Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
I haven't played the game in a few days, and at this rate, I won't be playing it much in the future. All I've been dealing with is drama and idiocy in every session I've joined, and its a lot easier to just play other games instead of GTA.

I had to kill someone while off the radar for my daily objectives so I went public and used my armored Kuruma to "sneak" (it's too loud) up on someone and get a headshot with my heavy pistol. I then hear a kid on the mic [loudly] say "Oh my 🤬 God some 🤬 just killed me." Another player returns with "TexMex72?"--learn to read--and is answered "Yeah 🤬!"

What I presume was the other player comes after me in a Zentorno spraying up traffic and I with a micro smg until he gets close enough and starts chucking stickies but missing. Runs out, starts chucking grenades in my general direction but slams into a car that I slipped past and...

So, I finished a run of Kill List and commit suicide in the middle of the ocean to spare me the dreadful swim.

Normal SPD stuff, sure. Nothing to note. Move along.

Actually, don't move along. There's an abnormality.

What's not normal is the alarming rate of one Insurgent heading towards the docks where I spawn and call over my Blackfin. This Insurgent has a score to settle with me, because..

swishswish ~FLASHBACK~ swishswish

Looks like Kill List. Better get there.. oh? A Passive mode guy comes close? Hey! That's not often you see..

PassiveModeGuy is evolving.


Your PassiveModeGuy has evolved into ViolentInsurgent.

Awww *dolphin cackle*
All the links are to the same page, by the way.

Seconds later, I respawned a few blocks away. And i get the message that my Blackfin has been terminated. No big deal. Just have to stretch, and shoot as he comes.


Not big su..

His insurgent ran me over.

But obviously I had no time for this fishpaste, and want to go Kill List! So i found a random Bullet to get away while he, umm.. scrounges himself and gets back in his Insurgent.

Heading by Davis, I decided to stop and see what level of stupid can a chaser get. With the magic that is Advanced Rifle, I pull the trigger as he approaches with such a high stupid level.


And not a scratch on me, tubby. For good measure, a proxy mine on his door. Then, I drove away, and predicted he's going for the Insurgent as always.

Keeping my distance (and his line of sight), I saw him enter the truck, hear the BOOM.


And the truck horning the Jazz loop. You punk!

I went to Kill List, and then shot down some planes in peace (Irony!).

swishswish ~UNFLASHBACK~ swishswish

Ahh. Where was I.. (to be continued)
Docks. Insurgent at speed. Me and my Blackfin.

Nice. I have about 3 different escape routes:

- The ramp up.
- The train route to Elysian Island.
- Through the crates.

Since the Insurgent went on through the train tracks, I prompted to go up the ramp. He couldn't reach me, ever. And it was a straight line north through Supply Street. I was much faster, especially when I'm pretty good at weaving through traffic.

Eventually, he gave me a 9k bounty by the time i reached the city. Interesting to see him managing to do that while driving for me. I'll say I'm impressed, but he instantly went for Merryweather's call of duty.

At the time the first Mesa came, I was out at the Eastern Highway, going for my Kraken out at coast. By the time this is how my screen looked:


I went on to call for my own set of mercenaries for him.

Results? An idiot in an Insurgent can't even beat a bunch of mercenaries on land.


It took him minutes, but he asked some randoms to come for me. While I sit and pretended to smoke something under the blue, there were a couple of Hydras above, and 2 helicopters.

The chat was crazy. Crazy enough for them to inform me they're calling mercenaries for me (which never came), use airstrike (which never worked), and then: turn on each other. It was a sight, especially when they 1 on 1 DM'd to keep the explosions and debris up.

Me surfing GTPlanet via Steam Browser, and Self radio helped pass the time. Here's what played:

Guns n' Roses - Out Ta Get Me
J. Geils Band - Centerfold
Rush - YYZ
The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary
Black Sabbath - The Wizard

I left after I became the sole owner of this room. Sorry that it was pretty boring..
But stay tuned people: I decided to provoke a duo in the next installment!
When you start out in a team, you have to get the teamwork going and then you get something back.
~ Michael Schumacher

So, a new room with my ego, my talents,

My Coquette..


my 9k bounty, and my pride of not giving it up willingly. Like what I do every time I enter a new world, I investigate the inhabitants.

