Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Effin' Lazers...

I get that rank is no indication whatsoever of skill level, but I admit I was uneasy accepting a rank 34 as a partner for this mission--even on Easy difficulty. Started off just fine, he could fly better than I expected and even managed to get more planes down than I did. Choppers came and I cleared them with relative ease. Then comes time to return the jets and...well...he just 🤬 dive bombs the 🤬 runway.

After a Hot Property event, which I won after a long run to Sandy Shores only to be shot down by a Valkerie crew. Within a minute there were 5-6 people trying to gain control of the briefcase. After the event a group of 4 went up to Paleto Bay and made their way to Trevor's airfield and then to one of the stores nearby. I drive over to check it out and one of them flew in with a Hydra, and 2 others attempt a drive by on a Sanchez. Even as I was being attacked, Hydra pilot sends a text to "cool my nips" and was voted out of the session.
• Fires up GTA Online
• Notices that a kill list competitive.
• Drives over to the airfield where the event begins.
• While I was almost there, some guy thought it would be a great idea to start throwing grenades on the road and I ended up getting killed by the grenades.
• Makes it to the airfield, all the Savages were being used. Tried seeing if I could atleast be the passenger of one of them.
• Same guy comes by and blows me up with grenades. Tried killing him but fails.
• Event starts without me.
• Proceeds to logging into GTPlanet to write this.
Finally achieved this the other day:

I also won many other freemode events, but I'm more satisfied about my $100k​
Finally achieved this the other day:

I also won many other freemode events, but I'm more satisfied about my $100k​

I still like how you get more money from the daily objectives than you do from the awards themselves :P

Speaking of which, had a really easy set of objectives today. Do a contact mission, perform a stunt jump, escape a 3* wanted level (I was near a police station and a train tunnel and using my new Insurgent at the time). Easiest 25k I ever made, and I even got an extra 11k for solo completing Meth'd Up on hard. So that was good.
So last night I was in a public session to try out these new freemode events. I was in the session for quite a while, doing all the different ones as they started. The session remained largely unchanged and it was always the same group of members give or take doing the events. I received a friend request from one the regulars but chose to ignore it since I don't tend to add randoms.

Today, I'm minding my own business on my laptop, PS4 off, when I get a PSN notification on my phone (cause I'm cool and got the app :cool:). It's a message from the random who tried to add me. I ignored it, presuming it was some rage-filled message about how me not adding him is why children die in Africa or something. But then I got another message from someone else, and another from someone else, and another, and another. It was then I realised I'd been added to a group message by this random. I could've probably sorted it out on my phone but it needed my PSN login details again so I fired the PS4 up to see what the fuss was all about. Turns out this random had for whatever reason created a group message with everyone in last night's session, despite the fact none of us really knew each other. I dismissed it and left, as did most of the other people in it. But then he added everyone back again. And started spamming the group message. So my phone's notifications were blowing up, getting the constant chime the PSN app gives, my PS4's notifications were also blowing up, and since so many messages were being sent my PS4 couldn't comprehend and remove me from the group again. I was stuck in a constant sea of notifications on both my phone and my PS4 and I couldn't get it to stop. It was like some weird nightmare where no matter how much you try you can't run away from danger or something. In the end I had to block the random who'd caused this so at least his messages would stop, then I had to restart my PS4 so it could gather itself again and remove me from the group message.

What a :censored:ing mess.
There were 3....3 King of the Castle events. Maybe I switched lobbies but 3 wtf. I only participated in 2 because it was mass chaos and I never even scored a point. 3rd one I just went on top a building and just sniped the participants lol. It took a while for someone to realize what I was doing and was taken out after numerous kills.

Reverse the longest distance. I was at LS airport and kept trading 1st and 2nd place with someone else. Down to the final seconds I wasn't able to tell who would win, but I went an extra 54 meters for 1st place.

