Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Worst part of the ordeal is I'm constantly thinking to myself: "I'd quit, but I'm sure he's almost there."

The worst thing about the Fleeca heist is when you're doing the whole thing with some random who's obviously just doing them for the first time, then naturally they immediately get in the driver's seat of Lester's car for the first setup because 'I WANNA DRIVE NNYEH'. Then it comes to the finale, and they pick themselves as the Driller, and because they have no idea how the hacking minigame works it literally takes ten thousand years until you can actually enter the bank.
Even with friends, I know going in to the heist that I'm 99.9 percent likely going to be the guy doing the hacking. All of my friends basically won't even touch that heist if they have to hack. Before my brother took a sabbatical from GTA after his mic died, he and I were coming within 10-15 seconds of completing the Fleeca Elite Challenge on a regular basis with me hacking and with him driving. It never failed either that half the time we were close, friends would ask how the hell that was even possible to come close to the time like that.
Whenever I play Pacific Standard with GTP'ers, I almost always volunteered to be the hacker. I figured that they wouldn't want to do that, and I didn't find it to be too difficult.
Who hates gunning Hydras?

Have I have something small for you.

I was roaming in Sandy Shores with my Banshee and this Hydra decided to creep up on me. He wasn't hostile at first, but then I hear explosions.

With that, I played evasive manuevers. He couldn't get me.

Then, I stopped in an area for a small duration. He shot me with missiles.

But he didn't get the kill. Probably a close call.

Curious, he went down and hovered just slighty above the ground. He gunned me down.. only that I'm still alive and not passive.

While still in explosions, I crept close to him, and his explosive rounds, still on to me, eventually blew up next to him, killing him.

That's probably how I laughed sinisterly today..


I was..
currently in a Gang Attack.

Ba dum tssss
Saw another spawn killing an AFK player to pad his 2.46 K/D ratio. So I had my Savage, swooped in and killed him and his friend in their Insurgent. Spawn killer sends me texts and messages along the line "Why you run" "why you care what I do" and used some colorful languages. Then his friend hits me with a 9 grand bounty, and in the midst of responding to his PSN messages, he calls for his Hydra and kills me while I return from the XMB.

He kills AFK a few more times, I turn Passive and approach him. As I close in I turn off Passive and get close enough...and sure enough he 'takes the easy way out'. His response "a car ran me over". Typical high K/D ratio, kill or just suicide.

There was one though that took his kills and deaths though. Came into a session with 2 red dots among 2 or 3 white dots. Thinking they were ganging up on the others I get a copter and fly up to a building. Pretty soon it was 1 red blip vs 2nd red blip vs. me. I took into triangulation and fended both off and manage to kill red dot 1 and 2 a bunch of times. Eventually red dot 2 left and pretty much ended that battle.
- Sees guy gunning down a low level repeatedly.
- Checks his stats to see he has a boosted level. (his stats were way too low for a level 200)
- Since low level spawned too far, he then heads for me in traffic car.
- Sees me doing nothing in my Insurgent.
- Tries to gun me from behind.
- I turn around, and suddenly did the premeditated GT5PowerBomb.
- Calls me a cheat.

Ironic, isn't it?!
- Sees guy gunning down a low level repeatedly.
- Checks his stats to see he has a boosted level. (his stats were way too low for a level 200)
- Since low level spawned too far, he then heads for me in traffic car.
- Sees me doing nothing in my Insurgent.
- Tries to gun me from behind.
- I turn around, and suddenly did the premeditated GT5PowerBomb.
- Calls me a cheat.

Ironic, isn't it?!
That makes me think about a night that a "friend" (in quotes because he and my other friends have been on shaky ground with the this person for a while now because of several events) who is now a modder accused a friend of cheating because he destroyed the guy in a rocket deathmatch. The guy who had his number happened to basically be the best all-around fighter in our friend's group. But later, after the guy became a modder, he instantly blew up everyone on the enemy team (including the friend) in a fighter jet LTS with a zillion rockets because he was terrified of facing him in a fighter jet. Same modder wondered why it later became a 5 vs. 2 situation since my friend and some random stayed. Everyone else quit because of the modder.

