Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Its extremely annoying when you can here kids/babies on the other end of the mic but I doubt a 3yr old is even aware of the adult themes in GTA let alone be affected by them.

Maybe to an extent... but it can definitely begin to desensitize them.

EDIT: Something that really bothers me, but isn't exactly a BEST/WORST thing, is when entering a game with randoms such as LTS and they don't exactly adhere to the rules. For example, I love the Bumper Cars LTS, but when playing there are always a couple people who don't play how it was meant. I just wish there was someway of forcing you to stay in car or something in the creator.
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I played one of those Rockets vs Insurgents LTS last night. First few rounds went okay, but somehow the rocket team had their owned weapons and were firing their automatic rifles. After almost getting killed in one pass, I left.
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I played one of those Rockets vs Insurgents LTS last night. First few rounds went okay, but somehow the rocket team had their owned weapons and were firing their automatic rifles. After almost getting killed in one pass, I left!

See that's exactly what I'm talking about. Just play it how it's meant to be played or go do something else...
I loved RvsI--it's largely how I unlocked two free chrome wheel sets--but I made the mistake only once of joining an owned+pickups session. However I gather that wasn't the case, but rather a glitch (hence the "somehow").
I loved RvsI--it's largely how I unlocked two free chrome wheel sets--but I made the mistake only once of joining an owned+pickups session. However I gather that wasn't the case, but rather a glitch (hence the "somehow").

Haha yea the glitching and modders are what makes me mad. I've had several occasions of someone acquiring a tank (when there was none on the map) and one occasion of a fighter jet. RvsI is a super quick way to level up and make money while having fun tho.
  • I enter lobby
  • "Another Player Is The Beast" pops up
  • I run towards my car
  • Get killed by the Beast
  • I spawn and carry on about my business
  • Get killed by the Beast again
  • Realise he is using the Beast as a free off radar kill-fest excuse
  • He texts me "LOL Kill me"
  • I drive to the helipad
  • As i'm getting in my Hydra i notice him on the other side of the marina with his sniper rifle
  • He fails to kill me
  • I take off
  • He assumes i didn't notice him and he's safe off radar
  • I turned my cannons on him and wiped him out
  • I win some money for killing the Beast
  • I then wait for him to spawn
  • Realise he is level 650+
  • I kill him none stop
  • He rage quits
  • I smash into ta tree in a massive ball of flames while after a bounty
  • I made a fool out of myself
  • I leave
Noticed a modded account in the lobby with a 40+ K/D ratio who just crashed his jet. As he borrowed a car to collect another Hydra, I call SecuroServ for my Buzzard, and he gets a bounty. Just as he reached LSIA I manage to fire 5-6 rockets and collect 1 grand as a bonus.

I land on a nearby rooftop and sure enough he collected his jet. Just as he takes off, I fire 2 more rockets and score another hit. Requests for 1 on 1 matches are denied... Then I get disconnected from the session.
Noticed a modded account in the lobby with a 40+ K/D ratio who just crashed his jet. As he borrowed a car to collect another Hydra, I call SecuroServ for my Buzzard, and he gets a bounty. Just as he reached LSIA I manage to fire 5-6 rockets and collect 1 grand as a bonus.

I land on a nearby rooftop and sure enough he collected his jet. Just as he takes off, I fire 2 more rockets and score another hit. Requests for 1 on 1 matches are denied... Then I get disconnected from the session.

