Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Actually had something pretty funny happen to me last night. I was doing missions with randomers when Dish the Dirt came on. Me and these two other guys, I wasn't hosting and for some reason it was put on easy. When it start though I remembered my car got blew up last time round so I had to call my mechanic. Whilst I was waiting these two had got into their Akuma and came over to me. As I was waiting for my car I declined but being a lower level guy who didn't understand these missions they started trying to run me over so I just hopped a barrier, pulled out my minigun and started shooting their Akuma. I knew it wouldn't blow up because of the armour on it so around 500 shells later the passenger gets out and tried to stand in the way of the bullets to stop me firing because of friendly fire. He did so I changed angle and we did that about 4 times. I was just doing this to pass time while my car came. This guy then obviously annoyed pulled out the grenade launcher and tried to shoot me. I was no further than about 5-10 meters from him so all it did was blow him up. I clicked R3 and L3 hoping for it to be a good animation and it turned out the be the slow clap assigned. Long story short he rage quit and the driver almost wet himself laughing.
Worst of the worst: Rockstar's 🤬 servers.

I haven't been able to play for 4 days. "Unknown Network Error" and "Timed out loading session" are the only messages I get. I can't stay in a session for more than 2 minutes before I lose connection in one way or another.

Your game has been out for 2 years yet you still haven't fixed your goddamn servers, and you have the nerve to beg us to PAY for in-game cash that we can't even make use of if we time out every 5 minutes. I applaud you, R*.

I'm out.
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Had a bad night last night. I was playing with friends, and we were intending on using a friend's LTS to troll people. That backfired miserably because the only people who got trolled was ourselves. The matchmaking split us up, and one of the friends on my team was a modder. However, unlike the other modder I run with, this one was in God Mode the whole time and also was shooting a lot of rockets at a time. The friend who was the best pilot (Jet LTS) was on the other team and realized that he was in it and called him out. The majority of my friend's team left because of the modder, and after that LTS, my friend didn't even speak in the lobby until after the modder left the session we all joined back into.

I gather you meant Kuruma. :P
GTA O is in-of-itself one of the worst online experiences I've had. The last 4 or 5 times I've been online, every room I've been in has had serious hacker issues. From having people just randomly spawn all over you, to spontaneously blowing up in cars and helicopter. I literally can not play more than a few minutes before the experience is wrecked. I'm getting pissed I spent money on this game now.
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GTA O is in-of-itself one of the worst online experiences I've had. The last 4 or 5 times I've been online, every room I've been in has had serious hacker issues. From having people just randomly spawn all over you, to spontaneously blowing up in cars and helicopter. I literally can not play more than a few minutes for the experience is wrecked. I'm getting pissed I spent money on this game now.

Ya gotta roll in an invite only lobby and try to hang with GTP'ers... With the right group of people, online can be pretty cool. Public lobbies are a huge drag,,,
Indeed, much like Gran Turismo huh? I'll see what I can do about finding one of these groups.

If someone says they have a crew lobby open, join them. If there isn't, make one and people will come. Just specify what platform you're hosting on.
Trounced a rank 237 (7 to 2 in 5 minutes with him camping frequently) during Ace Liquor deathmatch.

I had a DM daily objective to clear before the new batch arrives and accidentally set weapons to Owned + Pickups instead of my usual Forced Only (sawed-off available for this one makes it interesting). He opens up with a minigun and I take him out quickly with my special carbine. Still minigunning, I get three more kills in a row with a marksman pistol (yeah :lol:) before he finally manages to get me. For whatever reason, he decides the minigun isn't working out and switches to a grenade launcher for two more kills with a special carbine before finally getting me the second time. Since he camped freely, I waited out the remaining 20-or-so seconds to take the win.

