- 574
- Netherlands
- e-rikkie
jalapeno on a pogo stick :?
I wondered why he didn't die when I sprayed him with my machine gun. Hehe.Funny encounter in a server today
>joined lobby
>see @leeislee in server
>GTP party
>some level 200 with bounty
>@leeislee decides its quick cash and goes on to claim his bounty
>go off to ammo shop near insurance place
>mfw dude with bounty kills lee
>go towards highway
>dude with bounty approaches me
>passive mode glitcher scrub
>explains everything
>tries to range me on bike with m4
>fails hard
>he dies randomly
>lee gets hydra
>proceeds to kill him 5-0
>scrub gets mad
>hops on mic
>calls him a pussy
>hypocrisy is real
>begin to laugh hysterically before I leave lobby
GTA PvP in a nutshell:
>is player better than me?
>if yes:
call him a hacker/modder/cheater then proceed to player through mic
>if no:
begin to cuss player through mic about how bad they are at GTA
God this game is great![]()
Funny thing, one of my favorite things to do is go in passive mode, right up to a sniper battle, get next to a sniper, out of passive, minigun him down, then ride off in my T20.I always get irritated when a person can't kill someone in a regular gun battle so they instead go in passive mode and kill you as soon as they get out of it. The only thing I hate more is when a modder goes in god mode and blows up people because they can't get kills unless they have their mods on.
Here's how I look at GTA Bounty Random logic.GTA player logic:
Using a jet/Insurgent/etc. to spawn-kill someone: Perfectly justifyable.
Hiding in cover to avoid getting shot: Pathetic
What?Here's how I look at GTA Bounty Random logic.
Use god mode glitches to survive, search up wall breach glitches on YouTube that will help you survive the bounty, if someone comes in with a tank to your location, leave the lobby because there's a chance that you can get killed by the blast depending how close you are to the wall or whatever, place a bounty on the person who claimed your bounty, etc.
So nobody understands this right?What?
The only reason i play GTA is to steal cars, acquire a bounty and get the heat on.
I'm being chased by all sorts of madness aside from aerial assault, that is.
From 2 player turret Insurgents, the occasional Scooter Brother, Merryweather phone addicts, and even Miljets. I MEAN WHO BUYS MILJETS?!
This I understand. But I don't understand why would someone ruin the experience for everyone who's going after you. Ok if you like getting bounties placed on you and be chased by other players, fine I guess. But it's not necessary to use glitches that would make you almost impossible or entirely impossible for other players to kill you. That's not being fun at all and I've seen most bounties doing this lately. I find dealing with bounties piloting jets much better than god mode bounties. *Sort of due to the fact that they are fast enough to catch up with you and kill the living 🤬 out of you.*The only reason why I try to evade bounties is to have fun. I could do without the money personally, although that's what determines how many people my bounty will attract![]()
I always get irritated when a person can't kill someone in a regular gun battle so they instead go in passive mode and kill you as soon as they get out of it. The only thing I hate more is when a modder goes in god mode and blows up people because they can't get kills unless they have their mods on.
I've had to say that to nearly every person with me on the cargo team with the exception of one guy. One time I told the passenger not to shoot and then he does so anyway. I told him 3 more times, but he continued and even began shooting the cops. So at that point I just stopped and got out of the car. It took him nearly 10 minutes to get to the drop-off areaPartner (rank 197) messaged me "drive dont shoot," which I took to mean he wouldn't shoot either because doing so invites law--he didn't--and we got to the delivery spot with minimal hassles.
What can I say? I'm good at capture.My archenemy used to be my friend, mainly due to accidental kills while messing around in free mode or the spontaneous 1v1 deathmatches she'd challenge me to. I just had a look now though and it's actually @Custom878.![]()
I had a really good time with a friend today. After I eventually got him to enter my car, I took him to somewhere near Bolingbroke Penitentiary and we had a sniper fight for quite a while. It ended 14-14. He's now both my "Archenemy" and "Victim"![]()
My archenemy is one of my friends, but he's my archenemy because he used to spawn snipe me out of nowhere when I was new at the game and didn't have any weapons. He stopped that right away after I got all the guns (and also after other friends started taking him out as soon as he started shooting at me until he either quit killing me or ragequit the session).
My archenemy used to be my friend, mainly due to accidental kills while messing around in free mode or the spontaneous 1v1 deathmatches she'd challenge me to. I just had a look now though and it's actually @Custom878.![]()
My archenemy is a guy that killed me once when I asked him to get rid of my bounty.
Talk about player interaction...![]()