Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Got a good dose of karma yesterday going my way thankfully.

>Drive to penned in
>bounty player also going to penned in
>bounty player stops
>rifles me
>goes to penned in area
>still able to get to penned in with Dubsta
>bounty player also in penned in area
>running around with no car
>run him over
>does challenge in limo

Good times :lol:
I did one of the deathmatches in Franklin's house yesterday. Other than the fact that I did it on the wrong character (my 23 and not my 218), it went okay. I went negative after being spawn trapped, but I did better after I got a different spawn. I also did some plane races with friends. I wound up blowing up one friend with my plane, suicided into another friend, and watched a friend die over and over after he tried to finish the race in inverted flight. Not a bad night at all.
One of the strangest things happened to me today.

It's one of those times when I casually ride around in the Rhino, being naturally passive except to the police. This low level just went up to me in a traffic car, and.. you won't believe me when I say it.. tried to drive me by?


I. Don't. Get. it!

With a Rhino, you can guess what happens next.
Hint: it rhymes with man on choir.
watched a friend die over and over after he tried to finish the race in inverted flight
Assuming it was R* created or approved, which race and what plane? Hard to imagine failing miserably in anything other than a Vestra.*

*Or a helicopter. :P
Assuming it was R* created or approved, which race and what plane? Hard to imagine failing miserably in anything other than a Vestra.*

*Or a helicopter. :P
I don't remember the race, but it was indeed a Vestra.
No wonder. Once you flip those things upside down, it pretty much takes the flying ability of a brick.

Well, in real life, all planes will pitch downward while inverted. Some can hold level flight for longer than others, but the way wings are shaped produce lift, pulling the plane upwards. When you flip the plane over, you get the same effect, but it's now pulling you towards the ground.
So last night I was in a public session to try out these new freemode events. I was in the session for quite a while, doing all the different ones as they started. The session remained largely unchanged and it was always the same group of members give or take doing the events. I received a friend request from one the regulars but chose to ignore it since I don't tend to add randoms.

Today, I'm minding my own business on my laptop, PS4 off, when I get a PSN notification on my phone (cause I'm cool and got the app :cool:). It's a message from the random who tried to add me. I ignored it, presuming it was some rage-filled message about how me not adding him is why children die in Africa or something. But then I got another message from someone else, and another from someone else, and another, and another. It was then I realised I'd been added to a group message by this random. I could've probably sorted it out on my phone but it needed my PSN login details again so I fired the PS4 up to see what the fuss was all about. Turns out this random had for whatever reason created a group message with everyone in last night's session, despite the fact none of us really knew each other. I dismissed it and left, as did most of the other people in it. But then he added everyone back again. And started spamming the group message. So my phone's notifications were blowing up, getting the constant chime the PSN app gives, my PS4's notifications were also blowing up, and since so many messages were being sent my PS4 couldn't comprehend and remove me from the group again. I was stuck in a constant sea of notifications on both my phone and my PS4 and I couldn't get it to stop. It was like some weird nightmare where no matter how much you try you can't run away from danger or something. In the end I had to block the random who'd caused this so at least his messages would stop, then I had to restart my PS4 so it could gather itself again and remove me from the group message.

What a :censored:ing mess.
I can relate to this one now, because some random nolife I only played with for 2 mins or so is currently doing the same 🤬 with the group message function. Before I left, I noticed he had added about 66 players...
A simple fact seems to escape far too many people. When you send an invite from a full session...


So not a particular incident, just a gripe that I've had for quite some time now.
A simple fact seems to escape far too many people. When you send an invite from a full session...


So not a particular incident, just a gripe that I've had for quite some time now.

Perhaps it would help if R* put a number of players (X / 16) (X / 30) above the list of player names so a person could check before sending the invite.
So, I have entered a lobby, with someone eventually developing into an Insurgent, rampaging through the populace.

Of course, I have to get involved. When the armored truck came from me, the driver halted, had a small look, then left me with this gem:


Forget the Comet! We need this to be our crew car, dammit!
The Panto. Yes. Absolutely. I have one in GTP color ready for action :D

We should all drive our Pantos into Ponsonbys and camp there
The Panto is a load of fun, but I can never find a good color combo. It always looks off if you use two different colors for the body.

