Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
One of the best ever feelings while doing Executive Search (as the VIP, no less) is what I've been trying out: hiding in plain sight.

It's obviously simple to do: blend in with the traffic with one car that does. The only car that fills this for me would be my minivan, which is unfortunately going to not stay the position.


But not drifting around like that. What amazes me is that the tactic.. ACTUALLY WORKS!

First up is my test run: the appetizer for the 5 star course of schadenfreude.

The area is by the large graveyard people go to for Romeros. There was only one seeker, then two as time passes. I never really thought about this, since I just planned to brave it like I always do: on the roof. But my Hydra decided to call it quits and I called up a car to keep mobile. Thus:

*was going to be a pic of my minivan, but one is enough.*

While obviously going to keep clear of white dots on the radar, I eventually let them come close occasionally. What I did? Act natural of course.


This is strangely fitting since my character wears a hat like that.. *clears throat*

When they pass, I had me a good laugh. I just can't believe it. Although, quick note: there will be an orange arrow on your head when you stay stationary and after that for 10 seconds or so. Mobility is the golden word.

The best part is when I won.

I slowly left the area towards the main city. The two people would creep up close to me, see the Minivan and then comment something like:

wait didnt we only see one minivan lol
oh ya lol hahaha
LOL the ****
cant believe got trolled like this

Second go at this.

The scenario:
Minivan is still the golden snitch.
4 people! One in an armored Kuruma.
Locale: El Burro.

So, just like last time, but with a bit more risk. Hah! Bullet points, since I don't want to ramble about 10 minutes of me slowly laughing and smiling like playing Trouble In Terrorist Town.

- The 4 people arrived when the timer reached 8 minutes left.
- I had an outfit that looked very civilian at the time.
- Fortunately it was easy since traffic was spawning Minivans as well.
- The Armored Kuruma stopped one time, clogging the road and even let me pass after I horned.
- I got out of the van and made some of the darker narrow roads booby trapped with proxies. Caught a few cats that got too curious.
- One of the seekers even hit me on the face AND let me go after I convinced him that I "died" by holding the horn. BAHAHAHA! But I moved quick enough after to not get radar'ed.
- A small skirmish happened when my cover was nearly blown. How? Someone saw my plate, but it took him THIS long to realize what's wrong. The chat for this guy was like:

wtf he's in ****ing minivan
look at plate
and bullet holes

The poor civilian minivans.. One by one I witness my town and country brothers sacrifice for my pleasure. Oh: I won, because they found me too late.

Third time IS the charm.

Why I decided against the Minivan at the time, I dunno. I picked up a random Oracle and head for Vespucci. This one had two, but the second came way too late.

The search actually began pretty late, but I was REAL on the blending in. One guy decided to look for me on foot and I had to keep mobile on the red lights to not get UAV online'd.

But he had his gun out and started firing blanks. The public would go running and panic. But what I did?
Blend in with the panic.. then..


SomePlayaDude ran over *name of seeker*

After a second murder, he knows to look for a silver Oracle. Fortunately for me: I swapped to my Minivan when he got sharp.. I think.

The blending in can be boring, but the second person came in with a Buffalo and started ravaging the traffic with rams and whatever. Like any cocky BLEEP, I decided to follow him.

So, in the last 30 seconds, I follow him and came so close that, after an awkward pause, he found me and started firing. Fortunately for me, I drove fast and won. He somewhat got his heart pumped, then go chat like:

I even saw him! The chocolate minivan!

Chocolate, huh? If there was such a comparison to someone else in SPD's mind, it would be..


Up next:
"SPD Productions presents an SPD Bounty Tale, starring SPD", and SPD's Armored Limo. *story is imaginaryly sponsored by SecuroServ*

I'm not sure if I can get this to be as entertaining as say.. the 3 part Osiris story or the Rapid GT ala "Top Gear", but I won't disappoint.
How did you manage to do that without looking suspicious? I really want to try your tactic for Exec. Search but I have doubts about this part.

