Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
It doesn't really matter what crew it is because once a crew gets labeled as a griefing crew due to someone's actions, people tend go after anyone rocking the tag. That's one of the main reasons I quit wearing my original tag- the crew leader was a notorious griefer. I can only recall actually griefing someone a couple times in my current crew, and both were because someone griefed my friends first. Then again, if someone wants to jet grief all day on GTAO, more power to them I guess.

That's why I don't want it to happen to GTPL.
It doesn't really matter what crew it is because once a crew gets labeled as a griefing crew due to someone's actions, people tend go after anyone rocking the tag. That's one of the main reasons I quit wearing my original tag- the crew leader was a notorious griefer. I can only recall actually griefing someone a couple times in my current crew, and both were because someone griefed my friends first. Then again, if someone wants to jet grief all day on GTAO, more power to them I guess.

Right? It's a free game! All I do is fly.. LOL
Damn, I thought you'd have a higher KD then me :(
One of my friends held a legit 10 K/D at one point because he is a monster sniper. He wound up having to get that nerfed by one of his other crews because Rockstar started investigating him because people reported him thinking that he was a modder.
Dear person,

Why the heck would you kill someone minding their own business in a Tornado of all things? I mean if it was an Insurgent or Kuruma I would have understood it to some extent, but a Tornado? Come on.

I couldn't take revenge because R* hit me with an unknown network error two minutes later, after a grand total of three minutes in the session.
You know, letters like that to me is more like this.. most of the time..

Dear R*

Can you help us?

This player named SomePlayaDude has a nice bounty on him, but when we get to him he asks us to meet a friend. He keeps insisting it on chat, even saying that he'll pay us, and when we do meet him in this secluded tunnel or alley or sewer, we explode in a furious ball of fire. This frustrates me and my mate to no end, since we keep trying to no avail.

But he can't possibly do that. I mean: he hints us that it's the "cylinder of death" or whatever malarkey that supposed to mean. Whenever my buddy gets a Hydra, he's normally not seen on the surface, be it land or sea.

He's too good, and I want to stop him. He's probably laughing his ass off typing something silly just to get a point through, even though it makes him look really good
and handsome, and so majestic and powerful. And don't forget: awesome.. ermm.. i mean back to the thread.
Scene: The Los Santos Connection, final location--"Steal the Coke"

Random: "That guy is blowing up all the enemies and vehicles in the hangar with his Hydra's explosive rounds, I think I'll park my T20 in there so he blows it up too."

TexRex72: 🤬
That moment when someone hits you with their car, but doesn't finish the job in time...

Joins Slasher I at a meat processing plant, spawns near the Hunter and gets pulverized 3 times. Last round I hunt the Hunter and beat him with the flashlight.

New session, I see 2 red blips spawn kill a player. I sneak up and kill the red blips with RPGs and snipers. Their former victim escapes then I get the multiple "x user has left" and end up in an empty lobby.
That moment when someone hits you with their car, but doesn't finish the job in time...


That moment when someone is trying to run you over so you don't participate in Penned In, but blow up their car with the weapon above 👍
I had 2 recent examples, one of which is why I prefer to work alone when it comes to jobs.

The other is when you end up working with someone who even though he doesn't talk, knows exactly what you plan to do and works with you greatly.

The first and negative one is at Rooftop Rumble.

Before this job I was running solo through some jobs to get money for the Halloween cars. (side note: I did get them both :D)

Job starts with one other player, thanks to my armoured Karuma we blitz through the guards, the briefcase is dropped and I gesture to the other player to get it.

That turned out to be a mistake. :ouch:

He gets the case, gets in another car and drives all the way to the beach and straight into the sea with me trying to stop him without blowing up the case.

I end up having to steal a jet ski forcing him to stay underwater to avoid being run over, he drowns, case is dropped and soon as he respwans, commits suicide.

Now rather than let him be rewarded for his actions, I drove to Martins, parked up and did nothing for ten minutes.

And then I quit. ;)

On the flip side, the other random I was dropped in with later on was brilliant, we didn't say a word to each other, but we were on the same wavelength and boy it showed. 👍

We blitzed job after job at rapid speed with not many mistakes which put me closer to my now owned Halloween cars. :cheers:
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On the flip side, the other random I was dropped in with later on was brilliant, we didn't say a word to each other, but we were on the same wavelength and boy it showed.
Love it when that happens. I went on a spree with someone and the only hiccup was me not having the slightest idea where the ladders were during The Parking Garage--it was my first go at it because I either solo or do quick jobs and it's never come up. I felt horrible, but he was in an Insurgent and didn't have much trouble without sniper support.

Day was lousy with non-doers. I finally crept from quick job session to quick job session and, as soon as it became apparent the other player wasn't participating, intentionally failed jobs. None of the jobs were dependent on support, but my doing all the work as a foregone conclusion left a bad taste in my mouth.
So, had a great experience with a NON ABUSIVE modder today.

Deciding to go get a LAZER (since Hydras were so March 2015), I head out through the middle freeway (not west or east), and scratched my Bullet with this level 200 guy who has a golden 9F.

This guy so happens to be a modder, but I don't know that till 10 minutes later.

We set up an impromptu (YES I KNOW, HOW DO WE GET THIS FROM RANDOMS?!), and raced on the highway to see who gets to the LSC at the desert first (not Beekers). Even though it seemed like it was neck to neck, the 9F crashed when two giant semis block the road, while I take a moment off road and win by a bit.

Later, got in the military owned LAZER and left for the city, as planned. Only that.. this is how I found out he was a modder.

He kept on teleporting his car to my location, having me look back and see it tumble down to the ground every 15 seconds or so.

Eventually, his car hit a river, and he teleported his body to my LAZER, specifically at the purple flames.
This is how I found out he's a good modder: he was NOT in God Mode, and DED.

Afterwards, I was at Grove Street with my LAZER dead. A Long Jump Challenge was about to start and I was calling for my Bullet. The modder, who took an interest to me, I guess, teleported to my location and parachuted down.

I stood still and watched.. only to see he took his time to not kill me, and spawn me another LAZER. That's nice of him.

Thing is, I want to get paid, and did the Long Jump Challenge. He got in my car and we kind of did it.. together?

Long story short: nobody participated, and I won.

But now: comedy!

He left me by having an in car heart attack at Little Seoul.

Entered my garage, and swapped to my Red Barchetta: Casco!


So, I wanted to change the Casco's horn to something else than stock. I head to the LSC at Burton, surprisingly empty. The modder was flying a spawned LAZER and he decided to bail.

When I arrive by the shop's large front area, I turned to my right to see the plane's debris heading for me, and then..



The kill feed even told me it was him, and he had to pay my 7k.
But all in all, we had a good laugh on chat.
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My new "Worst" is the Unknown Network Error hands down. I'd rather sit in a chaotic session for three hours than get even one of them. And on top of that, whenever I try to reconnect, I time out.

If R* could change their servers from this to this, that would be so great.