Reach the highest speed in a land vehicle. Won in a Zentorno at 130mph. Second was 112mph. Longest Stoppy, I won using a Sanchez at 74 meters. I just kept dying whenever there was the Lowest Parachute deploy event wtf. I had 2nd place for the Most Near misses. Somehow I picked up a wanted level and a cop car tagged me. Sniper challenge, finally won with 7 kills, usually someone else with a good vantage point would win.
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So last night I was in a public session to try out these new freemode events. I was in the session for quite a while, doing all the different ones as they started. The session remained largely unchanged and it was always the same group of members give or take doing the events. I received a friend request from one the regulars but chose to ignore it since I don't tend to add randoms.

Today, I'm minding my own business on my laptop, PS4 off, when I get a PSN notification on my phone (cause I'm cool and got the app :cool:). It's a message from the random who tried to add me. I ignored it, presuming it was some rage-filled message about how me not adding him is why children die in Africa or something. But then I got another message from someone else, and another from someone else, and another, and another. It was then I realised I'd been added to a group message by this random. I could've probably sorted it out on my phone but it needed my PSN login details again so I fired the PS4 up to see what the fuss was all about. Turns out this random had for whatever reason created a group message with everyone in last night's session, despite the fact none of us really knew each other. I dismissed it and left, as did most of the other people in it. But then he added everyone back again. And started spamming the group message. So my phone's notifications were blowing up, getting the constant chime the PSN app gives, my PS4's notifications were also blowing up, and since so many messages were being sent my PS4 couldn't comprehend and remove me from the group again. I was stuck in a constant sea of notifications on both my phone and my PS4 and I couldn't get it to stop. It was like some weird nightmare where no matter how much you try you can't run away from danger or something. In the end I had to block the random who'd caused this so at least his messages would stop, then I had to restart my PS4 so it could gather itself again and remove me from the group message.

What a :censored:ing mess.

Update on this guy, despite the fact I've blocked him he's still somehow able to add me to that group message, which now has 99 people in it.
Update on this guy, despite the fact I've blocked him he's still somehow able to add me to that group message, which now has 99 people in it.
Reminds me back when I had an iPhone and people would add you to a group chat and can't even leave it.
So last night I was in a public session to try out these new freemode events. I was in the session for quite a while, doing all the different ones as they started. The session remained largely unchanged and it was always the same group of members give or take doing the events. I received a friend request from one the regulars but chose to ignore it since I don't tend to add randoms.

Today, I'm minding my own business on my laptop, PS4 off, when I get a PSN notification on my phone (cause I'm cool and got the app :cool:). It's a message from the random who tried to add me. I ignored it, presuming it was some rage-filled message about how me not adding him is why children die in Africa or something. But then I got another message from someone else, and another from someone else, and another, and another. It was then I realised I'd been added to a group message by this random. I could've probably sorted it out on my phone but it needed my PSN login details again so I fired the PS4 up to see what the fuss was all about. Turns out this random had for whatever reason created a group message with everyone in last night's session, despite the fact none of us really knew each other. I dismissed it and left, as did most of the other people in it. But then he added everyone back again. And started spamming the group message. So my phone's notifications were blowing up, getting the constant chime the PSN app gives, my PS4's notifications were also blowing up, and since so many messages were being sent my PS4 couldn't comprehend and remove me from the group again. I was stuck in a constant sea of notifications on both my phone and my PS4 and I couldn't get it to stop. It was like some weird nightmare where no matter how much you try you can't run away from danger or something. In the end I had to block the random who'd caused this so at least his messages would stop, then I had to restart my PS4 so it could gather itself again and remove me from the group message.

What a :censored:ing mess.
Update on this guy, despite the fact I've blocked him he's still somehow able to add me to that group message, which now has 99 people in it.
5 year olds in group messages is the worst thing that could ever happen to you. Who at Sony thought it was a good idea for blocked users to still invite you to group messages and spam you?

