Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Best: I finally got to play an LTS I made.
Worst: I learned that one player can exploit a mechanic that completely ruins the entire LTS.
What was your original idea with it and how is it exploited?
The original idea was a melee LTS at the strip club (knives default, nightsticks, golf clubs, and baseball bats are available to pick up). It got exploited since the bouncer drops the pistol when he dies and someone kept killing him just to get the pistol. Same guy proceeded to kill 2 of the 3 on the other team before it ran out of ammo in the first round.
The original idea was a melee LTS at the strip club (knives default, nightsticks, golf clubs, and baseball bats are available to pick up). It got exploited since the bouncer drops the pistol when he dies and someone kept killing him just to get the pistol. Same guy proceeded to kill 2 of the 3 on the other team before it ran out of ammo in the first round.

To be fair, melee deathmatches/LTS jobs are ridiculous anyway. The other person throws one punch animation from six feet away, and your character stumbles around while gets hit three times... from one punch.
Just did some racing with randoms. Everyone was driving dirty. I came in first place in the first race. The second race, before I can even get passed the first checkpoint, everyone gets in a fatal accident including me and it sent my BlackFin flying. I missed the checkpoint, respawned and proceed to finish the race. Luckily I was able to achieve 5th place for some reason since the crash I got involved in was pretty bad. *Man these players are so diabolical.*After the race ended, when we got to the results screen, one guy with a mic came yelling saying we all suck. :lol: Oh boy, makes a lot of sense.
I've been playing a lot of the more popular user made LTS games (Snipers vs Stunters, Rockets vs. Planes) lately and a couple people that I keep doing them with do nothing but complain. That's being solved by simply not inviting them. I did a Snipers vs. Stunters a couple days ago that had a heavy sniper and managed to go 6-0 with for of the kills coming from the sniper. One of the kills was a pick-off in which I lead in and nailed the guy with a headshot as the bullet got there as he was driving through. I also did a Snipers vs superbikes that friend made and went 6-0 in it. 2 of the kills came from direct headshots from leading in with a sniper because the other team decided to forgo the bikes and get in cars for some inexplicable reason. I killed everyone on the other team myself that round.

Normally, when I do any type of LTS like that, I finish with far more deaths than I do kills.
Today was an interesting day:
  • I'm placed a public lobby after doing some missions
  • I'm in passive and I see a group of 4-5 armored Kurumas attempting to kill me (not one decent looking car :rolleyes:)
  • An armored truck appears on the map and the Kurumas attack it
  • I pull up in my Hearse and steal the truck. First thing I thought of? Ocean. :mischievous:
  • Since they're in armored Kurumas they can't throw a sticky bomb on the rear doors
  • I make my way to the beach while being chased by them and some cops
  • I drive the truck into the ocean and no one gets the money
  • They attempt to kick me and said they reported me for "hacking" with "video evidence" :lol:
  • I said "I hope you're not mistaking passive mode for god mode" then they all left the session together
That's all for the bad stuff.

With the remaining players in the session I finally met someone else who owns a Roosevelt. He helped me with my impromptu race (god I hate those) objective and we hung out for a bit.
Today was an interesting day:
  • I'm placed a public lobby after doing some missions
  • I'm in passive and I see a group of 4-5 armored Kurumas attempting to kill me (not one decent looking car :rolleyes:)
  • An armored truck appears on the map and the Kurumas attack it
  • I pull up in my Hearse and steal the truck. First thing I thought of? Ocean. :mischievous:
  • Since they're in armored Kurumas they can't throw a sticky bomb on the rear doors
  • I make my way to the beach while being chased by them and some cops
  • I drive the truck into the ocean and no one gets the money
  • They attempt to kick me and said they reported me for "hacking" with "video evidence" :lol:
  • I said "I hope you're not mistaking passive mode for god mode" then they all left the session together
That's all for the bad stuff.

With the remaining players in the session I finally met someone else who owns a Roosevelt. He helped me with my impromptu race (god I hate those) objective and we hung out for a bit.