During that same LTS, I was in the dogfight of my life and was in the midst of a wicked dogfight with my friend. It was about a 5 minute battle before the "friend" shot him down, and before that, I had been lucky to survive for a minute and a half against him in other jet dogfights prior to that one.
Was lucky enough to play as the Beast a few days ago, started off in a crappy spawn at the airport with everyone else around me but got away, snagged a few kills then went to all the landmarks without much trouble minus a jet trying to kill me (but suicided himself by crashing into mountain) and some helicopter (killed by jet)

Free money for me, have people stopped caring about the free mode events now? :lol:
Decided to try something new last night with a few friends; seeing if the subway train near Davis Street actually stops if the tracks are blocked. Protip; It didn't for us. Driver was apparently dead.

What we ended up doing was grabbing cars off of the street near one of the subway tunnels, and jamming them in the narrower, circular tunnel with a bulldozer. Literally, anything we found, we jammed it into the tunnel. We all ended up having various bounties on us from just taking cars... and someone in a tank showed up, I guess to claim those bounties.

We all ran into the tunnel that wasn't blocked, and the tank driver tried to follow us, but got stuck... and the subway train happened to come about 15 seconds later. Wasn't sure what exactly happened, but for some reason the tank was destroyed (when it actually shouldn't be) and the guy in it began raging like no tomorrow.

He came back later to try to take us out again, and it turned into a 4v1 for about 15 minutes before he gave up and left. Also finished the 'Claim a Bounty' daily objective once he left, which I'd never normally try to finish, but the four of us still had bounties on us.
Finally unlocked the non-gold metal paints, of course it wasn't really a need for me so I never really tried.

Had to do a rally race for my daily objectives and two more people started to join before the first person went green. I had Criminal Minds set to a single lap with Sports Classics and used my Z-Type, got the turbo start, and I didn't need directions. :P
Rockstar finally decided to let me play GTAO. As soon as I spawned in the session I saw that I had a friend playing in another session, so I joined him and he told me to take the bounty on his head. I replied: "No. We're doing a bounty survival."

He ordered me to go to the airport in my Zentorno. From there we took off in a Frogger and landed on a building somewhere in downtown LS, close to another building where the roof is open in the center (if you've ever seen it). We parachuted there and landed in the open space. Soon players started to gather around us and I accidentally fell from the roof. I thought it was a good time to drop by Ammunation and buy some rockets for my HL, along with sniper rifle ammo. Then I went to the Vespucci Helipads and took off in a red Frogger. My friend was still waiting there and insisted on staying, but after a while there was a four-way battle going on on the ground and we hightailed it out of there in the chopper.

Our flight was disturbed by the familiar sound of a lock-on, so we both bailed and landed at the docks. There, my friend brought up his phone and bought a Speeder on the spot while I took out a player coming after us in a chopper. He called Pegasus for his new boat and I followed him on a long swim to the Merryweather docks where it had spawned. Someone arrived there just before we got into the boat and I quickly dispatched him with my AP pistol, giving us time to escape. My friend survived his bounty a few seconds later. We left the Speeder on an island, I called Merryweather for a helicopter pickup and we took to the skies. :)
Called Pegasus for my Hydra, and jump in at the airfield at Grapeseed. Adjust the thrusters to take off... And the phone rings. Press X to answer... And fire rockets at the same time. Somehow the rocket explode underneath my jet, crippling the engines. I can't even cross the Alamo Sea, and eject.... Thanks Brucie.
Called Pegasus for my Hydra, and jump in at the airfield at Grapeseed. Adjust the thrusters to take off... And the phone rings. Press X to answer... And fire rockets at the same time. Somehow the rocket explode underneath my jet, crippling the engines. I can't even cross the Alamo Sea, and eject.... Thanks Brucie.