Make sure you don't have any white dots staring at your general direction while stopping for a red, unless you're going to trick someone.

What I do is look behind and reverse if clear. I make it a priority to be at the back of the line. A last resort would be to run it.

Bottom line: You're allowed to break the rules of the road as long as you're not seen doing it. Just don't make any unnecessary hitting of cars and pedestrians.
Your method actually worked @SomePlayaDude (even though I played ExecSearch 2 hours prior to your reply :P)

The search took place in the Del Perro / Richman area. Effectively I only had half of the area available due to the golf club taking up a lot of space. The first player who participated was coincidentally already there when I arrived and stuck around for the whole of 10 minutes. At some point I spotted him on the same road as me and just casually drove by in my Minivan without being noticed :P It got harder around the 7 minute mark as 5 players were looking for me and I had to limit myself to alleys and parking lot driveways near the edges of the circle. I had a few close calls at red lights because the game decided to make my blip visible after 5 seconds of idling :rolleyes: At last the timer reached zero and the search area became a warzone while I sped off 26k richer :cheers:

Two more short stories:
  1. I spawned into a 30-player session and my yacht was moored at the Vespucci Beach spot, so I thought this would make for an exciting game of Piracy Prevention. Unfortunately, R*'s P2P servers decided against it and gave me the "everyone leaves session at once" glitch the very moment I launched the job. :rolleyes:
  2. I played Sumo I which takes place on the university building with the slanted roof and picked the Cheetah. When the match started I parked my car on the very edge of the building, making my only opponent think I was giving him an easy win. Nope! He tried to push me off but instead, thanks to the Cheetah's body, drove right over my car and fell off. :lol:
These recent happenings of successful blending in plain sight moments makes me think twice of filling up my garage.

I just got my 50th car, and now I want another Minivan..
My above post is riddled with awesomefaces

I have underestimated two things. One is how fun Executive Search can be. The other one is the Minivan's awesomeness.

Seriously, ES keeps getting more and more exciting every time I run it. Last time I had a whopping seven players looking for me, none of which found me because I was hiding in plain sight in my Minivan. One time, a wild jet appeared while I was stopped at a red light, used Cannons and blew the two cars in front of me to pieces. Needless to say I floored it and got the hell out of there. Then, I just happened to be driving on a road that three players were camping on with RPGs, blasting oncoming traffic. Of course I couldn't turn back because my cover would be blown. Honestly I don't know how I escaped this one, it was a really lucky moment. :eek:

After the search, I ran off as usual and the seven players who had participated started a war (unsurprisingly) and the killfeed was exploding for the next 20 minutes. :scared:
Team Fortress 2 link warning again, people.

So, another VIP day of the "Gordon Ramsay" group, another populated room of 10-ish, with people of maybe all ages, or less.

And with that is me stealing some random car to head to my Hydra, waiting in the Helitours. I did pick up a bounty of 7k, but it didn't appear to phase me.

The day went on, with some VIP events that went uninterrupted. But, while I started the second wave of Sightseer in me Hydra, and the first package (joy of joys) is placed by the hotel near the Warzone LSC. And as about always, there are a few players about.

Deciding not to be targeted, I slowly descend to an area where nobody would be able to notice I was in a Hydra. Only problem: a tree probably planted by Chuck Norris himself and genetically improved by Nokia clipped the right wing. So that means I have to walk..

The package was next to an AFK player. Okay, snatch and grab. Only that as I walked away and quickly completed the second hack, I saw him get shot with my very eyes.


Like any sane person, I ran into a corner and brought up SecuroServ. Only that a Buzzard is a bad idea (homing missile paranoia), so I went with the only other thing that's worth spawning (and free for me).


A limo!

And when I got in and started the engine, a guy came around and took out his gun. My reaction:



I've never tried to drive the limo with such a speed. The bulletproof glass did it's job and managed to stop a few shots. My plan was to lure him to a parking lot the old fashioned SPD way, and bomb him.