I always love to see the modders/cheaters get messed with. Brings a certain satisfaction 👍
  • I enter lobby
  • "Another Player Is The Beast" pops up
  • I run towards my car
  • Get killed by the Beast
  • I spawn and carry on about my business
  • Get killed by the Beast again
  • Realise he is using the Beast as a free off radar kill-fest excuse
  • He texts me "LOL Kill me"
  • I drive to the helipad
  • As i'm getting in my Hydra i notice him on the other side of the marina with his sniper rifle
  • He fails to kill me
  • I take off
  • He assumes i didn't notice him and he's safe off radar
  • I turned my cannons on him and wiped him out
  • I win some money for killing the Beast
  • I then wait for him to spawn
  • Realise he is level 650+
  • I kill him none stop
  • He rage quits
  • I smash into ta tree in a massive ball of flames while after a bounty
  • I made a fool out of myself
  • I leave
Obviously a lot of the high ranks are nothing but children who rely on very cheap tactics to grief people like using Hydras or spamming RPGs or even worse, abusing passive mode and going on it before the player attempts to kill you combined with taking the easy way out. Absolutely disgusting.

As for myself being a high rank as well, *Rank 304* this disturbs me. It always sucks when the griefers gets to become the beast.
Obviously a lot of the high ranks are nothing but children who rely on very cheap tactics to grief people like using Hydras or spamming RPGs or even worse, abusing passive mode and going on it before the player attempts to kill you combined with taking the easy way out. Absolutely disgusting.

As for myself being a high rank as well, *Rank 304* this disturbs me. It always sucks when the griefers gets to become the beast.
I've noticed lot's a people abusing the Hunt The Beast off radar thing. 30 minutes of killing people.
VIP status held it's advantage when I joined a session. I was at the Heist set up Convoy where they meet up at the bridge, and a Hot Property Freemode event was live. Checked the map and saw the briefcase heading down Raton Canyon. Called SecuresServ for my Buzzard and flew down the canyon. Up first was a Lazer trying to home in on the subject. I fire my rockets and take him down. Subject reaches the highway just a few clicks away from the drop off. I try to lock on him a few times and manage a hit RIGHT AS HE reaches the drop off within 15 feet.

I land but the Lost had been alerted at their bar and take me out. But the former briefcase holder had spawned up the hill and I race to the briefcase location. I notice he's closer but I take cover and just as he reaches the briefcase I fire and kill him, and pick up the briefcase. So in just minutes I shoot down a Lazer, kill the holder of the briefcase right before he delivers, and steal it in time to win the Event.

I was once doing the Humane Labs Raid as a Quick Job. I was Level 29 at the time and had many good guns. I was on the Chopper team with a guy who simply could not aim the explosive cannon. After the other two players had entered the Labs, me and another player - let's call him Dale - were in the chopper, and hell started. Buzzards were after us, and I had a useless cannon shooter, so it was basically up to me evading the rockets.

At one of the later waves of enemies, my chopper was smoking as Buzzards had launched rockets which hit. Then, there was another, so I went down to evade it. It hit. I had almost no control of the helicopter, and crashed into the hills south of the Labs. It failed the mission, and the host left.

Later, the same host was launching the heist, and joined to help. But I was kicked immediately from the lobby, and moments later, the host sent me a hate message, calling me a 🤬 and telling me to 'learn how to do this '🤬' properly'. After this, I added replied to his message mocking his disadvantage of not knowing how to speak properly, and I also said that 'I wanted to be just like him when I was older', sarcastically. I added him to my block list, but removed him to see what he had to say about my pretty impressive reply. Nothing came back.

I forgot to report him, but if I do see him again, the first thing I do will be that.
sent me a hate message
replied to his message mocking
Responding in kind is definitely the way to go...


Edit: Simeon car delivery for daily objectives and I didn't feel like waiting until I'll get another text from him, so I decided to hang out in free mode until one showed up--it does happen, however rarely. I was just screwing around anyway. Three smugglers ($30k a pop minus $200 each for my Hydra), a cop distraction in (under, I just hang out in the train tunnel) Mirror Park ($10k) and an armored truck (almost $7k minus a sticky bomb) later, one shows up--and it's an F620 ($16k). Not a bad haul. :P
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Responding in kind is definitely the way to go...
But randoms on GTA Online usually don't take any apologies. You can try and do that but it would be better recommended to just ignore him rather than replying back. I have no problem if you report the person though.
This is something that just happened literally under an hour ago, and it definitely deserves to be filed under best.