EDIT: The roof rack (sans crap) also has a rendering glitch. It constantly flickers until you are within 10 feet of it, or driving it.
Are you tempting me to get that one photo sitting in the "SomePlayaDude's Snaps of Spongebob"?

But interestingly the Panto's roof rack (and/or baggage) also count as a spoiler for racing. Coupled with other odd wings like a Glendale trunk stripe and the Dubsta's cumbersome spare wheel..
Not to mention, if you have the Rack o' Crap, you can do backflips under the signs in the Grand Senora Desert. I like the one around the giant pile of dirt by the satellite dishes, on the road where you exit the freeway. One of the funnier things to do with friends.
It's easy to win Free Mode events in small lobbies, almost no one will join in.

Longest wheelie, was going for 1st place with seconds to spare, gets sniped by 3rd place finisher :banghead:

...or my crappy internet will time out while: leading the most destruction, currently flying inverted, or something else that's a time constraint. :irked:
...or my crappy internet will time out while: leading the most destruction, currently flying inverted, or something else that's a time constraint. :irked:

too many feels about this

>playing penned in
>moving consistently with circle
>players still moving
>players stop moving
>lobby dc
>event over

ged demet
Decided to try some of the free mode events and it didn't go to plan.

Tried Hot Property and the winner got it from the started and drove around the city in a T20 for 6 minutes before hiding on top of LSC. I blew him up 7:30 into it and held the case for 30 seconds.

Then I was walking around as my second character and a matte black 9F started honking at me driving really close to me and suddenly starting shooting me with a Micro SMG, I got 3 shots off from my SNS Pistol and I managed to kill him and he was rank 200 while I was rank 5.

I then tried Hunt The Beast in the same lobby and it really isn't that fun when the beast is blitzing around in a T20. R* should've made it so personal vehicles can't be entered by the beast.

Also I was buying guns for my low level character and a lime green armoured Kuruma (figures) started shooting at me for no reason. I managed to get to my blue felon and get moving without dying although the Felon lost a rear tire, although I was still able to escape due to their shoddy driving.
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I remembered the King of the Castle at the Playboy Mansion pool.

My reaction: came early, and prepared, with an armada that looks like this.


Yes, I'm weird. Came in, got a minute's worth of points in, and then a plane came in and came down this level 130 guy with a parachute.

He had no idea he was going to meet
The cylinder
*deathly guitar solo*

And I shot him as he parachuted down. It looked funny.

The rest of the fight has no need of mention, however. I did win, and GGs to all.
Ah, I really want to do the Cargobob - Rhino combo but no one of my classmates has a Rhino :( My rank 100 friend has nowhere near enough money to buy one, and I - the next highest rank in our class - am ranked 44.
Oh yeah...once I was leading in a free mode event, the notice was [username] has left, which was the whole lobby, and I got the win.
That happened to me once in a checkpoint event. Do you get the full winnings if that happens or is it reduced?
That happened to me once in a checkpoint event. Do you get the full winnings if that happens or is it reduced?

I am pretty sure I won about 30 grand.

Story time. Starts with joining a lobby and I see a golden helicopter flying by. Being a somewhat of a sniper expert, I stop and take aim. 3 shots later I score a hit, a 10 mil helicopter falls out of the sky. I get a text from the pilot "w t f" and I respond "nice helicopter' He responds "how tf the did you kill me?" I say "the sniper is my favorite weapon". Discussion ends with "I see that". After the awkward moment a free mode event starts.

A lowest parachute jump Free Mode Event. I only muster 13 feet, somehow leader wins with 2 feet. But that's just a start. Along the way to futility trying to beat the 2 feet winning feat, I land in the sights of a hot shot 4.2 K/D ratio player. Sure he kills me with the aforementioned Kill/be killed ratio but I digress. I actually do not digress but take advantage of the "Continue Heist" option and automatically migrate to my apartment. I then send an apartment invite to my new foe to irk him, and guess it worked cuz I get a notice "Some users are requesting to boot you from the session". I in turn do the same but to no avail,

Ny now lobby foe goes into a futile death match, even in a Sniper Challenge where I barely score a 4th in this one. In the meantime when I get cornered by Mr Hotshot I send a request to Lester to continue my Heist and immediately migrate to my apartment, and then send an invite "come to my apartment" to Mr. 4.2 K/D ratio just to irk him a bit.

Surprisingly all in this fracas, aka no gain to either party, I almost leave with no foul no gain mentally...I think.
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