Your fault for answering it instead of closing it. Don't use your phone whilst driving/flying, folks. :P
Called Pegasus for my Hydra, and jump in at the airfield at Grapeseed. Adjust the thrusters to take off... And the phone rings. Press X to answer... And fire rockets at the same time. Somehow the rocket explode underneath my jet, crippling the engines. I can't even cross the Alamo Sea, and eject.... Thanks Brucie.

All the more reason why there needs to be an option to shut off your phone completely or prevent calls. The calls never stop and it's ultra-annoying.
Lester still calls me as soon as I enter a lobby for the prison heist. Get the message the heists weren't as good as built up to be.
you mean the power button on your playstation ?

but you can hang up, press the circle button. or am i delerious again :?
Sometimes it'll let me, sometimes it'll minimize the phone. I've yet to work out why.
I got a $1000 bounty for stealing a Prairie off the road, so today's session was mostly a cat and mouse game between me and a player in a Buzzard.

-Bullet points because I'm lazy
-I sneak to my Tropic at Vespucci Canals while being pursued by two people
-Pink dot gives chase in Buzzard
-I leave the Tropic on a beach and shoot him down
-I call for Kuruma
-He sends mercs after me
-Mercs fail royally
-I order Mallard
-Land Mallard at Paleto Bay
-Order Tropic

Rinse and repeat :P
You are The Beast

...which is really boring in a small lobby. Visited each checkpoint in about 13 minutes with no resistance.

Okay.....Longest Wheelie event. As usual I go to Los Santos Airport, and win easily with just over 3500 feet. I notice there are 2 others on the runway and scale a nearby building to investigate. I scope the nearest one and he is firing his sniper on the other. I fire 2 or 3 shots and kill him. I decide to bank my winnings, and I hear a chopper landing nearby. I exit from the Maze Bank website and there's a Buzzard right below me on a lower level. It's Mr. Second place who I just killed.

Since he was on the other side of the Buzzard and I was up higher, I take him out with ease. A free Buzzard!! I take off to investigate a 5 grand Bounty in the middle of the city. I then get a PSN message. It's Mr. Second Place, calling me garbage....and other pet names. I respond as nice as I can, thanking him for the Buzzard. After a few more hateful messages from him, I respond "Nice wheelie btw, lmao"

By then I got the "Unknown network error" and joined another session. Another PSN message challenging me to a 1v1. Of course it's impossible to find such a lobby with another unless you're in a crew or on the friend list. New event, I barely win the highest land speed event. Just to have a little fun I send him the screenshot saying "I WON AGAIN LOL". The last message from him was just a little less condescending "That's not even fast".
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Does anyone even buy this Bull Shark Testosterone thing if it's not a daily objective?

Lester still calls me as soon as I enter a lobby for the prison heist. Get the message the heists weren't as good as built up to be.

Same here, annoying as hell.

When I'm crowned guilty of abusing The GT5PowerBomb when you're in a car, and want to take my "The Camping Episode" themed Insurgent on foot..

Be reasonable and USE AN AUTOMATIC RIFLE, not your glorious RPGs!

I don't reverse and shoot, and my outlaw visage isn't even a difficult target. I have 8 separate occasions of this unneeded waste of money... TODAY!
You are the Beast part 2. This time it was a little more interesting, as there were a number of takers, including someone in a jet. First 3 checkpoints went well, it was the ones in the heart of Los Santos that got a few close calls, that includes getting my T20 stuck and someone barreling in right behind me. I fired on him as he was still in his car...and it blew up, taking 1/2 my health in the process. Mr. High flyer came close once...until he crashed. Once I got into the hills it was a cakewalk.

...then there was this odd text I got today. "Do you smoke weed".

me ""

Saw some ridiculously high RP players, and managed to find one God Moder. This one was in Passive mode but still has access to weapons. Not too often to see anymore on the PS4.
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