I'm in a lobby with four other players, and we're about to do a Sports class race. We go to select our cars, and as I'm scrolling over to my trusty Jester Racecar, my Xbox One controller decides it's not going to work anymore. This is on PC, so panicking, I quickly switch to my mouse to try to get to it before the timer expires, and just as time runs out, it lands on my sleeper Futo that I have for when I want a car that doesn't scream "blow me up" to any griefers in a free-roam lobby. The race starts. Everyone blows my doors off. Due to the fact that I have no chance of winning at all, I take the time out during the race to lament about how I was forced to pick "a ****ing Futo" (my exact words), and after the race is over, I ask everyone to vote to retry the race so I can have a fair shot. Sure enough, when the voting screen pops up, everybody immediately votes to replay. This time, everything goes cherry, and I pilot my Jester Racecar to a close win. :)

The GTA community can be awesome at times. :cheers:
Had a fun moment earlier today.

I was testing out my new weapons (Double Barrel Shotgun and Compact Rifle) on a random bike out in the desert near Sandy Shores Airport and I suddenly noticed a car up ahead with a VIP and 3 bodyguards in it so I caught up and put 2 barrels of Buckshot in their direction.

Turns out the range of the Shotgun is pretty poor and I only succeeded in blowing out the back window and ticking off the bodyguards. :ouch:

They open fire and I as I'm serpentineing to avoid it whilst looking for the Compact Rifle, I lose focus on them and next thing I hear is a car blowing up.

It turns out at the time I lost focus on them, they had gone off the road ( probably all focused on killing me) and crashed into a fuel pump at the gas station outside the airport, taking them all out at once. :lol:

The best part? I was credited with killing the VIP even though my bullets weren't the thing that killed him. :sly:

I did rub a little salt in the wound afterwards by sending the VIP a little text saying, "Nice Driving :)". :cool:

Unsurprisingly, no response. :D
Had a fun moment earlier today.

I was testing out my new weapons (Double Barrel Shotgun and Compact Rifle) on a random bike out in the desert near Sandy Shores Airport and I suddenly noticed a car up ahead with a VIP and 3 bodyguards in it so I caught up and put 2 barrels of Buckshot in their direction.

Turns out the range of the Shotgun is pretty poor and I only succeeded in blowing out the back window and ticking off the bodyguards. :ouch:

They open fire and I as I'm serpentineing to avoid it whilst looking for the Compact Rifle, I lose focus on them and next thing I hear is a car blowing up.

It turns out at the time I lost focus on them, they had gone off the road ( probably all focused on killing me) and crashed into a fuel pump at the gas station outside the airport, taking them all out at once. :lol:

The best part? I was credited with killing the VIP even though my bullets weren't the thing that killed him. :sly:

I did rub a little salt in the wound afterwards by sending the VIP a little text saying, "Nice Driving :)". :cool:

Unsurprisingly, no response. :D

Awesome story! How is the Compact Rifle? I imagine it deals the same damage as the default Assauly Rifle (They're AK clones) but with less accuracy and range.
Awesome story! How is the Compact Rifle? I imagine it deals the same damage as the default Assauly Rifle (They're AK clones) but with less accuracy and range.

It felt to me that it wasn't as punchy, but it's offset by its huge magazine for a fully auto weapon that can be used on a bike.

It's definitely a good ride-by shooting weapon. 👍

The Double barrel is powerful, but I wish it didn't fire both shells with one trigger pull because it kicks up after the first shot and the guys usually knocked to the ground, dodging the worst of the second shot. :crazy:

At point blank, it'll probably go through armor and health like a hot knife through butter. :)
It felt to me that it wasn't as punchy, but it's offset by its huge magazine for a fully auto weapon that can be used on a bike.

