Had a fun moment earlier today.
I was testing out my new weapons (Double Barrel Shotgun and Compact Rifle) on a random bike out in the desert near Sandy Shores Airport and I suddenly noticed a car up ahead with a VIP and 3 bodyguards in it so I caught up and put 2 barrels of Buckshot in their direction.
Turns out the range of the Shotgun is pretty poor and I only succeeded in blowing out the back window and ticking off the bodyguards.
They open fire and I as I'm serpentineing to avoid it whilst looking for the Compact Rifle, I lose focus on them and next thing I hear is a car blowing up.
It turns out at the time I lost focus on them, they had gone off the road ( probably all focused on killing me) and crashed into a fuel pump at the gas station outside the airport, taking them all out at once.
The best part? I was credited with killing the VIP even though my bullets weren't the thing that killed him.
I did rub a little salt in the wound afterwards by sending the VIP a little text saying, "Nice Driving

Unsurprisingly, no response.