Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Did a playlist of all wallrides and spiral ramps yesterday. 3 Hours and $50k later, that was a dumb, frustrating decision to actually accept the playlist invite.

Today was weird.

Out of boredom, I joined one of those "hack loby $$$" deathmatches" As per usual, a player in my team got to the guns first, we obliterated everyone blah blah blah. I hadn't received any guns, so I texted a teammate to drop me one. But he must have misunderstood and started dropping money bags all over the place! I picked up $800k. Now here comes the question...

I have reported this to Rockstar Support so they can remove the modded money from my account. However, a new report keeps popping up every minute. As a result, the chances of them replying to my report or even stumbling upon it are minimal. I'm wondering if there is a point in keeping the report up, seeing as it has already disappeared into the depths of the support section. The question is, do Rockstar actually check accounts for sudden increases in balance or can I just delete my report and go about spending the money?

Today was weird.

Out of boredom, I joined one of those "hack loby $$$" deathmatches" As per usual, a player in my team got to the guns first, we obliterated everyone blah blah blah. I hadn't received any guns, so I texted a teammate to drop me one. But he must have misunderstood and started dropping money bags all over the place! I picked up $800k. Now here comes the question...

I have reported this to Rockstar Support so they can remove the modded money from my account. However, a new report keeps popping up every minute. As a result, the chances of them replying to my report or even stumbling upon it are minimal. I'm wondering if there is a point in keeping the report up, seeing as it has already disappeared into the depths of the support section. The question is, do Rockstar actually check accounts for sudden increases in balance or can I just delete my report and go about spending the money?
When I asked Rockstar what would happen after I received modded money they said nothing would happen and they'd remove the amount received (which they didn't).

If you don't want the cash then you could withdraw it to a second character or buy a car then throw it into the ocean.
I would imagine that R* support uses a program that looks for specific keywords of phrases that refer to money, since that seems to be one of the major things they care about. Hopefully, they'll find it soon enough.
They linked me to an article that said that if I wasn't engaged in any willful cheating or exploiting, I'm not in trouble.

I assume I can go on a spending spree now? :P
They must have opened a can of trolls somewhere because I've tried to join 4 different heists and in all 4 of them there was 1 f-tard ruining the mission.
Whelp, there's a pair of wind turbines planted in front of Eclipse Tower rendering my (and many others') apartment useless for starting a heist...


The infamous Windmill infection mod apparently seems to be making a comeback. That's the sole reason I don't have that apartment.
@Marcus Garvey VIPing and causing mayhem with Los Santos' Finest. First I was VIP and Marcus Garvey was Body Guard. We did numerous VIP missions and in between rampaged against the local police. Downtime was spent on his yacht, and found a rather unusual sea plant spawn near the Observatory. Next up was his turn as VIP. Earned another 100 grand and called it a night.
Out of 6 daily objective lists, this is the 5th time I've had a capture objective.

To make it even better the game decided to give me 2 other horrid objectives, just in case.
God forbid I make $25,000 :rolleyes:
Once I had Capture - GTA. Couldn't find a single one. Next night it was Capture - Hold. What did I find first? Capture GTA of course :irked:
That's always the case with me. I'm convinced the game knows what I have/want to do; so instead of helping me it decides to do the opposite. That doesn't just apply to daily objectives.

The only time I've completed a capture objective was when I hosted a lobby and waited 15-20 minutes for auto-invite to actually do something. Only 1 person joined.
Yesterday while I was trying to get in a plane it started raining down money onto me from someone, no idea who. I only got 20K but they also gave me all of the weapons which was nice.
Out of 6 daily objective lists, this is the 5th time I've had a capture objective.

To make it even better the game decided to give me 2 other horrid objectives, just in case.
God forbid I make $25,000 :rolleyes:

As soon as I have the 28 days award I'll be skipping them. Like yours just now, most of them are getting annoying.
Had a cool moment in a race the other day but I haven't had the time to write it up. So my friend Jay came on and invited his neighbour and his friend, Ali and Ahmed i think were there names. All three of them are pretty much noobs to the game, Jay is level 70 something and the other two are 20 something - don't even know how to roll when shooting.
We were messing around and decided to set up a race, to make it fair I turned custom vehicles of, catch-up and slipstream were on.

We play through a few races and I easily win each time, they like ramming so I let them get ahead of me and then rammed them to win, I must admit it was good fun and we were having a laugh. I only wish I had actually bet on myself. So we are on the final race and I have won like 7/7 so far. I cannot remember the name of the race but it took place in Pillbox hill and near the end of the lap you drove up onto a bridge/overpass (Power st) and a part of the wall is missing and you have to drive off (like a ramp, I believe it is a stunt jump), 5 laps and we all chose stock T20's - crew colour of course (:gtpflag:). I was leading from the start until catchup was slowing me down so much that Ali overtook me using slipstream. I decided to stay behind him until the jump. As we approached it I started gaining on him. As the cars took off I had a total Paul Walker moment where my car went right over the top of his. A mid-air overtake - 2 corners and I win. Biggest regret was not recording it. It was so cool none-the-less.
Regarding heists with randoms, I've only accepted the Pacific Standard job and I have had some pretty succesful runs. Host walks into appartment close to the bank, and we all hop in the Kuruma. Easy 1,200,000 and 20% cut.
This trav18hedge (stupid name) guy sent mercenaries after me while I was picking up a dead drop package. Undeterred as I was in a helicopter, I went on but decided to sent a mugger after him. The mugger took over 5k and after I delivered the package I went back to my yacht and got this message.


