Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Last night i was in a PS4 lobby having a running battle with random. Everyone was having fun until some utter **** arrived with his stupid Transferred PS3 account at level 1800+ or whatever it was...i mean his K/D ratio was something insane like 70+.

He went around the whole lobby killing everyone with his lvl 18 crew mate who only had like a pistol or something. The lobby soon emptied but you do have wonder what enjoyment these people get from the game when they always end up in an empty lobby.
Not sure why upgrading the lowriders costs so much, but it's actually interesting to see what happens when a lobby holds a lowrider meet.
Of course, one guy had to ruin it by doing a dive-bomb in the fighter jet, and destroyed about 10 or so cars... and had to pay the full insurance for all of them... 5 different times, once we all got our cars back.

Afterwards, he's like:

"Why in the 🤬 do I have to pay all this money, I'm bankrupt now..."
Not sure why upgrading the lowriders costs so much
He went around the whole lobby killing everyone with his lvl 18 crew mate who only had like a pistol or something. The lobby soon emptied but you do have wonder what enjoyment these people get from the game when they always end up in an empty lobby.

Boosting stats :lol:

Meanwhile Slasher in Humane Labs is really good, besides the fact you can't see anything and if you play with auto-aim on it's purdy easy for the slasher to find you :banghead:

But at least the other Slasher game modes have some visibility :lol:
I remember one moment of me watching the Slasher getting a moment of panic when 2 people came up to him from behind, intermittently and without warning, followed by them battering him with flashlights.
I remember one moment of me watching the Slasher getting a moment of panic when 2 people came up to him from behind, intermittently and without warning, followed by them battering him with flashlights.

Yeah that sorta thing can be pretty funny, I've 1v1ed the slasher a few times with flashlight melee but it can be very hit and miss depending on the animation you get + if you hit the slasher.

But I've been killed from melee when I put already put one slug through their chest, seems legit.
I find it a curiosity when a pre level 100 uses up their ALL of their grenades, tear gas and Homing Launcher ammo just to get me out of the Castle.. (which was the swimming pool cove thing at Playboy Mansion)

To make sure you aren't tempted to go lick R*'s shiny boots for Shark Cards made to buy explosives, please budget accordingly.
I came across the most disgraceful player I've ever seen. God mode, KDR of 729438, rank 1344, crew with "KILLAZ" in its name, racial slurs (N word every second word), he had it all. He even shot me through a wall with a sniper. At least I did get his non-god-mode-using buddy, who still had a KDR of 1402 but was an easy opponent after all... :boggled:
Joined a Prison Break, start to finish....only to be hit by the 5 star glitch. First try level 13 was pilot. That lasted until the Velum got destroyed and someone left. Round 2 with a new group was 2 restarts and then the 5 star glitch hit. After flying for maybe 8 minutes, pilot just dive bombed, ending the heist. It was late so I didn't rejoin.
Playing with my friend (Level 112; I'm level 49) in a public session...

*wild jet appears*

K den. "Enable Passive Mode"
Scumbag passive started the 10 second timer right away for some son of a glitch reason and he got me.

Then, as soon as I saw the killfeed flooding with messages that he was killing players left and right including my close friend, I decided it was time for revenge. I stole a Sabre from the road to look like an NPC, without forgetting to adopt the erratic driving style (I had finally obtained my own Sabre earlier today as well :D, pics coming soon), went off the radar and approached him. A few bullets later he was down.

He respawned nearby and I ran up to him. He was hiding behind a dumpster and fired at me with *shock horror!* an RPG. Unfortunately for him, I'm smarter than a brick and I shot him down again just as my off-radar time ran out. While riddling him with bullets I also saw that he had the dunce hat on, hmm.

2-1. Sweet vengeance.

Later in the same session I was trying to communicate with my friend and get him to enter my car when another jet showed up - with a bounty. And apparently my armored truck blip was so attractive that he had to stop and take potshots at me. He did destroy my friend in his Zentorno with his first missile but I just stood there in my Insurgent and soaked up hits, 3 homing missiles in total before he gave up.

Total damage: One broken headlight. I love you, Insurgent.
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What are the odds?

I had a "Kill 20 players" daily objective, so I ventured into a public lobby and called up my Hydra while near Sandy Shores Airfield. No sooner than I put my gear up and switched to forward travel did a smuggler plane appear over the Alamo Sea.

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What are the odds?

I had a "Kill 20 players" daily objective, so I ventured into a public lobby and called up my Hydra while nearl Sandy Shores Airfield. No sooner than I put my gear up and switched to forward travel did a smuggler plane appear over the Alamo Sea.


