Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Well, after several days of nothing going on, I got a gem of a story. My friends and I have been involved in a series of trolling wars. We've all put together playlists that try to piss one another off, but we finally had one that took the cake. I and another friend got trolled with little reaction, so other friend who got trolled went after a friend who laughed at both of the lists trolling us. It worked well.

1. Playlist leads off with troll race he likes. No issue.
2. Playlist has another troll race he likes. No issue.
3. Playlist has parachute he likes. No issue.
4. Playlist goes to a troll GTA race I made. Friend who is host sets it to five laps. Friend gets killed often and rages.
5. Troll race followed by 6 laps of Lazer Quest on GTA. Friend rages more.
6. Deathmatches begin to occur for the next few events. He rages even more.
7. Friend rages at rockets, so everyone goes to kill him with rockets.
8. Non contact troll wallride to calm everyone down. Friend still rages.
9. Goes into LTS events with rockets. Guess who everyone went to kill?
10. Get into an everything v everything that had Lazers. I get owned then lag out of playlist.
11. I get back to see the Nuketown Deathmatch. Everyone has rockets. Guess what is being used?
12. A couple more troll races to piss off an already pissed off friend.
13. Playlist ends with two vs. Missions. Two Top Funs to be specific. Closer was the one that has the Jets in LSIA. Pissed off trolled friend got ambushed after a modder and I camped in the parking garage in the airport. Friend killed him with a grenade, and he went silent.
14. Playlist ended, and we got split. Friend who the list was intended to troll got mad and ragequit GTA.

It worked well. After seeing him laugh when I got trolled, it sure was nice to turn the tables for once! :lol: Also, my kd going from a .97 to a 1.0 was nice, too. I haven't had it jump in ages before that playlist.
R* servers are crap. Gets killed, as soon as I respawn, there's no one there to retaliate. Start an easy Free Mode Event... and I get disconnected.

However I found out that you can reset the VIP time limit AFTER it expired, due to being sent to GTA V due to network difficulties.

When your VIP time limit runs out, quit the application immediately. Then start GTA V and rejoin Online. Your VIP status should reset to 4 hours.
Some punk adult with seemingly the same vocabulary as Lamar. N-word every second word, racial slurs all over the place, accompanied by his buddy who was more of the same. And to top it off that was their "calm" state too. I can't even begin to imagine what could be coming out of their mouth in a state of anger.
Some punk adult with seemingly the same vocabulary as Lamar. N-word every second word, racial slurs all over the place, accompanied by his buddy who was more of the same. And to top it off that was their "calm" state too. I can't even begin to imagine what could be coming out of their mouth in a state of anger.

And people wonder why I hate my generation. Because they grow up listening to this, thinking it's alright.

No, it's not everyone, but I honestly hate the fact that it happens quite a bit.
R* servers are crap. Gets killed, as soon as I respawn, there's no one there to retaliate. Start an easy Free Mode Event... and I get disconnected.

However I found out that you can reset the VIP time limit AFTER it expired, due to being sent to GTA V due to network difficulties.

When your VIP time limit runs out, quit the application immediately. Then start GTA V and rejoin Online. Your VIP status should reset to 4 hours.
I just tried this, however it didn't completely work. I got more time as VIP, but just 8 minutes. Good chance I done something wrong, though.
I entered a lobby and was busy modding and painting my cars when I noticed 4 250+ crew members walking towards LSC in LS Mesa. I drove down the railway and went to my garage.

Predictably I get a text saying "Run pssy boy lol" then another saying "yeah we'd wreck you anyway". So I got in my hydra and killed them all a few times then landed, went passive and carried on modding my cars.

After about 30 texts almost all containing the words " pssy", "P u $$¥" and "noob" I again went about hydra'ing them to death.

After about an hour of texts all suggesting I'm awful at GTA and how much i love "5ucking balls" the four of them started to kick me. I left and came right back in and killed them all again.

The worst part was the 4 kicked me again and asked others to kick me too and some of them did.

