- 7,703
- Indy
- xXKingJoshXx
The Annihilator was great in TBoGT
Grinding contact missions with @ExoSphere64, we ran On Maneuvers with him in the Annihilator and me in the Buzzard on defense. Attacking Lazer and Buzzards are downed and we get to Sandy Shores but he disappears while hovering over the heli pad (I suspect PSN dropped him, as has happened to the both of us before). The Annihilator's engines cut out and it goes into a terrifying spin...but lands safely where it needs to be.
Funnily enough, I actually had to get into it (after removing his lifeless body) to trigger the delivery.
On a side note, am I the only one who thinks the Annihilator is absolutely useless? It's slow, not terribly well-armored, has limited range, once your target is actually in range you need to offset the sight because most things are narrow enough that the rounds just pass by when centered and the rounds aren't even explosive!!!
The Annihilator desperately needs a buff, this should bring some variety to helicopter combat. Maybe make its cannon rounds explosive like jets' cannons or even give it rockets. Not to mention the armor.
The Annihilator is a pile of garbage because it's so weak. The cannons are arguably useless and the thing is slow as molasses. Combine that with the maneuverability of a rock, and it all adds up to a useless helicopter that I will never buy and hate flying.
Grinding contact missions with @ExoSphere64, we ran On Maneuvers with him in the Annihilator and me in the Buzzard on defense. Attacking Lazer and Buzzards are downed and we get to Sandy Shores but he disappears while hovering over the heli pad (I suspect PSN dropped him, as has happened to the both of us before). The Annihilator's engines cut out and it goes into a terrifying spin...but lands safely where it needs to be.
Funnily enough, I actually had to get into it (after removing his lifeless body) to trigger the delivery.
On a side note, am I the only one who thinks the Annihilator is absolutely useless? It's slow, not terribly well-armored, has limited range, once your target is actually in range you need to offset the sight because most things are narrow enough that the rounds just pass by when centered and the rounds aren't even explosive!!!
It's actually pretty powerful as far as weapons. The problem is that it has an extremely small effective range because the cannons are difficult to aim and it's too slow to avoid missiles unless they miss completely. Then, you have the Lazer, Hydra, Savage, and Valkyrie which negate this completely.The Annihilator is a pile of garbage because it's so weak.
A Cargobob or Luxor will actually will actually be better for that since you need two missiles to take them out.The only logical use for the Annihilator at the moment is if you need to transport five other players across the map.
A Cargobob or Luxor will actually will actually be better for that since you need two missiles to take them out.
When a level 177 and 250+ insist on hosting the Fleeca Job...
(you have other better paying heists, you know...)
While I agree about the time:money ratio if you complete the elite challenge, it's not really a viable strategy for me since I know how incompetent most players are (i.e. 90% of any Fleeca lobbies I join). The one and only time I've ever completed the Fleeca Job Elite challenge was with a level 300+ and have never been able to achieve it since.Actually, when you consider how much money you make over time, Fleeca could possibly be the best heist in terms of money - sure, the payout is miniscule as something like the Prison Break, but it takes less than half the time to finish and you have 2 less people to split the payout between. Plus, whilst this isn't really possible with randoms, a competent team can easily get the Elite challenge done on a fairly consistent level (whereas the challenges for other heists are much more annoying) and make an extra 50k per heist - that's 120k per person (not including setup costs and setup rewards) for a heist that can easily be done in less than half an hour.
While I agree about the time:money ratio if you complete the elite challenge, it's not really a viable strategy for me since I know how incompetent most players are (i.e. 90% of any Fleeca lobbies I join). The one and only time I've ever completed the Fleeca Job Elite challenge was with a level 300+ and have never been able to achieve it since.
Back to the payouts: (even with semi-competent players) I kinda feel like Humane Labs finale is actually the best time:money ratio for me from my experience since it's quick and the only way you can really mess up is landing the chopper to pick up the ground team.
Disregarding the time:money ratio: (with capable players) Pacific Standard will always be the best heist/job for money. Also since there's a cooldown period before you can replay the heist it wouldn't matter how quick it gets done (unless you actually take longer than 48 minutes)
I usually find it easier to just go to Ammunation and buy a combat MG first and then have the prison guard drop something as a last resort. The only problem with the gun shop visit is that the gun disappears if someone dies which is why I have the guard drop something in that situation.On Prison Break, can't the Guard drop an assault rifle or Combat MG for the Prisoner? If I was the guard, I'd immediately give them something powerful to defend with.
I'm 99.9% sure the cooldown only applies to the last heist you played. You will be able to play another heist while waiting for the last one's cooldown period to end. If you completed all of them then they would cool down in the respective order you've last completed them in.I wasn't aware of the cooldown period - does that apply to all heists, or can you replay another heist before the cooldown for the previous heist ends?
On Prison Break, can't the Guard drop an assault rifle or Combat MG for the Prisoner? If I was the guard, I'd immediately give them something powerful to defend with.
Dunno about next gen, but on last gen you had to rebuy weapons after dropping them - I distinctly remember dropping the regular Assault Rifle for someone who was like lv3 during a setup mission, then having to go out and drop like 10k+ on a new one (which I did, for some reason. I'm not sure why)
So I got this text from a wonderful person a few days ago whilst doing VIP work with @xXKingJoshXx and friends.
View attachment 508784
Gonna start this one off with a question: Does leaving a contact mission increase your "Bad Sport" reputation in the way that leaving a heist/setup does?
I hate The Los Santos Connection with an absolute passion.
Air support, while not crucial with some decent players, is certainly something good to have on this one, but why is it there's always some idiot with a ricockulously expensive car (T20/Osiris) who decides to park it right where my rockets are landing? I don't think I've ever not blown up another player's car during this mission when I'm in my Savage.
Oh but clearly I can't take part in this mission without providing air support, either, as when I drive to the depot and take out the enemies, nobody else is willing to hack the console. Then when I try, I get killed because the :censored:hats don't cover me.
Now, regardless of how lucrative a run has been, when this job gets selected...I'm GONE!!! And when I join a random contact mission to find this is the one chosen, and an imbecilic rank 38 host starts it [faster than I can back out] with them and myself being the only participants...I'm GONE!!!
You know you piss off a group of high level (not legit of course) by killing them over and over...when it's me against 2 others. I take my usual vantage point, a buiilding, and continue to snipe them as others around provide distraction. One has to go passive to 'creep' up on me to try get me, but it doesn't work. Passive sets a bounty on me earlier so I can't play the Passive card. Even though Passive tries to sneak up on me I can still snipe him with good vantage points. I go to the only safe place to take a break, in my garage by LSIA. Passive gets mad hanging around outside and sends me colorful msg's. Not sure why some of these 'need' their ridiculous user levels anyway, one was over 7000 earlier.
Yesterday had more stable sessions. Today I had a some disconnects and a couple "Please return to GTA V"