It's definitely a good ride-by shooting weapon. 👍

The Double barrel is powerful, but I wish it didn't fire both shells with one trigger pull because it kicks up after the first shot and the guys usually knocked to the ground, dodging the worst of the second shot. :crazy:

At point blank, it'll probably go through armor and health like a hot knife through butter. :)

Wait, you can use it on a bike?! A frickin AK on a bike?! Madness!
But randoms on GTA Online usually don't take any apologies. You can try and do that but it would be better recommended to just ignore him rather than replying back. I have no problem if you report the person though.
Yeah, sarcasm doesn't go over online as well as it does in person. My comment on "responding in kind" was indeed sarcastic, since I don't really think it is the way to go, especially if you're representing a group (GTP) even in part.
Before you all expect another "SPD Productions presents an SPD Bounty Tale, starring SPD", let me tell you that my rooms in recent days have been somewhat mellow.

I get shot and die, someone else gets shot and dead, probably by me. And when I mean shot, I mean in a rather disheartening glorious RPG way. I'm sorry it's been only like that for 3 days straight.

I did shoot down a LAZER earlier today with a Heavy Sniper and he sent me a 9k bounty after a disastrous crash in the middle of the ocean. Unlucky for me: nobody came for me and I survived.. even after I became the VIP of "Preston Garvey".

Maybe tomorrow we might see me help deal with another settlement. :sly:
Here's another best moment that actually happened a few days ago.

There's a mission for Trevor called Chop Chop, in which you have to take out three Merryweather outposts. The first one is the most difficult: it's at Sandy Shores Airfield, and you have to kill a bunch of Merryweather, hack a laptop, grab one of the two Buzzard attack copters and assail the other two bases, which are themselves heavily fortified. Not easy.

So I'd been playing Chop Chop with some random for a while; in fact, we'd already tried the mission about four times prior to this. On the fifth time, he got frustrated and quit, leaving me to fend for myself. But instead of taking the easy way out and quitting also, I chose to push on and see if I could do it myself. I arrived at the airfield and quickly took up a position in the brush next to the Buzzards. Breaking out my sniper, I took down several of the guards defending the base before deciding to see if the Buzzards were unlocked yet. They were, so I took one and used missiles to kill the remaining enemies, before being told by Ron to hack the laptop in the watchtower. Knowing that hacking the laptop spawns the next wave of enemies, I activated it and then backed out immediately to defend myself from the onslaught of foes attacking the tower. Switching to my assault shottie, I camped at the door and used it as a bottleneck, killing anyone who entered.

It took a few minutes, but using this method I was able to completely eliminate the rest of the ground forces and hack the laptop in peace. By this time, a Merryweather Buzzard had spawned and was keeping me pinned inside with machine gun fire, so I had no choice but to die and use my one spare life in the hopes that it would spawn me outside the tower. It did, and what followed was something straight out of an action movie: as I was running towards it, the Buzzard launched a missile at me, missing. I quickly broke out my RPG with one missile left in it, and my wild, hail-Mary shot made out of sheer desperation somehow connected. One enemy attack chopper down, one base eradicated.

I took the Buzzard that I'd used to deal with the first wave of enemies and made a beeline for the next base, which went down without much of a fight. The only thing that gave me any slight amount of pause was one dude with a homing launcher, but I managed to avoid letting him get a full lock-on, though he was difficult to hit being that he was on a sloped rooftop, which made it harder for my missiles to get a good lock.

The third and final base was thoroughly suspenseful. I had no spare lives, my chopper was smoking from all the gunfire it had taken, and there were two other enemy choppers near the base. By this time my heart was pounding out of my chest. Could I actually do this? Could I, one guy who typically wasn't very good at missions, manage to beat a mission that was intended for four players?