Out faught and out thought. Their only recourse was to kick me. Sad sad poorly spelling people
Anyone else think it's idiotic that certain words are banned from in-game text messages? It's a Mature-rated game. I'm sure most adults can handle swears and insults being thrown at them. Hell, just about EVERY NPC AND STORYLINE CHARACTER say the exact same things.
Anyone else think it's idiotic that certain words are banned from in-game text messages? It's a Mature-rated game. I'm sure most adults can handle swears and insults being thrown at them. Hell, just about EVERY NPC AND STORYLINE CHARACTER say the exact same things.
The PSN chat doesn't even block any words.
Anyone else think it's idiotic that certain words are banned from in-game text messages? It's a Mature-rated game. I'm sure most adults can handle swears and insults being thrown at them. Hell, just about EVERY NPC AND STORYLINE CHARACTER say the exact same things.
But the kids man, the kids! We don't want them to be influenced by the words they see, even though most of them already shout them at the top of their lungs!
The irony is that most of the kids I've played with speak worse than the adults I've played with. Granted, I'm no saint when it comes to my language on the game, but still.
The PSN chat doesn't even block any words.

Exactly! Why should a Mature game do that when the service acting as a platform for the game doesn't?

But the kids man, the kids! We don't want them to be influenced by the words they see, even though most of them already shout them at the top of their lungs!

Even though they've heard it every time they drive past pedestrians at high speed.
I found something out about myself. When I am playing with my headset plugged in I swear a whole lot more than when playing without.

That's what I do, too! :lol: Of course, the official language of my friends on GTAV is profanity, but even then, I'm a lot more vocal with a mic than I am without.
R* servers are crap. Gets killed, as soon as I respawn, there's no one there to retaliate. Start an easy Free Mode Event... and I get disconnected.

However I found out that you can reset the VIP time limit AFTER it expired, due to being sent to GTA V due to network difficulties.

When your VIP time limit runs out, quit the application immediately. Then start GTA V and rejoin Online. Your VIP status should reset to 4 hours.
I just tried this, however it didn't completely work. I got more time as VIP, but just 8 minutes. Good chance I done something wrong, though.
I just tried this again and it done the same thing except it gave me a little over 9 minutes this time. If you don't mind could you give me a step by step instruction on how you did it? Obviously I'm not doing something right.
Try this
What I did was when I had 2 mins left I started Hostile takeover at the Merryweather base and just went AFC for 4 mins (to give it time after my VIP has "expired" to kinda save I guess) and then I went directly to Franklin and then after I spawned in Story I went straight back into online. I checked I was still a VIP and the timer was stuck at 4 hours. I then found a new session and everything was working and I was back at 4.
I entered a lobby and was busy modding and painting my cars when I noticed 4 250+ crew members walking towards LSC in LS Mesa. I drove down the railway and went to my garage.

Predictably I get a text saying "Run pssy boy lol" then another saying "yeah we'd wreck you anyway". So I got in my hydra and killed them all a few times then landed, went passive and carried on modding my cars.

After about 30 texts almost all containing the words " pssy", "P u $$¥" and "noob" I again went about hydra'ing them to death.

After about an hour of texts all suggesting I'm awful at GTA and how much i love "5ucking balls" the four of them started to kick me. I left and came right back in and killed them all again.

The worst part was the 4 kicked me again and asked others to kick me too and some of them did.

Out faught and out thought. Their only recourse was to kick me. Sad sad poorly spelling people

I thought this said there was 250+ members, I was thinking "Too right I'd be ****ing running"
Had a very friendly encounter with a random tonight. I was just riding around on my Faggio after winning the No Crash Challenge (I believe my score was just over 70,000 feet) and decided to see what would happen if I pulled up to people in passive mode. One guy hopped onto the seat and I drove around with him for quite a while. I forgot he wasn't in passive mode, so he was shot off my scooter by some jerks at the Little Seoul gas station. A few minutes later, we encountered a Daemon, so he grabbed that and we rode around some more. I decided to leave a little bit later, but it was so nice to see someone not acting like a total psychopath.