There's me at level 239, and two others with no Crew, both together in a car, and levels just barely past 10. I'm nice enough to leave these two alone....

...which i would've done if they hadn't have a bounty on their heads. 1k, and 3k. Not as much as myself, but still: why pass up legit money, that even I've wagered my own, more lucrative self?

Spawning near Senora Highway, the duo here are seen travelling south: to me. I'm waiting by the entrance of the city, all ready for a good headshot. But since I'm guessing...


Yikes! I HAVE to prepare!

So, what I did is simple:

- Park my car off the road.
- Head under the highway to see a small baby tunnel, ready with glorious RPG.
- Slap myself ready.

And they arrive.. in a wild Coquette.. what?


You break my expectations! Grr... But they did get lured to my trap by investigating my lone Blackfin. Their low leveled curiosity was pretty cute. That is when I came out, they started to turn and investigate.

They had guns out! So when they appeared in my sights, I had no choice!

Fire all of your guns at once, and.. Explode into space!


Like a true nature's child.
We were born: born to be wild!
We can climb so high..
I never wanna die!

Born to be wii~ild!
Born to be wii~ild!

Wow, sorry for the music sync. That was the song that played as I got paid. It fit real well, for some coincidental reason.

But after all of that mess, I decided to get my Blackfin a roof upon looking at the clouds. Why? I will do the same with a Stallion, so no more asking.

Upon reaching LSC Supply Street, I had a lunch break. I mean, a real life break. Seriously: kicking ass is not something you just do by nature. It takes guts.. and other unfortunate victims.

But outside.. something sinister comes this way.. in twice the packaging size..



Flickr! --- Coming back to writing with a change in the Brothers In Arms mini-series. Feedback appreciated!
Matech Ford GT GT3: My GT6 car suggestion: an overpowered GT3 racecar, with video of its talent.
Be sure to try finding SomePlayaDude in all other medium (Steam, YouTube etc.)

What? I'm kidding.

I didn't take very long for a break. Besides: killing two people much more lower level than I am isn't valid enough for a "SPD Productions presents an SPD Bounty Tale, Starring SPD."

When I play, a bounty hunt is considered a "No hard feelings" kind of thing. These two decided it was nice that they set up an ambush, and I only realized by seeing no cut-scene exiting the shop. Well, it was then I realized I'm a target too. Way to go, brain of mine.

As part of my creed of being such a passive pansy, I decided to slip away! The tinted windows works wonders on their aim, and allowed me to turn left, out through an alternate route.

The chase continues, but they are.. noobs. No really: they were ill experienced. They hated me, sure, but when I lose a bounty, I'd leave them alone. Also: I was on a roll. Had me winning intense Headshot challenge by one point earlier and.. never mind.

But what better to feel this feeling...


Than with some Time Trial! I still haven't beaten that nasty Great Ocean Highway trial yet. So in with the Blackfin, and out with the Infernus.


Exiting Tinsel Towers was these two, approaching with a nearly wrecked.. umm.. see how bad this is?

I sped all the way to the parking lot, at the start point, and decided to see what happens.

What happens was a real poor show. In almost all cases, two people in a car chasing me ends with me with the DED treatment.

It even took them a while to get up the parking lot. Given their state, their car still works fine, no smoke yet.

But as I jumped down to start the Time Trial (a nice little passive bounty trick), bullets fly, an Infernus takes flight, and their car as well, only that..


They somehow got blown up falling.

Back to business. The Infernus got me a 2:07.something. Not bad, but I know it's impossible to beat par with it. These two probably given up on me.

Now to me on bullying these poor noobs: aside from the shaming I've displayed so far, here's something else: the time I was busy being paranoid in Blaine County, more players joined. These two went on killing other players, with varied results and a redder blip. These actions pretty much prove this.. duo aren't bounty hunters, but are despicable, trigger happy thugs.