Thus, I head up the ramp that you rescue Juan in Holed Up - Burton. I placed the proxy at the turn after the ramp, and it would result in a nice KA-BOOOOOOM!

Only that, it failed for some reason. Bloody hell!

So.. next contingency. Ah yes! Gahh running!

Who knew that the limo could make a nice landing on the road with that pile of.. destroyed wall setting up a ramp. My chaser, who I shall declare as chaser, probably botched it up and allowed me to space out to the parking lot by the broadcasting center..

Because I'm still thinking bombs and up a parking lot.

So, while I head up and decide my angle of defense, I see an Insurgent on the map, coming up. Way to ruin a perfect plan. But he skipped me, allowing me to focus on the chaser. Okay..

But just like about every chaser who thinks it's funny to shoot me while in a city cruise, our chaser has, well..


Oh, they're goin' to have to glue you back together.. IN HELL!

Based on how his blip stays still in the right place, my escape has come, via the beer advert on the roof. Going back on track for the second package, located at Cypress Flats, I took a slow, but sure way there.

But as the third hack finishes, the map shows me.. that same Insurgent earlier today, coming for me. I mean: 7k bounty and winning Sightseer is really quite the payday.

The moment that insurgent went in the gate, his windows are wide open, and he sees me, on the limo's gun.. and witnesses..

*whirring noises*

And score a second kill for the chase. My quick withdraw with the limo has secured me the third package by the old boat docks, winning my Sightseer.

But it didn't end there.

"The chaser once known as chaser has come back to give chase once again, probably not ending his role as chaser, but rising again as the chaser that would make the chase of the century."

Epic, I know, but.. he had to come to the Merryweather base, and if he would even make it in time..


Buzzard away!

And is heading back to The Flying Dutchman for some R&R, and more planning. Only that..

Chaser isn't one to give up, it seems, and got in a Cargobob a few moments later. I don't want to waste valuable VIP time, and turned on my boat defenses.

One volley of AA guns later, and it seems Chaser isn't one to give up, like I said earlier. At least you could have some sense like the Insurgent guy that probably left in a fit of rage. And spawning in the airport terminal means you would be wasting time trying to get me.

My next agenda would be Hostile Takeover, and having about a minute to prep, I spawned a pegasus Buzzard and tried to claim it. Chaser, however, had different plans and came to the Buzzard with a random Frogger.



Ramming me is a good idea, but he went with the decency to land his heli and try to homing launcher me. That's.. what I would do. I'm actually pretty impressed with that move.

Only that.. I'm champion of aiming and firing straight rockets with a Buzzard in the quickest notice: a move that has saved a few GTPlanet members back in the PS3 days, and a few bounties as well. You can say I'm probably impressed with his homing launcher decision, but I'm more impressed with my Buzzard skills.


You're dead. That's good. Amen.

And that is how he won't be bothering me.. and that is how I wanted it to play. CHASER OH YOU..

At least I managed to Hostile Takeover smoothly. But Chaser is so persistent! How so?

To start: the moment I see him approach in a helicopter is the moment my bounty expires. Cool! Hooray! Way to go! Only that.. I'm still a VIP and no passive means a chance for him to have revenge. I won't let him get it so easy. So.. only thing to do..






*Going dark.. now!*

He hovers above, looking for me with that Buzzard. And on the cue of 35 seconds in the song, it's like the stars align as I get the perfect angle on the mountains..

BzzZzzZ, rahrahrahrah, vrrrrr! Waahahaahahahaaaah!

The burning you feel? It is shame.

And on that bombshell.. everyone in the room witnessed Chaser's withdrawal from the game, and know that there's no way they want to mess with a VIP who names his organization Gordon Ramsay. Except if you're a freaking script kiddie..


So, full Rockets vs. Insurgents sessions are...interesting.

Third round in I nailed an Insurgent just as it left the ramp and took it out for the round but failed to notice the one behind me and got knocked off the platform...right onto the billboard below.


