Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Daily Objective...use Bull Shark Testosterone, calls Brucie. Brucie delivers ON TOP of the prison! W U DO DIS???

Cruising around the city with my friend, chatting, just driving around. I spotted a red dot ranked 180ish in a T20 chasing a white dot ranked 60, also in a T20. Normally I wouldn't do anything but the person being pursued was Greek, so I felt I had to help. Naturally, being in my Insurgent, I decided to perform a "GT5P Bomb" (term coined by @SomePlayaDude) on the griefer. I got out while my friend stared curiously, planted a sticky bomb on the fender and carried on my merry way. As I approached the red dot, I placed my finger on the trigger and he died in a fiery blast. $27500 is worth saving a fellow countryman :)

After this, he started following us in his T20, so I stopped, honked and he got into the truck. I must say, the armored truck blip with the number 3 on it was apparently quite intimidating to other players :P I drove them to the airport where 2 Buzzards spawned. Our new friend and I got into the choppers while my other friend (ranked 117) drove away in my Insurgent. I fired the cannons to tell him to get in my Buzzard, but I realized he had called a Hydra. So we all took off, 2 Buzzards and a Hydra, and just flew around and did stunts for fun; amazingly we didn't grief anyone. We did, unwillingly, enforce a no-fly zone over the city though :lol:

Five minutes later Rockstar decided to screw me up by giving me an unknown network error, and a giant middle finger to the face. :ouch:


Later that day I wasted three precious hours of my life I'll never get back doing the Pac Standard finale with randumbs... They blatantly ignored me and my friend yelling on the mic "Get in the goddamn Kuruma!" and went on to die in a stupid way while riding the Lectro. That one rank 68 who kept trying to kill enemies with a homing launcher and blowing himself up in the process was just too much for me... I hit the power button after 5 fails owed to him.
Decided to have a go at stealing some jets from the military base with two friends, using the mountainside spot where you 'ramp' in over the fence.
I had no idea what I was doing until around the 10th try or so, they knew what they were doing at least. Even offered me a ride in an armored Kuruma, but since I didn't want a hand feeding me to the goal, I declined.

Madness ensued since I had no idea tanks patrolled the outside perimeter of the road inside the base, and it got to the point where I landed on a tank in a Gauntlet I filched from the nearby highway. I eventually figured out a pattern to steal a jet (jump fence, land to the left of the field with the bleachers, bust through the breakable fence behind the airstrip sections, aim for the jet that is horizontal to the runway in its own little enclosure, run the dude guarding it over, kill him if he lives, and grab jet) and after a few tries I got one... and promptly proceeded to crash into my friend who was also taking off in his jet.

Long story short, in about an hour session I managed to destroy a lot of cars, a few jets, and one armored Kuruma...
Strangely enough, I haven't done "The GT5PowerBomb" for a while until in a recent room, but mostly because I have to deal with a daily bounty. But to be fair: he was murdering members of what I think are people from an internet cafe, seeing similar names and a number to differentiate them.

I'm probably promoting the Insurgent by falsely giving lower levelled players the cherry tap that blow their car up. It costs an extra $600 every time.

Like Patrick says about Barnacle Chips:
"Well, maybe if they didn't stretch the truth, they wouldn't sell as many."
Yesterday I got a random text from a player whilst getting some money together for my future low rider project.

It simply said "Bet you can't kill me noob" :rolleyes:

Now I assumed he had some heavy ordnance nearby or was glitching in a wall so I brought out my tank, turns out he didn't have either options. :dunce:

At this point I could've let by gones be by gones, but as the old saying goes, "don't start no trouble, won't be no trouble." and seeing as he taunted me with that text, well....

Let's just say the turrets firing systems got a workout on the poor fool. :D:lol:

One text saying LOL later, he was gone. ;)
That "Unknown network error", or the mad exodus "x user has left" really kills the Freemode events. If I'm 'lucky' and won't get booted to Single Player, I'll receive $1000 for my efforts.

The only time I don't mind being in a session by myself is when I'm trying the Daily Objectives, or searching for modified or gang vehicles.