Soon, Criminal Damage came up. I head south to the bus stop and went for the ol' SPD one-two for these: my Rhino overlooking the Senora Freeway!

While I was busy being a living war machine, these two came up to me probably to finally get a shot since my blip's stuck at one spot for the last few minutes.

Thing is, I have a bounty, and a Rhino. So, my blip is a trap.
They came close and met the cylinder. Yes you all know this as..

The cylinder
*deathly guitar solo*


And well, it's time i send it off with another fast forward five minutes later.

I'm at the skate park for reasons unknown (at Little Seoul), when these two came up to probably settle it.

Like in a western, I stood at the center of the street, with my gun ready. Their Ruiner accelerates, in sight, and..

You survived the bounty
placed on you.

Lucky me! What better to celebrate than be unable to stop providing self defense.



I'd like to thank that Violent Insurgent, these two freelance killers, that guy speedin.. (uh oh)

Traffic car ran me over as I felt proud. Whoops.


Fired up the old PS3 and jumped into an online lobby driving my pink Surano with Flourescent blue wheels. was hitting some stunt jumps for fun. 2 guys in turismos started to head my way. They saw my pink car, called me a (three letter word beginning with the letter f, often used in a derogatory manner) who likes the color pink and they then proceeded to try to kill me. (the ironic part is that both of their cars were pink.) Made a run for the docks and made it. They presumably had no ammo, they were just chasing me. 5 minutes into the dock chase, they failed to turn in time and both of their cars ended up in the water. They blamed me and one of them got a guardian (also pink) and tried to ram me into the water. Then the guardian ended up in the water. Got my Guardian, ran them over multiple times, and then they rage quit.
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I've noticed a new trend over the past few days. Players messaging me saying things like:

"please don't kill me bro, i'm just here to have fun".
"Stay away from me please"
"I'm just driving around, don't kill"

And then about 5 minutes later BOOM, they turn up and kill me often off the radar. I assume they're doing it to others too. Don't know if i find it funny or just a bit sad.
I don't see a reason for sending such a message to another player unless their dot is red or they're a modder :confused:

I've gotten like 5 messages from people asking if I'm a modder. Like... I'm only rank 156, that's not exactly modder territory after 2 years of the game being out... is it because I don't immediately shoot them, so they assume I'm up to something more sinister?
I've gotten like 5 messages from people asking if I'm a modder. Like... I'm only rank 156, that's not exactly modder territory after 2 years of the game being out... is it because I don't immediately shoot them, so they assume I'm up to something more sinister?
I'm not really sure about the second part since I don't engage unless shot at and never get asked if I'm a modder, but I do know for a fact that a modder can be any level. A few days ago, some of my friends were playing with a level 23 who was a modder that was in god mode, blowing up players, and also spawn-trapping people as well.
One time I joined a lobby and one guy had a trainer. He was just walking around dropping hundreds of thousands of dollars for the people in the lobby.
I've noticed a new trend over the past few days. Players messaging me saying things like:

"please don't kill me bro, i'm just here to have fun".
"Stay away from me please"
"I'm just driving around, don't kill"

And then about 5 minutes later BOOM, they turn up and kill me often off the radar. I assume they're doing it to others too. Don't know if i find it funny or just a bit sad.

It's kind of like these funny DayZ and H1Z1 videos I've seen where the person recording encounters another player and announces "Friendly in Cherno! Friendly in Cherno!" before blasting their face off with a shotgun.
So, joined a lobby with Hot Property, and I saw a two man team holding the package in a black chromed Valkyrie. I know it's the Humane Labs one, for sure.

Knowing that it must be hacked, I wonder if R* actually intended for it to be sold on Warstock, since it does need two passengers to have it be offensively viable.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I would really love to be in a lobby with a money bag spawner. Could anyone hook me up with one? :lol:
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I would really love to be in a lobby with a money bag spawner. Could anyone hook me up with one? :lol:

I'd be worried about getting banned, but I want a lot of cash too. :(
Modded money is a risk. I know some people that have never been caught with money and have mils on mils, and I've met others that had Rockstar clean them out just for having a smidgen of modded money.

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