Got two more kills from the prime location.

Edit: Finally tried Miniguns vs. Kurumas and had luck on the first round in cars but the rest was dismal. High point was leaving the ramp at such perfect speed that, after holding X to rotate the car, I managed to land on the platform with prime positioning to take down all three remaining players.

Edit (again): I suppose no news is good news, just not as good as actual good news...well here's some. Decided to try Miniguns vs. Kurumas again upon getting an invite, however, there weren't actually any miniguns--rather Pistols (plain). Because of that, I almost didn't give RPGs vs. Stunt Planes a chance, but I did...thankfully.

16-player session, first to win 4 rounds, only one kill with RPG out of the 6 rounds played--and 3 deaths--but the fewest kills I got any round while in the air was 4, and I got 7 during one of them. Besra's definitely the way to go by virtue of its minimal frontal area (compared to Vestra and Mallard--not sure where Cubans were even available), flat shape, wide span, incredible maneuverability, and retractable gear.
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I came back to this thread and as I enter and see that first picture, I am weeping inside.. my darling chocolate minivan grew so fast :(

But back to reality. I wonder what made R* block off the use of VIP'ing as "HermannFegelein". Maybe "feg", but I know I don't mean it.

So, I went with something else that escapes me (I think it was John Cena again), and did some Piracy Prevention. It went smoothly since the only person that went for it was way too late. So no story.

But, for a level 100+ guy, he wants to visit The Flying Dutchman. To that, I will allow, even to take my heli or watercrafts. You're welcome to be trapped forever as part of the ghostly ghost crew. I'm that nice.

Only that.. it's my habit to booby trap my ship. As I went in my Hydra to ready for Hostile Takeover, I got the message of Mental State, and...

SomePlayaDude killed *name of guy in boat*

I remember discussing about Sticky Bomb ranges being not too far off, and it seems that you can go really far for proxies to not despawn. That's current gen for you. :boggled:

But Hostile Takeover went and gone, and I decide to go for a new look. I head to the Ponsonbys by the graveyard, and left my Hydra outside.

The shop welcomed me with open arms as always, but I had this hunch and sticky bombed my Hydra, then came back in.

As I browsed and went for a new look, I received the Pegasus theft message. I look outside to see my Hydra just floating up.

Naturally, I blew up my trap, but it didn't work immediately. The Hydra somehow still kept going as I tried on some nice yellow pants. But then..

The shopkeeper lady suggests that I come back after losing the police. Polite, but..

SomePlayaDude killed *name of guy in boat*

Ohh.. okay.

I head out with pieces of the Hydra raining down (the wing fell next to me, and it felt like an action movie), then with the police incoming, and see that guy's T20. Of course he locked it, so..

*hold, click, tap tap tap, click, tap tap tap tap tap, click*


SecuroServ is the bomb. Allowed me to escape unscathed.

After losing the cops, I set up Executive Search, placed at the Life Invader building area. And, as always, I naturally went for..


*leaves thread, weeping*
Five hours...FIVE FREAKING HOURS I've been trying to complete a couple of setup missions for the pacific standard heist. And not the difficult ones. The one with the bikes! For crying out loud! And the hacking rig. I've lost count of how many different players have joined, just to constantly die, or leave half way through, for no reason! How in hell can so many people be so bad at this game? It is not a difficult game! I didn't even set the missions to "hard"!
This world is full of incompetent idiots!

Forget it! I give up! Goodnight :banghead:
Five hours...FIVE FREAKING HOURS I've been trying to complete a couple of setup missions for the pacific standard heist. And not the difficult ones. The one with the bikes! For crying out loud! And the hacking rig. I've lost count of how many different players have joined, just to constantly die, or leave half way through, for no reason! How in hell can so many people be so bad at this game? It is not a difficult game! I didn't even set the missions to "hard"!
This world is full of incompetent idiots!

