Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Would members still have the leather jackets and tattoos and stuff?

No, we'd wear big green parkas and have an insane amount of lights and mirrors on the scooters instead.



We'll leave those bikers shaking in their boots.
Accepted an invite to Judging the Jury (I'd attempted it myself but was unable to complete once the timer started up).

There were 6 of us, me being the lowest rank aside from a stray Rank 10--so that was a good omen. I called my Buzzard immediately and headed to the pad behind three other players where I found three Buzzards and a Savage--getting better. We take out all but one target relatively quickly and all flock to the last one (before the four that show up once the timer starts) where the other high ranker is struggling a little in a Hydra with several LSPD choppers on him. The Rank 10 died once, but otherwise uneventful and an absolute blast.
This this was on PS4. I was able to record this and save it from middle, climax and the pitiful end. Will upload later if you guys are interested. It's pretty entertaining, and I kept the camera on the action. I would say that day was a pretty good day.

This is the full story summarized.

Bullet time.

  • I'm Lvl 130-something (haven't played in a while), and I get an Annihilator.
  • Picked up some random psycho, he was pretty cool, apparently.
  • I decided to go find some random dude and let this psycho do his job.
  • I'm a self-proclaimed "damn good pilot", so I got into a perfect hover while psycho dude shoots from side.
  • We kill random guy.
  • Random guy angry, you won't like him when he angry.
  • We pick him off about three times, then bailed after our chopper started smoking.
  • We go to the airport and get in a Luxor, but random guy was expecting that.
  • He stickies the Luxor and kills us.
  • gg, random guy. gg.
Now the interesting action-movie stuff happens. No, seriously. It felt like I was watching Mission Impossible or something. This was also happening at nighttime, so it was even more cinematic.

  • Random guy gets a Titan, and starts flying around.
  • I sit on top of the dumpster ramp you use to get into the airport.
  • I pop off some good shots, and the police almost kill me.
  • Turns out psycho guy is smart, and had a Sabre right behind me.
  • I get in with probably 1 health point left, and I somehow survive.
  • We start making a break for it.
  • The random in the Titan starts doing fly-bys.
  • Had some awesome sights as we blast through the docks area while a freaking Titan chases us at low altitude.
  • Eventually, we switch seats after stopping somewhere to pop off some shots at the Titan.
  • I get in the driver's seat, and with uber driving skillz we get back to the airport without crashing.
  • A long standoff starts, and I shoot with a minigun a couple times and psycho gets a Luxor to take out the Titan.
  • I get to watch a Titan vs. Luxor dogfight. Who can say they've seen that (even thought it was boring)?
  • Eventually, from what I remember, Titan goes down through pilot error.
  • Psycho in Luxor lands, I get in.
  • BUT WAIT! The random has a Luxor too, and is in the air.
  • He comes barreling toward us, I see what is happening and I start running.
  • I barrel roll to the left, random flies into Psycho's parked Luxor, killing each other. I survive.
  • At this point I was having a nerdgasm from the amount of awesomeness that had just occurred.
That was the climax. Now for the underwhelming end :grumpy:

  • It's now daytime, and the awesomeness died down immensely.
  • The psycho accidentally runs me over.
  • I shrug it off as a misunderstanding, and we continue destroying the random.
  • Psycho runs over me again, perfectly.
  • Nope. Not happening. I call in my Coquette, and bail.
  • They continue killing each other anticlimactically (traditional GTA whoever-shoots-first-wins style).
  • I looks to see how many are in lobby. Only six people (20 when this started).
  • Disconnect.
It was probably the most intense chase I've ever had. the lengths that random went to get his revenge made it beyond epic. I'm going to re-watch that recording just to see it again...
First of all, i want to extend my apologies to this guy i personally gave this GTA Online HAHA YOU GOT OWNED SWEG SWEG MOM GET THE CAMERA brutality. I don't want to make GTPlanet's R* crew one that leaves a bitter taste to other people.

With that said, I'm a bad person today. As you all may or may not remember, a trick I shared with you a lot is the one i block Simeon's Import/Export with a bus or a semi or a lorry. Today, I decided to use the Series A Mule.

With such a load like that in the way, our victim, in a high priority FQ 2, saw my obstacle. Then, he gets 10 bullets in the head instead of the usual rocket. I stole the vehicle, and took it for a ride around the docks to dodge the police.

Then, I weaved through the asphalt and snuck through my Mule block, gaining 9.1k from that poor poor guy. Really, I feel a bit of remorse for this fella. He started swear wording me, and then..

