yet. :D
Joined a lobby and there were 2 griefers that would kill someone, and commit suicide, or if they're threatened , would 'take the way way out' just so they can keep their precious 4+ K/D ratio.

Plus I hope R* will remove the * started a one on one match with * tank or jet spawning thing. It was probably intended to have the one vs one match 'even' but it just let's friends spawn an extra griefing vehicle to the lobby.
Just had a 8-player (to start with) LTS dogfight over Alamo Sea and either the session dumped or my teammates just plain left me after the first of three matches. I had to flip around to meet my attackers for the second round and, sadly, I didn't make it out--though I managed to render two to charred bits. Third round was an absolute blast and I came out on top, four against one!

Admittedly, I had a slight advantage for the same reason I didn't during the second round, one of my victims hadn't even completely left the ground yet. :D

Spawn protection in jet deathmatches is ridiculous. You kill someone, they respawn, you swoop down to kill them again. All of your bullets are on target, but they go right through them. If you're unlucky enough to have them spawn in front of you, they will shoot you down because your bullets pass through their jet.
Just came out of a total :censored:hole today. A bunch of whiner babies were talking smack about me and were fighting over my voice. *Are randoms goddamn :censored:ing for real? Just because someone sounds horrible doesn't mean they deserve all that much hatred.* One guy was threatening me saying he was going to hack me which I responded saying go ahead and hack me. He didn't even do it. He probably focused way too much time on threatening people, his skills nowhere matched mine. Plus his username was garbage. Too bad the name and shaming rule exists so I can't even post his username.

2 kids did helped me out. Period. The day everyone stops talking crap will be the day when we found a cure to cancer. Luckily I reported one of them this time.
his skills nowhere matched mine. Plus his username was garbage. Too bad the name and shaming rule exists so I can't even post his username.
About the worst thing that's happened to me lately is that I watched some friends get into an argument with a random because said random in our lobby started kicking their cars. Other than that- nothing really has happened.

EDIT: Drunk guy entered the lobby. I haven't laughed this hard in a while. :lol:
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The very first freemode event I play is "The Beast" and none other than I am picked to be the Beast.

After a few minutes of escaping I made it down to 2 more landmarks. There are 10 landmarks you have to go to.

Accidentally drove off a cliff into water while escaping a player. After that I see two armored Kurumas driving straight for me; so I use my grenade launcher and kill them both.

Stole a nearby vehicle to continue my escape.

I finally made it to the last landmark and won :D

The payout.

P.S.: Sorry for the horrid textures.
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Good: Inverted flight, killed it with almost 5000 meters. Criminal Damage, won easily with a Tank. Check Point Challenge, barely won that one.

Bad: Fly low in a copter (name unknown) was in the lead...until the potential 1st and 2nd place racked up big time at LS Airport while I took the highway. Trees, light poles and other obstacles kept resetting my score. Time Trial, I must have hit the heavy traffic nor took a good route I guess.
Joined a lobby with a Drive the longest without crashing already started. Made it out past Fort Zancudo but didn't score well as 1st place already had 11000 meters when I started. I then noticed an Insurgent climbing the mountain, and followed. I was able to kill the gunner, and the duo regrouped and took me out. But their momentum took them over the other side and I blew up their Insurgent with the Homing Launcher. These 2 tried to go back up to try kill me but they were on the steep side and couldn't make it up. One had to go off radar to pick me off.

Next session I see a Bounty closing in behind me...lo and behold Bounty had his tank and blew me up. As he wandered off to find some more targets I called for the Hydra, and after just 2 passes I collected his 7 grand bounty. Almost immediately another Bounty Icon showed up by Del Perro towers and one swoop netted me another 9 grand bounty.

Just when I thought I was done, a Free Mode event showed up, Deliver the Package. This one appeared in the most opportune place for me, at the Hangar at LS Airport. Flew in, collected the package and managed to take off just as another showed up. Flew up high to avoid any rockets and delivered with ease near Madrazo's. 20 grand for the delivery, plus the 2 Bounties was an easy 36 grand.
Good: I joined once of those "$999999999 99999999RP GLITCH" DM events. Made it to the tank first, swept them. Then I got $2000 for good behaviour. Great timing R* :lol:

Bad: Failed a Prison Break setup four times due to the same person dying. :banghead: Also, "Timed out loading session".
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Best: Bought a Marshall.
Worse: American livery Marshall looks ugly and I live in the US. I feel like Rockstar was insulting me for the region I live in- oh wait, Independance Day DLC. Damn you Rockstar you really got me there!
Good: I joined once of those "$999999999 99999999RP GLITCH" DM events. Made it to the tank first, swept them. Then I got $2000 for good behaviour. Great timing R* :lol:

Bad: Failed a Prison Break setup four times due to the same person dying. :banghead: Also, "Timed out loading session".
Why would you do those fake money parkour jobs in the first place?
American livery Marshall looks ugly

It's funny because you know, as someone pretty much across the Earth, I bought this variant instead of the Poland one (the color that suits me the best). It's to remember the day that I put in that one song from Team America in Self Radio.
With the free mode events, the trolling starts go off the roof now:

>King of the hill event at the beach
>call Tank and start spawnkilling
>finally get blown up
>start spawn kill sniping

Let the douchebaggery begin :lol:
So there I was, at the airport, in passive mode, trying to make my way through the war to do some flying. There was a huge chase going on, two players constantly killing each other with 5 stars. Then... "Special Crate Drop in 10 hours". I went off the radar and sneakily took off in a Maverick, planning to get airborne in a Lazer from Fort Zancudo and beat everyone to the crate. It worked; by the time the minute I had to get away expired I was already at the Del Perro Pier. Seconds later I was flying along the GOH and landed the chopper near the Fort Z tunnel. I summoned my Zentorno and waited. The 5 hour alert came and I worked out when the crate drop would spawn; 13:03. At 12:10 I made a run for the Lazer and flew around, but no crate appeared. After a dogfight I got into I decided to continue the Prison Break heist, which nobody joined. I'm still in the session at the moment. To be continued...

Edit: Grabbed my Panto and took it for a ride in the tunnels. I forgot its low water tolerance and had to pay $1062 to MMI. Then I had to make my way through the tunnels on foot. As soon as I got out, I stole a Rapid GT from the Ballas to get away and got a Trash Talk invite. Session was full, I opted to join another session, timed out, ragequit. :banghead:
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Good: Collected a special crate, beating everyone else to it in a Duster of all things.

Bad: All I got was a crummy 'fake' t-shirt.
@Snorevette: Special crates never seem to show up for me... I get the notification but they just don't appear at all. It's happened to me twice... am I doing something wrong or did I get really unlucky with a glitch?
@Snorevette: Special crates never seem to show up for me... I get the notification but they just don't appear at all. It's happened to me twice... am I doing something wrong or did I get really unlucky with a glitch?

They don't seem to appear in invite-only sessions for some reason, if that matters.

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