Forget it! I give up! Goodnight :banghead:

I know the pain of having lobotomised teammates, but not for five hours straight. You should do something to clear your mind after that experience. Listen to some music, take a nap, go for a walk, etc.
I refuse to do heists with randoms. If given the choice between waiting for a few hours to complete a heist with friends or do it right away with randoms, I'll take the wait for the heist every time. That being said, I won't be doing heists for a while because I'm taking a break from GTA for a few days. I'm getting sick of dealing with the same garbage over and over with. Running last gen public lobbies is a pain because every has a modded account and runs with a modder, and the trash talk runs rampant.

I was doing another playlist with friends last night, and for the fifth time in the last ten lists, its had to be aborted early because people get mad and ragequit them. Hell, the same 🤬 that goes on in public lobbies happens in the lists. Modded accounts everywhere, trash talk galore, and everyone winds up getting pissed off at the game. There's no point playing when I try to do things and everyone either gets mad and leaves or just doesn't play the game anyway. That being said, the one guy in particular who trash talks like no other hasn't been on lately, so that has been nice, but my patience with this game is gone for no, and I'm really damn thrilled to start this GTA sabbatical. This game has been anything but fun to play to me for a while now.
Five hours...FIVE FREAKING HOURS I've been trying to complete a couple of setup missions for the pacific standard heist. And not the difficult ones. The one with the bikes! For crying out loud! And the hacking rig. I've lost count of how many different players have joined, just to constantly die, or leave half way through, for no reason! How in hell can so many people be so bad at this game? It is not a difficult game! I didn't even set the missions to "hard"!
This world is full of incompetent idiots!

Forget it! I give up! Goodnight :banghead:

I understand that problem of GTA, sometimes in missions people die on me on "Hard" difficulty. Such a pain, I just do the missions by myself.
Five hours...FIVE FREAKING HOURS I've been trying to complete a couple of setup missions for the pacific standard heist. And not the difficult ones. The one with the bikes! For crying out loud! And the hacking rig. I've lost count of how many different players have joined, just to constantly die, or leave half way through, for no reason! How in hell can so many people be so bad at this game? It is not a difficult game! I didn't even set the missions to "hard"!
This world is full of incompetent idiots!

Forget it! I give up! Goodnight :banghead:

I know the pain of having lobotomized teammates, but not for five hours straight. You should do something to clear your mind after that experience. Listen to some music, take a nap, go for a walk, etc.

Sometimes you have to approach the game a little differently... We all deal with that nonsense but at the end of the day, what I do, is fire up Spotify and put on some Pink Floyd, hop into one of my favorite cruisers and just drive... Sunsets and a few beers can change your whole perspective on this game...
I can relate to using GTA Online as a stress reliever for sure.

After a stressful day at university, or going through some grueling 4 hours of hopping rooms being a VIP, it's hard to not lay back a bit and cruise the city afterwards.

So, what I normally do is go passive, take out one of my cars, and just put all of the crazy destruction aside and chill. It's what I.. no: anyone needs after a hard day's work, be it in real life or in game. It also helps me prove that you can climb Chilliad with a Minivan, but that's beside the point.

The many moments I post on the Snapmatics thread mostly consist of these anyways.. which probably explains why they exist.
Good: Someone mentioned they create their own little challenges while doing missions, and as an example they brought up trying to beat the Velum back to Devin Weston's hangar during Prison Break - Plane. I do that myself, and if it takes the pilot long enough to leave and I've got a Super car, it's actually pretty easy. While running it to help a friend, I was in my Exemplar (I really love that thing) and I managed to get airborne over the fence in front of the hangar, skewed right and landed on the roof of the building there just in time for the game to lock my brakes up--the plane was delivered--with me still on the roof. I can't imagine it being possible to land a car there any other way. :P

Bad: A 🤬 random taking part in Prison Break - Bus ignored the "Lose the Cops" and drove around for 20 minutes shooting at the cops he was supposed to get away from until he ended up dying and causing the setup to fail because it was set to Hard. 🤬 randoms.
Five hours...FIVE FREAKING HOURS I've been trying to complete a couple of setup missions for the pacific standard heist. And not the difficult ones. The one with the bikes! For crying out loud! And the hacking rig. I've lost count of how many different players have joined, just to constantly die, or leave half way through, for no reason! How in hell can so many people be so bad at this game? It is not a difficult game! I didn't even set the missions to "hard"!
This world is full of incompetent idiots!

