- 861
- North Carolina
- superstreet556
Nothing wrong with being a butt hero.
Some punk adult with seemingly the same vocabulary as Lamar. N-word every second word, racial slurs all over the place, accompanied by his buddy who was more of the same. And to top it off that was their "calm" state too. I can't even begin to imagine what could be coming out of their mouth in a state of anger.
I just tried this, however it didn't completely work. I got more time as VIP, but just 8 minutes. Good chance I done something wrong, though.R* servers are crap. Gets killed, as soon as I respawn, there's no one there to retaliate. Start an easy Free Mode Event... and I get disconnected.
However I found out that you can reset the VIP time limit AFTER it expired, due to being sent to GTA V due to network difficulties.
When your VIP time limit runs out, quit the application immediately. Then start GTA V and rejoin Online. Your VIP status should reset to 4 hours.
The PSN chat doesn't even block any words.Anyone else think it's idiotic that certain words are banned from in-game text messages? It's a Mature-rated game. I'm sure most adults can handle swears and insults being thrown at them. Hell, just about EVERY NPC AND STORYLINE CHARACTER say the exact same things.
But the kids man, the kids! We don't want them to be influenced by the words they see, even though most of them already shout them at the top of their lungs!Anyone else think it's idiotic that certain words are banned from in-game text messages? It's a Mature-rated game. I'm sure most adults can handle swears and insults being thrown at them. Hell, just about EVERY NPC AND STORYLINE CHARACTER say the exact same things.
The PSN chat doesn't even block any words.
But the kids man, the kids! We don't want them to be influenced by the words they see, even though most of them already shout them at the top of their lungs!
The irony is that most of the kids I've played with speak worse than the adults I've played with. Granted, I'm no saint when it comes to my language on the game, but still.
That's what I do, too!I found something out about myself. When I am playing with my headset plugged in I swear a whole lot more than when playing without.
R* servers are crap. Gets killed, as soon as I respawn, there's no one there to retaliate. Start an easy Free Mode Event... and I get disconnected.
However I found out that you can reset the VIP time limit AFTER it expired, due to being sent to GTA V due to network difficulties.
When your VIP time limit runs out, quit the application immediately. Then start GTA V and rejoin Online. Your VIP status should reset to 4 hours.
I just tried this again and it done the same thing except it gave me a little over 9 minutes this time. If you don't mind could you give me a step by step instruction on how you did it? Obviously I'm not doing something right.I just tried this, however it didn't completely work. I got more time as VIP, but just 8 minutes. Good chance I done something wrong, though.
What I did was when I had 2 mins left I started Hostile takeover at the Merryweather base and just went AFC for 4 mins (to give it time after my VIP has "expired" to kinda save I guess) and then I went directly to Franklin and then after I spawned in Story I went straight back into online. I checked I was still a VIP and the timer was stuck at 4 hours. I then found a new session and everything was working and I was back at 4.
I'll try that next time. Thanks.Try this
I entered a lobby and was busy modding and painting my cars when I noticed 4 250+ crew members walking towards LSC in LS Mesa. I drove down the railway and went to my garage.
Predictably I get a text saying "Run pssy boy lol" then another saying "yeah we'd wreck you anyway". So I got in my hydra and killed them all a few times then landed, went passive and carried on modding my cars.
After about 30 texts almost all containing the words " pssy", "P u $$¥" and "noob" I again went about hydra'ing them to death.
After about an hour of texts all suggesting I'm awful at GTA and how much i love "5ucking balls" the four of them started to kick me. I left and came right back in and killed them all again.
The worst part was the 4 kicked me again and asked others to kick me too and some of them did.
Out faught and out thought. Their only recourse was to kick me. Sad sad poorly spelling people
Can you imagine the chaos in a lobby with over 250 people in it?! HahaI thought this said there was 250+ members, I was thinking "Too right I'd be ****ing running"
Can you imagine the chaos in a lobby with over 250 people in it?! Haha