Your best option is to turn off messages or call Sony to do something. Honestly this makes Jet Griefers on GTA Online look like Shakespeare.
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Wow, it seems like a lot of randoms on GTA Online today are giving me so much material to work with on this thread today.

So I was messing around in free mode killing people while only wearing sports shorts, flip flops, and a Bull mask *pretty stupid lol* and armed with my bullpup shotgun, tear gas, and my lovely Hatchet. After blowing a group of pedestrians up using my cherry can, *by shooting at it when it's filled with gasoline obviously.* some random decided to put a bounty on me. I messaged him saying "Why the heck did you put a bounty on me?" No response was given. I then proceed on sending him two more messages this time through the XMB Menu's message feature and I told him that you're messing with someone who's at Rank 278. This guy's rank was way lower than mines as he was only at Rank 48. Still no response. :irked:

I know that the best thing to do would be to place a bounty on his head for payback however some randoms tend to leave the lobby when you do that so I've decided to torture him first before doing that which the plan later on fails. You'll see why though.

Now I know I've had many bad experiences with people killing me over the way how I sound. Well this is absolutely not the case as I was in a party so nobody in the session could hear me. I did had my mic on, but trust me I'm not lying that I was in a party when this happened. Both me and this guy were pretty far away from each other. I was all the way at Paleto Bay while this guy was at Pillbox Hill in Los Santos. So I reacted, got dressed and requested my Osiris and head on back over to Los Santos to deal with this guy. He was dealing with a bunch of guys when I located him on the map. I arrived at Pillbox Hill, however the second I got there, he chicken out. *Left the lobby*

I messaged him saying "too scared to fight?" And did he responded back?
I messaged him one more time. Saying "Not going to be questioning you every single day now." No response. Yes it's official, not even a single response was given. Either the guy was completely mute or he had a mic and sawed the messages I've sent him and he didn't felt like responding through messaging me or he thought my character looked dumb. I know I've went a bit too far now with the whole messaging situation but I'm not the type of person who leaves an unexplained situation alone. It really gets on my nerves when I get a bounty placed on me for no reason at all.
Given the way you typed this, it seems like you just answered your own question.
Can you please stop correcting me? This is the best and worst moments thread, why are you criticizing me for posting bad experiences with randoms in free mode?

Also I was killing pedestrians, not players. :rolleyes:
Can you please stop correcting me? This is the best and worst moments thread, why are you criticizing me for posting bad experiences with randoms in free mode?

Also I was killing pedestrians, not players. :rolleyes:
Well, sorry for sounding like a total ass.

It just didn't seem that specific in the post.
Turned on GTAO for 20 minutes or so before lunch. I was planning to cruise around LS peacefully, but as soon as I exited the apartment...

A bounty of $3000 has been placed on you.
Crap. I had forgotten about that one Oracle I just HAD to steal. I brought up the phone and looked at the time: 4:25 AM. Just then I took a look at the map and saw four dots making a beeline for me. Fortunately though, Creepy Uncle Lester was able to hide my blip and I raced to the airport (keep in mind that I was in Del Perro when I called Lester!). There was a pinkish dot at the airport whom I sneakily avoided and the minute expired while I was making the stunt jump to enter the runway. I didn't stop for a chopper this time and opted for a Titan in the hangar instead. I snuck away from the city with one of the dots still in pursuit, though the fact that he was in a car made my task much easier.

I landed on Paleto Beach after flying through the early morning smog. My mechanic brought me my Zentorno in no time (I wonder how... :odd:) and I began cruising around until the next bounty hunter came. That didn't take long; seconds after my car arrived I spotted the player who was chasing me. He was at the Fort Zancudo tunnel and fast approaching Paleto. He was rank 111 and I'm rank 44, so the odds were against me. I hurried to McKenzie Airfield with him a few metres out of radar range and was presented with two options for my getaway plane: a Mammatus and a Mallard. I picked the Mallard, which is one of my favourite planes and since there were players at Sandy Shores and the city, I could only go back to Paleto.