>tfw $30k in less than 30 seconds

Was playing a king of the hill event a few days ago, luckily I was the first to rack points up on the board before some stragglers came along, killed them a few times till the whole place got filled up with people trying to get points for being in the beach tower.

I look at the score, and decide 300ish points is enough, and this is where the madness ensues.

I decide to walk towards the end of the rock break with the walkway, sit at the rocks and cheekily boost my KD by sniping anyone that comes near me plus defending my castle by sniping anyone at the objective.

I'm happily boosting my KD by firing at anyone in my site and haven't even died yet :lol:
The players are getting mad across the microphone, can't help that they spawn in front of me as the wambulance over the microphone still ensues kek

The event is over and people are still clipping each other and I'm still shooting a few people, then some two salty dudes from the same crew start firing at me, a few of them getting a few shots on me but no deaths.

All the players eventually rack off and it's become a 2v1, I got my 25-30k cash and racked up a load of kills against the lobby so very cbf at this point.

I figure since the average GTAO player's attention span is very limited, I'd swim across the river and head towards the airport LSC, to my surprise they were salty enough to still approach me and swim across as well.

They approach me closer and closer, I call le mechanic for my bike and hop into passive mode, and gave them a happy truck horn as I did a drive by, and le saltiness ensued over the mic

GG salty crew :lol:
Do you like an "SPD Productions presents an SPD bounty tale, by SPD?"

*page moves up and down*

You do?? Well, you're going to have to live with this particularly short one.

Most of my bounties I would end up uneventful due to a Freemode Event that kills, a script kiddie, or nobody gave a damn and I win by default.. which is totally not story time worthy material.

So, I had this 9k bounty that's probably halfway gone. A freemode event of "fall the longest distance" killed some time and got me a hefty cash payment. Then, looking at the room's populace of 6 low levels, I know I'm smooth sailing for the rest of the day.

For safety reasons, I head to my Rhino and start roaming around like a civilian. A few of these low levels came to 'see' me, but as soon as I point the barrel to their car, they immediately took off.

Minutes pass, and I realized that a person that joined is actually about as leveled as I am (200+). I'm not questioning as to how legit it is. But what he has that nobody else has is a red blip. And an odd option to mostly travel on foot.

This is GTA. There are like cars everywhere!!

At the time, I was at the pier... positioning my Rhino like so:


Just imagine that there's a tank there instead, and not Bubblegum. And it's also 4 PM. But it's at this exact position.

So, like I enjoy about having bounties is how anonymous you are regarding the blip on the GPS. This guy just comes up running, probably not noticing the large tracks on the ground and then appears in my sight with his Bulpup to my face. Only that..



Our poor sap spawned at the beach. Instead of giving chase, I let him come back to me.

Only that.. he ran away.. I mean literally just hoofed it with his legs. Further inspection of my map gives me the impression that he's headed to Higgins Helitours, where I immediately thought of..



So, to retaliate, I went out to my favorite place to counter these catastrophes: parking lot!

Today's (un)lucky parking lot: the one where you steal and get a test run on the Armored Kuruma Scrubmobile from the Kkangpae.

Reaching for the third floor, the Jet arrives as soon as I got comfy, but like most jet fighters: they assume I'm at the top and start to unload everything there.

Me? I went to read some newspaper like some posh arse. I even ate a banana while the top floor was in repeated assault.

Then, he hovered. Being partially attentive to this, I shifted my focus and got ready.

He hovered down, found yours truly, locked on to my tank and fired.

Lucky for me: a pillar blocked my shot, while my tank is unscratched..
But can this direct view to a VTOL stop..





Following this, he gave up, I survived my bounty just about 4 minutes after the action, and went on to find more things to mess with.
I picked Hit 'Em Up from the available jobs screen after a mission, but the others chose Free Mode and I was moved into another session with a rank 14 host and a rank 23 tagging along--difficulty was set to Normal, but then changed to Hard after I joined (I guess they figured I could handle it--I can). The 14 died at the barber shop after I got there and killed the target. I took out the rest of the targets up to and through the farm and called up my Hydra on the way to the motel, but get this...


*After the 23 and I both tried to get in at the exact same time, neither succeeding.

Livid, I didn't move and simply waited at Sandy Shores Airfield, hoping he'd crash or get shot down--it was the former. The 23 died moments later and, purely out of spite, I drove over to the Alamo Sea and went for a little drown. Mission failed.
Just played a Capture: Contend for one of my daily objectives. It was Condo-monium, my favourite one. I was up against a level 40, I'm level 143.

First off, he's pretty good, and I'm terrible as usual.