Why he didn't take advantage of auto-aim weapons I don't have the slightest idea.
Was my secondary character yesterday, decided to try & level it up a little and decided my first stop would be to buy some new clothes. Took my Schwarzer and drove down like a civilized person and just as I pull up, EXPLOSION. Turns out a Buzzard had locked on to me while trying to fend off some police heli's. Luckily I had insurance on my car (which he paid the entire $1,000 for) and just called my mechanic for it back. Then a moving target appeared. I thought I may as well go for it as I was the closest on the map to it and not a single person went after me. Then I spent about 80k on guns and ammo (bought every weapon I could besides the homing launcher) and did It Takes A Theif. After joining back into freemode there was a Hot Property. Really easy, picked it up in my Elegy and then just sat at the gas station next to Fort Zancudo til the timer ran out. Then I accidentally bought a 40k weapon skin when trying to buy an extended mag :banghead: and thus wasted the cash I made in those freemode events. Then decided to switch to my main and did some random missions (solo) with my GTPhoenix to earn 80k. Still need to earn another 220k in order to buy 3 10 car garages.
Had an eventful day yesterday with my now Level 9 character. First off I sold my black Felon (as I already had a blue Felon GT) and bought a red Bati 801 and got some new wheels on it to match the bike of my main character. I then found a Sentinel & F620 and stored them both in my garage. After that I saw a Dead Drop at the Quarry and went for it as soon as I arrived in my Schwarzer, an Orange Zentorno pulled up. I ran up the control tower at the rail station where the drop was. I picked it up and fired back at the Zentorno. After killing the rank 78 I sprinted to my car and got right on the highway when an Insurgent blocked off the main entrance. I got to the drop location without any further event just as the Zentorno had caught up and he left. After this I went to modify my Sentinel with Insurance and a new paint job and did the same to my F620 using up the 20k I just earned. I then did It Takes A Thief for Simeon. I went back to freemode and saw a King of The Hill event up by the observatory. I was the 3rd to arrive andit was a tough event with the king being one that mainly used sticky bombs and a silenced AK. I was 2nd overall with 86 points with the winner having around 220 points. I then saw 2 Buzzards chasing a low level player down so I intercepted them, took one down and chased after the second. He retreated to the airport and chased an Insurgent bounty. My bike was destroyed so stole an Ingot and it got destroyed too. I then stole a Regina and managed to kill the gunner down by the canals. The Insurgent stopped and as I approached, the driver (who was the bounty) left. I then called for my Sentinel and was heading back to my apartment when an ultra blue armoured Kuruma killed me before ramming my Sentinel out of the way. Then there was a top speed challenge so I called for my Bati 801 and just did wheelies down a long stretch of road and managed 130MPH before falling off and won the challenge, earning me 8K. A while later I swapped to my level 167 character and did around 15 missions and earned 160K. I bough an extra 10 car garage and was left with 50K. A criminal damage event popped up so I called for my Tank and drove up to the Oriental Theatre by the time the event started. Starting blowing everything up while driving down to the apartment everyone in GTA Online owns and a guy with an RPG tried to blow me up. I killed him with 1 shot although my tank was now smoking. A pesky fire engine blew up when it wouldn't get out of the way and I bailed before the tank was up in flames. With 1.4 million damage I got my minigun and fired at every car I saw, focusing on any sports cars that happened to spawn and I managed 3.5 million before the timer ran out. Earned 35k and spent a few thousand on buying back the 8000 minigun rounds I had just used up.
Something simple.

It was a Dead Drop freemode event, and a guy was in the airport area, when the package spawned in Devin's Hangar.

Me? I was cruising around in my Monster Truck and decided to just snatch it and call it a day.

However, the guy in the airport did have an interest to win and took it. As I arrived, I saw him in a Luxor, trying to take off from the Hangar.

The Marshall pushed on, and I managed to get a sticky on the plane as it flies. And when he thought he was scot free..


But it wasn't over. He spawned next to the helicopters and was already firing away at my Marshall as I ran over the package.

I spaced out to the other side of the runway and pushed the Marshall all the way. While this guy decided to get a traffic car (the helis at the time was just a Frogger), I went to the westernmost gate and saw him coming.

Unfortunately for him, I'm pretty darn good at Sticky Bombing. When he came, just like on clockwork...


And I got away. Round up a free 21k for me. Thank you.

Only that...

A Buzzard flew above me. And turned for me.



Respawning pretty close, Buzzard guy came low. But he met me and my Special Carbine. It didn't take long for him to..


Hah! What do you expe-


His Buzzard landed on me and blew up. The game even told me it's a suicide. Hah! Like I want to make it so.

It then became a 3 way fire fight on the large intersection for a case. Me, the guy I blew up, and the guy in the Buzzard.

As time passed, I spaced away and called for my Turismo. The other 2 just kept at it.

Then, when the time left was at 2:30, I decided to come back in and snatch the package with the car and RUN RUN RUN!!

And while I got a few bullets in, the Turismo got away scot free. But I had no time for revenge: I have to go to the destination: a house near Madrazo's. And in 2 minutes. From the Airport, of all places.

For me, this was the most tense moment I've ever done on a free roam.

But my Turismo, has not disappointed. It was fast enough. The carbon spoiler did it's job. And I took every shortcut I knew, and raced with the clock.