Sometimes I just gotta learn when to back off.
Had the Hot Property briefcase down at the ship yard. Escaped 2 contenders by swimming to another dock. Held on to the case for 2:41, only to get shot down by contender #3. That wasn't even the bad part... For some reason I respawned WAY up on Mt. Gordo, on a trail inaccessible to my mechanic. At least I placed in second.

Played a decent variation of Rockets vs Insurgents with a full 7 on 7 team. This one has a couple ramps that lead the Insurgents to the rooftop close to the platform. Our team won with a nice 50 grand payoff.

Up next was a 'hold the vehicle' event. It was a golf cart. As soon as I got it, I shot down my foe for this event. I tried to go down to the subway but it wouldn't fit through and got stuck. It was then who can kill who and I managed to hold the wheel when time ran out. I soon get a notice that someone voted to kick me from the session. As there were only 3 of us... It was my subway foe... who then left afterwards lol
*Links are all .wav files, so click at your own risk.

So, I decided to be a VIP of an organization called Noitazinagro. And in regular SPD fashion, there's both the good and bad. Mostly good so far.

But really: it's eat or be eaten when doing a VIP job, and I'm always on top of the food chain, mostly because I prepared.

One Executive Search had one player in confusion when he's next to my red blip... when I'm in the subway.
One Sightseer had the chasers meet glorious RPG and explosive children: pride of great motherland.
And others..

But one Sightseer event got the attention of this thread.

So, I managed to complete hacking and head to the first package by the boating club. The only 2 other members of my room, however, are probably buddies, just shooting police helicopters in their Rhinos.

Who decided that my first package is not even a block away from these tanks anyways?! Silly game. Of course, when I approach, I get shot at by one of them.


After that first death, I decided to just call up my Insurgent and use that to brave my way out. I haven't gotten the first package yet, so the job didn't officially start yet. It so happens that the other Rhino came up and decided to pay me a visit.

But he ran a traffic car over and blew himself up in such a fashion.


Eventually both tanks are gone, and I got the first package. Nice! Nice! I head a good distance to start the second hack and get it's location by the pier at the Pacific Bluffs.

But since now they know, the two former tank buddies get into an Armored Kuruma and chase down my Insurgent. Normally, my approach is to GT5PowerBomb them, but they were coming fast. I left for the second package.

We clashed by the time I nearly reached the package. They're rotten shots, I think. My action was to head to the winding roads nearby and set up a trap: a good old fashioned sticky on the road.

Strangely enough, they approach off the road and off the pace of my sticky. But they reached the trap, and...

My accurate representation.

So, I head to the second package, hack for the third quickly and got there before any more action started.

Now for some peace! Or so I thought!

While headed for my stilt home to sell a car, the two earlier got in an Insurgent and decided to chase me. How I knew was because nobody really heads on to the hillside homes other than for pursuit of a better man. For level 200s, the driver sure is bad, especially when he cut some hills, flipped his truck and got it stuck behind a house.


I sold the car fine and got in one of my old flames: the Infernus. Then, I went ahead and started a Hostile Takeover by LSIA.

The Infernus did it's job getting there fast, and I nabbed the package to flee the 4 star wanted level. By the time I reached the west gate out of the airport, look who came: the Insurgent.

Oh you know I would, but I had a duty.

Immediately I turned and accelerated away with the cops on tow. Bad enough that I have 4 stars with things like this happening..

My destination was the Pacific Bluffs Beach Club. Easy to reach when I'm used to driving my Infernus while in a limp. But I had to try get this Insurgent off of me. It's not like one bomb can change your opinion on me, no?

One well timed bomb, that is.

But back to the matters at hand: as soon as I reached the club, they went off the radar. Interestingly, it seems that if you off the radar in a vehicle, the whole crew inside is also off the radar.

We clashed as I head back to the city, but they just whooshed past. They saw me depart to the pier as I had a plan.

A plan that involved a certain horned animal that I so happened to call earlier, ready by the Seasharks.

And when they came close..

Another accurate representation.

And they both left me alone afterwards, with the room gaining some traffic now.

That event also marks my entry to be level 300 without boosting!

Is my bomb still popular? :lol:

I've been out of the freeroam shenanigans for a while; I'm mostly doing heists and contact missions. I make a good ~250k per day and rank up at least once in two days. I'm rank 66 now.
more fan mail

I just responded with "ok"


This guy got mad after he kept failing to find me in Executive Search when I was playing with @superstreet556


The above picture shows the only messages that he sent me that actually contain words. The rest of his messages were just letters. They were:

[my response] My butt hero can help you with your hurt butt
The queen is a joke m8t8 [no idea wtf this is supposed to mean]
the next 4 letters i will not post
[my response] Umadbro?
[and that's when i decided to turn my chat to friends only. will turn it back to normal after a while and surely he'll have calmed down by then]