Speaking of Daily Objectives, I haven't seen "Play a game of golf, or a set of tennis" anymore.
That "Unknown network error", or the mad exodus "x user has left" really kills the Freemode events. If I'm 'lucky' and won't get booted to Single Player, I'll receive $1000 for my efforts.

The only time I don't mind being in a session by myself is when I'm trying the Daily Objectives, or searching for modified or gang vehicles.

Speaking of Daily Objectives, I haven't seen "Play a game of golf, or a set of tennis" anymore.
I had golf on PS3 3 days ago but no tennis for a while but I'm just doing the Dailys randomly if I have nothing else to do. Not doing a whole month like I did previously.
I don't care what you think, but I say good riddance to daily tennis.

Back to regular scheduled program.
All links direct to a wav file from

After a botched attempt as the Beast, I head back to the city to see 2 9k bounties galore!

I head to the beach with my Zion, while the other bounty gets killed in Pillbox Hill. This other bounty is riding a Seashark by the coast, but decided to land in for some dumb reason.

Parking by the rocks, I had the height advantage using the beach club. But this guy was pretty erratic. I couldn't get a good shot at all. He couldn't get one to me either.

So, while he's probably aiming by where I was, I got on my Zion and decided to flank him. Thinking me as a pretty dumb tactician, I guess, he headed to the streets by the time I got into cover via the wall.

And when he appears, he ate a shotgun's worth of pellets to the face. Conclusion: You cannot beat me!

Then, my day continues. I head to the ammunation by Del Perro... but with the former bounty target driving fast at my direction, and with a hunch that says: it's not over.

So, I'm doing one of my coined GPS tricks: hiding atop the roof, pretending to be inside the shop.

I placed a proxy mine by the red door, and went to the back where a ladder awaits me. The moment i got in place, Sharky here comes over with a traffic car, and parks pretty close to the door. My Zion watched from a few spaces an explosion that goes like this.

Then: highest speed challenge then appeared. Oh goody. With my recent findings in finding amazing top speed, let's cut to the chase: I won with a speed of 157 mph with the Bati 801 (Which is the only other top tier bike that can reach 180 mph like the Hakuchou.. only to find that the Hakuchou can reach 190.. DOUBLE YIKES!!).

But, it seems that it's not over. After getting the speed, the guy I blown wide open has stolen another traffic car that got him another 3k bounty. Initially, I scoffed. Then he sent me what could be the Messiah's Revelation: a 9k bounty.

I head back home, got in the Insurgent, and readied up "The GT5PowerBomb" (Damn, I know I feel silly while I invented the name, but it's got such a truly powerful feel to it)

We faced off by the LSC. And when he thinks he's safe behind a Blista, aiming his Homing Launcher at me (WHY??), think again.

While I got hit once, it did nothing to prevent The GT5PowerBomb from happening!

My accurate reaction.

But then I DCed from the room and became alone again. With that, I headed north to check out the mineshaft.. and probably see what can be done. As of this post, I still have my bounty. Hopefully that will evolve into something worth writing about.
That "Unknown network error", or the mad exodus "x user has left" really kills the Freemode events. If I'm 'lucky' and won't get booted to Single Player, I'll receive $1000 for my efforts.

The only time I don't mind being in a session by myself is when I'm trying the Daily Objectives, or searching for modified or gang vehicles.

Speaking of Daily Objectives, I haven't seen "Play a game of golf, or a set of tennis" anymore.

I don't care what you think, but I say good riddance to daily tennis

I blame you guys

Edit: just noticed the picture is rubbish. It's tennis. :lol:
If you're on PS3/X360, I think that's still there.

Because it's been 3 weeks since I've missed a daily, and I definitely know there's no tennis/golf/darts yet.
I finally got around to golding the entire flight school and gathered a good $90k in the process, bringing me to $150k. Doing my dailies now for $25k more, then some jobs, then I'll buy a Mallard. :D
I finally got around to golding the entire flight school and gathered a good $90k in the process, bringing me to $150k. Doing my dailies now for $25k more, then some jobs, then I'll buy a Mallard. :D

I can guarantee almost 100% that you'll regret buying any Pegasus vehicle that already has common spawn locations, with the notable exception of the Buzzard to use in missions. Unless 200k is really worth the convenience of getting a Mallard to spawn every time (which it might be, if you REALLY like it) I'd consider saving for something else.
I can guarantee almost 100% that you'll regret buying any Pegasus vehicle that already has common spawn locations, with the notable exception of the Buzzard to use in missions. Unless 200k is really worth the convenience of getting a Mallard to spawn every time (which it might be, if you REALLY like it) I'd consider saving for something else.