Fortunately, the two enemy choppers were outside of each other's aggro range. I chose to head for the furthest away chopper first so that I could deal with it without accidentally tipping off the ground forces. The first enemy heli was easy; one missile to the side from outside normal combat range turned it into a flaming wreck. However, the second Merryweather Buzzard was closer to the base. Once again, I managed to take it out without much trouble, but that alerted the foot soldiers in the base below. I camped outside of the range of their assault rifles, using missiles to surgically pick them off, just as I had the first and second bases. A brief moment of panic came when, as I was rounding the west side of the warehouse that formed the main part of the base, an enemy with a homing launcher successfully locked on to me. I did some pretty crazy chopper acrobatics, and the missile went whizzing past. Turning back for the base, I found the guy with the homing launcher and killed him with a taste of his own medicine. With him out of the way, I took down the last few Merryweather to end the mission.

As soon as the mission ended, I punched the air and started yelling like a madman. When the other guy left, I'd thought there was no way in Hell I'd be able to pull it off. And yet I did, and as a result I walked away a few thousand dollars richer and with a very memorable gaming story that I'll probably remember for years to come.
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I have the nagging suspicion a modder was involved, based on what I saw and what transpired, but I accepted a random invite to 'On Maneuvers' (because I enjoy it) and stuck around despite the fact that we were starting from in front of Eclipse Tower--long drive but the host and I were in my T20.

The host is paused the entire drive, and as we approach the destination, the icon for the Annihilator moves southwest from it's standard location (indicated below in light blue) to a new location (indicated in red).


I drive down and the host climbs in, waits for me to climb in, and flies off in the direction of Sandy Shores...only to be shot down by the Lazer that couldn't be defended against because the Buzzard was in its usual location. Then I get a message through PSN: "n00b"

I have the nagging suspicion a modder was involved, based on what I saw and what transpired, but I accepted a random invite to 'On Maneuvers' (because I enjoy it) and stuck around despite the fact that we were starting from in front of Eclipse Tower--long drive but the host and I were in my T20.

The host is paused the entire drive, and as we approach the destination, the icon for the Annihilator moves southwest from it's standard location (indicated below in light blue) to a new location (indicated in red).


I drive down and the host climbs in, waits for me to climb in, and flies off in the direction of Sandy Shores...only to be shot down by the Lazer that couldn't be defended against because the Buzzard was in its usual location. Then I get a message through PSN: "n00b"


Some of the smoothest public VIP experience today as the sole member of "Randy Savage". I'll be splitting up small moments of one session because it's like a mixed grill: small stories of different tastes that eventually satisfies.

1) Joined a room to find Hold The Wheel at the golf club. Since this is fresh off the minivan drift photo, I arrived a little late to see 3 people, with I think 2 in one team. The third person, being a little on the low levels, got himself handed.

When I came, the caddy car left into the green distance and his mate in an Entity tried to driveby me. Unfortunately, I was too glorious that time.. you know what happened.

With the Entity gone, I repositioned the minivan by the entryway to see the caddy coming over. And once he arrived..

*whirring* You are going to need MUCH BIGGER GUN!

With them out of the way, I drove the Caddy within the tall, green bushes on the left. While I got myself in a pickle, it resulted in the most epic 4 minutes of my GTA Freeroam event career.

As the first of the 3 musketeers came to shoot me down, they couldn't handle the power of minigun! Come with a car, in groups, in different flanks or whatever, I shred them. They even started lobbing grenades over the hedge!

One Armored Kuruma later, and this Heavy will be glad to say he has Demoman support on the floor. They even attacked from outside the golf course via the fencing, but I responded accordingly.

But as the timer goes red, I hop in the Caddy and secure the win! Awarded 10k, and my VIP cooldown has gone. Yes! One surprise is that my minivan was still intact all this time.

2) One hassle free session for an hour (with some fruitless chases), and then comes a King Of The Castle at the dam.

I arrive early in a Buzzard to secure the win, but competition arrived and I ought to give them a hard time. The first guy came driving a traffic Sabre. While I suck at aiming, the man came out to be folly to glorious RPG.

It took him a while, but when a proxy mine blows up to secure a third kill, more enemies come. I couldn't handle the load and died. Then: more shooting.