Forget it! I give up! Goodnight :banghead:
I have been trying to do the Prison break setups for 2 weeks.
Five hours...FIVE FREAKING HOURS I've been trying to complete a couple of setup missions for the pacific standard heist. And not the difficult ones. The one with the bikes! For crying out loud! And the hacking rig. I've lost count of how many different players have joined, just to constantly die, or leave half way through, for no reason! How in hell can so many people be so bad at this game? It is not a difficult game! I didn't even set the missions to "hard"!
This world is full of incompetent idiots!

Forget it! I give up! Goodnight :banghead:

You really do miss us :*
I'm seeing all these heist rants, and I ask: is something wrong with doing proper rotating VIP jobs as an alternative?

Because I have the Humane Labs finale waiting for me.. for about 8 months now.. and I've earned about 20 million being a self assured ass naming my organization silly names for a quick laugh.
Obligatory Team Fortress 2 link alert.

Once upon a time, I had a bounty. A nice 3k, not too lavish. And of all places to spawn is my apartment that's just by the block from Mors. I think it was.. Integrity Way.

Comes in part uno of the story: the best V12 of the game.


This car and my many other Benefactor cars (like this and the Surano) seemed to compliment fantastically. I have paragraphs of this and my baby Surano somewhere..

But enough of that! You still awake?

Good! Because if you aren't, what are you doing down here anyways?

The sun was setting nicely, and I planned to head to my bo-at to just expire the thing. Being in a room that's increasing in size over time, my first pursuer came quicker than I thought he would.

And lo and behold: it was an Akuma.

It looks like the plan has to be postponed, since I know those things can creep up to me before I can have the chance to get in a chopper and be on my merry way. Obvious plan is obvious: the highway above got a taste of Schafter V12.

But the Akuma isn't a slouch. It would be just a few clicks behind, but still behind regardless. Real intense stuff. We both probably had moments where we would stop then go.

I went off the ramp towards the LSC, and he's still on to me. Really persistent, but maybe not as that guy the last time..

Taking the left road on the mall, I jumped off from the mall road and head for Tinsel Towers. But a change of plan came, when he wouldn't survive that same move for some reason.

Oooh.. you were quick as a little bunny, weren't you?

Luck or not, it gave me some breathing room to.. well.. this again:


The blips came and go, including that Akuma guy who came back. As time went on , I called a backup heli from Merryweather. It got in a few kills, but it took quite a chunk of pocket money for what it can do.

Then came chaser #2: apparently someone who figured out that I'm in the subway. What grim future do I live in when people know of this?


Okay, maybe not as grim as Squidward would have it though. This is stuff GTAForums/Reddit goers would know anyways. But when I saw that Zentorno, he then found out about the nice little mine in the tunnel with his name on it.


Quickly then I head deeper through the subway and end up at the station by Del Perro. Funny thing is: the guy with the Zentorno still intends to follow me. But follow me how?

Dig this: he knows I'm under him, and he still tend to go through the roads and hopefully get to me by the subway roads. This guy didn't do his homework, let me tell you there. Because I've yet to get a car through the subway tolls, and I've tried all sorts, from Osiris to Panto. Now that I think of it... I should try if a lowrider bunny hop could make it..

Since he's scared off most of the pedestrians, the place where he found out he can't pass with his Zentorno is also the same place I had a proxy at.

Let that be a bloody lesson to ya!

Quick note: PC users have no Bad Sport and insurance payments for car destruction. :sly:

Oddly enough, he kept heading back to Mors.. just to get his Zentorno. I can't booby trap a tunnel all the time! Please!