I'd say the Mallard is the most fun harmless plane. Guns are always fun but for something really really nimble you have to go Mallard.
^Budget. Exactly. For a casual player like me who can only get on at the weekend, it is the best aircraft to buy. And yes, I did consider the Buzzard, but given its price and my free time I could only afford it if I dedicated 100% of my playtime to grinding or if I bought a kesh kerd, although we all know I never would. Maybe during Christmas break I can go through all the heists and be able to replay Pacific Standard forever, thus being able to buy it after a few runs.

Since I don't want GTA to turn into a weekend chore, I'll opt for the Mallard instead; it is my favourite plane after all. Thanks for the advice anyway @Snorevette.

$250k is not too far away... Even though I wasn't able to complete the One On One DM daily objective, I spent a bit of money on upgrading my new Sultan (which handles like it's on rails :eek:) and I cannot squeeze any more cash out of the flight school (:(), I reckon I'll have the cash tomorrow.

I'd say the Mallard is the most fun harmless plane. Guns are always fun but for something really really nimble you have to go Mallard.

Agreed. It's extremely agile; I dodged a fair amount of missiles from a salty player today before bailing.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I got a $3000 bounty for stealing a random Gauntlet. Bounty tale coming tomorrow... maybe... ;)


No bounty tale this time... I decided to just let someone claim the bounty and go about my business. Pacific Standard. My rank 122 friend invited me and @m8h3r joined too, but I screwed up and someone left (sorry!). Afterwards we tried again and instead of getting on the Lectro, three of us opted for an Oracle that was parked nearby while a rank 32 didn't listen and pulled away. We had a hard time getting to the canyon, and we didn't parachute because the car was too slow. The Oracle tumbled down the canyon, we dove into the water, got in the Dinghy where the rank 32 was waiting and set off. Mission complete. :cheers:

Then we spawned into freemode. The first thing I did was go online to Elitas Travel and buy a Mallard. My Sultan was waiting on the street; I picked up my friend, went to the airport, got in my Mallard and flew off into the sunset.
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I found myself quitting a friends lobby for the first time in a while. The lobby had about 10 people and 2 of them were modders. One was putting stuff on a friend to screw with him, and the other modder began screwing with said friend as well. I started lagging hard and just left the lobby because it was hard to play in that lobby. Friend later joined a new lobby and was pissed off about the situation.
Modders are only useful when everyone can have fun. When everyone is miserable at the expense of the modder, that's a problem.
Modders are only useful when everyone can have fun. When everyone is miserable at the expense of the modder, that's a problem.
I probably would have been lagging regardless because my internet is garbage and I always begin lagging when there are more than 8 players in a lobby. The modders using mods just made it a little worse for me. That being said, I would play with that modder again if I was playing BOII because the dude is a beast at Call of Duty and typically has a 2 K/D without mods.
Joined a session, sees one just spawn killing an AFK player. I happen to be flying a Buzzard and manage to swoop in and kill him 3 times...until someone else in a copter blows me up.
Just finished a Fleeca finale on Hard as the driver and just barely missed out on Elite. No deaths, no restart, vehicle damage just 1% (yeah :D). Shame it took...



I'm scared to ask, but... what happened?
It's funny that the top picture is Playstation and the bottom Xbox.
Yeah I don't have a clue about the latter. Anyway, I just did "gta fleeca hack" and "gta fleeca drill" image searches to get those. :P
Well, it's easy to jumble up the work of that heist.

He used the drilling skills for hacking.
And used the hacking skills for drilling.

Worst part of the ordeal is I'm constantly thinking to myself: "I'd quit, but I'm sure he's almost there."

The drilling is easy as pie, but I myself am guilty of changing course a split second too soon during the finale hacks--the setup hacks are no help for the finale other than to show you what type of minigame will be required.