And in the last 30 seconds, the "Freemode Event is concluding" music actually played. My heart beat was fast. I know: it's a game, but this tension is.. wow.

I managed to reach the place when the timer clocked at 4 seconds left. To think it was at the backyard of a wealthy hillside home.

But all in all: totally an experience.
A few days ago I spawned up at Paleto Bay....with a 9 grand bounty. I was cruising in my T20 when I hear explosions nearby. It was someone in a jet trying to collect the bounty. Since Paleto Bay has short blocks it was easy to evade his cannons, and soon I head to the warehouses by the train tracks and make it to the 2nd floor empty building where it was safe from the jet. Eventually bounty hunter blows up my T20, instead of collecting 9 grand, he gets a 27 grand insurance bill. It wasn't long until he crashes..and I take him out a few times with sniper shots. Finally he gets a lucky shot.

Then I try Mixed Up With Coke on my other character since I spent a bunch on upgrading a Primo I found on the streets. Don't know when but *Star messed up the relatively easy mission by spawning Merryweather almost everywhere. I was trying to get the 2nd to last garbage truck and get blocked by Merryweather right when I get sandwiched by a Mule, threw a sticky and accidently blew up my Turismo. I die one more time trying to find another car. Reload, and....I have to pay $6250 to Mors :irked: and restart the mission.

Even after taking quite a bit of time I only get 15 grand for the mission, but the ammo cost was 7 grand afterwards. That basically negated any winnings after the insurance and ammo cost wtf.
I did a couple of events yesterday with my brother and friends. The first thing we did was a RPG dodge ball death match. I got placed with my brother and somehow managed to win despite one of the friends being a monster with virtually every weapon in the game and both of us suiciding once in it. My other friend was angry and stopped talking because he complained about being ripped off by kills.

Fast forward to the second event we did- a GTA race. My brother got off which resulted in it involving beast friend, raging friend, and myself. Beast friend was very calm with both of us until raging friend attempted to blow him up with a rocket. This lead to beast friend dropping mines and sticky bombs (and later, dropping them myself after I got blown up by a mine). Raging friend continued to get madder as the GTA race went on. I proceeded to win the race and dodged a few rockets in the process of winning to secure the win, and beast friend was about to take second- that is, he was until raging friend blatantly waited for him a the finish and blew him up. So beast friend proceeded to return the favor by blowing him up at the finish by waiting for him and then crossed the finish line. Raging friend decided not to finish the race and promptly ragequit GTA shortly thereafter. Oh well, tis how the GTA events go some days.
After re-playing the story mode I decided to hop back online.
I soon found out why I previously stopped playing...(excluding the dreadful heist teams)



Money? Bisexual loops? I have no idea what that means, but it sounds like a good time.

I head to the warehouses by the train tracks and make it to the 2nd floor empty building

There's a warehouse you can enter there? I've had this game since release and had no idea the whole time?
There's a warehouse you can enter there? I've had this game since release and had no idea the whole time?

Ever done the Paleto Bay Score in Single Player ?

The Heist where a cop goes: Sweet. Mother. Of. 🤬!!
*minigun revs in slow mo*

That's where you make your escape via train and gunman covering fire.
Or is this the wrong warehouse?
Ever done the Paleto Bay Score in Single Player ?

The Heist where a cop goes: Sweet. Mother. Of. 🤬!!
*minigun revs in slow mo*

That's where you make your escape via train and gunman covering fire.
Or is this the wrong warehouse?
I think it's the same warehouse. There's no other warehouse by the tracks that I know of in Paleto Bay.
Ever done the Paleto Bay Score in Single Player ?

The Heist where a cop goes: Sweet. Mother. Of. 🤬!!
*minigun revs in slow mo*

That's where you make your escape via train and gunman covering fire.
Or is this the wrong warehouse?

Of course, I've finished single player. Had no idea you could enter it online though. Mind you, I've never really tried.
It's not the warehouse from the Paleto Bay heist. It's an open building accessible from the rooftop closer to Ammunation. I can't find a pic right now, but I'll post one after work.
I thought it was the King Of The Castle building south of Paleto. It's a good camper spot and you're protected pretty well from aircraft.
It's not the warehouse from the Paleto Bay heist. It's an open building accessible from the rooftop closer to Ammunation. I can't find a pic right now, but I'll post one after work.

I think I know what you're talking about - there's actually a surprising amount of enclosed spaces in the area, but that one on the roof is great to take control of in particular.
The next time I go online, I have a few places to check.

-These new hidey holes in Paleto (train warehouse as well).
-The mineshaft (I'm guessing Michael's detective quest place).