I had enough and head towards the surface leading to Mission Row. Then, I would be greeted by the sunrise... and Akuma guy again. You're like a little bunny: scurryin around, eating up your lettuce and berries!

But unlike what I probably meant is that I might be the little bunny this time around, as I made a mad dash back to Integrity Way. And if I gave him 3.. no! I mean 5 seconds, the game would be up and I'd hide my face in shame or something.

To top it off: I became a scrub and just hide within the confines of shiny white garage and my Minivan.. I mean the big expensive TV on the wall. It didn't take long for the Akuma guy to leave me, but drop me off a present: a live proxy mine by the ramp.

That's nice of him. But.. let me tell you I got out free like a bird, thanks to a certain bike. And unfortunately, I have to say this tale's a 2 parter. Here's a small picture of part 2 coming up.


*Preston liked that*
Hoarding King of the Castle/VIP executive search events and clipping people with your sniper when they spawn and everybody gets mad huehue

Also doing VIP work with a bodyguard and he leaves before he gets his pay check for Sightseer and his 5K :lol:
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Last night was interesting, came up against someone from an organisation in a hydra who shot me down. Fine, by the time I got into my Hydra he was circling over his other organisation members who were all firing homing missles at me as well as trying to avoid the Hydra, I was shot down again, fine.

I went about my business and awaited my chance. An hour later they were all griefing people in LSA. I got my Hydra and boy they did not see it coming. The cannons tore them up big time.

They quit their organisation and went passive and got in to their hydras. 4 of them. So I hovered there waiting with my finger on the passive option, they approached and the second the first bullet came I went passive, LOL'D and went about my business again knowing they all had the sting of game rage and some serious pride damage.

Then the inevitable, "players are voting to remove you blah blah". 5 times i was votes for the kick.

Text time
Butthurt: Pu$$¥ get kicked
Me: Shhhhhhhhhhh
Butthurt: get kicked bittch
Me: Shhhhhhhhh

Anyway, he was messaging other people in the lobby to kick me, didn't happen so I was enjoying a drive around when there he was, constantly in his Hydra killing people, he's crash, go passive and get back in his Hydra. His ground game was awful.

I stood there waiting for my passive clock to run down as I watched him get in his Hydra for the like 40th time. I came out of passive at the moment he came out of passive and BOOOOOOoooom.

I blow him out of the sky.

Me: How did the vote to kick me work out for you?

You can guess what happened next.....yep, rage quit!

I don't know what's worse, people who message others asking them to kick someone or those randoms who actually do it!?
Last night was interesting, came up against someone from an organisation in a hydra who shot me down. Fine, by the time I got into my Hydra he was circling over his other organisation members who were all firing homing missles at me as well as trying to avoid the Hydra, I was shot down again, fine.

I went about my business and awaited my chance. An hour later they were all griefing people in LSA. I got my Hydra and boy they did not see it coming. The cannons tore them up big time.

They quit their organisation and went passive and got in to their hydras. 4 of them. So I hovered there waiting with my finger on the passive option, they approached and the second the first bullet came I went passive, LOL'D and went about my business again knowing they all had the sting of game rage and some serious pride damage.

Then the inevitable, "players are voting to remove you blah blah". 5 times i was votes for the kick.

Text time
Butthurt: Pu$$¥ get kicked
Me: Shhhhhhhhhhh
Butthurt: get kicked bittch
Me: Shhhhhhhhh

Anyway, he was messaging other people in the lobby to kick me, didn't happen so I was enjoying a drive around when there he was, constantly in his Hydra killing people, he's crash, go passive and get back in his Hydra. His ground game was awful.

I stood there waiting for my passive clock to run down as I watched him get in his Hydra for the like 40th time. I came out of passive at the moment he came out of passive and BOOOOOOoooom.

I blow him out of the sky.

Me: How did the vote to kick me work out for you?

You can guess what happened next.....yep, rage quit!

I don't know what's worse, people who message others asking them to kick someone or those randoms who actually do it!?