He managed to obliterate me twice and get two duffel bags to his base straight away. It was at this moment I got pretty damn angry at myself, being owned by someone over 100 ranks less than me. So angry in fact I slammed my controller down on my laptop keyboard and shrunk the webpage. Somehow, though, I managed to channel my anger into completely turning the tables and owning this guy instead, collecting four duffel bags in a row.

At one moment I thought he'd got me, he'd camped where the duffel bag spawns and waited for me. I saw him and fired a few shots, but he killed me. Luckily for me, those few shots I fired before I died managed to kill him in the end too. I made a mad dash for the dropped bag and ran straight back to my base. He fired at me again and landed a few bullets in my back, yet I managed to escape, now having collected five out of the six duffel bags needed.

I came back round to collect my final duffel bag to see him jump into the marina, press pause, and rage quit.

Worst of the past few weeks:

Joining a heist setup, can't remember the name but you steal a prison van. Basic gist of it:

  • I arrive a whole 2 minutes before the others, and am subsequently killed by the police. They get mad at a level 17 with no weapons because they couldn't even work out a damn route...
  • We all start at the same point, I arrive later and take out the driver. Go to get in the bus, gets run over by player. Survive, other player dies.
  • Takes out helicopter, helicopter debris proceeds to fall on other player. Death happens.
  • I get out of car to start shooting a few officers, I get ran over by prison bus.
  • I leave. Waste of time...
I played GTAO for the first time in about a week or two weeks last night and had an okay session with friends. We did a guy's massive hillclimb race, did some other random race someone made, and did a few missions. We also did a couple major police chases with Insurgent Pick-Ups and tried to survive as long as possible. All in all, it was just like my old friend sessions which is nice since the lobbies I was in prior almost made me contemplate quitting GTAO for good.
Lately I've been playing pretty aggressively and vindictively on GTAV, so when someone kills me, I feel the need to kill them multiple times until they go into passive mode.

The latest person to feel my wraith was contradictory on his feelings of the use of explosives while fighting.

I all started when he had a bounty on him. I was chasing him, me in various cars, I think a cop car and some other random car I grabbed off the street, and him in first in a T20 then a Zentorno. He was using sticky bombs on me the whole time I was trying to claim the bounty. After I claim the bounty, I go about my business but he comes after me (completely understandable, I'd do the same thing) so I prepare and get into cover. A firefight ensues, I kill him 8 or 9 times and he kills me 3 times, and towards the end we are both on either end of an alley, and I use a grenade launcher and kill him. He goes into passive and texts me "Explosives are for pussies. :)" to which I respond with "lol you were using stickies earlier" and he says "That was for defense in a car." I respond "what difference does it make" or something like that while I'm getting bored of the firefight and heading to my apartment and somehow his microphone is suddenly audible on my TV and he's trying to justify why he can use explosives and I can't or how there's some fine line in the GTA Online universe of proper murdering etiquette.


stupid people
Lately I've been playing pretty aggressively and vindictively on GTAV, so when someone kills me, I feel the need to kill them multiple times until they go into passive mode.

The latest person to feel my wraith was contradictory on his feelings of the use of explosives while fighting.

I all started when he had a bounty on him. I was chasing him, me in various cars, I think a cop car and some other random car I grabbed off the street, and him in first in a T20 then a Zentorno. He was using sticky bombs on me the whole time I was trying to claim the bounty. After I claim the bounty, I go about my business but he comes after me (completely understandable, I'd do the same thing) so I prepare and get into cover. A firefight ensues, I kill him 8 or 9 times and he kills me 3 times, and towards the end we are both on either end of an alley, and I use a grenade launcher and kill him. He goes into passive and texts me "Explosives are for pussies. :)" to which I respond with "lol you were using stickies earlier" and he says "That was for defense in a car." I respond "what difference does it make" or something like that while I'm getting bored of the firefight and heading to my apartment and somehow his microphone is suddenly audible on my TV and he's trying to justify why he can use explosives and I can't or how there's some fine line in the GTA Online universe of proper murdering etiquette.


stupid people

No, you see, their dad works for Rockstar so they're allowed to use explosives, but if anyone else uses explosives then he'll get them banned because he's the only one that's allowed to use them.

Seriously though, freemode is so poorly balanced and there's so many strategies that have to be countered in annoyingly specific ways that you might as well use anything you can get your hands on to kill any miscreants. Anyone who complains that you're being 'unfair' when they were the ones that were trying to kill you in the first place (and/or had a bounty tbh) is just mad that they got played like a fiddle.
Began today's shenanigans with me spawning in my apartment, and exiting the front door, ready for the next big thing.

Stole a 9F and decided to peacefully cruise the streets. Then, a chrome Zentorno and Yusuf Amir finished SMG started to ratatatatatatata...