He attacks.

With an Armored Kuruma, no doubt. You level 30 people should get a Zentorno instead..

Me, being all ready for this, entered my getaway vehicle (my Serrano), and gets rammed. But i decided to show off this time. I threw my sticky bomb forwards, then timed it so with the GPS to get one...


..satisfying wreck.

He got angrier, i guess, thus sending me a 9k bounty. My reaction?

A bounty? On me? I feel incredibly thankful! So, i sent him about 7k of the FQ 2's export as a "he has no idea how i feel" token of appreciation, and probably to say.. I'm a bad SomePlayaDude today and I do need to be challenged in GTA the next time i play.
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I've only had problems with non-Pegasus vehicles. Otherwise, it locks on fine. Whatever the homing launcher can't take out, the sniper rifles probably will.
Ok this was honestly quite an unexpected way to end my summer vacation.

• Livestreams.
• Does some death matches
• Finishes the death matches.
• Gets put into a session.
• Joins a session with crew members.
• Finds out there's some guys in Jets.
• Calls Pegasus and orders a Savage.
• While going to pick up Savage, a guy in a jet flies by and tries to kill me but failed due to the fact that I was in passive mode.
• Gets in Savage.
• Goes to the jet's location just to notice there was a swarm of them. What the heck? o_o
• Tries and fight them off. Managed to kill one, although later gets killed by another guy in a jet.
• Spawns.
• Gets hit by a police car. :lol: *Cop must be absolutely drunk.*
• Gets back up. Hops into T20, and drives to ammunation.
• Buys ammo for Homing Launcher.
• Leaves ammunation.
• Tries to kill a jet but fails.
• Gets killed two times.
• Leaves the session.

Not the smartest thing to do but I tried to save the whole lobby from rage quitting. :lol:
How does its performance against jets compare to rockets fired from jets? @superstreet556 had a great deal of success dodging my rockets in an air race by simply bobbing up and down. :lol:
IMO it's useless against them. You need to be close to them when they are not attacking you. If only Rockstar could improve the range a lot with the homing launcher, that would be nice.
How does its performance against jets compare to rockets fired from jets? @superstreet556 had a great deal of success dodging my rockets in an air race by simply bobbing up and down. :lol:
The jet just fires RPG rounds that are scripted to loosely aim for a target. The homing launcher does less damage (which means nothing to anything that isn't a Rhino or Insurgent), but it's faster, much harder to avoid, and much more agile.
IMO it's useless against them. You need to be close to them when they are not attacking you. If only Rockstar could improve the range a lot with the homing launcher, that would be nice.
The range is perfectly fine. The problem is that the jet is extremely agile and can avoid the missile if the pilot actually knows what they're doing. Of course, not everyone is too good of a pilot. If you can stay in the jet's blind spot and fire at the right moment, you should be able to get a hit eventually. Aim for the rear of the jet as it passes by.
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I've only had problems with non-Pegasus vehicles. Otherwise, it locks on fine. Whatever the homing launcher can't take out, the sniper rifles probably will.

Or passive mode. No deaths guaranteed!

Unless you're still on PS3/X360 and get blown up in a vehicle. In that case, I'm sorry to hear that.
So, I had a couple of non custom racing moments with 2 randoms that i can constitute as a best.

Then, it seems they carry the same crew. Yeah, that's a bad sign, isn't it?

Anyways, the first race: a no traffic, slingshot supported 3 lap race on Learning Curves with Sports cars. This is a track that is 50% more difficult than most other tracks when traffic is on. As with all non-custom sports races, my car of choice is the Racing Jester, because I'm a scrub and you can boo at me all you want. Nah, that was me having a jest.

*Booing sounds*

Okay. Another Jester and a Feltzer. I'm raring to go. So, first moments: get rammed off track because I'm on front. Nicely done. Thankfully, the Feltzer had a bad start and I managed to get back in the game by the first 90 degrees turn.

Some people like to not use a racing line in this game, and catastrophe struck! The two cars scrambling around, it allowed me to lead, get away to have 3 clean laps, and get a best lap time 8 seconds ahead! Did i mention catch up is on?

Next race was voted to be Graveyard Shift. But another level 100 guy joined, who i expect to be a real hoot in competition. So, the difference in this 3 lap hooligan is that traffic is left on. Why? I have no clue.

Same car for me, but it seems everyone opted to go join the Dark Side and ride racing Jesters with me, except with the newly joined guy. Wow.