Yesterday: I decided to give heists another go after playing contact missions non-stop.
The first lobby I joined was the Humane Labs finale which had fairly high leveled players.
We start; I'm the first one to arrive at the Valkyrie with 2 others showing up a minute later. 4th guy just arrived at Sandy Shores (no please, take your time). After a century of waiting we finally fly off to the lab, ground team breaches, pilot takes a decade to lower the helicopter into the designated zone, and I start killing. After the first wave is complete I (attempt to) shoot at the enemy buzzard that's approaching. Top gun insists on hovering down near ground level even after I shoot all the enemies on the ground. Buzzard's rockets are locked onto us and we're promptly hit after that. Level 101 pilot finally realizes that there's a threat, so he flies up -FINALLY- giving me a view of the Buzzard so I can (and do) destroy it. Ground team are about to surface as the 3rd wave starts. Next wave starts and I kill the enemies on the ground, blahblah... 2 Buzzards show up (dear sweet lord), so I start my routine of shooting at the sky, missiles incoming, we're hit (now on fire), pilot flies up, I destroy one Buzzard and then we're hit by the second Buzzard. The engine fails and we fall to the ground...


10 seconds in and someone dies just by bumping into the Valkyrie. He didn't hit the blades, he just bumped into it.

Restart for real this time.

We fly there, ground team goes in, one of them dies and decides to leave after that.

Oh well... I'll just join another heist- FLEECA - SCOPE OUT, FLEECA - SCOPE OUT, FLEECA JOB (ON EASY), FLEECA -SCOPE OUT.

Close GTAV.exe


P.S. I hope whoever sits AFK as the host in a lobby has their PC fry and explode.​
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Tonight, I found 2 groups (in different sessions) who had a higher than usual RP level and the accompanying ridiculous K/D ratio. The first 3 had the same 1333 level and 2 had similar usernames. The second group were VIP-ing on a train, and these 4 also had SE4L[insert username] as their tags. Then the next session there was an Executive Search going on and on the way to get my Hydra..and a tank seemingly came out of nowhere and blasted me. Then a game of cat and mouse as I squirreled my way to the hospital helipad. Tank boy shows up and holed me up for a bit. A distraction in the form of an unsuspecting person drove by and I made my escape in a helicopter. I flew up to that high rise under construction and tried to blow up Tank Boy...but somehow he managed to do me a favor and his tank gave out.

I noticed Tank Boy heading for the hospital helipad...and sure enough I could see his Hydra on the hospital helipad. I manage to snipe my foe a few times and make my way to one of the buildings by LSIA. My now Hydra foe does a few fly byes and promptly failed by crashing his jet. As he was going to the Marina helipad he gets caught up on a battle with a VIP and a bodyguard. I fly in to scope out their battle and get caught up in it in their little skirmish. Me and Hydra boy was holding our own against the body guard but the VIP took us out a lot. Eventually VIP leaves and pretty much ended that little battle.

Oh...and I need to maneuver the Hydra better for the longest fall with a parachute event. Second time I eject AND GET KILLED BY MY OWN JET :irked:
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About all I've seen lately is a friend complaining that he can't level his second character because he constantly does troll races that take several minutes to finish. Case in point- we did one yesterday that took 80 minutes to finish because the guy who made it saved the race but never published it. I do have to say that it was worth the DNF just because I got to sit back, relax, and listen to everyone else in the lobby rage. :lol:
Grinding contact missions with @ExoSphere64, we ran On Maneuvers with him in the Annihilator and me in the Buzzard on defense. Attacking Lazer and Buzzards are downed and we get to Sandy Shores but he disappears while hovering over the heli pad (I suspect PSN dropped him, as has happened to the both of us before). The Annihilator's engines cut out and it goes into a terrifying spin...but lands safely where it needs to be.


Funnily enough, I actually had to get into it (after removing his lifeless body) to trigger the delivery.

On a side note, am I the only one who thinks the Annihilator is absolutely useless? It's slow, not terribly well-armored, has limited range, once your target is actually in range you need to offset the sight because most things are narrow enough that the rounds just pass by when centered and the rounds aren't even explosive!!!
The Annihilator desperately needs a buff, this should bring some variety to helicopter combat. Maybe make its cannon rounds explosive like jets' cannons or even give it rockets. Not to mention the armor.
The Annihilator is a pile of garbage because it's so weak. The cannons are arguably useless and the thing is slow as molasses. Combine that with the maneuverability of a rock, and it all adds up to a useless helicopter that I will never buy and hate flying.