Strangely had an enjoyable chase. Because he kept crashing, didn't shoot my tires, and allowed me to enter a tunnel with a well placed sticky..

You know how this goes.

But, on topic on stickies, I've added a whole new way of using it to be an arse thanks to this thread. I shall have it named in the tears and salt of our enemies, and have it christened as "The GT5PowerBomb", courtesy of @GT5Power

Simple enough: plant a sticky at your Insurgent's fender, ram into your victim, and while they're down, drive up to them, press left, and make thing end with a righteous blast.

Or blow up while ramming. This is why I stay away from my car while against an Insurgent.
A simple recap of my night with friends:
1. Boots up GTAO
2. Play with friends.
3. Do nothing while waiting for other friends.
4. Get more friends in and do random races.
5. Get a modder friend in the lobby who has added a bunch of races (and isn't using mods during said races).
6. Modder friend sets up a playlist of races.
7 Last two races are GTA.
8. I start chucking proximity mines since another friend was using his.
9. Mine blows up friend who absolutely hates being mined in GTA races. Guy rages.
10. Second mine blows up mining friend at finish line. He laughs and "scolds" me.
11. Second race starts, clean until big ramp. I get blown up by modder via rocket shot backwords.
12. I start placing mines.
13. I get blown up by mine from other mine using friend.
14. Mine I placed blows up and kills friend who hates being mined in GTA races. Guy who hates being mined rages.
15. I get mined by other mining friend.
16. Other mining friend mines friend who hates being mined in GTA races again. Guy rages harder.
17. Other mining friend and another friend finish first and second.
18. I fail at a backwords shot rocket to try to rocket modder. I take third.
19. I try to run my BMX race (Non GTA race). Friend who hates being mined refuses to join.
20. Friend who hates being mined gets off PSN- possibly due to usually getting off at that time, and possibly due to ragequit.
21. Friend rages at mining friend because mining friend passed her to win the race at the last second.

That was quite an interesting night for sure. :lol:
A simple recap of my night with friends:
1. Boots up GTAO
2. Play with friends.
3. Do nothing while waiting for other friends.
4. Get more friends in and do random races.
5. Get a modder friend in the lobby who has added a bunch of races (and isn't using mods during said races).
6. Modder friend sets up a playlist of races.
7 Last two races are GTA.
8. I start chucking proximity mines since another friend was using his.
9. Mine blows up friend who absolutely hates being mined in GTA races. Guy rages.
10. Second mine blows up mining friend at finish line. He laughs and "scolds" me.
11. Second race starts, clean until big ramp. I get blown up by modder via rocket shot backwords.
12. I start placing mines.
13. I get blown up by mine from other mine using friend.
14. Mine I placed blows up and kills friend who hates being mined in GTA races. Guy who hates being mined rages.
15. I get mined by other mining friend.
16. Other mining friend mines friend who hates being mined in GTA races again. Guy rages harder.
17. Other mining friend and another friend finish first and second.
18. I fail at a backwords shot rocket to try to rocket modder. I take third.
19. I try to run my BMX race (Non GTA race). Friend who hates being mined refuses to join.
20. Friend who hates being mined gets off PSN- possibly due to usually getting off at that time, and possibly due to ragequit.
21. Friend rages at mining friend because mining friend passed her to win the race at the last second.

That was quite an interesting night for sure. :lol:

But, on topic on stickies, I've added a whole new way of using it to be an arse thanks to this thread. I shall have it named in the tears and salt of our enemies, and have it christened as "The GT5PowerBomb", courtesy of @GT5Power

Simple enough: plant a sticky at your Insurgent's fender, ram into your victim, and while they're down, drive up to them, press left, and make thing end with a righteous blast.

Or blow up while ramming. This is why I stay away from my car while against an Insurgent.

I do the latter^^ Combined with off-radar mode, you can give your victim quite a jumpscare :sly:
I was in a lobby last night and there were 2 players in there with modded accounts. Lvl 1000 and a lvl 983.
They were killing everyone in sight and i can honestly say they were starting to annoy people. I was in Passive standing on a roof over looking the beach when i saw my chance.

I jumped out of passive and sniped both of them. Clean headshots. i then went back into passive and waited there response.

They basically followed me everywhere and sent lot's and lot's of loving text messages. I just kept replying with the same thing..."LOLZ at your modded account!"

After an hour of really annoying them at not being able to kill me and hating my texts i got a reply from one of them.
"For your information only my money, lvl and all unlocks were modded"

I laughed hard and one of them left. The other moved onto to some low level players and started to kill them. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM i blew him up in my Hydra and then he rage quit.

I messaged him through PSN:
"LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL at your modded account"

Wasn't much of a victory but i do find these high level modded players a bit embarrassing.