While the race went on, it seemed like Deja Vu happened. I mean: I get punted off, they head on with me on tail, and then: chaos on the first right hander. So, it's only me and another racing Jester, who was the Feltzer guy earlier.

The thing is: the guy in the Feltzer must be the saltiest of all sea dogs. Because he was dirty. Real dirty. He was the instigator of the hits that leaves an SPD mark on the sidewalk. But, since he sucks and I know it, he couldnt weave traffic like i do, and I take the lead.

But catch up is a bleep.

The last right hand turn (The Nokia made Bus Stop), he rams me, and uses the inside to take advantage. But since I know he sucks, he took the 2nd lap's first turn too cautiously, and I went for the kill.

And it happens again. But this time, he went for a Hail Mary, and lands a touchdown on my Jester. Thing is, he's really bad at this, and is flipped too.

The third lap was me leading, and him going for another charge in the last turn. Except i faked out, making him fly ahead until it was too late to get a good lap time. I win, but I wasn't happy. Gladly, so was the level 100 guy, who might've been a better racer than these 2 crazy kooks.

Gladly? Well, you'll see.

Next race: umm.. what was it called again.. Oh! Thrills in the hills. Again, same old 3 lap, traffic on chaos. But with supers. Me? I would be using my Osiris or my Bullet, but since customs are off, i went with the T20: a car i will never own, but is one of my favorite things to drive.

So, 2 crew mates are in Zentornos, and level 100 guy in an Osiris. The race begins with me off the side by Hail Mary guy, as per usual. But since traffic was on, the whole race was hit after hit. I was third most of the time, with the Osiris dancing between.. err.. Hail Feltzer and myself. Then, something happened in the second lap. Level 100 guy is shoved aside by the leader. I took second, and the leader got too far ahead for me to have a taste of winning.

Third lap, and a miracle happened.

The level 100 guy managed to go on this frenzy that isn't aimed at me! Wow!

And on the way down, I see his car destroying the leader's Zentorno with one aimed ram.

That was all karma. I stole first, and went on.

Proof that he wasn't aiming at me? Well, he stopped his car on the last uphill straight just after I passed to stop Hail Feltzer. I won by 15 seconds, but you know. It's his doing. And to make it special (and no joke, people):

His Social Club id is Jesus*censored for identity reasons*.

Oh, that was some hallelujah.:cool:
I found a player who was able to fire weapons while in passive mode/ghosting.

Rather amusingly, I can still kill them by bashing them over the head with a gun. :lol:
People are abusing the * started a one on one death match with * and just spawning tanks for their friends (PS4)

..and next session, killing an armed Insurgent duo. Well, until I get the Rockstar services are unavailable.
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People are abusing the * started a one on one death match with * and just spawning tanks for their friends (PS4)

..and next session, killing an armed Insurgent duo. Well, until I get the Rockstar services are unavailable.

I've noticed that too, only it was with Hydras. :crazy: (Xbox one)
Well, I just uninstalled it again.

Mission 1: I did all the legwork while a level 103 took useless potshots at people with a micro uzi from his - you guessed it - garish armoured Kuruma.

Mission 2: I blew up said garish armoured Kuruma immediately after the mission started, had a brief exchange with the driver, later noticed he was heading to the airport and made fun of him for needing a helicopter for the mission we were on (which, to be fair, everyone does because it's quite hard - it was Los Santos Connection), then I died because of course I did, I was the only one of the four who was alive and fighting all the bad guys at the laptop. Then he left his game on 'autopilot' so I'd have to quit and get a 'bad mark' against my name. I just said I was going to bed and let the game idle in the background but sadly when I came back, I'd been kicked for idling... But I got $2,000 for continued good behaviour when I got back to free roam anyway, so.

Mission 3: The game immediately crashed, so I just uninstalled it.

GTA Online was fun until the heist vehicles killed it stone dead, every single mission I do contains at least one Kuruma, I'd say more than 50% of players just rely on them because they either suck or just can't be bothered to risk being killed. I think if the Kuruma was changed to be really hard to kill with bullets rather than being invincible I'd probably consider playing again, but for now I just have no fun because there is nothing fun about sitting in a car, shooting stuff with a Micro Uzi. It's just grinding. When you're on foot it's actually a pretty good tactical shooter, and I actually enjoy that, but... Yeah, I'll stop now. Oh well, at least that's freed up 65GB for fun games.