Kids don't even know what hacking is. :P
You mean he took the controller from mummy and daddy's special cupboard and turned it on? My god. :lol:

lucky the didn't mistakenly take moms pink wii mote...... wwwwooooaaaahhh what a force feedback on this thing ;)
Don't you just love it when someone with a bounty decides to do that cancerous wall breach glitch at Burton which has yet to be patched?
What is this Burton one?
Burton is no man's land in the middle of Vinewood. As far as I'm aware, there isn't any wall breaches, but there's a lot of vantage points.

Don't you just love it when someone with a bounty decides to do that cancerous wall breach glitch at Burton which has yet to be patched?
Are you sure you don't mean the one in East Los Santos?
Someone literally invited me to a job called World Trade Center 2. Why does that even exist? So for some stupid reason I decided to join the job and basically what it was *which I find kinda original* is one team is spawned in a parking lot in Pillbox Hill surrounded by a bunch of trailers with a stack of titans above us with the other team having to shoot the stack of titans to kill you. *Its not another one of those trap jobs. It was possible to get out and all teams were spawned with MGs* I think it could have been a better and badass job if it wasn't freaking called World Trade Center 2. Nobody wants to be reminded of 9/11. But I have to admit having a job with a stack of 10 Titans spawned on top of you and the other team needing to shoot them down with a heavy sniper while trying to escape is pretty diabolical. :ill:

Also when I left the job, I had a bounty on my head without me noticing it since I was busy in the XMB menu. Great. I don't know if I should consider that a punishment for joining a job titled this. I'm not a satanist or anything but I find it saddistic when someone names their jobs this. And since this month is patriots day and I'm going to New York Manhattan this month, this is just horribly wrong.
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Jesus christ, they are just TROLLS. Stop taking everything so seriously. They purposely did it to get a rise out of people, and they certainly did with you. Don't like idiots? Don't play like one or with them.
Jesus christ, they are just TROLLS. Stop taking everything so seriously. They purposely did it to get a rise out of people, and they certainly did with you. Don't like idiots? Don't play like one or with them.
So I'm considered an idiot for joining them but admitted that the title was tasteless? Ok then, I guess I have a right to get shot in the face then. :boggled:
Look, we all know that GTA can be rage inducing with some things that happen (trash talk galore, getting killed out of the blue for no reason at all), but at the end of the day, it's a video game. Yes, I do post some bad experiences and a few good ones on this thread, but they just happen naturally during gameplay. I took a 2 day sabbatical from GTA about a week ago because it wasn't fun to me as a result of a lot of drama I don't feel like dealing with. If little things begin to cause huge issues to people, it might be time to put up the disc for a few days and let things cool down before playing it again.
Look, we all know that GTA can be rage inducing with some things that happen (trash talk galore, getting killed out of the blue for no reason at all), but at the end of the day, it's a video game. Yes, I do post some bad experiences and a few good ones on this thread, but they just happen naturally during gameplay. I took a 2 day sabbatical from GTA about a week ago because it wasn't fun to me as a result of a lot of drama I don't feel like dealing with. If little things begin to cause huge issues to people, it might be time to put up the disc for a few days and let things cool down before playing it again.

GTAO has become so boring and repetitive that I don't even bother putting in the disc. Plus, the online community is ultra-toxic.
Normally I only play with friends online but if I don't have any friends online 90% of the time I'd just be grinding missions to bump my money for messing about. Need money for the sticky bomb fund.

I have been known to go online, get picked on and react with a Hydra or Buzzard. If they have any sense they back down. I think I got the Buzzard when I hit about rank 80 and I'm now 180 with the latter 100 ranks coming just through messing about game play so I've had a lot of practice with the Buzzard.
Good : Me and my buddy put bounties on each other in a public session, got in subs ( the ones that spawn near the lighthouse ), went below 400ft and watched half the lobby attempting to get us. The poor saps never heard of a c4 sub :sly:
Bad : Whats more chaotic than a 16 player free for all DM, a 16 player player free for all free mode DM..... Couldn't even spare a few seconds to get position with everyone going after each others heads... but as always when in doubt insurgent out :D