So last night I was in a public session to try out these new freemode events. I was in the session for quite a while, doing all the different ones as they started. The session remained largely unchanged and it was always the same group of members give or take doing the events. I received a friend request from one the regulars but chose to ignore it since I don't tend to add randoms.
Today, I'm minding my own business on my laptop, PS4 off, when I get a PSN notification on my phone (cause I'm cool and got the app

). It's a message from the random who tried to add me. I ignored it, presuming it was some rage-filled message about how me not adding him is why children die in Africa or something. But then I got another message from someone else, and another from someone else, and another, and another. It was then I realised I'd been added to a group message by this random. I could've probably sorted it out on my phone but it needed my PSN login details again so I fired the PS4 up to see what the fuss was all about. Turns out this random had for whatever reason created a group message with everyone in last night's session, despite the fact none of us really knew each other. I dismissed it and left, as did most of the other people in it. But then he added everyone back again. And started spamming the group message. So my phone's notifications were blowing up, getting the constant chime the PSN app gives, my PS4's notifications were also blowing up, and since so many messages were being sent my PS4 couldn't comprehend and remove me from the group again. I was stuck in a constant sea of notifications on both my phone and my PS4 and I couldn't get it to stop. It was like some weird nightmare where no matter how much you try you can't run away from danger or something. In the end I had to block the random who'd caused this so at least his messages would stop, then I had to restart my PS4 so it could gather itself again and remove me from the group message.
What a :censored:ing mess.