So I won and left the area with the poor traffic Sabre. But here's the best part: after the event ended, the remains of players started having a random firefight for a while, allowing me to do a Hostile Takeover and a Sightseer unchased and uninterrupted. Badass!

3) Do you hate sniper challenges? I sure do.

But this one was probably the best timed one yet. Remember the players above at the dam. They're still at it, but with snipers. Instead of practicing MLG, I took this time to head to The Flying Dutchman and start a Piracy Prevention.

And I waited.. When the 4 minute marker reached, the players suddenly made a beeline for my bo-at moored by the Airport. The issue is, while I sit in my tub, I've already placed booby traps at the Dinghy, the dock, the tub, by the Swift, and at the capture point.

Imagine my character sitting down with explosion after explosion nearby, and not give 2 bleeps at all while refilling the traps over and over thanks to the new ammo purchasing. The moment one man got to me, the event ended and they got kicked out of the bo-at. Suckers!

4) Last one.

In my Cog 55 on Route 68, I head to Sandy Shores to get a Sightseer package. The trouble is the red blip on the airstrip. Should I get the package early, I will be hot and might not win it.

The backup plan: he leaves Sandy Shores in a Cargobob while I head in my Buzzard to help mobilize. As he reaches the hills, I grab the package and do a quick hack to grab the next one by the purple dinosaur.

But I should've waited longer. A wild Cargobob appears. He uses Explosion, but misses. I make a quick depart to have the guy lock me with the Homing Launcher. He shoots and..

Lucky for me.. it missed! How? I dunno!

Since I'm just being vague with directions, I assume he takes a traffic car to a Hydra by Sandy Shores. By the time he comes to find me, the third package has been claimed at Grapeseed.

All in one session. No joke!
But will epic bounty tales return? Tune in later.
Good Experience:

Last night I got into a race series with a bunch of randoms. The races were all fun and pretty evenly balanced as far as skill level is concerned. The fourth race in was possibly the FUNNEST track I have ever played on GTA Online. It was titled "Mayhem" and the course is literally set up like an 8 track, but with multiple points of cars going in opposite direction of each other. It really reminded me of some of the old Demolition Derby games in terms of game play and fun and it was definitely a great way to cap off the night. Needless to say I bookmarked the job.

Been on a Rockets vs Insurgents tear lately, and had a session dump me back into what I thought was an invite-only lobby because of the lack of "_____ killed _____" spam and no dots on the GPS. I called up my Velum for some pleasure flying when I notice a jet on my GPS. I figure I'm done and I'll just switch over to IO, but I'm actually in Downtown when the jet nears. Rockets are launched and I manage to evade long enough for the other player to crash into a skyscraper and [presumably] rage quit. I then left just to hedge my bets against further incidents.

I've been grinding Trash Talk as well, and to break up the monotony, I find minor diversions along the necessary path. Having noticed the security guard at the helipad on numerous occasions, I got him in my scope and saw him to be playing on a smart phone, so I shot it out of his hands only to have him pull another one out of his pocket. Nearly a dozen more phones later I finally popped him between the eyes.

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I fired up my PS3 for the first time in two weeks and decided to play GTAV after taking a sabbatical due to not having fun playing the game. I wound up doing a playlist with friends and happened to try it out to see what happens. The playlist went well as I went from last to fourth in the list despite joining in at race 8 in the list.

The only one in the list that was iffy was the multi-floor FIB deathmatch. It wound up pitting me with a modder, the best player on my friend's list, and a girl who was using someone else's account. We played against the second best guy, a friend with a modded account, my brother, and I believe another modder. That turned into a floor holding war with both teams trying to hold the top floor. That became a verbal argument over spawn-trapping since the top floor held the other advantage. It was ironic to me that the people on the other team complained about it since they held the upper floor upon the start of the game and also held it up until the modder and best player rushed the upper floor. In the end, my team won with at least a 30 kill advantage upon conclusion of the deathmatch, and I went positive which was nice after not playing GTA outright (letalone being in a combat situation) for two weeks.