However I wasn't going to be alone even in the quietest and safest town on the map. A blip was also in Paleto, coincidentally in my backyard too (4401 Procopio). I went off the radar, landed the Mallard and got into my Zentorno. I was planning to continue the chase, but I had to leave so I entered my house right before the minute expired and turned off the PS3. The in-game time was 12:07 PM.

I'll have to survive this bounty in another session, but this time I'll have to choose another vehicle because my Zentorno is in Paleto Bay and I spawn in Del Perro Heights. I'll probably go for my Bullet, as it's "bullet"-proof (:P). The Bati may be faster, however it leaves me completely exposed.

To Be Continued...
^ That seems weird to me... I always enter the military base without the blind eye feature, except for when I'm in grave danger (being chased by a player, etc.)

Anyway, Part 2 of my awesome bounty survival story.

With roughly 32 minutes left on the bounty, I found a small window of time before training and joined a session to shave some more time off the bounty. I also noticed that I had unknowingly ranked up to 44. The in-game time was 17:42, so the bounty was going to expire around 9:42. As soon as I pulled out of the garage in my Bullet, a red helicopter blip turned towards my direction. This time I decided to survive in the city. I proceeded to evade the raining missiles with clever manoeuvres around tight alleys and train tracks. However, another psycho joined the chase in a Rhino. It occurred to me that the only place in the city where they couldn't get me in their vehicles were the sewers, but I couldn't remember for the life of me where the entrance was (could someone point me to it?) even though I had set a POI that didn't get saved! :ouch: Anyway, the place where I thought the entrance was was filled with psychopaths in all kinds of military vehicles, but I had to get past in one way or another. I went off the radar and acted like a driving NPC (including the erratic way of driving :P) and managed to go unnoticed. But the entrance to the sewers wasn't there. At that point I realised it was time for my daily training, so I fled to my apartment and arrived at 00:05, meaning there were 18 minutes left.

Part 3 is happening right now.
Three easy sewer entrances:

1: The opening next to the highway during the jewelry store heist which takes you below the Union Depository.
2: The opening across the street from the 3 Alta Street apartment complex.
3: The openings in the LS River. You can either enter from the ones on the west side, or enter the one all the way at the top.
Part 3

Pulling out of my apartment, I was met by an Insurgent who rammed my poor Bullet head on. I was planning to take the train, but that foiled my plans. I went off the radar and rushed to the airport, from where I took off in a Velum. On the way, I saw two fighter jet blips making a beeline for me, so I parachuted out of the Velum, called for my Bullet and floored it towards Paleto Bay. I got in the garage and swapped my Bullet for my Zentorno, in which I headed north until another blip, one of a rank 111 user, stopped me in my tracks. Meanwhile a rank 297 in a Lazer gave chase. I got desperate and made a run for my apartment again, with missiles raining behind me. I was almost certain I could survive, but...

The thunderstorm finally took its toll on me and cut the power while I was on the highway. With less than five minutes left on the bounty. A blessing or a curse? To be continued...

Part 4

There were now seven cars in my Del Perro garage. The fastest was the Elegy, but the protection it offered wasn't even half decent so I opted for the Coquette. The second I left the driveway a rank 98 psychopath went after me in an Insurgent. Uncle Lester hid me from the map (I've been abusing that feature ever since I unlocked it :lol:) and I made for the airport once again. I looked where the Velum had previously spawned and there was a Mallard. I flew towards the ocean with about an hour of in-game time left and shortly after taking off I spotted another fighter jet in my vicinity. I heard the dreaded lock-on sound and this time I was doomed. At the last moment however...

You have survived the Bounty placed on you.

YES! The chase had finally come to an end. I jumped out of the Mallard just in time before the missile hit, but lag prevented me from opening my parachute and I went splat :lol: Nevertheless I was happy for surviving one of, if not the most thrilling bounty chase I've ever had.
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