I only ever use my hydra for freemode events . when I go into public lobbies that is , which is rare . In private sessions there's no rush and I use a savage .
I had the easiest Daily Objective list in a long time today - Participate in a parachute event, use bull shark testosterone, and play a match of tennis. The game might have been throwing me a bone, considering what the previous day's objectives were (rally race, deliver a export vehicle for Simeon, collect a bounty).

Found out I'm pretty OK at the tennis game, but afterwards is when the festivities began (I did the objectives in that order, in case you're wondering.)

The lobby I got put into after the tennis match was a warzone up around the Union Depository area, players all over the place, grenades flying, rpgs, and whatnot.

I grab my armored Kuruma and try to find an Albany Manana (last gang-modified car I need on PS3) with no luck. As I'm heading up the west side of the map on the major highway, I notice a red circle headed my way. Forgetting that passive mode doesn't work in vehicles on PS3/X360, I put it on... and a red/orange armored Kuruma appears, honking at me.

I take off back down the west highway, he starts firing. He gets alongside, and I shove him off to the left... into that gas station near where the turn is for the cemetery. Explosions ensue, I didn't get charged for the insurance, and sweary messages follow.
Tennis is one of the worst daily objectives in the game. It takes forever to complete, is painfully boring, and no one ever wants to play. I don't play it to win. I play it to get it over with. At this point, there should just be a bot you can play against, because it's rare to find anyone who actually likes it.
I was playing with friends last night and friend hosting a playlist set a motorcycle race in the playlist on GTA. The race was supposed to be a wallride, but the wallride wasn't remotely a wallride. There were mostly sport bikes used, but I took an Enduro and someone else took a Vindicator. Both Enduro and Vindicator couldn't make it. I got stuck short of ramp, and Vindicator guy got on a level surface below checkpoint. Since only two people made it past (and since it was GTA), it later became a pure bloodbath and spawntrap fest. I ran around the corner to dodge rockets from above and hid behind the spawn point I was stuck at.

Enter poor sap who (luckily for me and unluckily for them) got stuck at the same point I was. Since Vindicator guy was trying to rain hell on my ass, and poor sap was also trying to get me, I immediately went for my own rockets and went for poor sap. Poor sap winds up later getting spawntrapped by me and Vindicator guy that is trying to get both. Poor sap gets me, gets me again, gets me again, and dies from Vindicator guy. The same cycle repeats itself with the lone exception being the modder in the group getting me on a flank while trapped dodging rockets at spots. Eventully the fifth guy in the room finishes, and the modder finishes later leaving Vindicator, me, and poor sap to try to finish. Truce is called, and everyone later finds out our bikes could actually finish the race. I take third and at least wound up with more kills than deaths from spawntrap warzone.

Note: While everyone in the lobby is friendly, and we've all run together for a while now, whenever we do anything that involves killing- be it deathmatches, LTS, GTA races, or just general lobby killing and trolling, it's game on and kill or be killed. Such a story like the one above happens all the time in our lobbies because everyone is trying to do whatever is necessary to survive. Also, Vindicator guy happens to be the best shooter in our friends group without question. The guy often can put people to shame and has himself made some modders on last gen leave lobbies despite not having a jailbroken system himself. Modder always turns off his mods and plays like a conventional player. But being that I was in a prime spawntrap spot and still finished with a positive k/d, I'm pretty happy with that.
I had some funny moments playing with randoms. Was bored so I joined a few random heist missions and finales and the hosts cut me some extra $$$ because I was the highest level guy there. If only that happened more often but I appreciate the generosity. Another time in the damned deliver emp mission (again being the highest level) everyone follows me around the place and I had to do most of the killing myself. To be honest, I was more having a laugh at how it felt like they were ducklings trailing behind their mother. Good news is, it only took us two tries to complete but man was it entertaining.

P.S. If they were going to follow me all over I should've just BS my way around the place and see what they do. Might be more interesting.

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